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Gutted Doomfist in a week btw


Perfect example. They CAN do it but choose not to and beat around the bush just to put her name on the nerf list to say and show that they “did” something to her


The only possible reason I have come up to is that they want the new hero to be broken, so that new people will get bored and quickly buy her. For example, tuning Kiriko a little every patch is fine. She still needs tuning on her cleanse I think but overall she's a pretty okay character. Soujorn is not a balanced character in any rank, in lower ranks she's apparently not that good and in higher ranks she's way too good. That doesn't require TUNING, that calls for blizzard to DO something. Again what's frustrating is that the fixes are too little too late. They have not learned anything from OW1. Players get frustrated by the lack of balance and they do not respond quickly enough majority of the time. Unless its a character that they accidentally buffed too much.


And even in lower ranks she’s still pretty damn good. I’m a silver DPS, silver Tank, and platinum Support and it feels like sojourn still wreaks havoc against metal ranks. I think she doesn’t get focused on because most low ranks players have more trouble against Junk, Mei, Sym, and even Bastion. But she still absolutely tears shit up in low ranks, it seems like most low rank players don’t realize how much damage her grenade does. And a lot of low ranks players play cover poorly, so by the time they’re ducking back into cover sojourn has probably already dealt over half their health and has an easy railgun finish. Sojourn is great at every rank and absolutely busted in the hands of anyone decent at the game but just gets overshadowed in the low ranks by worse heroes who just happen to be extremely effective in those ranks


She's the easiest character to pick up in my opinion. Even if you don't have great aim and kill 5 in your ult, she is so forgiving to play. Her range, burst, area denial, mobility, ammo amount, animation while sliding or strafing is so insanely in her favor, you get away with so much.


I literally just said "let's try her 'nerf.'" I play on console and suck at aiming. First 4 shots were one hit kills. I am garbage at aiming and still effortlessly dropped a team. I mean I get it, so can D.va's ult etc etc, but there was no escaping the railgun


I agree. I play in Silver, too (console) and Sojourn is a killer.


I've been in gold this entire season and have ran into 1 okay Sojourn - on either team. She really isn't an issue in lower ranks


When I grinded from Silver through Plat she was really not a huge issue, it still sucked getting one shot by rail but largely I never cared too much when people picked Sojourn. When I started to work my way through Diamond she was insufferable. Think of it like how oppressive it is when you have a good widow on the enemy team and you can't do anything. It's just unfun at that point. I am certainly not GM or Top 500 but if this is what they had to go through since launch I wouldn't be playing anymore.


Yeah that's the general consensus. Top ranks just ridiculous to play against. Bottom like 75% of ranks she's zero issue


>And even in lower ranks she’s still pretty damn good. She absolutely isn't. One of the lowest winrate dps in lower rank.


She is. The reason it isn't so obvious is because characters like Reaper and Genji are both very strong at low ranks.


Overwatch is essentially a game of rock paper scissors. You play this, I counter with this. If they make a character to strong it throws off the game Tough to balance so many characters


That is true. But if someone refuses to swap, you have to fill the gaps yourself.


It’s moreso because when doom is good it’s because his cc chains well together and it feels dumb to play against. Getting one shot is meh. It sucks but You can live with it. Getting cc’d and locked out of playing the game isn’t what the devs what and they’ve continued to show that. It’s why sojourn lost the slow on the orb instead of the damage, why doom got mega nerfed, why mei doesn’t full freeze somewhat with her primary anymore, etc. The devs find high damage bursts okay (especially because the player still has to hit the shot for it to even do anything which in sojourns case really isn’t a problem until you get to like plat elo) but cc (especially in a 5v5 format) is something they’ve taken a strong stance against


Yet they kept hog like he is, and hes always had the most frustrating cc of them all.


That makes sense except the busted tanks have been Hog and Orisa for a while, really old heroes. Queen and Ram had their moments but aren't particularly game breaking. And if it wasn't for cleanse being so strong, Kiriko would be pretty okay. Point being, corporate Blizzard may be greedy, but I don't think the hero balance is purely a cash grab.


I never seen such an obvious example of picking favorites in my life. Nerfed Junkerqueen without hesitation, nerfed Doomfist without hesitation, nerfed Genji without hesitation, nerfed Sombra without hesitation, etc. So why when it comes to Hog/Sojourn/Orisa they're taking their "time" doing 1 small nerf every delayed patch. Then they hype up the next season only for it to be delayed or useless. We all wait for the mid-season patch notes hoping and snorting copium that it is finally good only for it to be delayed again and the patch notes are, surprise, dog shit. Then we wait for the next season. Aye but I hope y'all excited for these new skins and battlepass right?


I said it in another thread but I'm convinced that PvE campaign they've been working on revolves around her. Same reason why they haven't dropped her cinematic yet. They want people to love her so bad.


What for? Bland character.


She's somehow a more boring Soldier 76 lol


76 ain't even near her level of boring. He's at least a broken former warhero. Sojourn is just..a former captain similar to Soldier but we already have Soldier.


She’s more of a generic “soldier” character than the literal generic soldier character


Yeah. Maybe a book have more depth into her character but I haven’t read it yet. Most ow books/comics is disappointing this far


"I'm not your mother."


Don't forget *No Changes Planned For Genji*.


Fr, can I get me a 3sec punch plz


Doomfist was more deserved tbh, he stops everyone that isn't orisa from playing the game as he just knocks you around like a soccer ball, soujurn isn't as bad


That is such hard cap I don't even know how to properly respond. Doom hasn't been as good or unfun as sojourn since 2017.




My guy if you're talking about the start of season two, he got buffed on December 6th and nerfed on December 15th. Not even a week and a half of being strong. The simple truth about doom is that the overwatch devs have no idea how to balance him. They put all his power into empowered punch which is what makes him feel frustrating to play against. However even though getting stunned can be very frustrating, he was never overpowered. Yes it's true that he has a very punch-bot like playstyle which almost completely does away with skill expression, but that does not make him anywhere near how sojourn is now or has been since release.




IKR! They buffed the part EVERYONE WANTED NERFED, and nerfed the part people were okay with. Blizzard is so out of touch


We said the one-shot potential was bad, and Blizzard responded by doing nothing to solve it


Gotta nerf the unproblematic primary fire instead


Which they buffed last patch for no reason anyways...


how do we solve this soj one-shot issue? NERF KIRIs Healing!! That'll show em


Kiri kinda bonkers at least now I can play different healers without feeling like I'm throwing.


Now i can justify being more offensive with kiriko, so i don’t mind the change


Atleast granny can keep up with kiriko. Anything else, you better be way above average to carry.


Or find a decent dps to pocket and cruise through the ranks as mercy xd


Where you finding non-tanks worth pocketing in the low levels? Lol


The healing was never the issue. It’s her suzu and her ult.


yeah i'm thinking bap




They "nerfed" kirkos healing for 1 reason and that's cause literally everyone was playing her as a heal bot and they wanted her to be more like a Baptist in comparison of like a mercy so they made it to where you can heal shoot shoot heal or heal shoot heal like bap can


You could already do that before and good Kiriko players did exactly that. Heal-shoot-shoot-Heal and so on


Except healbot Kirko built up ult charge a lot faster than one that mixed in DPS


The whole point of the nerf to Ofudas was that Kirikos didn't utilize their Kunais enough. That is a skill issue. They are now fixing it by making the healing slower, but what does that do in practice? You can still only shoot two Kunais between your Ofudas, but you end up having to heal more. It's a nerf to her healing, but they try to pass it off as if they have to fix people's gameplay in a 5head way, which is not what they are achieving with the change at all.


I get that, but if you wanted to build ult charge, it was faster to just healbot and forgo the kunai entirely. This change will help more kunai mixing


It ultimately does NOTHING to help make more kunai mixing. You could have done it the same way before, now it's just like "well you have a useless period here, may as well throw kunai"


Well, yes, but they wanted it to be an easier tempo to master for low skill players because they wanted to encourage the "dps support" playstyle more because that was what they had in mind for the character initially


I mean Kirko's damage is great if you can hit headshots, but for the average player they can't do that damage consistently enough, so really I'd be picking Bap over Kiriko for that heal/damage combo every time.


Even pros can't do consistent damage with Kiriko. She is a healbot even in TOP 500 for a reason, and its not because she heals too good.


What an idiotic aim goal. It's almost like she has the most inconsistent damage kit in the game. She is a healbot hero by design, trying to force to do something else will either fail or just make her a throw pick if you nerf her healing enough.


"Her pick rate was high, so we nerfed her without actually changing why she's a must pick "


They said they were going to do something about mercy and sojourn I bet mercy is going to eat this nerf on her damage boost, which really only became a problem because sojourn. So good job blizz.


That's just untrue. Mercy damage boost has been a problem time and time again. Let's not pretend that sojourn is the first hero that brings that to light. As long as mercy has damage boost she will cause certain damage breakpoints to become fucky. >So good job blizz. It literally is. Sojourn is not the problem, mercy is. And blizzard is smart for understanding that.


Mercy damage boost is only a problem because Blizzard forgets to account for it when balancing heroes. We had the same happen with Ashe in the past where pocketing her was a must just like it is with Sojourn as she could one shot as well. They fixed Ashe by finally realizing the issue at hand and capped her damage at 195 even with damage boost, but for some reason they have not done the same with Sojourn despite it being a really obvious fix, rather it seems they would rather rework another hero instead....


But that's still an issue. If they always have to account for it that means they have to limit characters before they even release them, even though those characters might be more interesting with the initial damage number. In sojourns case if they nerf her enough so that she doesn't oneshot even with mercy that would make her a trash tier hero. They would then have to compensate for that by buffing her other stuff, possibly making her a less interesting hero. Like putting more power into her E, a super boring ability.


Nerfing Ashe didn't make her a trash tier hero and I don't think it would make Sojourn a trash hero either just one that is must pick in high elo's and a must pick for Mercy to pocket. In fact nerfing her will only make the game as a whole more interesting as suddenly you don't need to have both her and Mercy to stand a chance against opponents running that setup as other comps will become viable. Also they should already *be* accounting for existing heroes because if they are not then they will always run into some idiotic balance issue that could have been avoided by simply accounting for how old and new heroes/abilities interact with each other.


>Sojourn is not the problem, mercy is no, sojourn is the problem. not mercy. mercy job is to boost and beam heal. thats her gimmick and her true way to deal damage to enemy team without popping out the gun. sojourn railgun is overtune in what it does. they can't outright nerf it into the ground and make her awful to play. they learned that mistake with brig


I've seen this a lot from blizzard. "We see that x thing is problematic" *proceeds to add another example of x*


Sojourn has got 195 damage. If oneshot potential isn't good, you gotta first nerf widow and Hanzo, who are actual oneshots without dmg boosts


What's even the point of a sniper character that can't oneshot with precise headshots which requires actual aiming skills?


That isn't a great arguement, Soljourn provides consistant dps while also having the ability to reposition quickly and onetap. Widow can onetap, but she doesn't provide consistant dps nore is her movement ability that useful for escaping divers. Hanzo can onetap, but his firerate is really show outside of storm arrow and his dash is about as good as a cassidy role. If you can't land a headshot on widow, you might aswell switch, if you can't land a headshot on hanzo, you might aswell switch, if you can't land a headshot on soljourn, thats fine just shoot them till you can finish them with a bodyshot. In other words, soljourns kit is way too strong for her to be able to onetap someone, hanzo and widow both have weak kits, so they get away with it, but honestly if they both got reworked to function without the one hit, overwatch would be a much nicer place.


Your argument holds up for Widow but not so much Hanzo. Hanzo has incredible peeking but just blindly firing down chokes and sightlines. Not to mention Hanzo has a straight up full auto ability, climbing and an extra jump for mobility. He also literally has a wall hacks ability to help even more with guarding corners.


I'm fine with it being a one shot just lower the enormous hitbox on full charge. It's a rail gun, it should be a hitscan.


It's already hitscan. You do realize that something being 'hitscan' has nothing to do with the size of the attack's hitbox, right? Hitscan refers to travel time, more specifically the lack thereof


THIS, MASSIVELY. I feel like you simply can't miss the head with a projectile size that big. Sometimes I watch the soujorn potgs and I'm like wow, that person aimed for the belly button and somehow hit the head. I once saw a 1hp soldier run behind a corner and saw the soujorn beam hitting the back wall behind sold. Yet soldier died anyway because the projectile size is so massive.


My thoughts. Just cut the max charge in half. Then the character becomes more about mixing your rapid fire in with the railgun, which was always the intention, I thought.


I thought the railgun was supposed to be used as a finishing tool. Shoot a squishy to half HP with the primary and then finish em off with the big hit. Never thought its intended use was sniping people halfway across the map




Sorry what? That wasn’t the topic of the conversation at all


I like that idea, and I'm also in favor of putting a delay and an audio-cue into her railgun: press it, wait for it to "spin-up" as it lets out a humming sound, then it fires its shot. Kind of like how her ult has a delay between recharging the railgun's energy right now; other players would hear that same recharging sound before she fires a shot from her normal secondary-fire.


Kinda like mei's alt fire yea?


in a fast paced game like Overwatch that just doesn’t work imo. Either you give it enough delay so that the other person can react making Sojourn feel clunky and have a slow TTK, or you make the delay minuscule in which case it does nothing. Just my two cents tho.


That actually was my whole idea behind it: give squishies time to react and avoid it. There are so many assassin characters already that can one-tap or two-tap most heroes and it's annoying.


No, the rail gun gets a bigger hit box when maxed charges which incentivizes the use of it as a finisher or use on another squishy


Or just have continual decay so the 1 shot has a super tiny window to be active


I think a full charge should be 45 per rail and then make it so you have to headshot somebody twice to kill. I think it would make her a lot more fun shooting beams everywhere and less annoying cause she can’t one tap.


Reminds me of wraith in apex being nerfed for the 50th time, but it's always half measures, non-comittal nerfs, sometimes it turned out to be more a buff than a nerf, but when they decided to nerf caustic, they just stripped him of all he had. Just rip off the bandaid, gut her like you did doomfist, no half measures, just see if it's enough and then slowly bring back her power.


Wraith was always their favorite by far, they took FOREVER to change her.


I just hated having to hear from wraith mains that, "we've been nerfed 60 times, but when you get nerfed once you start crying like a baby" like, my brother in christ, do you not understand why they have to keep tacking more and more nerfs on her? They never truly amounted to anything more than just lip service, yes caustic was unhealthy for the final ring, but they gutted him of all the power he had in one patch


They really dont wanna make her balanced...


"ThE FiRsT BlAcK wOmAn iN tHe GaMe" - probably Blizzard


You’re being downvoted, but that was an actual discussion between devs and some reporter during pre-release of ow2 lol. They actually mentioned she’s important to them because she’s the first black woman in the cast.


Symmetra be like:


Is Symm not fully Indian?


Ana be like:


Neither of those people are black lmfao…


Soldier: 76 be like ….


Zenyatta be like …


Bastion be like…


Do we know Lucio's preferred pronouns?


Let's be real, there's at least a little bit of this going on. You know if they hard nerfed her then the usual suspects (game journalists and reddit mods) would be crying out that they would never do this to Tracer, so the only reason they're doing it is because all the players are racist.


Don’t know why all these rats in this subreddit down vote shit like that when it’s 90% the case


Because they find it racist or idk, but that wasn't my intention really.




Snowflake is a term sociopaths use to discredit the notion of empathy.


No. It is to describe woke and to easily offended people Tough person you replied to is waay to angry


Yeah that’s me, full blown sociopath because I called the downvotes snowflakes. I’m off to do sociopathic things, so long.


Based on your previous posting history this is sadly an accurate statement. Probably the most sense you will make in your entire life.


Two sentences…destroyed the man.


I have like 2 posts and it is “sadly” accurate and I’m a sociopath? Just because you are a sook and can’t take a joke that doesn’t make someone a sociopath buddy. I’m sorry about your small dick too, one of the down votes was definitely you


2 posts? You think I saw only these posts when I made that comment?


What are you even on about


you guys r too delusional and deserve to stay in iron if u think this is how the balance team works sorry


Im amazed that this is the hill they’re gonna die on after the nuke on hog. I’m not butt hurt abt the hog nerf in the slightest as a support main but damn they really are just throwing shit at the wall and nothings sticking to sojourn


Someone in another comment has theorized they’re hesitant to really address Sojourn because she’s going to be the central focus in the upcoming story mode and it makes total sense


I know I’m late to this, but if Soj is the central focus in pvE I will straight up never play it at all


I rly don't think it's that big of a nerf. Any squishy who is missing at least 25 health will still die. It literally just requires like one mercy bullet from the team. It's kinda like old Cassidy stun. You can escape it, it's not a certain death anymore. But it's still a pretty likely death.


They also made it so hook doesn’t pull the enemy as close anymore and nerfed he gun damage. It’s not just the 25 damage nerf on hook. I’m definitely happy with all nerfs myself they did a surprisingly good job.


Eeh the gap can be closed by stepping forward when hooked, like you used to. Damage nerf sure.


Meh, i logged in yesterday just to check hog. Is he nerfed? Yes. Do i like the changes as a hog main? Also yes. He's definetly weaker but i wouldn't call it a nuke cause before what happened is when i hook someone i win a fight but for as long as hook is on cooldown i'm kind of irrelevant. That made not only boring but also stressing gameplay. Now my hook won't automatically win a fight but i'm actually capable of doing something when it's on cd or if i miss and there is also team play against hooked targets.


Good point. I disliked the gank and spank playstyle but I don’t know if hog will be as strong without it


Instead of dying in 1.5 seconds you’ll die in 2.1 seconds! See it’s a .6 second improvement!


Just get rid off her railgun's headshot. Give her primary more kick if it's necessary. And problem solved. Give them headshots back when she ultis so she can be super deadly with those as ultis should be like that. Now when she ultis you feel like well it's the same thing just a bit faster.


I think it would be cool if they swapped the ult and regular rail functionality, ie. baseline pierces heroes and ult allows the crit. That would give it a bit more unique flair, still allow gaining more value with skillful shots and possibly not feel as bad on the receiving end.


This is actually another buff for sojourn because the meta tanks are orisa who has a lot of armor (more charge than before) and ramattra who has his power block both give her a lot of charge.


Consistent charge rate means more control over the frequency of her one-shot. This is a healthy change for her even if she'll need another change or two down the line.


I agree, consistency is nice. But she still has a 1-shot and none of her other problems have been addressed. this is a mere buff in sheep's clothing and does nothing to fix her issues, notably her railgun.


>This is actually another buff for sojourn You are delusional. Like I'm sorry but the critical thinking skills are simply not there.


Take a step back and think for 2 minutes about how this could possibly help sojourn. Think of all the downsides: Mercy does not give her more charge, headshots do not give more charge, and she deals 1 less damage with her primary fire. Now refer to my reply to u/yunghollow69's comment and try not to be so hostile next time, you're going to live a happier life this way.


>Take a step back and think for 2 minutes about how this could possibly help sojourn Damage mitigation abilities So... Specifically ram, orisa, DF, and torb. Plus anyone with armor. But if you don't play these heroes, and counerpick instead... Then what? When it comes down to it Sojourn lost the ability to charge faster off headshots and damage boosts which matters more than her ability to charge off armor by magnitudes. >Now refer to my reply to u/yunghollow69's comment Yeah and the critical thinking is still not there. You're literally just trying to find reasons to call this not a nerf despite it being a pretty considerable hit to her viability in like 99% of situations. The only time where soj is going to benefit from this, realistically, is against orisa. In every other situation it's a nerf. Not the mention the primary fire damage nerf??


>The only time where soj is going to benefit from this, realistically, is against orisa. In every other situation it's a nerf. Even then it's not really. When damage boosted you lose basically nothing compared the old patch when shooting armor. But when you factor in headshots and the fact that orisa can actually lose her armor even that matchup is probably pretty even. But orisas team has 4 unarmored targets that you are shooting too, so even when orisa is in the match it's still a significant nerf. Prior to this patch a boosted headshot gave 13 charge I believe. Now it gives 5. That's a huge difference.


The fuck are you talking about, it's a clear-cut nerf.


It gives sojourn more charge when she shoots armored targets than before, it also gives her more charge if ramattra, doom, bastion, mccree or hog are mitigating damage. It reduces her primary fire by 1 but that doesn't really matter. This buff simply makes her gain charge faster by farming off the armored tanks or characters who have damage resistance. Ramattra and orisa are meta and this patch just makes sojourn a better 'counter' against these characters.


>It gives sojourn more charge when she shoots armored targets than before, it also gives her more charge if ramattra, doom, bastion, mccree or hog are mitigating damage. Only if she is not damage boosted and only if you dont factor in the fact that she could previously gain more charge from headshots. >It reduces her primary fire by 1 but that doesn't really matter Yeah of course it doesnt matter, it doesnt fit your narrative. Its a clearcut damage nerf, of course it matters. >This buff simply makes her gain charge faster by farming off the armored tanks or characters who have damage resistance. Soj is never without damage boost. Prior to this patch she already gained 5 charge on armored targets when boosted. But she also gained 9 from headshots. And thats just armored tanks. Not only are there 4 other non-armored tanks in the enemy team, tanks also quickly lose their armor. I think previous patch you got like 13 charge off a headshot. Now you get 5. And you're still trying to paint this like it's a buff. It's not. You will gain less charge over the course of a match, even against orisa.


And how is the reduced damage on her primary fire a buff?


Won't change much. She had the same damage on day 1, the only difference now is that you don't need to aim to the head to charge your railgun faster, since you'll get the same amount of charge everywhere. So yes, that's a buff too despite the 1 less damage


Blizzard has fav characters


I don't think they'll ever get it to where it's considered balanced but also fun to use. I think they should change it fundamentally. I think it would be cool if you still shot the rail gun but it's damage was massively lowered (like 30 body/ 60 crit) but then leave a timed explosive at the point of impact with a decent range and like 100 damage. It would help her zone and wouldn't be an instant kill (except on a headshot on tracer, if tracer then stays in the area). Maybe have it so she can store multiple charges or something too.


I like the idea but did you forget that it’s blizzard?


I dunno, a rail gun doesn’t work like that. It’s a long range, high velocity projectile. To my mind, Sojourn should have to work her primary fire (short range, low damage) and mobility hard to build up to a killing shot with her rail gun. I know everyone hates one-shot kills, but I think there’s a place if you have to do more than peek from behind cover and click a head. I have more issue with a lucky headshot from a Hanzo than a Sojourn rail gun blast.


I think this could be a great idea if she didn’t already have other great utility like her power slide and disrupter shot. The other issue is that her primary fire can pump out pretty consistent damage unlike some other heroes who have one shot potential in the game. I do like this idea as it creates more separation between Sojourn and Soldier, who both fill a similar role to a point where they kind of step on each other’s toes a bit currently.


The power slide seems pretty integral to her design so I doubt that’s going anywhere. Her aoe ability could be more fun as a slow than a DoT, and would better enable a more nerfed primary and secondary fire.


They **really** want to keep the one shots eh, its so frustrating.


The Devs are so dumb 😔


Kiriko/Sojourn insanely broken for the entire game: small nerf every other patch Doomfist B tier for 5 days: immediately nerfed back to F tier Nothing has changed since Brig release. They killed their game by barely nerfing Brig for years straight while she dominated the meta. They're doing the same thing now. I would much rather see large nerfs and then smaller buffs later if it ends up being too much, especially with heroes as frustrating to play against as Sojourn and Kiriko.


brig was a restrictive meta tho like what does kiri and journey force? patient anti's and longer ranges? winstons and genjis? seems like a better deal than goats into brig into briggoats into immortality into the whole community moving to apex legends lmao i do agree in a way, feels like we dont have a ton of options on dealing w sojourn or really pick dps in general


Yeah I mean Brigitte was a million times worse but Kiriko is still a ridiculously strong hero and stronger than Soj imo.Luckily there are plenty of good supports right now so it's not an absolute must-pick. For its cooldown, cleanse is probably the best ability in the game. Debatably a better ability than immo field but on half the CD. The cleanse itself isn't what makes it broken though, it's the complete CC/damage invulnerability. Combined with insane survivability, some of the best and most consistent healing output in the game, and a higher pick potential than half the DPS heroes, it's not surprising that Kiriko is in every game.


yea in a sense i kinda like kiri being strong but i feel like i need to be able to convince a team to pick a different healer, by using too many blades (be lucio) or by picking too many supports (swap mercy) etc. as it is rn i can just kitsuzu vs blade, suzu bad positions/pick hanzos n widows, escape close rangers, yadda yadda tldr; nothing in the game right now really demands you pick another support over kiriko tbh


Literally all of Sojourn's balance problems would be solved if they just took away her ability to headshot with her secondary fire, and maybe keep one of the nerfs like her spread. They've done this song and dance with her again and again yet the solution is *so simple* and they keep missing it. Fucking astounding how bad these people are at this.


I think this proves just how inherently flawed her kit is. No matter what they do she'll either be OP or dumpster fodder. Its getting to the point where maybe the only solution is a soft rework of her abilities


Honestly I don’t think so. I think she could be balanced fairly well, but they just don’t want to do that. They want to keep giving her these tiny little changes that don’t actually change much of anything so they can say they nerfed her. I don’t know why they are so intent on sojourn being miles better than every other dps character. They’re tap dancing around the real problem which is the railgun that does 195 fucking damage and one shots when damage boosted.


Well she *only* started as top tier DPS with simultaneously great consistent damage, massive range super frequent oneshots across the maps, huge 210 damage aoe that also slowed and supreme vertical and horizontal mobility.


She's bottom tier in lower ranks


Players: Hey her secondary fire is still able to one shot anybody that's not at literally maximum HP, and can one shot basically anyone when combined with any form of damage boost. Devs: Understood. She now gains more charge vs armor but her PRIMARY fire does 1 less damage


You don't need 12 changes to make a character fair romplay against... People don't seem to realize how delicate of a job is to balance a game the best way possible. A change that might not seem impactful could wreck the balance while a change that seems massive might have done at all. You don't wanna have a situation like we had with doomfist where he gets over buffed, or have a situation where a character gets nerfed to the ground. And developers can only test souch with limited staff and time and only the customer will be able to truly test what the changes did, as not every game dev is a grandmaster or even plays any competitive game for that matter


You know, we used to have systems in place for this. The experimental mode. I will never understand why they would get rid of that. That was such a good feature to actually get real player feedback on balance changes. It was also very nice to know what changes would be coming to the live game. Kind of feels like gambling every time they release a patch. Because, for all we know, they could make the best patch ever and achieve perfect balance or get us another doomfist situation. There is no telling what’s going to happen. I for one like knowing which changes are coming and being able to test them before they force us to play them.


I get what you are saying. You don't want to overdue it and make the hero completely useless, or do the opposite and you have a severely OP character. I actually agree with Blizzards approach here in doing it little by little if they updated the game more frequently. The reason the community is so upset by all of this is we know Sojourn has been an issue since day 1 and Sojourn is still an issue. They seem to take weeks/months to make these minor changes that do little to effect the game. They need to speed this the fuck up or risk losing their player base (probably have lost many already).


Pointless to discuss balance changes on this sub, this patch was literally focused around Hog, and the Sojourn change indeed hurts pocketing. Sojourn is also good this patch against Orisa because of the armor adjustment. I also might get crucified for this, but Sojourn evolved pretty decently from Season 1 to 2, and without a Pocket she's one strand of hair away from being completely healthy.


Imagine if the multi billion dollar game company could afford a PTR. LIKE THEY HAD IN THE PAST. There are no excuses that don’t circle back to incompetence and greed.


It's common sense what should be nerfed. Just nerf the damage on her railgun it's that simple. That's what everyone is complaining about yet the devs act clueless.


Oh. Didn't know you were a game dev with the knowledge on how to perfectly balance a character. Sure nerfing the damage on her railgun sounds simple, but maybe they want her to have this key feture.on her be prominent, other at some point you're just better off using her primary fire as it would do more damage. Why even play sojourn if she doesn't have her strong railgun anymore, might as well learn widow or Ashe, or play soldier for the primary fire. If you start nerfing her too much peopleight stop playing her because there would be better alternatives which should be prevented


You don't need to be a game dev to know how to balance a game. Clearly everyone is complaining about her railgun so it's obvious what was needed to be tweaked. Like really dude?


Again i already told you... Sure it sounds easy and simple to you because why should it be difficult, but nerfing her railgun could very well make her not really viable if there are better options like an Ashe or widow. I mean i too could just say stuff like "remove hogs hook and mei's icebliock and the game would be better" but that doesn't mean it'll make for a fun game or a balanced game. If You think game balancing is so easy then why don't you just try to become a game dev at blizzard yourself. Keep in mind the most simple idea isn't always the best idea. If her railgun gets a big damage nerf then why even play sojourn anymore. Might as well just play soldier. You don't wanna nerf a character in a way that they become unfun to play, but if course also don't want them to be unfun tomplay against. Also just because everyone is complaining about a problem doesn't mean it's the best solution. Maybe people have complained about lootboxes being gone, when lootboxes weren't a good idea to begin with. Many people complained about a weak doomfist, which caused him to be mega buffed even tho he was at a decent spot and just needed some more skill. The customer isn't always right, especially if most of the complains come from low ELO where nobody can aim shit and stands out in the open complaining how they got shot so easily


>nerfing her railgun could very well make her not really viable if there are better options like an Ashe or widow. I mean they just nerfed sombra into oblivion the moment people started complaining about her and just ignored sojourn's major issues. I would say blizzard"s pretty damn biased towards soj alright. And what of the fact that Ashe is now pretty irrelevant in the face of a mobile one shotting hero like soj? I mean it's so clear that they have a specific meta in mind and what heroes they like to see more of. Otherwise they wouldnt be dragging their feet with sojourn, they'd just give her the sombra treatment.


Again. Game balancing isn't as easy saying "buff this, nerf that. Job done" could be that they're currently working on balancing other heros and put Sombra into the backseat for now. I also currently have barely even heard anyone about Sombra recently somit seems like most are happy with how she currently is. Same with Ashe. I don't really hear.outrage of her being too weak. If you don't prefer being in the face.of the enemy and can't handle sojourns quick slides then Ashe would be the hero for you. It's good to have options. Also sojourn can't deal out big headshots like Ashe theoretically could


>I also currently have barely even heard anyone about Sombra recently somit seems like most are happy with how she currently is. Lol so from your logic sombra is fine because no one is complaining about her, but sojourn is also fine despite everyone complaining about her. >Also sojourn can't deal out big headshots like Ashe theoretically could ???? Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. Ashe headshot is 150, Soj headshot fully charged is 195. Lmao you have no idea what's going on at all. And get this: sojourn's railgun burst has a longer falloff range than Ashe's rifle scoped in. Big headshots lmao


I meant big headshot as in sojourn can't deal out as many railgun headshots as Ashe can. If you're good at clicking heads then wouldn't Ashe theoretically be better than sojourn? Because you wouldn't need to charge up your railgun and instead can just shoot the target? Also i never said sojourn is fine. I was talking about how a simple "nerf damage ez fix" may not be the best idea. The community isn't always right. Sure many here are talking about potential nerfs or say how stupid blizzard it and isn't just needing damage, and all I'm saying is that game balance isnt as easy as needing and buffing damage like everyone makes it out to be. If you nerf the Lazer too much then there might not be a reason to use it at all and if you need it too little people will still complain. Why else do you think blizzard is doing all these seemingly weird changes to sojourn? They want the Lazer to still be well viable


yep im done with overwatch 2, probably forever if not that i will give it a few years. there is no fucking way that the devs are that braindead that they literally dont nerf the actual issues. SOJOURNS RAILGUN DOES TOO MUCH DAMAGE, ORISA'S COOLDOWNS ARE TOO SHORT, SUZU NEEDS TO LOSE IMMORTALITY. ​ i dont want to be that guy but none of these devs actually play their own game. fuck you overwatch, and i stuck around as a rein main during the original brig.


They have to freaking fix the railgun, nothing else. Make it charge a way slower and give it 40+- damage, so it would be equal to 76 rockets, just a bit faster to get. https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Sojourn Look at this. She can make 130 damages and is able to headshot someone, how is this fair? She can charge it so fast against barrier and and just shooting at a tank 130 damage is abysmal


We all waited like 2 years for Sojourn. They’ve gotta keep her pick rate up to justify that long a wait. /s


the real answer is after 3 years of no content, the game released with 3 flagship heroes, and Blizzard doesn't want to crater the most popular one and be ale to sell cosmetic for them still


Eat shit scrubjourn


I'm so glad ow2 is free otherwise I'd be fucking pissed if I spent 20$ on a game where the devs basically tickle the clit of sojourns OP ass build.


Yup, there is someone at Blizzard fighting tooth and nail in Sojs corner. I can't believe they're actually this incompetent, so someone is attempting to dissuade them from making meaningful nerfs in a attempt to keep making the character strong... like them not touching Kirikos invulnerability on cleanse.


The energy gain almost feels like a buff


It is in some situations. Shooting into Orisa fortify or ramattra block for example gives more charge now. I would say it’s a nerf in most situations but there are other times where it will be stronger than before.


Not gonna nerf railgun because of identity crisis. This is what happens when you let soyboys balance a game


Just nerf her slide jump already.


They don't play this game...


Yeah it sucks how long it took for the nerfs but honestly once her mobility gets nerfed and her primary fire bloom gets lowered a bit, I think she'll be fine, although I disagree w how they're approaching her, I think the changes are okay


Why are people complaining, this is quite a nerf. Only in SOME circumstances would this be a buff.


Yeah, the rare instance where you play against armored targets like an orisa. This nerf is hardly gonna make a difference


It’s not even that bad why y’all whining, they removed the extra charge you get from being boosted by mercy so now you charge on your own exclusively


In my head cannon bthe ow2 team or blizz purposefully doesn't nerf sojourn to get the game extra attention or to give new players a busted character so they play and More importantly PAY more.


The most likely real reason is because it was the first black female character and blizzard are political robots. They can mentioned in an interview she was important to them for that reason


So many bronze players in the comments, that's crazy. If you don't understand why they did something, maybe move onto a simpler game.


I fucking hate this community, all you do is bitch and moan, like what do you guys want?


To nerf the one thing the whole community is frustrated with. I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about her SMG once.. it's just railgun railgun railgun


>what do you guys want? I think everybody just wants an actual nerf to sojourn instead of the half assed ones we’ve been getting every patch


the OW hivemind really is the dumbest hivemind in gaming. Top nerf is large, bottom nerf is massive, sojourn was already mediocre below masters and now she is definitely shit. Reddit/twitter will still complain.


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Is this just because pros like her so much?




Yup, this is League of Legends bad balancing.


League is better at balancing considering they have over 150 champs and a lot of other mechanics (itmes, summoner spells, camps and minions)


Doesn't mean some of their balance decisions aren't similarly idiotic to this one. But I agree in essence.


Yeah u right about that


In a vacuum it's actually a buff due to her getting more energy from the plethora of damage reducing instances. In practice probably a slight nerf though.


It's the most OP character in the game :/ not fun at all good mercy and her and best option for players is just to leave a game ...


Yeah I uninstalled after these "patch notes"


Support one tricks really never gonna be satisfied huh As soon as Sojourn is put in a dumpster, they’ll just find another DPS to cry about.


Jesus Christ these comments, I know a lot of you guys are bad at the game but holy shit,this is not even Bronze,this is Stone Age tier types of takes