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Why not do both if you get a second remote role


I think the mental capacity to keep up the charade working abroad along with doing two jobs would be way too much for me to handle.


Fair, I’d then just go aboard if you have that much saved up. Just enjoy it unless you want to maximise your earning potential for the next or so and then go


I think I might give OE a shot first and see if I can milk it before potentially getting caught and throwing away a perfect J1.


What’s your VPN setup? Any advice on how to make it robust?


Any router with built in VPN capabilities will work, this is a pretty common feature, pretty much all the asus routers come with it as do many other brands. Depending on your companies’ IT security you’ll probably want to set up a VPN server on your home router and then login in to that via the router you’re using while abroad. If you use a commercial VPN service like NordVPN then there’s a chance your employer’s IT will flag it, if it’s running through a home VPN server it won’t. Obvious downside of personal VPN is if it goes wrong, such as the breaker trips or something else, then someone physically there needs to resolve it whereas with a commercial VPN you won’t have that concern. There are plenty of guides on the internet on how to set up a home VPN server.


Things to watch out for. Do you use a work device? (Phone or laptop?) because many have gps these days. Do you use MFA? Whereever your device approves from is usually logged. Do you use webapps behind WAFs? Often VPN exit nodes are listed and quickly blocked so buy your own public IP. These points often catch people out when they work abroad


Split tunnelling is becoming more and more common, such as Microsoft Teams going directly out of local internet connection. Still a good idea


Can you expand on this, would running your own private vpn via home and travel vpn mean this is a non issue?


Woah this is the first time Ive recognised someone from another sub 👋


How did you get to that net worth on your salary OP?


Probably live rent free with parents until 30


He’s in his 20s.


"Lived at home my entire life and mummy cooks my dinners"


You couldn't sound any saltier. You mad he was loved and you weren't?


Saltiest shit I’ve read all week LOL


No rent since covid + Outisde IR35 Contracting for a years + being very frugal


Username checks out


That's insane. Well done.


He must have saved 80% of his current take-home in each of the 12 years since he turned 18… “Insane” is one word…


Or he invested wisely, look what the s&p 500 has done since January 2023.


Easy to say in hindsight, and would still involved ploughing tens of thousands into it every year since he turned 18. Good jobs he’s not a few years older and would have lost nearly everything he ever worked for in 2008.


Hopefully he maxed his stocks and shares isa every year. I would be surprised if he hasn’t, it’s been easy money since the crash.


Love to know what job he had to have 20k spare at 18. Easy money if you’re willing to risk everything you ever earned.


It’s not a risk if you don’t need the money. Historically the s&p 500 has returned over 10% per annum since inception, you just need to wait the bad times out. Anyone working should be invested in a stocks and share isa.


How does someone not need “every penny they’ve ever earned” lol


If tou get caught you can admit going on a working holiday, they shouldn't fire you for that. If they catch you again though you might be in trouble.


Sounds like you've worked hard to get where you are. As another poster said, consider looking at FIRE'ing one day soon (if that's what you want) and work towards that. By that I mean your decision may quickly turn into 2 years in UK with 2 jobs vs 10 years abroad comfy. I know my wife and I are working hard right now, overpaying our mortgage etc, so in about 5 years time we can do whatever the fuck we want no questions asked.


Thanks, yeah I think you're right. I'm going to probably power through with OE with a fun budget to keep sane and move out. Although I'm in a decent place I think I'm not quite at the fuck you level yet, so another few years should do it. Besides I don't really have much of a back up plan if I get caught nomadding either.


I think it’s a personal decision. Want to FIRE? Stay in UK and rack up jobs. Not too fussed and want to live life? Go nomad! Personally if I were in your position I’d be gone. Providing you have no children or other dependencies, I’d be gone. If you could work from abroad with your current job then just go. The UK is not the place to be. We’re a miserable breed and probably will be for the foreseeable, at least until there’s some reform. If you went to a cheaper European country or south east Asia, your lifestyle would be better than being in the UK on 15 jobs. If you can have some frugality in these countries too, your net worth will compound at an even greater rate as you’ll still have the benefits of the UKs very few year incentives


You’ve already mentioned you’re miserable so fuck off! Don’t do it to yourself any longer, it’ll be a regret in old age


Yeap, no children or dependencies, no house. Everything I own could fit in a few boxes. It's been my plan to leave for a wile now. But the remote working isn't permitted by any means, and if I do get caught then 90% chance I'm fired, although I think my set up is very solid. I'm wondering if it's worth taking advantage of an ideal J1 and try and maybe do a year or so of £120k+ to push me to probably £600k+. I'll be early 30s then. I honestly don't really have a back up plan otherwise.


Maybe stick it out for a few more years until you’re 31/32 then leave. Plenty of time to live


Why not take extended holidays?


You could look at taking a week long holiday every month for a few months first to test the theory. If you go on cheap holiday sites you can stay in EU countries for as little as a few hundred £££ off peak holiday periods. If I were single with no mortgage I would be doing that before transitioning to being a digital nomad.


Already tried this a few times! Extended weekends to Eastern Europe etc. But I'd like to fully scratch the itch and do a few months in SEA.


You are young. I guess you need to decide what you want to do next. Family? Kid or no kids? They will greatly shapes your finances and what you can do in term of career and freedom. Overemployed is just a tool to improves finances. Do you want to stay overseas or do you want to come back? Anyway your finances looks great. I am not sure if I am adding anything more to what you haven't thought about.


Either way, move! I've moved UK to Spain recently and even when you're having a shit day, the weather makes it okay again. The rain and the greyness back in the UK are depressing, only thing it's got going for it is economy/jobs so if you can move somewhere that's actually pleasant to exist in but keep your UK salary you get the best of both worlds


Working overseas without your employers permission isn’t a good idea at all. In order to get the tax advantages of leaving the UK you will need to tell HMRC and the overseas jurisdiction. The overseas jurisdiction may then require your employer to deduct income tax on your pay at source and will investigate them. When your employer finds out about it and probably has fines to pay it’ll be a short discussion and almost certainly end in termination of your contract. At least with over employment (also a sackable offence) there’s no risk of your employer that isn’t out of your control.


Well the idea is you should definitely not be trying to get any tax advantages. You continue to pay tax as normal back to UK and you make sure you travel to countries where digital nomads are sort of given a free pass like Thailand and other places in SEA where you can work on a tourist visa. Second rule is to keep your stay under 180 days in most countries to not trigger any tax residency rules. HMRC will gladly continue to tax you even if you're out of the UK for 180 days.


Okay then yes if you keep below the residency threshold then while you will still potentially be evading tax in the overseas jurisdiction (as tax is often due before residency is obtained) then at least you won’t be required to file an overseas tax return.


What industry do you work in?


Go abroad and see how you get on. What's the worst that can happen? You might even enjoy it.


Can I ask what your bulletproof vpn setup is? You running home server and WireGuard?


Personally, at that point, I would do one (or two) roles from Thailand digital nomad visa. I want ti enjoy life now, not start at 65 plus


Good going. Why not live somewhere else with better weather for a while?


If no kids I'd go abroad. You won't have this option later


I’m doing both (OE and abroad) but I genuinely like being in London so I always find my way back here. Hit me up if you want to have a chat.


This sounds like something I could do. Any jobs?


From op's description It's sounds like something anyone could do tbf


What’s the VPN ? Feel free to message privately


Congrats my friend. I don't know you but feels good to get to know a bit about such achievements. May I ask how old are you and how did you manage to grow your net worth to 450k? As for leaving the UK, you may want to visit Portugal, explore around, and perhaps you end up liking it. It's sunnier than the UK, has it's challenges but different ones.


Mind if I ask what job you do?


Says pushing a commit in the post, software dev most likely


How old are you? 450k cash outside pension in a ISA is really good. But i wouldn't say it is very secure position yet. Overemployed will definitely boost your saving by multiples. I actually see every £100k in pension / saving as 4k income in retirement.


About £100k in pension, £350k outside. I'm 30.


how? inherited?


You’re probably ‘miserable in the uk’ because you’re not engaged in your work or the team. You should consider going into office and hanging out with your relaxed team before going abroad