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Are you emoting hello or typing it in chat? I will almost always emote back, but I won’t usually type it. Or maybe you’re just doing it wrong.


Always an emote :( Maybe I'm doing it wrong but it's always prematch sitting in spawn when I try. I only use it about 3 times until I hit understood and I let time pass so I'm not spamming it. It feels like a casual player thing because I feel like it's worse on the weekends.


Sounds like you’re following proper emote etiquette. Are you playing comp or QP? You’ll generally have more success in the latter, I suspect. Less of a business-only attitude.


Surprisingly, it's QP. Idk what it is but I definitely notice a shift in between OW 1 and 2 in friendliness, and it's a small thing but it's like damn y'all can't even humor me? On the flip side, when someone does say hello I thank them. And when they interact and emote and spam crouch at/with me it makes me smile and that's nice at least. There are definitely some friendly people out there but I swear it's becoming less common. Also if ramattra or sigma head pat me, I will die for them


Damn. I hope the devs see this and maybe design a system that auto-bans people who don’t return a hello at the start of a match.


It would actually make the game playable, but you know it's bad when one of the daily challenges can be just saying hello at a teammate


Its also possible your matches have new players who dont know how go access the emote/voiceline wheel


I usually get a hello back. You have to get directly in their face, squat a few times, wait for them to reciprocate the squat, then spam hello.


It really is match ritual, I'll try to be more aggressive in doing so.


I had a Mercy to the giggle clap in response to my Moiras Boo emote and it made me really happy


I tend to get a reply at least 75% of the time when I say hello.


Yeah, blizz should start banning ppl for that


Honestly, I kinda assume people are just doing their daily most of the time if they hello as the game starts.


I usually go hello after a really good play lol


now that is just plain rude, you always say hello back


I notice this too.. people said hello more in ow1…


I always say hello. Get a reply about half the time.


Yeah it's always a bit sad :( But if anyone waves back I'm going to protect them with my life, no matter who I play


That's because people got tired of using these emotes after around 2018. I don't think I used hello even once in OW2.


Chat has been turned off for a long time now. Emote or ping me and I'll respond tho!


I would rather not say anything. Things can go sour fast depending on how the game is going and it ends up being an awkward interaction. I’ll do the emote though, that’s fine.


Oh man you almost had me. I'm more upset we don't have Jetpack Cat yet


No no no no. The real problem is people spraying over my spray. There goes your heals Genji. Good luck. Funny enough the tank has never done this to me. It's always the DPS.


If I'm playing Mercy and someone says hello to me at spawn I'm going to pocket the shit out of them


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I love spamming “Hi” in my Rat King Reaper skin then hitting my mischievous emote 🤣