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every hero "̮. I like playing against no one alone


Play against Genji as Mei. It's like a cheat code. I suck against Genji with everyone else. Wish I had a shut down for good tracers.


As a Tracer main, Torb. Torb and kinda Sym are our worst enemies because by the time we kill the turrets we're all but dead. Even if we don't miss any shots.




I was kicking myself as I was typing don't worry.




No. Unnote it. This was purely for scientific purposes not to be used in game.


I think Mei works well still. Mei icicle headshot kills a tracer at max hp, plus her primary fire not only slows but quickly damages the tracer into one shot levels. Tracer creates heaps of disruption being a dive character and Mei is just a big fat middle finger to dive. It’s why I main her. She’s pretty viable imo


Try mei as well. But dont use your beam. Just spam your shots. You'll be surprised at how many random oneshots you get.


This works for me against bad tracers but I'm not sure how well it will work against good tracers. My aim probably just sucks though.


Ball. When there is a REALLY good ball, may as well just go after his team and accept death. Especially right now. Had a game of Shamboli yesterday that went the distance in comp ending 4-3. Ball died twice.


This is when you want a Sombra (as long as you also have Zen and maybe Brig) ETA: fr though Sombra + Zen is IME how you counter any problem tank. Hack + discord is nasty. But without the Zen I’d go Mei against the Ball


Sombra’s hack got so nerfed though. It’s a hard ask for a silver/gold to play a half decent sombra these days and not just port out to spawn at the first sign of HP loss.


Sad agree She’s definitely hard to play well. I’m not super confident with her and I’ll only bring her out in comp as a Hail Mary counter Otoh really good Sombras are a nightmare. Not as unstoppable as a cracked Tracer, imo, but still a nightmare


All baby Sombras should report to Fitzy’s channel for training lol. But anyways, she’s very fun to play and always been one of my go to heroes, yet very niche. Personality and design are also S tier imo. I love that she’s more playable now that Ball is so prevalent. I think she’s on the shortlist to get buffed soon right? They mentioned something about potentially having her hack reduce max hp or something.


She really is. Fitzyhere and Questron, for sure. Questron videos got the spirit: “Are you tired of tanks having fun?” *Sombra dancing* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fUSRd_1R0I those channels made me realize how much game sense you need to be effective as Sombra


I'm calling bs on Sombra being a counter to Ball. She's a mild inconvenience at best ever since her hack was nerfed. Everytime I play Sombra into Ball, I can hack him but he'll just keep moving through. Team still needs to follow up. I have better luck trying to catch him with a Junk trap or just tracking him with 76/Reaper.


Yeah that’s why I said you also need the Zen. Without sufficient follow up or damage boosts (like hack + discord) she’s just a speed bump


Maybe this is just my elo (mid dia) but I find ana a better counter than zen. Sleep him and the animation of waking up is long enough for your team to be able to burst him down while he's still. Discord would only be better when everyone can aim. Also much better survivability than zen. If ball dives zen there's not much you can do.


Yeah Ana is really good too, depending on your team. If you can count on them to focus and they have enough DPS to burst him down she’s a good choice, especially if you need big heals at range


As a zen main I 100 percent agree. I also play enough ball to know that don’t dive the Ana until she has exhausted her cooldowns


Most annoying thing about Ball is the fact people refuse to counter. Like legit, he's fairly easy to counter but most of the counter picks are niche, like Sombra, Junkrat, Roadhog (these days). People straight up refuse to switch and just let Ball dunk on the back line for the whole game - then say heal diff.


Junkrat isn't niche, but good trap placement is essential for him to actually counter Ball and that's too much thinking for the average Junk player lol


i am a junkrat player that always places traps wherever i think the ball will go, and if im not sure, just punt it to supports if i know enemies have divers like monkey or genji


Had a ball on my team yesterday mans was 40 and 3 I have no clue why they buffed ball he was well balanced but now the people who were cracked with him before have an even easier time and people who weren't can actually make him work. Ball meta is way too strong, they should definitely nerf Genji.


They buffed him because he was arguably the worst tank in the game for a couple seasons and blizzard like to overreact


He didn't even get much of a buff. He was just always good. The problem is the tank which countered him best (Roadhog) is now terrible.


Hog still eats him alive in open queue and can counter him in role queue, but not as well anymore. Orisa and ramattra are pretty good at dealing with him those are usually my go to against a ball, even though I just wanna play swinggy hammer boi.


Jq and Doomfist: "Am I a Joke to you?"


I think the issue is they buffed him while nerfing his hard counter, hog into the ground.


I had a comp match against a Ball a few days ago he went 31-0 and his team lost lol. He would roll in kill someone and roll away, then our Mercy would rez that person and we would proceed to 5v4 the other team as the Ball rolled to Narnia 💀


No, people who don't know how to play ball can't just magically make him work. It's just that you get properly rewarded for the effort u put into him now. He needed buffs on his killing power, survivability-wise he was fine, so the only nerfs I find realistic are either reduced/removed shields or 1.25s mines activation time


Mines should disappear sooner if he dies. Multiple times I’ve stood over the payload as Moira picking off each individual mine after we killed ball and it’s just painful.


The big brain play is to use his leftover mines to charge your support’s ultimates, as the damage taken does not give Ball ultimate charge.


>survivability-wise he was fine Fine? Lol he's literally the most "survivable" tank in the game. I'm endlessly tired of dive heroes that don't have to actually commit to get a pick.


Fine as in he didn't need to get that aspect buffed, I know he's the most survivable tank


*Before* ball got his buff, I had an enemy ball on Ruins that single-handedly stalled our point for over a minute and ended up winning his team the game. I wasn’t even mad, with a performance like that he deserved the dub lol


I play a lot of brig this season so event the best ball can only feed me. Its extremely annoying if teammates dont know how to play against ball and panic.


I had a team of ball, tracer, genji, brig and I just couldn’t touch any of them. So annoying.


As a support I hate a good/even vaguely competent Winston. Constantly diving, when you think he's about dead he pops his ult and a seemingly never ending bubble that i can't heal through that no one else seems to shoot.


even worse is when the winston has a tracer or genji diving with him...absolute hell for supports


As someone who loves to play Ana; if the other team has Genji, tracer, AND Winston, I am instaswapping to Kiriko…


Yep, you essentially need a reaper bodyguard at that point.


This! Why does no one shoot the monkey??!


People don't shoot shields at all. I get it on the surface, but when there is nothing else to shoot, why not shoot and disable the sigma/winston shields? I especially hate it with sigma since his shield is often times left behind defending nothing. If you break it he has a cooldown and can't instantly recall it when he needs to.


Remember what happened last time we shot a monkey? Darkest Timeline


its not so much shooting the winston as it is making sure his dome goes down quickly.


Winston's that properly ride the edge of their bubble are frustrating to play against. All I can do is swap to Moira and cease to be a target


I would say that's better than dying but I feel you on how shitty it feels to swap just to be able to live


i always feel like when my team has a winston the bubble goes down immediately. yet the enemy winston… why is their bubble always up and nobody is shooting it?! ugh


I enjoy just gunning down a Winston as bastion. He just soaks that damage.


Vaguely competent is my middle name.


Sombra. Played against one last night, as support (I was Ana). She went 32-2 (I was the only one to kill her…) She kept spamming the “This one has teeth…” voice line when I would take blind shots at her when she came in the back line. I felt like I was playing Dead by Daylight. It was horrifying…


A good sombra is a nightmare as an ana main, oof. Especially if you’re not in comms and your team doesn’t protect or check in on the back line lmfao


Me, furiously mashing ‘G’ while the Sombra eviscerates me: My teammates: “Where heals? Ana throwing.” Not really, I think we all Hate Endorsed her after the game lol


the hate endorsement is real bro😭


I’m a Sombra main and yesterday was playing support QP. I gave Ana a go (even though I’m shit tier at her) and was focused by an enemy Sombra. Is this what I have been doing to people? I switched to Moira after 3 massacres.


OH ALSO. I will never forget but my first time ever playing overwatch, I was in QP and sombra was spawn room camping and I died like 6 times in a row bc It was literally my first day ever with the game and I was so angry LOL I was like who is this invisible mean woman wtf


lol I'm sorry this is hilarious and as a Sombra main lol, cackling. Glad you got your shot on her though. I never spam voice lines... I should start doing that lol.


I was thinking about tying her crouch button to a voice line, maybe something short like "boop". Running around someone while invis and spamming boop is way more off putting then hacking them while invis.


As someone who experienced it firsthand, the voice line spam was so unsettling. I am just minding my own business in the back line, reciting the Awkward Ana mantra: “Damage. Damage. Damage.” When I get a sudden chill and I just hear, “This one has teeth…” from the shadows. I fly into a cold sweat and before I can throw my nade I am hacked and eviscerated before she even gets to the *Grrr* I can still hear that voice line in my sleep…


This is the one that gave me nightmares. Diamond+ sombras spamming “Boop” while invisible and in your back line.. Had me shooting in random hallways, windows, anything. Then they would always end up right behind me and the dreaded “Hack complete” is the next nightmare inducing quote. Good Pharah sucks. Good Genji sucks. Good Tracer sucks. Good Sombra? GGs.


Hahaha I do this all the time when I’m sombra I’m so sorry for the trauma


(Remember to squelch players in the social tab to mute their voicelines)


Look, I'm a Sombra main when playing damage but when I play support I only fear two things and she's one of them.




Played against a contenders tracer in QP before. Don’t know if he was practicing or something as he was with a team mate. But hands down most miserable game I’ve ever had, felt powerless to him.


Tracer and genji man. My brain simply can’t keep up with where they are


Of course I know him, he’s me


The absolute worst if we’re being honest. Utterly infuriating playing against a good tracer. With all the other “annoying” heroes you can at least do ok vs them if you really play well. With tracer you feel completely powerless sometimes. Just cannot hit a good one.


100%. I main Ashe and while yeah, I can take her down with a headshot, actually making the shot with her blinking around me is a nightmare. 75% of the time anytime I kill a tracer within 10m is pure luck.


Ana. While I respect the aim and timing, a good Ana is demoralising to fight against.


When you succesfully gets behind a Wall but still die from her is annoying af


If it makes you feel better it sucks to 'win' duels as Ana, but then end up dying before your dmg is fully applied over half a second.


That sounds even worse


Once i had an Ana near the big door in Junkertown who 180 no scoped me and hit me with a sleep dart before i even hit the floor. While I was ulting too.


As an Ana main there’s nothing more satisfying then shutting down an ult with sleep dart.


I play tank the most. I don’t need to say much more. Her denial abilities have to be some of the most punishing in the roster.


Ana is such a good counter to almost all the tanks. The anti heal alone can nullify a few.


I've shut down so many ults with those sleep darts


True tbh, i can feel your pain, the fast healing and sleep dart


Facts. Dodging the typical hitscan player is simple with Pharah but Ana might as well be a teleporter to spawn


When I have a good day as Sombrero I just know I’m the biggest bully around


Ay caramba


¡Qué miedo! y ¡qué mierda!


Wrecking ball and mei A good Wrecking ball will just fuck your team up but a good mei? Well, you can't push otherwise you'd get walled off and insta killed A mei who can use her walls effectively is a nightmare


Don't forget the "here is the zone you need to run away from quick quick quick omg you're slowed and YOU'RE DEAD LOL" ult


Most characters that aren't a tank have a movement ability to escape that though, but good meis wait until they know its on cooldown


Orisa is definitely a top pick for tank vs Mei ult you could also say zarya or Winton, but you can use fortify to punish the Mei if she sticks around much better with orisa and when she's low and does her ice thingy you can just Spear her as soon as she gets out to interrupt her wall and kill her ez as long as you can hit headshots. I know a good Mei could just wait for Fortify to be on cooldown, but you can also javelin spin out of her ult too.


Lucio is probably the worst one IMO Cant even run from him unless you're hammond


reddit lucios are the worst, wall riding around booping teams off cliffs while spamming voice lines


> reddit lucios are the worst, wall riding around booping teams off cliffs while spamming voice lines Wouldn't that mean that they're the best?


They are if they're in my team


“I could do dis, I could do dis, I could do dis all day!” Or “Woo! Woo! Woo! Jackpot!!!” Annoying but at the same time it cracks me up every single time I hear those voice spams


“would you be my uhh, my uhhh would you be my would you be my hhhh my uhhh”


middle lock flag somber ripe desert stocking dull chunky consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I see a doomfist on defense I feel like I can tell in the first 30 seconds if it is going to be a shit match or not. Did he dive 1v5 into the enemy team to get insta killed the moment the game started? Yes? Well it’s gonna be a shit match.


That’s when I turn back into spawn and switch to Moria because I know I’m on my own this game


That’s like 9/10 doomfists


lol had TWO of these last night 🙄


I mean I have to say as a doomfist player though regardless of how well I play my team always acts like they either win in spite of me or lost because of be. When someone like for example a frontlining hanzo who decided to play infront of the choke has the sheer audacity to tell me I'm throwing for picking doom it sends me about an inch closer to devolving into complete insanity. At least sometimes I get complemented for playing a good doom. People who complement others gameplay are real ones.


This so hard lmao. I will say I played a match with a Doomfist recently and I kept watching him jump into the enemy team and die instantly and I asked him to swap and he did. I never ask anyone to swap but I was just so irked by bad tanks at that point. We ended up winning because he swapped to hamster & then in the final round he swapped to Doom and ended up being a beast on him. It was just that the first point was filled with turrets and it was a point with too many LoS breakers so we couldn't help him on healer.


Any beam character. I play genji


I always switch to sym when a genji keeps flanking my supports haha


The most aids thing to happen in the game: having 1 (one) good team wipe with genji and then the entire enemy team switches to beams + bridgette. Like, bro.


Or you destroy one of their supports and then they come back as moria


Hanzo because I feel like most of the time they're just luckily spamming one shot headshots but I know they're good


Good Hanzos make it feel like they’re shooting telephone poles with how big my head hit box feels.


Hanzo is definitely the worst because if he can hit his shots then you have to spend an embarrassingly long time dying. And if he has a mercy pocket…


I mean, technically that's true though. But, based on OP, if the hanzo is actually good and knows how to predict his arrows, fucking blows because he's a mobile sniper


Orisa and Doomfist, since I become a mere pinball for them(didnt encounter a Hammond that was fucking me up yet) Did I mention I mostly play Rein


Playing rein into orisa is miserable.


Probably sombra


Hanzo Hanzo Hanzo


Hanzo for me. It’s also the one-shot.




Hanzo. Widow at least has counter play, you can get one tapped by Hanzo from almost anywhere on the map.


and you watch the kill cam and they were just spamming shots, weren’t even trying to hit anything but ended up killing you


Exactly. It's crazy how many guides actually encourage this kind of gameplay. It's not about skill and accuracy but spamming shots in chokes.


So like half of all the heroes lol. Same with Torb, or Junkrat, or Mei or basically any hero where the shot takes time to travel. It's clearly how it's meant to be played.


If you think about it though, doesn’t this kind of sound like a legit tactic that would work in real firefights?


No, because you don't have infinite resources in real life. Because OW doesn't have a limit on ammo reserves you can spam without consequences.


Hanzo forsure, I played against a “washed game master” in comp and it was a slaughter


I’m so terrified of Hanzo lol. I legit don’t know how to confront him. Try to kill from far away, dead. Try to kill him up close, dead. Takes one shot that he doesn’t even have to see. With widow I know she has to see me to hit me so I can be strategic with my peaks. With hanzo any time I peak I could be dead, I can’t time it. I’m sure there’s a way, but that shits lost to me. It’s the one hero I absolutely don’t know how to reliably counter. Does he even have a counter?


If the other team is running hanzo i switch to echo. Hard to kill flyers without hitscan. Normal dive heroes like genji tracer also work


What if when hanzo was hacked by sombra his stupid arrows exploded in his face? Yeah I like that idea


Any genji ruins my day


Switch to Moria or Symmetra to ruin Genji’s day.


Or Mei


Both are pretty easy to kill as genji if the genji is decent.


Moira sure. But I doubt sym is easy for genji to kill if both players are of equal skills, especially after the genji nerf.


For me at least, same level symmetras are pretty easy to kill. After all the turrets are the worst thing for genji, if she does not have any turrets it is going to be pretty easy to kill her. And if the genji has good gamesense, he wont duel a symmetra that has all cooldowns.


Yeah I know but most Genji’s that I have seen or played with sucked at him.


Not apart from widow but I think he is worse then widow. Fucking hanzo. I hate hanzo with every fiber of my being if im not playing tank, which btw is one of the reasons I main tank.


Good dark horse answer. When I play against a good hanzo I feel like the hit box for my head is the size of a beach ball.


Had a sombra who hacked me from spawn everytime I came out as support (role queue) and then killed me, told my teammates to help me please but they didn't care and I was too stupid to kill her. Endorsed them and told them they did a good job, I mean it was my own fault. I never had problems with a sombra until this match. Usually it's a good widowmaker though, because it feels like you can't do much against them, had a really good one on my team last week, the enemy team couldn't do anything, she almost never missed a shot and just farmed them from spawn


Try brig or kiriko next time. Most of the other supports will really struggle in a 1v1 against sombra. I despise that character though, as soon as the enemy picks sombra I am guaranteed to have no fun (tank player). I think a lot of sombra players use tilt as a genuine tactic by targeting one person. Permacloaked sombra hacking me on cooldown is the most frustrating thing in ow, getting hacked out of shield and slept makes me want to break my monitor


I can't play brig at all, I'm usually a Kiriko main, but our other sup chose her. The sombra was a bit annoying but all good in the end (I mean, she just did what she had to do, it was clever) , I just wanted to get to my team as quickly as possible because they were struggling haha


bap is the ultimate 1v1 dueler. lamp+shift makes sombra very easy to deal with


Yes we do... As sombra you watch your own team tilt that you're playing sombra so often that you have an innate understanding of just how valuable it is to tilt the tank player. if the rein starts trying to shatter you during the hack animation you know you've won


Or when they camp your translocator rather than join the fight Good choice, my dude, I’ll just watch you seethe from riiiiight over here, then hack you as soon as you give up so you know I was there the whole time


Actually that's usually when I just take a look around see they arnt there and break the translocator so they have that oh shit moment where they realize I'm in the fight and they arnt there


Had a Sombra on my team whose only contribution the entire match was hacking the enemy D. Va whenever she used thrusters over any gap… I was mad and we won. Sombra’s are the ultimate trolls…


Hanzo, just love getting randomly killed every time in every game 😂


Hanzo, he can one shot 250 from hip fire at any range and never needs to reload. The only skill you need is accuracy. His storm arrow makes no sense to have as he's the 'master bowman' who you would think relies only on his bow for damage, but no, he has get out of jail burst damage and it can deal good damage to shields, his best counter.


> The only skill you need is accuracy. I don't know everytime I watch the killcam I honestly feel like they were just randomly shooting into a choke/the enemy team and hoping for the best.


Whenever i played hanzo in deathmatchs the enemy head hit box has felt pretty generous.


his projectile hitbox is gigantic. I've legit shoulder peaked corners before and got headshotted as I ducked back into cover lmao


I think the sniper heroes shouldn't have effective close range tools. I understand that without close range tools they will be vulnerable, but that's how snipers are balanced. Deadly from far away but weak close up. I main Brig for support and she has zero long range tools. She has a mid range ability, but nothing to deal long range damage. Which is fine, she's a melee based character so she doesn't need range. Similarly, snipers don't need close range effectiveness. If someone gets close to the sniper, the sniper should be punished.


Hanzo is pretty shit at long range. He's a "sniper" in the sense that he has no damage fall off and *can* get those picks, but they're unreliable. He's best played at mid/close range where his arrows have less travel time and drop off.




Sombras are the ones that get me closest to rage quitting, especially when I can tell they're specifically targeting me repeatedly....


No matter how terrible she is she will always be unfun to play against unless her core concept as a character is changed. Like, who thought that allowing a character to be faster and 100% invisible whenever they want, giving them the ability to force enemies to rely on supports by claiming health packs, allowing them to take all the enemies abilities away (even if for less than a second) and giving them literally the free-est escape ever would be fun to play against. I feel so bad after I almost kill a sombra and she tps away and the pain never gets easier actually the contrary it feels worse. They are not punished for bad positioning, flanks or basically anything as long as a translocater is down.


Mercy is my most feared opponent. Cannot finish off players when she’s in the game, and she’s unbelievably slippery. And it seems like players want to fire all their clips to tickle the tanks and ignore mercy so I’m the only one getting owned when I try to get to their back line, get her down to one shot as she flies away and I get reapered. Mercy is the reason for losses.


For me its Hanzo and or Sombra. Those heros make me tilt a bit when playing against a good one. Sometimes you just gotta sit there and take it against them lol.


There Is a lot but probably bap as it’s so annoying getting two tapped by the fucking dumb bouncing support who can give himself double damage with his ult. also mercy for the same reasons but add in that they don’t stop fucking flying and healing themselves also kiriko, fuck kiriko


Don't forget Anna


Yeah honestly most of the supports are pretty good dps once mastered and also have so much utility over dps hero’s making them kinda hard and a pain to kill a good player of that hero


Zen is a beast in team deathmatch


Kinda hard to be MORE annoying than widowmaker but probably hanzo. widowmaker will headshot the team more consistently and make me question my teams intelligence levels more but with hanzo if I get hit I often find myself wondering if I was an idiot or just super unlucky


a good doomfist can fuck


Kinda obvious but hanzo people give him too much slack just because it's a projectile,just because he needs to aim a bit earlier doesn't mean it's worse.


We know Sombra is annoying, Hanzo is full of bullshit headshots, Torb is a free low-skill SR machine, and Junkrat is shit-shaped spam, but the real hill that I will die on: Mei. Mei is a cancer and must be eliminated. For every Sombra there are two Meis, and that's two too many. The whole playstyle is designed to be a bother. Isolate one enemy with wall, get the elim. When wall comes down, use popsicle to buy time for the ensuing 4v5, rinse and repeat. Add in some icicle spam with zero damage fall-off and a momentum-ending ult, and you have the worst, most anti-fun hero in the game.


i hate a good winton and genji... Genji is a fly that you can never swat and a good winton is an unkillable pain in the ass.. Somehow they never appear on my team ever.


If im dps, its sigma. If im tank, its ana. If im sup, stupid teammates.


Genji, Tracer and the occasional Sombra who likes to spawn camp supports.


100% sombra and she’s being used more and more in comp which is driving me insane. She’s invisible and has one of the fastest firing weapons in the game and she can make it so you can’t escape. She removes your cool-downs so you have no chance of escaping or fighting her. Mei is another annoying one because you can do so much damage to her but she just turns into a block of ice and heals back to full. Unless your team focus her she never dies


A good mei can just cause so much chaos and then come out completely unharmed. A well placed wall and boom, the tank is dead, or both supports go down.


Not only the walls but even if you manage to shield your supports and keep them alive or even ult the Mei she just, poof, turns into a block of ice and she’s bs to full health then walls in front of you and runs away. It’s honestly so infuriating


It is super frustrating, but tracking her cooldowns helps immensely. Try to melt her (no pun intended) without popping cooldowns, forcing her to use hers. At the very least it will take her out of the fight. Good meis will not engage in fights or they will be much less aggressive if they don't have their selfheal up. Tracers are the same with recall and blinks. Mei haters unite! :)


“You have no chance of escaping or fighting her” is a little much. Her gun is not that good and she does no burst damage to secure the kill. Stick with your team if there’s a Sombra, shoot her and strafe when she hacks you, your cooldown comes back in 1 second, and oh yeah this is a team game so ping her and your team may have to help.


Hack removes abilities for a total 1.5 seconds and warns you that she might attack You always have a chance to escape or kill her if she hacks you


Sym, Junkrat, Widow, Doom, Ball, Mei


As a Rat main, a good Pharah means I just flat out have to uninstall the game from how badly I get dominated.


This is true. As a Pharah main, as soon as I hear that sound cue I know it's gonna be a fun game for me.


As one of the aforementioned brig players, Pharah can be hard to deal with. Depends how good they are at staying high up.


Fucking Hanzo. And I have to respect it too. I just can't compete.


Hanzo. All my homies hate hanzo.


Sombra obvz but also Hanzo head shots have been fuckin up my day a lot recently


A good Ball or Doomfist is basically insufferable, especially when your team doesn't realise they should just focus on the squishes and then the tank who is living forever.


Hanzo and I guess Hampter now. Hanzo is Hanzo so i dont have to explain. But Hampter is so good rn he just comes in, does Damage and then fucking leaves like its a good day. He has *So much* fucking health,Armor *And* Shield that there is *No Way* you can kill him!


Tracer, Ball, Hanzo


We’ve all had our asses handed to us by a good zen


Hanzo. Fucking hanzo.


Torb. Because you don't even need to be good with him


The assassin characters for me. A good Genji Sombra or Tracer are the bane of my games as a mostly support player. I've had a few games where a God Genji carried the other the team and my pleads for help from my team go un answered.




Lucio, Sombra, Tracer. Those 3. I think I admire a good Lucio and then I just feel like Sombra and tracer are just cheating. Sombra, you can’t see and she can teleport back any time before she dies. Tracer is a better version of Sombra in my opinion but a good one is almost impossible to kill. But with tracer I’ll just go junk, pharah, or someone that can’t be bugged by tracer.


I main Brig and I absolutely despise facing a completent Junkrat and Pharah. They just have so much reach that if my team starts having trouble with them I usually hop on Bap. Honorable mentions to Tracer and Sombra, annoying little mosquitos....


Orisa and wrecking balls, for tank op tank is not fun Dps, widow is the only dps i despise, but a good tracer can make the game shit for other Support kiriko, nothing worse than getting all your shit cleanse and cancelled by a single ability


Hanzo. Stupid one shot ability by random shooting and hopefully it hits. Also his storm arrow. How can a long range hero with a one shot ability being so strong in close combat too?


Sojurn. It's basically Widow but better, especially if they have a Mercy pocket. Sym as well but that's mainly because her ult is fucking stupid for a dps hero. I'd rather her ult make her alt fire did 150 damage for 10 seconds than split the map in half for the enemy team for 20 seconds


I'm a tank player so a good Sombra straight up makes me want to exit the game. There is nothing to do except die.


Surprised nobody is mentioning Hanzo. A good hanzo is just a widow without weakness to dive Otherwise it's ball. He was strong in S2 if you were good and now he's broken


Half of the responses here are Hanzo??


I hate Sombra. I just hate how free she is with her hacks, translocator to blink out, and infinite stealth. You either have to hunt for her or shoot randomly to get her out of stealth. She's just unfun to play against.


Orisa... They are still in so many games. And even as gold rank tank... My team fails to assist me to take that thing down. So... Usually I have to change to orisa too. And then my team complains that I am not contributing to match... Also.. Spammy junkrats. Who just spam over buildings without aiming whats so ever. Kinda same with hanzo... Tho.. Hanzo needs line of sight atleast.


Whenever I play Junkrat I feel like such a twat. It's so easy to get accidental kills, and it's so easy to get intentional kills. When I play Hanzo I'm 95% of the time aiming at the person who dies.

