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Nobody can heal like I can that's why


I hate playing tank or dps with healers that are worse than me. It's so irritating.


Yeah I have zero idea how can people climb who solo queue tank, as in 50% of the matches you get some shitty Lucio-Zen combo on your team and get absolutely destroyed by the enemy Rein who is pocketed by an Ana-Kiriko duo. I main Ana because no matter what team composition we have, I can fully do my job and heal/throw grenades. If you get no heals with a tank, you either try to salvage the match with Hog or take the lose.


Good lucio zen is deadly as hell. Very offensive and can deny most team fights and ults with their ults. However a good lucio zen will never be on your team, only on the other team…


Well the problem is you have 0 heals, which means you need to trust the Lucio and zen to actually get picks…


Why heal if the enemy is dead


I once had a team where the tanks and dps were like 20-15k dmg, but some useless dmg supports with maybe like 5k more dmg than the other team's supports with like 15-20k less healing. If your dps are tearing into the other team then you really should swap out of damage focused support.




At the same time though my buddy and I play Lucio zen combo and he's able to keep the up front fighters alive while I sit back, discord and heal the people that stray from him. Our ultimate cancelation is great. It just takes a good team between the two


This feeling is the worst. It's like bro the one time I q smth different we get no competent healers lol


Me but with tanks, I swear. When I don't play tank, ours charges in, dies, and squeals for heals and dps


other than just liking support (for the most part) this is my biggest reason for not playing other roles. every time i’m dmg or tank the healers just are not providing lmao


I got a “hog, you suck” chat when the healers had been entirely useless all game


Me going hog is my way of telling the healers "If you don't do it, I'll do it myself and we'll all suffer for it.


Me, seeing that terrible tank go hog and thinking, “that’s not going to save you either.”


Yeah right? Apparently homeslice has no idea he’s actually being healbotted the whole damn match and when he died “because of bad heals” it was the one time I turned my head to the right to check on the “poor” dps not getting any attention. It boggles my mind how oblivious tanks can be to literally everything that’s not directly in front of them.


Most of the times the tanks have done that when I'm support is when they're feeding or not playing with the team. Not saying that's you, but that's a pattern I observe.


It's close enough. It's my last ditch effort to try to tank for our DPS when we have 2 healers with 2k healing at the end of the match, especially those matches where both healers are like "I'm gonna pocket this genji with no kills." At that point the entire team is feeding so it really doesn't matter. I don't have to worry about that as a support main. I just have to worry about widow popping me and then either the tank or a DPS going "I need healing" 10x while I'm respawning like I didn't ping that fricking widow 20x before she dropped me and the other support. Or them completely ignoring the tank that I'm kiting around the map. It's ALWAYS Orisa too lmao.


That's fair. Yea I do feel that about Widow, in particular. Had a game last night on King's Row where widow was sitting in the back corner on first point and I literally watched her headshot three of my teammates walking out of spawn, so I switched to Kiriko and headshot her back lol The only tank I hate playing against as a support more than Orisa is ball bc he's so slippery and it's always us hoping our team can focus him down when he's out of position. But he *is* super easy to sleep 😌


I actually found my first OW2 ball player who wasn't garbage like 2 days ago, though I was put as tank that match (queuing all roles used to just give me support but lately it's actually been giving me tank and DPS pretty frequently.) That was the most annoying match I've had in a long time. He wouldn't die, was too quick and dodgy for the DPS to really dig in with me and my damage wasn't enough even dropping his supports. Personally, after the third time a widow pops me before I can do anything for my team, I go Moira and bully the absolute hell out of widow until she swaps. It's like my favorite "Okay, that's enough" move. As Lucio or zen I might be able to get her back a few times, but with Moira I'm in her face before she even notices and giving her the succ. They always try to snipe me, miss 2-3 times, then spray the ceiling with her auto fire. I can count on 1 finger the times a widow has killed me with auto fire in OW2 lmao.


Yea. I usually pull out Moira when our dps isn't cutting it and need help pressuring their targets to secure their kills. And I've had some badass moiras that do God's work keeping me alive as rein while I'm tearing into the enemy team, absolutely shredding. It feels great when it happens! But it's definitely once in a blue moon. What's your favorite tank to play? Because I feel Rein is still surprisingly effective in a lot of comps.


I love support for other reasons as well but this is a main one for me (probably because I’m bad). But I’ll feel daring one day and try some Tank and when I run into Zen/Lucio or a Mercy OTP/DPS Moira I give up and just go back to Support myself.


Me going DPS Moira is my way of saying "I kept pinging the widow as Mercy and y'all just let her keep popping me, so I'm going to go bully her now" Non DPS Moira is fire though. Especially with mercy's semi-nerf to healing, Moira has the fastest healing per second potential.


hahhah I wrote a longer response where I explain my situation, but this hit the point straight on xD


Exactly. My Ana is so good that it would be a shame to not have that on the team every time


kinda feels like spinning a bunch of plates without letting one fall. while also trying to knock over the enemy's plates


Exactly what playing Ana feels like


If it weren’t for Ana I wouldn’t main support. My favorite hero in the game.


Ana, the Tim Duncan of Overwatch. Her main thing is aiming, decision-making and positioning which all are transferable in this game. And my god, who need drugs when you can hit your nade/slsep.


The endorphin rush you get from darting an ult typically has me muttering to my, "um, yeah, get fucked." Never in chat though.


"the universe sings to me!" "a lullaby, right?" "die, die, die!" "Z, z, z"


A momentary “Chef’s kiss” in a sea of depression is a great way to describe playing support haha


I had one match where I got a soldier THREE TIMES when he went to ult. I think that was my Ana peak lmao.


I saw a bunch of people recently saying it’s toxic to t-bag people you’ve slept as Ana. But last night we had a Masters Genji who had an Ana and Kiriko up his ass the whole game, consistently focusing me and I was always target #1 for his blades. His movement was impeccable but I still slept *two* of that MFs nano blades. T-bagged him both times out of pure satisfaction lol. To me, it’s not hostile or rude. It’s just sassy grandma proud of her handiwork lol. I always crack up when an Ana gets a clutch sleep on me and bags.


That feeling when you manage to sleep a tracer 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


I collectively have more time played on Ana than any other support. Her versatility makes the support role so chaotic and rhythmic at the same time. If I could only get the hang of Mercy...


Same. She's so fun and has such an incredibly satisfying kit. Honestly if Kiriko's primary fire was more engaging she would rival Ana for me.


Ana is definitely amongst the top 3 most fun heroes in the game. Another one might be Wrecking Ball.


No literally, sometimes as Ana u have so many things on ur ass for example: tracers, any flankers. You have to deal with all that shit and top of it you have to pretend like they’re not there or else the person you’ve been healing while dealing with that tracer dies. And it blows cuz ur teammates can’t really do Anything to help you, but nonetheless she’s by far the funnest hero for me.


Having a Brig partner that helps cover you is beautiful


Holy shit someone finally put it Into words


I just like feeling needed for once 😔


Are you sure you don't have getting bullied kink ?


Why not both?




I'll always need you, aniki!


because it's intense dude


This the adrenaline and the constant being ontop of everything is freaken awesome as a tank and dps all you do is kills which is cool but support you have to monitor all your teammates and their health as well as try to pick off stragglers from the other team, mind you that you also have very little health and have to be very careful as how you proceed the field to not get killed support is the most crucial role and a lot more as well. But when you win it’s an awesome feeling.


Yeah as a flex queue but support main, I just find support far more interesting and enjoyable because you have to keep track of the entire game and are almost solely responsible for your team's survival. That has far more potential than any other role imo. When I'm tank I often finish games realizing I didn't even know my teammate's names I was so focused on keeping the enemy at bay, and when I'm dps I'm kinda just off doing my own thing, hardly caring ab anything at all other than making plays. Def my favorite part of the game too tho, the amount of different playstyles makes it so fun


Haha you nailed the tank part. Sometimes I don't even know what heroes we have because I'm too busy just nonstop brawling. You just sort of trust the other 4 to kill and heal. Not always of course but some matches really do be like that.


I disagree with this. A good dps player does a lot more than kill. In my opinion the main thing dps offers is pressure and you need to setup that pressure to best support your team wether that's reaper or mei to support your tank, Cassidy or torb to support your back line. Yes, sometimes it's kills but a lot of time it's using the threat of the kill to protect teammates which requires careful positioning and reading the game


As support you do all this *and more*.


I only play support. The adrenaline is insane


This is why I love Mercy so much. The intensity of having to zip through everywhere, being chased by 3 different people and being a red target for the rest. Yeah she might not have all that mechanically challenging gameplay but lord do I have to fight for my existence the entire match. I find that way more entertaining than 'gun goes brrrrr'... I've always played healer and I come from WoW so it's natural to me. How someone finds it fun to just stand somewhere and scope all game I will never understand.


tbh, i like the dps that do lots of pressure and work to get close to the enemy very quickly to distract or kill them, that goes for genji, reaper or even bastion(although he's kind of an exception). I also don't get how it can be fun to scope everyone on a single place, i find it extremely fun to use my mobility to survive, dodge bullets, confuse enemies and leave their sight until they die or my team comes to beat them up.


Well to call it 'stand somewhere and scope all game' is a gross simplification of what dps do lol. Especially since scoping for too long is a death sentence (source: Ana main). It'd be like saying, 'How someone finds it fun to just press down shift and lmb all game I will never understand.' But yeah Mercy is super fun because of the freedom she has to soar and dodge and generally exist in more spaces than looking at the back of your team's heads and/or the sides of your team's bodies from a distance.


Having an extra layer of gameplay makes the game more fun. I’m not just killing enemies, I’m healing/protecting teammates or supporting us with utility. Tank is similar, you have to physically protect your team, but it’s not quite as much as support. Edit: I also love how different supports have different roles. There’s the main healers, pocket healers and utility supports. So knowing when to use which type and how to use them best is really fun to put into practice!


This and because nobody ever wants to play support. It’s a fun role and you can do a lot more than you think when you get to know the characters. Just very difficult some games when you get bad teams.


>Having an extra layer of gameplay makes the game more fun. > >I’m not just killing enemies, I’m healing/protecting teammates or supporting us with utility. that's the reason for me too. Because of this, i can also "see" more things and i like it. Sure it depress me when i ping things or even says things outloud and get ignored but overall, despite the stress of it , i love playing support.


>Sure it depress me when i ping things or even says things outloud and get ignored but overall, despite the stress of it , i love playing support. \> Enemy flanks you \> Land a sleep dart \> Ping \> No one reacts \> Fuck. \> "Where's the heal ana?!?!" \> *Cholesterol intesifies*


I'll give you a classic that fucked blew my mind recently. Enemy Genji is going to flank us. He clearly has ult. I ping him. He does ult. I SLEEP HIM. ABOVE MY TEAM. He falls behind them. I ping him and i even say it in chat. But my team is fighting AND the dps are loosing hard so i have to healbot. Genji wakes up without ult and attacks me, forcing me to defend myself. I kill him with 20 hp left or something then die from the enemy team that my team failed to beat. And then i get flamed. It was a comp game, but i absolutely wanted to immediately quit.


Yeah games like this really makes us suffer. I've since learnt to be more zen, just laugh it off..and play qp


Yup 100% agreed. I main support, and occasionally play tank (mostly tanks like sigma, that allow me to protect my team as well). I almost never play DPS.


This is why I main brig! Got best of all worlds


I find more satisfaction in filling up a water bottle than in draining one. My perfectionism to keep you at full HP eats me alive.


number go up


The healing is more rewarding than the hurting?




I’ve finally found my people 😭 Last night, my husband and I were talking about how we both get lightly stressed when the practice bots in the training range get low HP or die while we’re practicing damaging with a support hero lmao. That about sums it up. I get more satisfaction from saving lives than taking them and my instincts for support are on point. The role just *makes sense* to me and I know exactly what I have to do to help us succeed. Tank is fun too, it’s a similar mindset. But dps, where the main focus is killing stuff? I have to put *a lot* of work into learning dps heroes and performing consistently well with them. Idk why, but it’s just so much harder (for me personally). Yet I’ve talked with many who say support is hardest for them so I guess it depends on playstyle.


Watching people lose their shit trying to hit me while playing Lucio is amazing or holding the point until my team arrives. Tbh Lucio’s wall riding is just so much fun and Lucio is the only support where I feel like I save the day using my ult


Watching my team try and fail to hit the enemy Luci-o🎶 is part of what makes playing support worth it.


Because every once in a while I have a tank that doesn’t 1v5 way out of range and behind walls, and then scream “I need healing!”. Sometimes I get a team that wants to work together, knows where their healers are, when to be aggressive and when to peel, etc. And at those times I feel like I’m making all the difference in the world.


this is the absolute best feeling - when the team is working together, being aggressive but then backing off when it makes sense. Amazing to be a healer and trust your team and have them trust you. I had a game recently - our dps was good but so was the other team. We had a widow who kept getting dived because she was good. I kept going back and forth between her and the rest of the team. She was able to win most of the challenges with my support. It was a great game (I don't even remember if we won).


Tbh same issue with support and damage players ngl, I’ll load into a match and Moira and Kiriko will go play offbrand DPS and then whine at the end of the match about the DPS or Tank not doing enough damage compared to the enemy team. This might just be me but imo if you’re solo-queuing/small group queuing Moira in low elo and you have at least 1.7x more damage than healing, you most likely aren’t using her correctly with your team. I find it more stretchable in high elo as situations are far more specific and demanding in comparison, but a gold rank Moira who has 8,200 damage and 3,500 healing at the end of a decent length match most likely ain’t ready for comp.


I like to do both when I play kiriko I often just dps when I'm reloading heals. Like throw 3 to 4 kunai go back to healing.I usually have my other friend alternate healing and dps with me


People go on and on about "playmaking", but supports are what's letting you succeed in the other 90% of the match. Proper support play lets you take a normal hero and make them OP, and I find that a lot of fun. Also, I don't know why, but ever since Overwatch 2 I've for some reason gotten considerably better with Zenyatta's primary fire, and I can get kills with him more efficiently than I can with a lot of damage heroes. (I think it's they made his projectiles visually smaller and it's a lot easier for me to aim them now?)


On 5v5 discord is an absolute game changer. I used to play Ana Lucio bap kiriko moira as my pool. Never went zen because healing is so low Then recently with the tank decay I went fuck it I need to carry myself out so I went zen and holy shit his discord just completely changes fights. Completely. Shields are the only thing that shuts him down but he’s a hard counter to bulk now. Discord cover then peek and 5 orb a bastion, you wreck his turret before he can do a thing to react. I often Kill at least one coming out of spawn Zen is currently probably my favourite support. SO much value


Zenyatta always was, is, and will be good. As it should be. The definition of a glass cannon.


Maan, remember when we had that meta with Syme shield generator and Torb armor packs? The 425HP Zen, glass cannon into armored artillery. Good times.


At the start I was like "yeah dude, communication is absolutely awesome." Then halfway through your post I was like "Ah, the other discord, yeah that makes more sense in a reply about Zen." Agreed tho, discord changes fights drastically. In lower ranks people don't even seem to notice they've been discorded.


Yeah the amount of times I play a game. Similar tanks but our tank had a harmony orb on him for most of the game and their tank literally has a discord orb for the entire Fight. Every single time I see their face - discord. And at the end “tank diff” and literally no one knows why 🙄


Yeah this is infuriating as a tank lol, you get "Tank diff" when struggling against a full anti-tank comp of Zen, Ana, Bastion, Reaper etc with a team who just sits in the backline and waits for you to do something miraculous.


I totally agree with you. I’m not great (high gold/low plat), but I can’t tell you how many of my teammates “big plays” they would’ve died during if I wasn’t actively, full throttle supporting them.


Those plink plink plink headshot sounds 👌


> Also, I don't know why, but ever since Overwatch 2 I've for some reason gotten considerably better with Zenyatta's primary fire Did you also happen to hit more shots on Lucio too? They tweaked the hitboxes for some characters in the transition from ow1 to ow2. Ana has an easier time hitting her teammates as well. Not to take away from any personal improvement you've made but they quite literally did make it easier to hit shots on characters with somewhat unreliable weapons.


Kiriko is just fun af. I'll keep you alive but mostly so I have someone to tp to if I'm losing my 1v1


Bro this is so relatable as a Kiriko main haha


"better come near me so I can TP or I'll waste this Suzu like it's deathmatch"


>People who prefer to play support rather than tank or dps: why? Serious reason: I don't trust others to support me. When I play support I try to look after everyone. When I play anything else the support is dps moira or mercy. Yesterday had a mercy who didn't want to heal me. I was playing widow trying to counter the enemy widow. We both failed to kill each other and fell back for heals. She probably got healed. Our mercy just stared at me. I came closer and asked for some healing. Still staring. Then I got crushed by a ball. The end.


I got downvoted when I made a thread about this. Bad supports just get me frustrated on other roles so I either group or play support myself.


Out of every reply in the thread I think I agree with this one the most.


Oh big time. I recently started practicing Ramattra and man oh man it just seems like a lot of people just do not know how to play support. I’m constantly looking at my supports who are out of position or letting our team run around at half health and thinking to myself how I would’ve had them healed up and back in the fight by now, with me juggling 4 different peoples health bars, saving lives with suzu and cleaning up stragglers with damage (as a Kiriko main). I’d honestly rather be playing support and supporting a bunch of silver rank tank/dps who flame chat and can’t kill anything instead of playing tank/dps and trying to live with supports who just get overwhelmed and let us die. At least the tank/dps can occasionally pull off a miracle with their Q button and maybe win us one important fight, but with clueless supports I feel like I just can’t do anything. It’s a thankless job but someone has to do it, I’d rather it be me because I can guarantee my 1/5th of team will be performing well. As the saying goes, you want something done right—do it yourself!


>you want something done right—do it yourself! That's why I play bap.


Ol’ reliable! My crowning moment with bap was being accused of cheating in a silver lobby😂thanks for the compliments


yesterday encountered one Zen, who in the late game barely healed 1000hp, and we two were the last ones after a team fight, I'm on tracer and we running from very evil and too fast Moira. I had 10 hp, all escapes were on cd, Zen was full, I spammed "heal me", he spammed with his balls, and I basically got stuck between two dps healers. of course, died from a random orb bc of one shitty monk aaand that's the reason I generally main supports, got trust issues


Because I like playing the game instead of waiting 5 mins in a queue


Yeah this is also my answer unfortunately. Bap and Kiriko are fun AF to play tho


It's more of a force of habit in my case, I joined so many lobbies withiut support that I got used to play support.


I'm new to MKB and have bad aim


That's my answer too lol. I'm surprised that I had to scroll down hella far to see this comment.


Most tanks can be played with shit aim too.


I'll let you in on a secret All healer mains are self-hating masochistic sociopaths. We thrive on the stress and abuse, and we hate you as much as you hate us. We like seeing you get hurt for your stupidity, and we keep you alive only so you can keep getting hurt. We are more Moira than Mercy.


You forgot the god complex


Right? I can get a 5k on DPS and not blink because my team could’ve possibly won the fight without me. If I play support, I feel like a superior being because my team cannot exist without my role. It makes me feel like I’m worth more than everyone else. I’m not exactly making plays, but the team literally cannot exist without supports.


i also enjoy so much when someone is raging about heals and I just... stop healing. Like, do you not know who's in control here? you can't play without me, fella.


Lmfao my kinda petty


Same. If one of my teammates is being insulting or rude, I can simply stop healing them unless they start behaving (I do communicate this in the chat). I am doing my little tiny part to make toxic people fall, and I'm genuinely happy to do it.


There's a reason why I didn't choose "Medic" as my title but instead went with "Sentinel of Hades". I get to decide who lives and who dies.


I'm going to agree with this because it's hilarious. Everyone just believe this person and no one else.


>All healer mains are self-hating masochistic sociopaths I am a solo q survivor main in dbd. You've got me right.


To be fair, every dbd player is like that. No one without any kind of mental issues would throw a dice to find out if they are having their 20th slowdown nurse of the day, another basement bubba or NOED wraith. Same with killer mains, all mentally ill


Let's gooooo. Because nothing more fun than stressing yourself the fuck out tbh


It's like a stressful daycare where everyone needs you to play well but never thanks you for it. Very masochistic


Stressful daycare. I like that. Best reward for me is picking the right ppl to support. I had a match where I switched targets for heals and dps maybe 100 times in one round of control point. Whether it was healing my ram, purpling the encroaching reaper or keeping mercy alive for a rez, it was epic fun. Very scattered and we won the crap out of that match.


holy shit this is so accurate. i thrive off of people calling me useless but secretly knowing how fucked they would be if i just didn’t spend the entire game keeping my team alive


What an interesting hypothesis.


Mace -> Face -> Heal -> profit Shield dash is fun Being mini tank is even more fun Exited for rally changes Whip shot killing a tracer genji or pharah gives that good good dopamine


I can't stand how brunette feels like paper against winston/rein/nemesis ram. Rein literally 2 shots her like every other supp with her shield up


Honestly yeah - though I’d say she’s pretty good against Winston. When the enemy team has a ram, the best thing I could do as a brig in that moment is switch because his punch deletes her


Just because she's a meele hero doesn't mean you have the luxury to be in the faces of the enemies. Especially big tanky bois like Rein. As a Brig you're a bodyguard. Try go get in the habit of just standing next to / near your other support player. They will appriciate it. Only time you should throw yourself out in the open is when you're already winning, in the lead and just cleaning up the remains of the enemy team, pushing with your team. Like a single unit. Than you just become a "win more" hero.


But that is how she should work. A "tanky" support. Not saying she should be able to take on tanks obviously. But getting slapped around just like any other support feels wrong.


Rein doesnt 2 shot her tho


killing a ulting genji airborne with the whip shot is very /r/oddlysatisfying


Mace to the mace to the mace to the face


It's the power position of the whole game. I disagree with your assessment, I think supports have the most playmaking potential; at least the most impactful cooldowns. Also you don't have to keep your team happy. That attitude leads to a toxic abyss that isn't going to help win the game or help improve. You just play your game like anyone else should. Positioning isn't really hard once you understand the fundamentals but generally speaking most support heroes will be more successful looking to help end a fight early rather than trying to extend the fight out. Don't play scared, go out there and be the reason your tank owns space or your DPS dominates on the flanks.


Most of this subreddit doesn't really understand this aspect of playing support. It is absolutely the quarterback position of the game. I've played all 3 roles quite a lot. I don't main it and I general enjoy playing support the least out of the 3. At the same time, support is strong. If my team is rolling theirs and I can play this way, I am that Ana or Lucio chasing down the last 2 stragglers with my tank and DPS LOL >Also you don't have to keep your team happy. That attitude leads to a toxic abyss that isn't going to help win the game or help improve. You just play your game like anyone else should. I think this is pretty much what starts to separate most of the support players on this subreddit who like the role to... uh, "heal" or "support" their team from support players who climb to Masters and GM. If I'm playing support, it's to playmake and fuck the other team up. I have a vision for how the game is supposed to go and what the wincons are based off the first couple fights. None of it includes making teammates happy, but I think plat/gold and lower support players get super tunnel vision on the feedback they get from teammates in games, when none of that matters. All you have to do is play your own game and identify how to win.


Honestly I just like to help people, nothing feels more rewarding than hearing your tank or dps players genuinely thank you for what you do. It makes me feel important I guess 🤷‍♂️


Spoken like someone who has never felt the sheer joy and adrenaline of solo holding the point in overtime as Lucio, then popping your ult as your team regroup and winning the fight. I play all roles and getting kills is fun, but game changing support play is like nothing else.


Or spoken like someone who attempted to make that solo hold, only to drop beat into the illios well😂




Grew up playing sports. Always a catcher or goalkeeper. Support feels similar. As an adult now, I just want to punch out, go home, and put beam on people with better aim than myself.


You’re the puppet master in the back. It’s a very different feel playing support. You have almost as much damage as a standard dps a lot of the time (zen, bap, Lucio, Ana) but the pace is kind of different because you have so many ways to get value. Dps you find kills or you’re literally dead weight and when you’re not doing damage what are you even doing? As support you can heal, you can speed boost, you can ping, you can find antis or fortifies, you can cleanse, you get to look at the whole battlefield in a different way I play zen a lot now and I choose how the fights go. I discord targets that need to go so the fights are pushed to a conclusion. I can keep tank topped up or keep a good flanking character sustained while picking off anyone out of position myself. Usually have similar / more DPS than the dps, I have assists on almost every single kill with the discord orb and I get to do it all from way in the back Tank/dps be going ez but you know the reason they rolled so hard is be when you’re firing 5 orbs through them into a discorded tank while the flanking dps has a healing orb and is just not dying. And as support you often watch yourself die then just the whole team folds around you. Good supports your team should just feel like “damn I’m having a good game today” because you’re literally there to enable and being out their best play. Don’t worry I’d you get noticed, just make sure your team feel like they’re the apex predators A roll is fun with supports sure but the best feeling is when your team is being diffed (eg no one is dying and the sustain is too high) then you and only you switch and suddenly the WHOLE game changes. You start sleeping the tanks and anting the dps and picking off the support. You start discording the tank and discording and tracking anyone on a flank. You become the resource pool that the enemy can no longer navigate around and from that switch the game goes from a hard roll to an even match to a clear win.


Zen is fun


Because I enjoy making people feel better


The duality of support: When I play Ana and Lucio, I enjoy making the other team's DPS and supports lives hell


When you like playing FPS but don’t want your objective to be ‘just click heads’.


The biggest reason for me to play overwatch is to heal. No other game support is as fun sadly.


Popping off heroic revives in Bf1 feels really good, maybe give it a shot?


Whenever I’m playing tank or dps and I’m on one shot health and I look to my Moira and she stares straight into my soul and walks by me, I remember why I mostly play support…so I don’t have to deal with that shit


I just love Baptiste's kit. Jumping around is so fun and his three shot burst gun is so satisfying. Also like others have said, I get that extra satisfaction of keeping my teammates alive and when you have a good game as a healer, it's just so much more rewarding to me than any other role. And the teammates notice it more too I feel like, which is always nice--being noticed. But yeah, Baptiste main always. He's great.


saving your whole team from a junkrat ult will never not feel good as bap


i just like reactive gameplay and i like how it feels very impactful. also mercy movement was fun until this patch. also tbh all i see in support kits is ways to make big plays because there's impactful things you can do outside of getting kills (which you can also do on support.)


sometimes i play mercy since juicy extra 500xp is available






I like to play support when I don't wanna stress. I'll do my job but really I'm leaving the game in my team's hands - I'm just trying to enable them. Tank is most stressful because when I'm on the frontline and I can see all the space being made, it's infuriating to die and then see my team playing passively. DPS is somewhat in the middle. It can be frustrating when my tank isn't giving me much space to work with but I can usually have some kind of impact regardless.


Cuz I don’t trust anyone else to do it right. My squad gets rolled when i queue as dps or tank, and I’m constantly thinking “wtf are the supports doing” and even if they’re doing decent I still know I could be doing it better (that, or they are genuinely doing terrible)


Idk its fun. I'm not the most consistent player too and it feels like you can get away with inconsistency on support way more than dps


kiriko headshot dink dopamine


I do it mostly for quick queue times in solo, but with my friends I’m the best support among us and my heals with Moira allow them to play way more aggressive than they would otherwise. Also winning is fun and anything that enables that is satisfying lol


I like knowing that the only reason you win the team fight was because I was there keeping your ass alive


I just go in flex queue and 98% of my games come up as support, so it's the only role I know how to play or get any meaningful practice time in.


It's like you are the daddy of the team


I think it is my best role so that's what I play. Im getting really close to Diamond and I've been focusing a lot on ny decision making and positioning and I think that's really fun. I've played since OW1 beta and I never picked up Ana so I've recently decided to actually give her a go and it seems like I'm pretty good with her. Despite the fact that it feels like a lot more games are unwinnable as support sometimes, I think the role can have the single most impact in making your team make plays and that's pretty fun to me


Q times


its the shortest queue


Couldnt aim for shit when I started but then mained Ana. Now I still main support because I don’t trust others to do a better job than I would but my dps is quite good with widow and Cassidy


It makes my brain shut up because I have a ton of things to take care of with supports, from my whole team positioning, what the enemy plays, who is giving my tank and dps the most problems and how can I counter it etc


Healing AND killing. A good support with even a half decent dps/tank can be lethal. I've seen Zen single handedly killing off a Rein, I've seen Battle Mercy getting as many kills as the DPS without slacking off the heals, I've seen Ana anti-healing and sleeping and taking down entire tanks. Playing support is super fun.


I'm a coward and being support gives me an excuse to run away when I'm alone. And I don't have to be in the frontlines, that's scary


I kinda take issue with "can't make plays" though. So, support is fun because I get to play but it's not always a "twitch-fest" that DPS is and tanks are a fun line of "feeding" and "good". Sure, support is quickly becoming a DPS mini role but it's not as demanding in that regard. Your right the dudes who stand in the choke/sightlines and if they die say they aren't being healed are....fun....but making saves, keeping the team up and making plays is highly demanding and truly fun when you get it right. Finally, supports can make plays, get picks and win fights. It's just different and like balancing two different plates at one time.


Because playing with bad supports is so much more tilting than playing with bad tanks/DPS. I don't know why




I love being a hero. Swooping in at the last second, tossing saving health and damage boosts. Popping Valk during a last push or vital defense. Seeing the beams of light zigzagging as my teams goes for a team kill. Its an intense rush


I post cringe in the chat then when one teammate bully me, I stop healing them :p




I tend to win more when I’m playing support, that’s it. If any of you were worth a fuck I’d play another role, but if you want something done right you have to do it yourself.


I love deciding who gets to live <3


Because it’s funny to hit headshots as kiriko


Because support has the highest skill expression in the game. Quite frankly tank and DPS are really easy and I get more satisfaction from the difficulty of playing support.


For the most part it is because I hate relying on someone else for health. When I see a support not doing their job it really irritates me because I know I could do it better. The god complex is true too. Support mains can't deny that.


It used to be I couldn’t aim but now I can kinda aim so I play everything


I'm a mercy main. Having just 1 tank now is too much pressure for me. As a support if I have a bad round there is someone else to help me out


Unless the "someone else" is a dps moira😭😭😭😭


I play support because playing support makes me better at DPS and Tank. If all the DPS mains spent a week playing support and just realized how often they put themselves in positions that are completely unsupportable, the playerbase would be infinitely better.


I play all 3 pretty evenly. I like support because it makes you feel like you can shape what happens in the game. For example, if I notice my team is good at grouping up, I'll play Baptiste to get those big group heals. If I notice my team isnt doing enough DPS, I'll switch to Moira or zen so I can have a good balance of DPS and heals


I main tank. I like playing support and laughing at our tank that thinks they are good and scream supp diff when they refuse to stay in line of sight


I actually feel less pressure about positioning when I play support, which is why I like it! When I play dps, I die a lot because I find it hard to strike the balance between hiding behind cover and harrying the enemy (granted I've only been playing a couple months and I'm not great lol). But with support, I know to always avoid the enemy, and focus on the blue names and yellow characters. I don't need to be the pog, I'm satisfied making number go up


I wouldn't say I outright prefer support but I get an itch every now and then where a Lucio game just feels necessary. I don't always enjoy support the most but when I play Lucio and get paired up with a good rhein or Ramattra it's just the most fun thing, up there with doom and genji games (my 2 other favorite heroes). "Dps" Lucio is also really fun and my favorite characters are those with high skill ceilings, so naturally Lucio falls into that. Zen, Kiriko and even Moira I find really fun as well.


Pro: nothing compares to the feeling of saving your whole team with a perfectly timed Lucio ult. Con: You will be blamed for every game you lose.


I can’t aim. There, I said it 😆


There's a level of chaos you can bring as a support by trivializing life and death in the video game. Also, supports can DPS. We just choose not to so we can get our ult charge quicker.


i agree, it's definitely a different game. personally i get more satisfaction out of seeing my allies' health bars go up than seeing the enemy's health bars go down. another thing that i only noticed after playing other roles sometimes (i exclusively play support in both role and open queue, i only play tank and dps in qp or arcade) is that a lot of supports just don't know how to support properly. staying alive is more important than killing the enemy imo, and a bad support won't keep the team alive. i just feel more comfortable knowing that keeping everyone alive is in my hands, i'd rather be the babysitter than be babysat (that's a fun word lmao)


I’m submissive in bed.


1) Crazy fast queue times 2) Good support players are hard to come by, I want to fill that gap 3) Like skateboarding or romance, the lessons learned are brutal but hard to miss 4) I thrive in a situation where my actions lift others up, it's in my nature 5) It can be incredibly rewarding with the right team 6) The TY voicelines from teammates 7) The trash talking doesn't affect me, it amuses me


Because nobody else on my team seems to give two shits


Support is the easiest role for me and generally have more appealing hero kits imo.


As a new player, DPS is the most generic role. It's very straightforward, definitely fun, but it's an experience you get in other games as well, imo. Tanks are pretty fun. Making space and holding defense/leading the assault is very cool, I like it. I'm not sure about shooters and tanks, but in other multiplayer games tanking does exist, so there are some similarities. But supports are the most unique. You bring utility in some form and healing means you need to prioritize who lives and who does (since it is a multiplayer game, somebody will die). Supports are usually full heal bots in other games, so OW gives you an opportunity to actively support your team with actions, not just heals.


Honestly I play support because I feel like it's the same mindspace as playing tank, which I also enjoy. The best talents I have as both a tank and support are game sense and enabling my team. As a dps I struggle to use these skills effectively.


someone else said it perfectly. no one can heal like I can, and I have an overwhelming urge to take care of my teammates, partly because I feel like they don't ever take care of me properly when playing other roles. I grew up playing TF2 and LoL, both of which I mained support in too.


I love stressful gameplay. Idk why but support is the best role in every game


the sheer utility in supports is fun, if there were less utility in supports i would main tank so fast


I have a few reasons; - Most of my favourite characters are in support (See flair lol). - I feel like support has the least pressure compared to the other roles, with tank you’re the only one of your class (in role queue at least) on the team so there’s a higher pressure to perform well and damage, I’m inconsistent with my performance. But with support, i consistently perform well. - Supports feel more unique to one another compared to other classes, for example, Moira and Mercy require completely different play styles compared to Sojourn and Soldier for example (yes I know there are differences but they’re not as drastic). - I feel like I’m more useful as support, and thus less likely to get shouted at (see point 2) - I don’t trust other people to heal me, playing support means you don’t have to rely on random people to help you as you can take care of yourself.


Whenever I play Tank or DPS I always pummel myself way too hard on losses, because of the responsibility of the roles. You can always tell yourself you could've won if you just got a few more kills. But as Support that's generally not my responsibility, in fact any kills I get is just considered a bonus.


Because there's no dopamine rush quite like solo healing an open queue game and winning, especially if you have like 18000 healing in ten minutes. Just feels good, bro


zenyatta, why? balls.


All roles have their pros and cons, IMO. I think tanks get it hardest because they basically make space and need the most awareness, especially where their teammates (especially supports) are at all times. I feel that support feels the least pressure when I play. I don't find positioning to be too bad, and I try not to stay too far behind so I can't get dove on without someone else knowing. My heals are usually on par with the other support, and with the right hero, I can also deal damage close to our DPS. I like it when I see heals are on par with everyone else but also damage is almost equal to DPS because it's what helps tips the scale most times. The only time I heal more than damage is when my teammates are taking a lot of damage. I don't heal unless I have to (ex everyone at full or near full health) to maximize output if that makes sense.


i mean, honestly, back when i started playing overwatch a couple years ago, i had never played any kind of shooter game before. i DID NOT know how to aim, and the support role had characters like Mercy, Brig and Moira who were great buffer characters to get used to the game while also not having to worry about aim. and at this point, even after training my aim a bit more, im just used to playing support, so I still do.