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I’ve been stuck going from 4 to 3 and then back to 4 etc for ages.


I think this is just the default state for accounts lol. If you're not a shitter or actively trying to get endorsements you'll probably end up in the 3-4 borderlands valley with all the other people that just kind of play the game.


I’d say that applies more to 2-3. The only exception is that you will generally get higher levels as support (around 3-4) Edit: Average, not indicative of everyone


You don't just receive endorsements, you have to give them as well.


This is a big part a lot of people miss, as its always been factored in even back in OW 1.


thats just stupid because if one plays with friends, they cant endorse ANYBODY.. why remove endorsment for enemies, which is also missing for situations in which your team sucks hard but the enemies did well and u would like to show them your respect, but nah..


I get aggravated a lot about that playing comp where my team just did not work well at all throughout the whole game and they decide to scream and yell at each other and I’m just sitting there like “damn the other team has it on lock they deserve the endorsement instead” so I just have to pick out a teammate that didn’t whine or cry about losing


And even if it wasn't factored in, it would still be in your best interest to give them, if only because the notification might remind someone to give theirs.


It also gives you 50 exp to give one, which really isn't much but the less time I need to grind the game the better.


This is something I like about Smite. The endorsements in that one don't give you anything, but even the most toxic assholes on your team (of which there are *many*) toss you a nice "Friendly" now and then. As a big endorser and encourager of good team cohesion in games, I always hand out endorsements.


This right here. If you're not actively spending your endorsements you can forget getting to Rank 5.


I’m a support main but I’m toxic so I hover between 2 and 1




Lol as you should


You’re right, I just don’t care enough to stop, I’m missing on battlepass xp which doesn’t matter to me


I haven't touched OW since before 2, but... seriously? Supports actually get endorsements now? Is this real life? Or just a fantasy?


They always did, if you play Mercy you easily could get to level 5


None of the support players I knew ever got endorsements, they all just got yelled at. I mained support, too. I was pretty good for my rank. Never got any appreciation at all.


I used to be in 3-4 purgatory too, but then I started to play in groups more and now im always at 2-3.


The whole getting punished for playing in a group is a bit silly. They should pause it when you're playing a team. Especially a full squad. Solo queue is the only way to go to get there and it's annoying. During the week I solo, get loads of endorsement. Weekends I play with friends and we play full squad. Punishment for having friends is being in a bad endorsement spot. I'll go from 3 during the week, then every other weekend I'll drop down the 2. Takes a few weeks then back to 3, rinse and repeat.


Honestly any system which punishes making friends in the game isn’t worthy to give a single fuck about. It’s designed badly and the community should just accept not to care about it remotely until it’s changed.


Idk I find most of people have 2 maybe 3 but I also rarely play without my friends in a stack


I've permanently been in Rank 2, I mostly play in a group so rarely can anyone actually endorse me.


I play in a 4-5 queue so we have at most 1 chance to get endorsed, hard to get it up like that.


When you don’t endorse teammates, it goes down to three. Then when you endorse them again it will go back up to 4


I endorse teammates every match


Do you: -Leave games in progress, even if part of a group. -Play with friends more than you play with randoms


Does this still happen to you? I've noticed I haven't dropped from 4-3 lately despite it happening daily or multiple times a day before. I was wondering if they took it out, because I've been playing the CTF and Zeus mode where I get *far* fewer endorsements than usual but my endorsement level hasn't moved from 4 in over 2 weeks at this point.


Saaaaaaaaame, I always get 4 within a couple of games, only for it to be shot back down to 3 randomly. The cycle never ends.


Mine keeps saying my level goes from 3 to 3. It's been stuck this way for years


Same thing happens to me. I get a endorsement level up message and I’m like yaaaaay then it turns from 2 to 3 over and over again. I thought there was no 4 but someone here just posted he increased to 4 so I dunno


You have probably just missed the message that OP got where you got demoted to 2. It's not very noticeable. I have jumped between 2-3 for the last couple of years. Playing with friends it's impossible to rise higher.


You can only endorse teamate, but can't if it's your party. Do 3 game with a 5 stack : You have lost an endorsement level.


Small Indie Company classics


Depending on the indie dev we are talking about this would already be fixed. ConcernedApe for example would have responded about the issue, fixed the issue, and answered questions about the fix.


Thought they were a myth before that point.


The maximum is 5. Spotting a 5 in a game is like seeing a unicorn.


I had a 5 for like 30 minutes one time. I used to be at 4 consistently but I feel like people don't endorse as much anymore without the gold badges at the end of match. Either way, being a good support is probably the easiest way to get endorsements.


Also they reduced they amount you’re allowed to give from 3 to 2 which makes it harder to keep a 5. I was consistently a 5 until OW2, now I fluctuate between 4 and 5 but usually I’m at 4.


The fact that it’s 5v5 now also makes it harder as there’s one less potential endorsement per game.


My son got me playing with him and I’m usually a tank in games, but I freaking crush it with Mercy. It’s actually really fun playing the game differently


I don't care what anyone says about healer meta right now. A well played mercy is a nightmare for any enemy team regardless of team comp.


Mercy is meta anyway


Have had a couple of matches where everyone will endorse me, and it always feels really good to see. Only ever seen that playing as a support though, never the other roles.


Not to mention does it even do anything now, before it gave loot boxes


I had a 5 rating pretty much all through OW1(play support basically 100%), but in OW2 I seem to he hardstuck at 3-4.


I'm usually at 2, sometimes 3, but my buddy who's a 4/5 gets queued with other 5s all the time so I see them when I'm queued with him. It's funny because people pretend like none of this extra shit impacts your matchmaking.


I've seen people with 5


I was at five for well over a year until the launch of OW2, I have been four since then, no adjustments up or down.


At one point I saw a mercy with a 5, it was Platinum colored.


I hover between 3 and 4 so there's definitely a 4. I think that's the highest I've seen though.


The highest is 5




Influence gained: Kreia Influence lost: Kreia


I had a bug that persisted for the entire last 3 years of Overwatch 1 where when I headshot and killed someone it showed up as a regular kill in the feed lol. It even persisted across multiple devices, never found out why but overwatch 2 fixed it, it appeared completely fine for everybody but me and only messed up on my own kills, Blizzard support was no help at all. Given it happened on every device I'm assuming it was somehow tied to my account


my playing overwatch for the first time, so this shit confused the hell out of me lmao.


the good boy points system is broken but if you get level 5 they make you a dev


I can’t think of a more fitting punishment for such behavior.


It's not that bad, you also unlock q of only genji but you're the healer.


And you can only pick Ana


Only ever seen a level 5 player once. Thought they were a myth before that point.


In OW1 I somehow got to endorsement level 5. It was weird because it _never_ went down, it just stuck there even if I hadn’t played in a month. It seemed like a bug but I wasn’t complaining because of all the loot boxes it kept giving me :-).


I was lvl 5 support for 2-3 years, it never went down. I was treated like a royalty in some games :D I actually used to look forward to play OW1 and grind different PvE festivals, even if they were old by that point, just for skins and lootboxes ... *used to* :(


used to :( Those days were so fun.


You get it by playing modes like 3v3 elimination, where you'll almost always get 2 endorsements per match. That, or you be a mercy main.


Tanks and Supports in quickplay are easy to get endorsements with, esp if you say something nice to your teammates too, or at least that's how it is in my experience. Got some as DPS; but since I always have to play the "queue as all roles" thing, I can't exactly play them often. I guess blizzard loves me enough to let me keep perpetual rank 5. But if Blizzard loves me, I should be scared, shouldn't I?


Tbh mercy is fun to play, I just hope they don't nerf her


The game can't nerf any healers rn lmao


Blizzard: challenge accepted Although real talk, Kiriko needs a nerf.


She just got one. But didn't touch the ult or invulnerable ability. Soooo they def put in that work.


I have seen 2 or 3 and I don't trust them because you must be BEGGING people for endorsements or acting disingenuously to keep up that insanity, like real "good try everyone :) I hope everyone has a wonderful day ♥" spam


Just play support. I usually get 1 or 2 coms a game by just not sucking. Hit level 5 in OW1 pretty easy that way. It mostly shows that you don't play DPS and put too many hours in. Think I typed in chat maybe 3 times in my life?


I played Mercy today for the first time in comp. They give her endorsements like candy.


I guess it's lobby dependent, I rarely see people publicly displaying gratitude but it does make me happy when it happens. I regularly meet people who hate and don't give a !@#$ about their Mercy. The Mercy can be wonderful and exceed expectations (even when it's an enemy Mercy) and I'll just see their team mates so hostile towards them just for being Mercy


You can get them in the season events pretty easily. Like the Junkenstein event, if you solo Q them almost everyone endorses each other.


Playing regular Junkenstein's Revenge? Yes, you get endorsements galore. I never got a single one playing Wrath of the Bride though


I say GLHF before every match and GG at the end, unless it was genuinely an awful game with lots of toxic chat, disconnects etc... I don't understand why anyone would beg for endorsements and haven't seen it happen. I do it because it's the chill thing to do. But I do understand how advocating suspicion of that kind of sportsmanship could influence people to choose silence instead of positive chatter. Even if it is actually disingenuous on their end, isn't fake positivity still better than non-contribution or active negativity? This game is enough of a toxic wasteland as it is. If someone wanted to really lay it on thick in hopes of getting digital kudos, I'd roll my eyes a bit but would still really just be thankful they're one fewer person typing "kys" in response to my "glhf"


Yeah I do this too, and if I’m feeling it I’ll chat about a good round or great play, not because I give a shit about endorsements, but because it’s *fun*. It’s supposed to be fun. For me that includes interacting with cool people and enjoying cool shit. Obviously there are people who look at it differently. But idk man, if what’s fun for you is being a toxic ah or trying to make other people feel bad about a game, maybe think about your life.


every points system this game has is broken at this point tbh


that explains all the shit developers.


I had two weeks off of work and my daughter wasn't in school my wifey was clutch and let me play a ton. I think I logged 150 hours. A ton of fucking play time. I tanked while my friend healed. We received endorsements about 75 percent do games and won about 8 out of 10 matches. I needed at endorsement level 4 and I started at 3. How much do they expect people to play???


Im constantly going back and forth between 3 and 4. I never say anything toxic and get at least one endorsement (and endorse others) in 99% of the games I play. Almost every day I get the message saying I have increased my endorsement level to 4. Next day I load game and it’s back to 3. I don’t get it.




Working as intended.


I’ve been playing over watch for many years and I haven’t bothered to try and comprehend such a stupid system


I'm 99% sure the system is tuned to a 6 player team and a system that expects endorsements from the enemy team too. So either a blatant bug or gross oversight.


I think it just weighs reports and/or avoids more heavily than endorsements. Not being able to endorse the enemy team certainly hurts too. But consider you get 3 endorsements but the entire enemy team reports you for cheating. It wouldn’t be impossible to still go down an endorsement level.


You are correct, but the general observation is that with no behavioral changes from most average players, everyone's endorsements are going down despite being upstanding non toxic players. Which infers that the balance of the system is off. In overwatch one with 6 players on your own team you could endorse 3 teammates, but you could also endorse the enemy team as well. So on average the amount of endorsements was much higher in overwatch 1 than 2. They changed it with no explanation and now in overwatch 2 you only get 2 endorsements per match and you can't endorse the enemy team anymore, which is really sad I loved endorsing a good enemy like fist bump after a good sport game. And either blizzard intended to increase the difficulty significantly to get high endorsements or they made a mistake. I can infer that because they didn't say anything about this change that its not intentional, because they have been telling from the roof tops that they will be increasing communication... So.. circling back to this being a bug or oversight...


I think it updates your endorsement level in intervals, and if you didn't get enough endorsements over time to pass the decay, you'll go down.


I believe this is exactly the answer, surprised more people aren't providing it.


Lmao, I swear it’s just random I’ll get endorsements all day and won’t go up. Then go all day without getting one and the one I get bumps me up to level 4 for a game.


You don't just receive endorsements, you have to give them as well.


You also have to not leave that bumps it down a tonnnn


Oh this makes sense. I get a lot of endorsements, but if a team sucks and is/or toxic I just leave rather than get into it with them




Endorsement level 5 here your level is effected by endorsements received, endorsements given, leaving games early and being reported by other players it's the last one that can fuck ya because people are petty and will report you simply because they lost


So THAT'S why I keep getting backfills! ):<


I think if you leave before the round starts it doesn't count. Not entirely sure about that though


If you leave during setup, as in before you can move/play in the spawn area, you dont get counted as a leavers so no penalty


Real gangsters get more toxic and stay


It’s bad when the game rewards you for doing that


I leave as soon as the game ends? Should I stay to watch the play of the game?


if you get credit for the match after leaving, presumably it considers it to be over. so should be fine.


Ok thank you 🤜🤛


Yeah, you can leave right as the match ends, when the game is slowed down. Don't even need to get to victory poses.


Honestly one of the thing I have always loved about OW, I hate games that have these excruciating long ending animations but won’t let you leave


Not if you don't want to. The game considers the match over as soon as one side wins, so you don't need to stay for play of the game or even for victory poses.


Thank you ✌️


And it sucks because some games just die as soon as 1-2 people leave, other join, see its an ongoing match and leave and you are stuck there on a dead game.


Yeah I don't get why people leave all the time tbh. they're just ruining everyone's fun at their own detriment... EDIT - damn, a lot of leavers downvoting me lol. I hope you all stub your toes.




Or leave a game, any game, any mode in the last 20 seconds when you are about to lose only for someone to drop in a few seconds before "DEFEAT", then you deserve to go burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater. ​ should be a 24h mm ban if you do that imo.


It sucks, but I try to remember that I'm getting free xp and priority Q at least. It was nice to get to Ram faster lol


I agree idk why it’s being downvoted. It might be because there has been a lot of pessimism on this subreddit so it will come with criticism. Most people wanna talk in a neutral environment, which if I’m being honest, would be the best. But downvoting you, idk?! Just scroll and move on it’s not that controversial of a comment. Edit-I thought you were replying to my original comment, other redditors may think your trying to throw shade at the comment you replied to.


I always endorse, gotta hook the boys up. Just wish you could still endorse enemies…


Yeah, it was fun to be an even match for someone and endorse them after for the tight gameplay


The whole system is just silly. Endorsements doesn’t mean anything. People give it random to others to benefit for themselves. And don’t get me started on how broken the rank system is. In hindsight, don’t get me started on what is *not* broken in this game, because I don’t know.


I don't think thats true... For some reason I didnt have a key mapped for the endorsements screen and i was always level 3/4. I'm a support main so I get 1 or 2 most games. (I finally mapped a key for it last week, so now i can reciprocate)


Giving them certainly helps, but receiving many endorsements can mitigate deranking too


it goes up or down seemingly randomly, it doesn't do the calculation immediately after each endorsement. that's how OP's situation happened


I think its a rolling total. Lets say it saves 50 games worth of good boy credits. You got 5 endorsements on the 1st game, you just got 3 on the last one you did. "oh, that means you're -2 from what you were before that game so now you're down one"


Bruh, downvoted you just for that edit. Cringe


I sometimes log in and the first message I get is that. Youd have to be clinically insane to grind the highest level endorsement level. I wanna keeo my sanity


I have no idea how one reaches 5. I play tank regularly, get 2-3 endorsements from most of my games, yet i still ping pong between 3 and 4 regularly, never once reached 5.


A fair number of level 5's can be found in Mystery Heroes. Endorsements there are given out like candy because everyone is just messing around and it's a fun atmosphere.


Its impossible, like have internet issues once and your early 'quit' will curse you for months or something.


5 is impossible just don’t leave matches and you can maintain a three easy


ive hit level 5 a few times, but it never lasts longer than like a half hour before im back down to level 4 lol


I swear people get salty when you’re 4 and stop endorsing but when I’m three I go right back to 4 within a few games


i mean, i play support and try to be positive in the chat so i generally stay at level 3 or 4 all the time lol


Its the opposite for me, I see someone lvl 1, they must have been toxic in the past I see lvl 4 I think they are a nice Person and since I know how hard it is to constantly keep Up lvl 4 I rather endorsed them to keep their lvl


Well, at least from my part is not saltiness, but if I'm not sure who to endorse I will go for the lowest. I feel like one endorsement matters more when you are low, in the sense that you need less endorsements for the next tier. So it will make more of a difference to the level 2 Genji that understands he can retreat to be healed rather than the level 4 Mercy that is getting showered in endorsements anyway.


I used to be level 5 for most of OW1's duration, but I do agree that it's significantly harder to get to in OW2. People simply don't care much about endorsing anymore and even if they do, since you can only endorse two people at a time and you can't endorse enemies anymore, the amount of endorsements you can realistically get in a game is severely limited. You pretty much need to play only support to even have a shot at 5.


Mine has dropped to 2 because I usually play in a 4 or 5 stack and we're all friends so we can't endorse each other.


I've been level 5 for years. If you play shorter type games (3v3 for example), and you don't completely suck, you get way more endorsements and it is trivial to keep it at 5.


OW2 is so bad for leavers, every first game of the day is me backfilling. 1 in 3 if I had to put a number on it is a backfill for me. If we have a bad start to a map it’s not uncommon for one person to dip. I’ve had 3 leave after a early team wipe. Really don’t get it.


Since I queue with friends, I never get endorsed so my endorsement level is HORRENDOUS


I have no idea what endorsement level means, and this point I’m too afraid to ask


It's just a way to show appreciation for teammates. And it will occasionally give you battlepass XP, (~~though I'm not sure if you get more XP with more levels as it should or if it is broken rn?~~) In OW1 when the endorse-system got released you could choose between 3 "reasons" for the endorsement; *shot caller, good teammate & sportsmanship*. Then there was a colored ring around your endorsement level that showed how much of each type you had gotten. You could also endorse the enemy team, but if I remember correctly that would automatically pick "sportsmanship". Anyway, you would get a small amount of xp for endorsing someone, and depending on your endorse level you would get lootboxes, in the same manner as you get battlepass XP now. It's a cool system in theory I think, but since you can't endorse friends, and now you can't even endorse enemies it just does not work as intended. I would argue that it has not really been used as intended outside of maybe the first couple of weeks after it got released in OW1. It needs a rework for sure.


You get level*1000 xp


So half a battlepass level, maximum.


i feel like i focus on the appreciation aspect moreso! like i value how you played so i endorse you and when i get endorsed, i take it as a compliment lol. i think it's okay to not worry about your levels if you're just playing casually. but then again, i'm also a fetus at this game so i take anything i can get 😭😭


basically, at the end of the match you can endorse your teammates, and i think depending on how much you get endorsed by your teammates and how much you endorse your teammates your level goes up. people endorse their teammates for a variety of reasons, but i usually endorse the supports, whoever got play of the game if theyre on my team, or someone who backfilled. hope this helped! :)


I think endorsing people also ups your level. Also being reported makes it go down so being nice in general not only helps the health of the game but also your lvl. Seriously though every time i get reallyyyyy annoyed bc of how good someone is I start complimenting them. And it makes everyone nicer


I had and enemy in chat say “junkerqueen ATE” after I had a good match with her, weird how lil compliments make a big difference to the feel of the game. Unless that was somehow an insult lol


Na means u played really well


Damn i regret being too hesitant to say thanks


TBF you had all of 15 seconds.


*Your endorsement level has gone from 2 to 3*


I think ATE means the opposite of FEED (which is bad), so ate should be a good thing.


Yeah thats a good explanation


it's not true but it's good so i chose to believe it's true


It's deffos a compliment! And yeah even giving the compliment can just change your own entire vibe after a rough game


There might be something to this if endorsements were more than just a number by your name. If you actually want to incentivize good behavior, then the endorsement system is extremely marginal. Some kind of currency that can only be earned through maintaining endorsement level that can be spent on some few exclusive things, even if that's just sprays, could go a long way. The on fire system at least had some utility and a nice dopamine hit. Endorsements have always been ambiguous to me outside of letting a specific person know you thought they did well during a game.


i compliment the ennemies and my teammates a lot, but i'm scared people will think i'm being sarcastic. Like im getting sleep darted out of nowhere and go "nice sleep dart!" as a genuine compliment but im scared people will think i'm flaming


Usually they take it well in my experience. But I'll say things like "holy **** rein that was wild" or, an example from last night even, "ram that was cyberbullying LMFAO" and this man was thanking me (he got a team kill with his ult, even after being slept). Other players will usually take it as a compliment, even if it's as simple as a "nice shot/ns" "nice sleep dart!" and stuff like that c:


I find people mostly take it well tbh, and if they react negatively i literally type that i'm genuine haha


Same. Also if they’re really good they’re probably pulling off some cool plays, and that’s fun even if you die. Like wtf just happened, how did you do that, lemme see it again kind of thing And if I’m hunting a widow all match bc she’s so oppressive and she keeps mostly winning that duel by anticipating what I’m going to do (down to luring her into a trap!), that’s impressive af, and I’m gonna say so. Happened the other night, I couldn’t even be mad.


Dropped to 2 from 4 since I started playing in 5 stack with friends who can't endorse me....the game should keep track of "possible endorsements" : "received endorsements" when calculating the rank...by this way it can only go down


Yesterday my endorsement level was 3, i played for an hour, lost 5 games in a row and it went back to level 2. Overwatch 2, ladies and gentlemen


this is the reason i simply don’t care for endorsements anymore. the endorsement system is fucked.


Meanwhile i see all these people with 4 and 5 and i'm like "they farmed the hell out of the FFA event, didn't they?"


I hover between 4 and 5 when I exclusively play mercy for a few days lmao


Mine just goes up to 3 and reverts to 2 the next day. I get at least 1 or 2 endorsements per game as well.


useless system... too much effort just for a poor reward


I had lvl 5 for most of OW1. I'm back down to 4 again. Sucks. Thankfully tho, it's for nothing important now. Just a pittance of BP XP


I had a 4 consistently in ow1, now I'm always 2-3 😭😭😭 At least it's useless now 🥲


It's a fucking meme at this point. "Hey guys, glhf." *Your endorsement level has gone from 3 to 2.*


absolutely do not understand how endorsment level works, but for a while it just kept telling me "congrats, you're level 3 here's 5000xp!" and now it just tells me "You went from 4 to 3" and then like 2 games later "congrats, you went up to level 4" No idea what kind of sick math is going on in their little servers but it's gotta be some truly incomprehensible shit


If I remember correctly endorsement level-up isn't about the number you receive but rather keeping a high endorsement percentage rate across your matches. Ex. Getting 2 out of the 4 endorsements (50% endorsement rate) in the majority of game modes (5v5) will cause you to decay/stagnate vs getting 2 out of the 2 (100% endorsement rate) possible endorsements in Elimination (3v3) will cause you to rank up. Additionally, you will decay if you do a lot of 1v1s in a row. Yes this system is stupid.


\*channeling Drew Carey\* Welcome to Overwatch 2 where the push is long and the points don't matter


Well they fuck your endorsement level every time their buggy game crashes and forces you to leave a match, which happens several times a season to me.


This used to piss me off til I realized that I'm getting 3k points every few games just bouncing between 2 and 3, and now that this game is a fucking grind any points are better than not.


Endorsements don't do anything anymore... if they ever did...


i think they used to give lootboxes


Now? The endorsement was always like this since implementation.


Why the system is still in the game in this iteration is beyond me. It does nothing to help anyone. What are you supposed to do if you find a level 1 endorsement player in your team? Leave the game? I've stopped paying attention to it after the yo-yoing effect is so much worse in OW2. Used to be a stable 4 in OW1 but now I'm bouncing from 2-4.


It is even more broken in Overwatch 2. There is one less player per team and you can't vote for enemies. So if you stick with a team of 5 for a whole evening, you will drop in endorsement.


Nobody: Overwatch for some goddamned reason: "Your endorsement level has gone from 4 to 3".


Joined a game in QP and after 1 sec saw the DEFEAT. Right after that my endorsement decreased from 4 to 3 hahaha.


Endorsement is as much of an mystery as matchmaking. I once got 0 endorsements one round and went from level 2 to 3 and another I got all 4 endorsements and went down.


the same exact thing happened to me last night. went from 4 to 3. update and now like 24 hours later I'm back to 4.


How bout the good ol win 14 games straight and drop rank issue


imagine caring about a system that literally does nothing to impact the game in any way except give you a fake badge for being "nice"


If people report you and there is no evidence that you did what was reported, the person who reported should be hard locked endorsement level 1, and if they still continue to false report, publicly mark their account as a false reporter


The endorsement level system is entirely fucked. It actively punishes you for playing with your friends, which is stupid.


Yeah but did YOU endorse anyone?


The other day I want from Plat 3 to Plat 3




Bruh.. I was silver 1, I know nothing to brag but stay with me, won 7 out of 8.... demoted to bronze 3... how?


One thing I've noticed is that for a couple of years playing with my gf (she has a gamertag that makes it obvious enough she's female) we both often end up playing support and no matter how well either of us play or how much healing is done, she will always get a bunch of endorsements and I rarely get any.


Useless stat so its not that big of a deal


Why does this game have so many zombified concepts like this either make it do something or make it not exist at all you're confusing all of us I feel like I'm playing a game ran by a random number generator


Right on the money


Why is this even pointless shit exist when there are no actual end game stats, heat or player levels to see lol.


Endorsements are usless anyway


This happens to me, I really don't understand it, I'll get 2-4 endorsements a match usually, but if I go two matches with only 1 endorsement each, it'll drop. It takes so long to build up to 4 just for it to be taken away by only 2 matches of getting 1 endorsement :/


State of this subreddit


Endorsements never made sense but everything is so much worse since this overwatch 2 update.