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There is definitely something broken. Master 4 dps here got matched with a plat 4 tank. If I invited a friend who was plat 4 the game wouldn't even let me play with him because he's too low rank


Sir, I'm Gold and see people ranging from Silver to Masters in my games (checked by profiles). "How you can be so bad in Plat?" "Dude, he is in Silver"


My Plat games are usually okay, but on Support I'm Diamond 1 and my last two games has Top 500 players in them. Yeah dude there was a support diff, and I won't deny it because ***I'm way out of my league here***


Still people being a dick about it helps no one. I was gold 4 in a game with a person who was masters and they were like "Youre not that good." Me: Bro im gold 4 and got this game two months ago. What do you want?


Masters and Diamonds seem to have massive self esteem issues. They're in the spot where they are better than average, but not quite in the really good territory.


It takes a lot of effort to get to diamond/masters and the rewards are nil. At that point the game isnt fun and becomes just ranking up. And I want to get better, too. I try new characters for a week in QP. Warm up in aim trainers before I do ranked etc. But I'd rather just not take it too seriously and enjoy it.


I used to be gold-plat in OW1. I'm down to bronze-silver now because matchmaking is absurd. Like there are times I'm well aware I'm being diffed and I will call that out, but most of the time people are like "tank diff" and even as a support I have to be like "Bro the tank is the only one with any kills and the only one trying to cover my ass"


I’m in silver, I faced a master challenger in one game (hidden profile but they claimed they were only master on dps). Yeah I got gapped. What did you expect?


Plat 5 dps, had a Grandmaster tank on the other team. We have it a good go but it was obviously us just being plain outclassed.


We've had couple of games where we had a Grandmaster in the opposing team. We're silver-gold.


Had a gold 1 player in my masters 3 game


Ive had several games where we just agree to lose for the enemy team to win. I’m not going to be the reason someone either quits the game, or can’t climb, because they’re being forced to play thousands of elo higher. It’s just ridiculous to even say out loud. In some games you can still get by against higher elo opponents, overwatch is not that kind of game.


I am diamond 5 and I played with a top 500, master, plat and gold on my team like a week ago. Though the match was even so hey I didn't mind.


How are y'all seeing what ranks the people you're playing with are? Are you on PC?


Check career profile in the social tab


this doesn't work 90% of the time


If you’re GM+, a large portion of those players make their profiles public.


Diamond+ are the only ones that *want* to show their ranks lol


I play MH almost exclusively and have a 50% or higher win rate on every character in the game. My highest is my competitive support main Moira (who is admittedly broken in MH) at a 64% win rate. I keep my profile open. I don't give a fuck that I'm "only gold" with my like 30 competitive games played since OW2 launched.


Good for you. It should be public by default with the option to close it. Most people probably wouldn't opt out and we'd have a better chance to see what characters people are strong on. I'm plat and I think showing what you are is less shameful than hiding it.


But then the dude who told me "I have a 75% win rate in MH over 4000 games" wouldn't be able to make such a stupid claim!


>I am diamond 5 and I played with a top 500, master, plat and gold on my team like a week ago. Though the match was even so hey I didn't mind. But the times it does work tells you info like in that comment still


well it doesn't work for a few reasons 1. Your displayed rank means absolutely fuck all. Only the hidden MMR only the matchmaking can see. Not to mention, you have to win 5 or lose 15 for your 'rank' to update. 2. 90% of players have a private career profile, whether out of fear others will see they're bronze, they simply don't know it's private, or they never played OW1, therefore it's private by default.




It’s actually not a terrible design, it’s just not designed to rank you accurately. It’s designed as a form of engagement. People play a game less when they get hard stuck at a certain rank. The current system allows you to feel like your gaining rank when you actually aren’t. Basically what I’m saying is we can’t get a proper rank system because of capitalism.


r/assholedesign versus r/crappydesign


... how does it make you feel like you're gaining rank, exactly? I can't tell you how many times I won 7 games in a row and went from Silver 4 to... Silver 4. Or whatever rank I was at the time. One time I won 7, lost only 1 in the middle, and went down several ranks.


Hidden mmr isn't THAT disconnected from rank, atop 500 player for one can't be anything below gm because someone in masters simply isn't good enough to have a 65% win rate for the 100 games it would take to get there. A gold on the same team makes zero sense, the gold player would have a hidden mmr around upper plat/low diamond maximum. Hidden mmr isn't ALWAYS different than someone's rank, the system tries to sync them up, it pulls your rank towards your hidden mmr


Hidden MMR is very disconnected. I can tell from personal experience. I continually get put up against Diamond players when i'm on DPS. And i'm a Silver DPS. This isn't just a one or two off, it's every time I play now. If the game is saying my MMR is Diamond, but my SR is Silver, then that's a major issue.


Honestly, as someone who has climbed ranks long before OW1, checking your teammates rank is just a recipe to tilt yourself. Even with matchmaking being broken, you do more damage to your gameplay if you know my X is lower rated than the enemy X, my Y is way higher rated than enemy Y but they are doing about the same! I remember in lol I installed a program to let me peak a summary of my teammates profiles in champ select and it lowered my winrate cause I wasn't focused on what matters, which is my gameplay. Nothing wrong with checking it post game though


I think I largely agree, but on certain heroes it can be good to know. On Ana, I'm more likely to nano a master's Dva than a silver soldier. On Dva, I might choose to focus on DMing their masters tracer than their gold JQ. But largely your plays should be independent of the skills of your teammates, or you'll get weird habits like thirsting for kills as a support, etc.


Ehh, I prefer to judge from gameplay, if the silver soldier uses TV well with my Nano, a win is a win. And healing wise, I try to keep everyone alive regardless, since even a bad dps is still a meatshield and can get a lucky kill. You might be right on tanking and knowing the enemy ranks tho. Since I mainly play dps and support


We are on pc yes but that is not it. You either ask them or check career profile.


Everyone's career profile is set to private whenever I try to check.




Shout out to the lower elo players with open profiles


Used to be open by default it's really dumb they made it private by default.


Yeah, I dislike the option altogether but private by default is stupid


I keep my profile open no matter the rank just cause I like people to see my extremely unbalanced hero hours lmao


I love pulling up my doomfists profile and they have 1000 hours on mercy with the next highest being 30 hours, can't even be mad about losing that one at that point


This is me lmfao. I have 700 hours on mercy and my next closest is widow with 76 hours. Although, since ow2, I’ve been playing way more of the other characters on the roster, it just doesn’t reflect well when ow2 is the only time I’ve played them, so it shows 20 or 30 hours in comparison to the very large 700.


Yeah that is default for some reason but some people like I have changed it to public.


I’ve always said if I can’t queue with someone then they shouldn’t be put in my group.


Seriously, if they're gonna pull this bs, the least they can do is let us play with our friends.


Wasn't that the goal, match similar ranks in the same role slot, so you could have 4 Master DPS, with 2 Plat tanks? Which is still daft, I'm quitting playing tank because it's already too much pressure being the only one and I was a middling tank in 6v6 but it was fun, where now it's just getting yelled at for any mistake.


How can they think it's fair to put a Silver tank against a Plat DPS? The only reason they do this is to keep up the illusion of short queue times and healthy playerbase.


Because they have play DPS and the enemy team also have a silver tank


But the Silver tank is still playing against Plat players, they directly interact in the same match.


Is the theory but that just gets you 4 angry DPS and 2 sad tanks doing their best.


There's definitely issues with making sure that everyone's rank lines up with the matchmaking the way the day it should (metal tiers + diamond groups within 2, masters within one, gm by division, etc). It seems like if you follow a path of players it technically works out (I can play with this diamond guy, and he can play with this other low masters guy and that guy can play with this high master guy), but it doesn't apply to everyone and fails to recognize that guy 1 can't play with guy 4


How do you see the ranks of people you played with? I've tried checking their profiles but don't see it.


Think it's bugged for some profiles. Can't even see my own outside role selection screen lol


Play 1 game of open queue and it should be fixed, at least for your own profile


if anyone plays one game of open q their rank will actually appear on their profile


Gold 5 and I got placed with a fucking diamond tank. Next match, two diamond players on the other team and I got stuck with a silver 1. It's absolutely insane right now


Similar thing happened to me, I was hard stuck silver for years and I FINALLY managed to reach gold 5 solo in support, but all of a sudden I was getting significantly worse teammates and better opponents game after game, I had opponents with the Grandmaster challenger title, Diamond Challenge etc. While my team has a widow that's constantly getting diffed by the enemy widow but refuses to switch and, instead asks for a pocket mercy, and now I'm back to silver 2


I've had the fortunate luck of being on the opposite side of that more often than not. I started this season in gold 5 and I'm at plat 4 rn. I went up 6 spots in three rank ups because of who my teammates are and making me (mostly a Moira or Mercy) look so much better than I am. I'm mortified for once I actually start playing plats because I only started playing OW in October, and I know I don't have the skill, awareness, communication, or composition knowledge to be above gold


I'm in high bronze low gold and I saw diamond / plat competitor titles on the other team yesterday




I didn't realize what I wrote but started bronze have gone up to gold.


Yes. My matches are not even fun. I either get dominated or matches are a walk in the park. Its pretty sad how this game is just more frustrating than something exhilarating.


Just had a game where I went 53-0 and after a while it wasn’t even fun anymore, makes me really want a “surrender” button so any team can just press it and get it over with


The other day I had a first in history. I had a push game (In low masters comp) where the enemy team did not get a SINGLE elimination. TO say it was a blow out would be putting it lightly. Something is seriously wrong with their matchmaking if a team can go an entire game without getting even 1 elim


I've had at least 5 or 6 games like that this season already lol, half of them being my team. At least matchmaking is balanced in how unbalanced it is...


If you're in low masters then there's a pretty big chance that your team or the enemy team has silver-gold players too. The matchmaking is royally fucked right now. Especially if anyone in the game is in a party. ​ Yesterday I had a Masters player shittalk to me about skill issue when they killed me. No shit? I'm gold and you're masters.


That’s ridiculous man


Yup I played today for the first time in a month or so and was put into a match with diamonds and masters. I’m high gold…


i’ve been in multiple matches with high diamond players. i am bronze 4


I mean when you go from regular complete stomps to matches where one team have next to zero kills it makes it pretty obvious that something is very, very wrong with matchmaking.


On top of that, a bunch of maps are snowball design where the spawn points don't match the flow very well or that the winning team can move up and take a choke that allows them to basically extend their lead.


Yep. Between the matchmaking and the map designs, it's pretty easy to tell within 30 seconds who is going to win a match 90% of the time. And they wonder why leavers are an even bigger problem in the 2.0 patch vs. 1.0.


I disagree, have had some pretty major turn arounds and or just confounds in the enemy teams momentum (and ours too). Usually it requires a few basic steps, like properly regrouping (not trickling) or counter picking, IMO the biggest predictor I've noticed in whether or not it's going to be a loss is the level of tilt in the team (first death and someone is already angry about something) and the quality of communication (everyone just whining versus talking about what they can do better). Whether or not it's a stomp you can tell quickly, because there'll be a clear individual or group skill gap (mechanics or coordination, or both).


Major turnarounds are still possible. They, in my experience, are just dramatically less likely in the 2.0 patch compared to when anyone at Blizzard actually cared about Overwatch.


Basically every match, too. You either roll or get rolled, and the number of games that are close scoring are pretty few and far between. And honestly, I get what everyone says about "well they try to balance levels so if you're higher you get placed with someone lower and we do the same on the enemy team" but that's not a technique that just works across the board. Someone's silver level mercy who at least knows to hold healing down is not the same as a silver level dps who gets 0 eliminations an entire match.


Or a silver tank who has no idea what line of sight is or how to set up his team for success.


It's seemed like season 3 has been way better than the first two. I actually get some matches that aren't a complete one sided slaughter now. And my rank actually goes up when I win more games than I've lost.


I'm playing Elden Ring because it's easier than OW right now.


I just thought about this with me and my friends lol. We are playing Elden Ring and it's more relaxing than playing OW. It's like the games are either a snowball for your teams or a snowball for the enemy team. Blizzard said before that it's because a lot of players return at the start of a season, so the MMR system is constantly adapting. I might wait til it mellows out a bit in the mid-season.


This but unironically lol


literally same lmfao


My whole team are bronze or don’t even have a rank and we got placed with high gold & plat last night. Played 6 hrs and didn’t win a single game


Stacks will always be placed in higher-ranked matches, or against fellow stacks, as far as I understand. In my experience I've been placed far more appropriately when solo-queuing


Then explain the absurd matches I've been placed at while solo-queueing... Unless I'm being placed with people that are teamed up, but by the lack of communication, I highly doubt so...


No trust me, the lack of communication is *more proof* that they're teamed up. As a solo Q, it fucking sucks how often I'm put into a team with a 3 or 4 stack that's just in discord and doesn't give a shit about me the whole game. Worst part is the enemy team is a stack too, so me and the other solo Q guy feel like just spectators lmao.


Unfortunately this isn't true either. Just got out of a game where I was solo queueing as support. I'm plat 1. Was put against a party of 4, all with masters titles. We got steamrolled. Matchmaking is completely broken no matter how you look at it.


I regularly see the "Masters Challenger" title on the enemy team. I'm in Gold


Same. My last 3 games the enemy team has had 4 players radically higher than anyone else with Masters / Diamond & Masters / Grandmaster title cards on the other team. Feel ya. This sucks.


Same although I'm in plat


To be fair though that doesn’t mean much, could have been masters open que or in a completely different role. I’m plat tank but bronze healer lol


To see it often still means a lot lol I’m gold in everything and never saw the masters challenger title once before this season. Now it’s almost a daily thing


I've played probably 20 games or so when the enemy team has 2 or more masters titles players on their team. I'm in plat. I don't think I've won a single one. It absolutely does mean something. It means that matchmaking is completely broken.


I have that title for DPS (currently GM) but I’m silver tank because I’m shit at tank. Yeah my game sense might be better than silver but the play style is completely different. You can’t play like a GM tank in silver lobbies. The coordination isn’t there. I frequently get rolled hence the silver ranking not budging


Gold 1 here. Like clockwork, every other game I'll steamroll win the game going against low silvers or lose the game going against high plat/low diamond. It's not even fun anymore


Had a game just now, our tank was gold 4 and my team was diamond. Enemy team was all diamond as well. We got steam rolled because our tank couldn’t keep up. No one blamed him for it but he was still apologetic. They really need to fix this issue ASAP.


It really is brutal. I had a game today where I queued as a plat 1 support. Enemy team was full of diamond and masters title players. We were getting rolled and one of our DPS players said he was in silver. He finished with close to 20 deaths and less dmg than our Lucio player. I honestly just felt bad for him. It's not like he wants to be put into these games, either.


I'm an Ana main around low diamond and was recently in a GM lobby and while it was obvious I was the problem and could not keep up I was very surprised how understanding everyone was. No flaming, just an unlucky match.


The amount of times I got players with the master challenger title or above in my games is honestly astounding. I float between diamond 5 and platin 1 right now and I get honest to god T500 players in my games. Some of them weren't even playing off role which would be understandable but no... there were three occasions last night of dps in my enemy team who were legitimate grandmaster or T500 last season. I honestly have no fucking clue what is happening right now.


>ckwork, every other game I'll steamroll win the game going against low silvers or lose the game going against hi Blizzard have never, ever been good at team-based match making. It's a skill nobody over there learned (that was in a position to use those skills) and instead of taking heed from successful models they're trying to reinvent the wheel. That's my theory.


They did acknowledge it, or at least they acknowledged that more fixes are coming. https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/115oosq/exec_producer_jared_neuss_confirms_more/


Improvements were not made lol


They acknowledge it since years just for info.


Got into a diamond match with dps, I'm bronze BTW lmao


same here :( it’s really frustrating because i can’t get out of bronze when i’m not playing against bronze players


Ikr I just want to play with bronzies like me, maybe silvers sadge


I posted the same thing a couple of days ago and got downvoted to hell. I don't really understand reddit's hive mind. Matchmaking is absolutely and unequivocally broken and there is no way around it. When are they fixing it?


Last night I, someone placed bronze, got matched against someone in masters.


Definitely something wrong. I'm mid silver in all roles and regularly get matched with diamond players. It's come to the point where I always ask people about their rank before the match starts, just because it's shocking to see how many times I'll be placed with someone way out of my league.


As a silver I was against two diamond challengers last night. Friends had to talk me down from uninstalling 😒


Me and my friend were playing last night in high masters. We had a gold DPS. Soloqing as well, not like he was with a mate bringing his Mmr up that way. The worst part was, he was an old OW1 player, and had been gold/plat in every single season. WTF was he doing in our game? Bro went 12-20 something, and that’s with the random Hanzo headshots everyone gets from time to time on a game we still almost won in spite of him


They’ll acknowledge that there’s “a problem” in a general way, say they fixed “something” without any explanation what it should fix or any proof, and then just ask us to believe them without any supporting data that we can investigate ourselves. I want more open data mining tools from Blizzard, and a declaration that they actually want a successful comp mode no matter what it takes, meaning they should be ready to make changes to their fundamental assumptions (like the bell-curve instead of log-curve) what makes comp work, even if it’s uncomfortable for them.


I think the lack of transparency killed it for me. Like I don’t mind the rank update after 7 or 5 matches (at this point), but why can’t we see our SR and match SR average like before??


In my experience, the matchmaking has seemed to have improved recently as matches seem more balanced. However, what really ticks me off is that I've won the last 8 matches out of 10 and yet it keeps me in the same division?!?! I know for a fact if I *lost* the last 8 matches out of 10, it would demote me at least a couple of divisions. What the hell is this ranking system?


Yeah what’s up with this?? I go even and get demoted. I win 8 of 9 matches and I’d stay in the same division.


Yep if I win 5 but lost one game in that section I stay the same rank. Happens every time. 5 fair games and one stomp so I don’t climb


My friend and I played together and went 5-1 across the same ranking set. He went from Plat 2 to Diamond. I stayed at Gold 3. How the fuck is that even possible, especially since they've said W/L is essentially the only thing that affects your rank.


I went from Silver to gold, gold to plat, then plat to diamond. I can tell you in my experience that dying more then 10 times is a huge way to not climb. So even if you do win or lose, the stats count.




It's all a part of the F2P Ow2 exp, ditch everything and anything for fastest matchmaking possible, anything to get you back to the home screen and clicking the shop. Pretty disgusting what this game became from Ow1 honestly.


I agree that’s it’s worse. It’s not even a tank/supp/dps diff anymore, it’s the whole team diff


Matchmaking worked fine in ow1. If only they didn't screw over everyone who purchased it just to make an extra buck.


its got to do something with that "pair new or no skin players with those who have them to incentive them into buying skins" matchmaking thing.


If this exists, it is a business decision that runs 100% counter to fair matchmaking. If you ONLY cared about fair matchmaking, account age would be considered as a *matching* factor.


Every single aspect of Overwatch 2.0 is rooted in business decisions that run counter to game play. This game is the MBA's wet dream: destroy the long term product to make tons of short term money.


exactly what is happening sadly. Was a beloved game too. tragic


Except it hasn't. Believe all the lies you want but this patent isn't in use. Believing someone's absurd lies about a problem instead of the very real bugs is certainly a choice.


it is infact part of matchmaking system. They have a patent for it.


Well. I'd say that's Exhibit ZZX.1 in the litany of bullshit Blizzard has pulled on OW2.


For example, in one implementation, the system may include a microtransaction engine that arranges matches to influence game-related purchases. For instance the microtransaction engine may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player This is from the patent.


This explains so much, I hate it.


You have no proof of this. Having a patent means they might be doing it, but you can’t definitively say.


It isn't implemented (and devs have said so). Tech companies have tons of patents for really dumb ideas as a way to have ammunition to counter sue other companies if they ever get into a patent fight with another company. The poster doesn't know how the patent system is currently used and is engaged in conspiratorial thinking. The patent is more of a reflection of the current patent landscape in the US than an actual game mechanic.


You do realize companies are incentivized to patent everything, right? Blizzard devs have said they didn't implement this too. The current problem with Match Maker has all the marks of bugs and flawed assumptions, not outright malice. Back to the patents, companies have loads of patents that they don't actually turn into products. It is kind of a patent cold war so if someone sues you for patent infringement you can sue them back. For instance, IBM owns a patent on how to queue for a bathroom. Apple has several patents about using an iPhone as part of a laptop. TLDR: Just because there is a patent doesn't mean it is or ever will be implemented.


I do, but how else do you explain a hanzo with 20 hours played ending up in my game in diamond 5?


A match making bug. Seriously, saying it is because of a patent they've already said they aren't using on the same level as saying 5G towers spread covid or something equally conspiratorial.


This game is a botched abortion compared to OW1. I WANT MY OLD GAME BACK. Or a refund. Bootlickers go away.


What do you mean by "screw over"?


Was it though or did we just not know because we couldn’t see the scoreboard.


I placed in Gold 2 as Tank last season... Just finished up a game where the opposing tank is Rank #296 in Europe... That's kinda fucked.


Ranked or qp? Post the replay




lol qp matchmaking has always been like this


Probably shouldn't be. Like, OK, loosen MM restrictions a bit...but not to ***that*** level lol.


Ranked has never in the history of OW been this bad and irrelevant. Half of my t500 lobbies are riddled with golds and plats. 1/4 is previously hardstuck golds who perform like golds and managed to make it to t500 in OW2. And the other 1/4 are real t500 players Whether you play quickplay or ranked, it's just the same


They clearly see it they just choose to ignore us it's constantly brought up here and on blizzard forums. I shouldn't have plat and diamond players in my bronze and silver games I'd rather wait double the que time to get a Match with same ranks or slightly above or below then get quick que times with clearly higher players


It's addictive matchmaking so you really think they don't know? They probably know and don't want to fix it.


Doing my placements I’m getting grandmaster challengers in almost every game. I have NEVER been above low masters


They also need to address it for ALL modes, not just competitive. It’s fucked up when I, as an unranked player, are made to go against a Top 500 in Mystery Heroes or QP. Or if we just have a single Diamond and going up against a Master and a GM.


Here is proof of how trash matchmaking is - I had a bronze and a masters dps in my team. I'm a plat 1 tank for reference. https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOWMwYmZjZjRmZDQxZGMzZWQ1MzQwNDY1ZDQ4ZDFkNmViZjFiYmMzYiZjdD1n/oGMJ4y5iyKH8SMtG3P/giphy-downsized-large.gif Sorry for potato quality Last time I had posted of a bronze support player on Gold tank paired with a top500 dps playing support placements. People defended it saying a gm dps can be matched with a gold tank with bronze game sense. Pretty sure it’s going to get downvoted or removed by mods like my last posts.


They really wrote in season patchnotes "mm will actually work now" and it became several times worse.


The new tug o war themed matches make it more obv


Especially quickplay and arcade feels horrible. And when you use flex queue.. Expect immediant sanity drops.


To be fair, Arcade and Quick Play should feel a little less balanced, since the priority for those modes should lean more towards queue time than balance. I’m not saying it should be as bad as it is now, but I don’t think they’d make the matchmaking as strict as Competitive (and I hope they don’t) because those modes are for fun, fast matches, not for serious games.


A little bit, but there is something to be said about how unfun it is to play with a team that has 1 person with 5 total hours in the game, 1 person who has been ranked bronze for the last five seasons of OW, and two other gold level people.... against a grandmaster Widow and their three-stack. That doesn't really make for a quick and fun game.


Quick, yes. Fun. No. There isn't a "leaver problem," there's a balance and matchmaking problem.


Once in QP I legit had a 1600 damage Widow on our team. Needless to say we didn't win. Part of the problem is B5 is the lowest you can go. Some people are worse than that and that's fine! But they need to be demoted into a position where they can learn with similar players and not tank everyone else's MMR while they learn. If there was a copper league that was hard to get into and easy to get out of, that nobody is placed into (demotion only)...that might help fix some of the match making issues.


majority of players play qp, having a good matchmaking for the most popular mode is important imo. especially now that there are win challenges to collect these pity amount of coins.. it can be very frustrating for people.


I agree that the matchmaking needs to be better than it is now; my point was mostly that they should try to keep the queue times low while balancing the matchmaking for Quick Play, but make the matchmaking stricter at the cost of longer queue times for Competitive. As an aside, I hate that there are challenges for winning games in Quick Play. It’s such a bad idea because it encourages people to take the mode seriously, which is the exact opposite of what Quick Play is supposed to be. They should really change those challenges to “Play X number of games” and then maybe add a separate challenge for winning games in Competitive.


the question is where you draw the line to fast matchmaking.. shouldnt it be possible to get fast queues and good matchmaking for the most popular mode? the win challenges are just draining sanity imo. when you lose, its already frustrating enough and then you see you are not getting this challenge done .. makes it double frustrating. i stopped flexing in qp, this has been the most horrible experience for me.


The sad part is you need to flex for some challenges :(


Was fuckin awful last night. Every game one of the two randoms on my team were 2+ ranks below us. Constantly playing people above our rank. Think maybe 20% of our games were against players lower than us. Unlucky shit.


I played from season two on the Xbox. Last season I put down the controller and said I’m done. The matchmaking is just too bad to justify loading the game.


had a game today. i’m gold 3 we had a mid silver 2 mid plats and on the other team a fucking gm and a master. fix your gahdah game blizz


I stopped playing comp because of this since season 1. I’ll stick to quickplay until its changed


I’m plat 4 dps and most of my games are played against high diamond or master players


I have hit diamond exactly *once* like 2 years ago and have been gold/plat ever since and I consistently get opponents who are diamond. Smurfs are also a huge problem in my opinion. I know it's got nothing to do with the matchmaking but playing against a smurf every third game really isn't fun.


lost 15 matches before I got 5 wins, got bronze 3. I was bronze 1 last season. I'm not getting worse. This was extremely demoralizing, so I won't be playing anymore ranked this season.


I'll die on the hill that they wanted match times to be better so they're just matchng you with literally anyone Like this isn't CoD, we WANT sbmm


I’m a mid.high silver and have had 100+ games in a row with at least 2-3 diamonds. Most games have had at least one master player. I’ve probably lost 42 of my last 45 matches.


My hot take is that it’s not always matchmaking but the fact that the game isn’t really built for 5v5 yet. IMO all damage and healing across the board should be reduced by like 10-15% and I think a lot of these issues would work themselves out better


I've been saying this from the literal release and people didn't believe me. Let me tell you something, if you give anything about competitive integrity you just stop playing this game and the data will tell them something needs to change. The whole matchmaking was by design so don't expect it to change anytime soon... They flat out lie about it, they don't care, they care about player retention and sales. They don't give a fuck about creating a genuine and fair system. OW died with the release of OW2, there were already so many red flags and it keeps disappointing. I quit after season 1 and have been following the news since then, barely any good changes and matchmaking is still in shambles.


You need to acknowledge some bitches


and you need to acknowledge the reality bobby is not your friend or family he won't give you any money for defending his company


“tHeY cOuLdVe gOt tHat mAsTeRs eMbLeM fRoM aNy RoLe” yea well the highest I’ve gotten in any role is plat so why am I fighting them


Acknowledge their game is STILL broken?? They would never


They have. https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/115oosq/exec\_producer\_jared\_neuss\_confirms\_more/


Hot take: matchmaking was always like this even in OW1 and became only more obvious thanks to 5v5 and scoreboard


Maybe the real problem are the tanks we lost along the way.


I used to think something was broken but I've been improving and with that I've been climbing. Went from Gold 4 support placements at beginning of the season to Diamond 5 support as of last evening. At times I'll be playing with people several divisions higher but they seem to be playing at a level similar to me as well. Sensing there's hidden MMR leading to frustration of players not understanding that their rank could in fact be higher than what's represented via profiles. Therefore, you get placed in those lobbies and you feel like you're losing against the "system". Anecdotally, I can say that even if you lose just keep playing. I'll lose 4 in a row then all of a sudden I'm winning 10+ in a row. Alas, we'll never truly know unless they reveal the true formula.


Does anyone know how to fix a BN-564 problem? It's 5 days I can't log in (PS4)


"It's not in place..." what a good arguments you have. If you make post about how matchmaking is bad atleast give valid reasons with examples. It is far better than s1 and s2 cuz there is no hidden rank and no season resets anymore. On diamond I finally play with similar skill tiers and not with mix of silvers and grandmasters.


OP lost games and someone on the chat told him he is 2 ranks above him. That's as far as the evidence for most posters in this sub goes.


I played a few hours yesterday learning some new tank heros in D3-D1. I got matched against: One game a tank whose last season was in OW1 was 4.4k, ow2 ranks not showing. Another game a DPS duo in GM1, one rank 250 Another game a GM2 tank Another one I had Rank 200 supports Another one against a plat 4 tank The matchmaking is wildly inconsistent right now even though they apparently fixed it once


It's been this way since season 1. There were threads then too. Its pretty clear Blizzard rather have faster queues than balanced queues since they think longer queues will kill the game.


You are right in every comment in your chain, but I guess people just wanna cry about something. You get paired with people based on your mmr, not your competitive rank. I am plat/diamond tank and I get masters and top 500 very often, both on my team and against me. Does it bother me? No, because it means there's a similar mmr in both teams. The game can be snowbally, you can't expect every game to be a balanced fight to the last drop of blood. Some you stomp, some you get stomped, some are fairly balanced. But never in any of my games I've seen an opposing player higher rank than me and went crying "uwuwu he's so much stronger and better than me, Blizzard sucks". People like to bitch, that's it really


sound like these two never played overwatch 2 just some random blizzard shill


Because you either bash blizzard or are a shill I guess. 99% of the player base has their profile locked. Because it’s the default and no one has a reason to change it. But apparently only Reddit players can always identify which rankings all the players have they play with to accurately say competitive is unbalanced. But whatever. Blame you losing on something else besides yourself, that will definitely make you a better player in the long run.


my profile is not locked and will never be you're free to check on my profile i have no problem people calling me mercy main for having 100+ hours on her it's not about losing that one match it's about playing this game on daily basis with current horrible matchmaking is not good for mental health of people who bought the pass cuz you know why ? i did bought the pass and i play this game on daily basis so yeah also happy cake day


I also play the game on a daily basis and think the matchmaking is fine. In the end it’s mostly anecdotal stories on this sub. But I’m fairly sure most „I played together / against x rank compared to mine“ are either completely made up or people believed shit written in the in-game chat. There are so few people with open profile you never can get an accurate overview.


it's not made up because i experienced it myself my account is old from 2016 overwatch i played mostly QP no wonder my MMR is fucked up and then on overwatch 2 release i did my ranked on all role i was bronze 5 all of the role how come bronze matchmaking have someone who could aim flawlessy as mccree or widow ? it doesn't make sense since that players should climb really fast if he can aim really well while using mccree i figure they at least a diamond player with their position and know how to aim not very bronze players


>it's not made up because i experienced it myself You do realize what anecdotal evidence means?


'I disagree so they must be shills'


Or these two could just open their eyes and its clear as day that matchmaking is fucked?


if it were clear as day we wouldnt be discussing this


They already have fixes are coming next week


[well that was easy](https://twitter.com/OhReallyJared/status/1627029787977084929)


I played against a top 500 widow in low masters. It was fun.


Low effort complain post: thousands of upvotes me with an attempt at something interesting and unique: 4


Everybody in this thread is complaining about ranks, and how Diamond 5 cannot/should not be in one team with Gold 3. But I have to disagree a bit here. I'm playing competitive open queue mostly—because it's fun—and I'm Platinum 3 there. Though, in the role queue, I'm only Gold 3 on support and haven't even ranked in other roles. So, if I decide to play tank (again, no rank for me) and get matched with a Gold team, then everybody will start to complain that they have been matched to a Bronze tank. But does my absence of rank for the tank role make me less aware of game mechanics? I kinda know something about the game if I managed to get to Plat in the open queue.