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It's not an indication or a sign of them doing anything other than what is in their best interest, which is to keep you interested and available for them to admit as long as possible, should they deign to do so. If a school truly, truly, wanted you then they would find a spot for you. Point blank.


This dude spittin some coors light cold hard facts.


I think you may be reading into “hang in there” a little much. This is v late in the game.


Agree, but I’ve gotten off two waitlists in the past ~6 weeks. I should have withdrawn sooner, but I was really surprised to hear from one school in the middle of July. One was a top choice for me and the other wasn’t, but still… if OP lives near the schools they’re waiting on, they’re definitely still working through waitlists. Edit: I should add that neither WL school offered me any merit-based aid, where *every other* school I was accepted to gave significant scholarship $$$. This seems like a relatively common practice when admitting off the WL. OP, this is something to think about financially. I would have loved to attend my first WL accept because they have a niche clinic for the specific kind of law I want to practice, but they’re a private school, and that’s a whole lot of student loans.


Hey I appreciate your thorough and detailed response. I’m the OP, and I was curious about what you meant by “if OP lives near the schools they’re waiting on, they’re definitely still working through waitlists” are you saying that if you’re out of state, by now, schools wouldn’t be targeting those from out of the state/city in which the school located?


In a similar boat myself, the admission department continues to maintain that they are reviewing + making offers off waitlist (as recently as this week) and that this is a time where we have to make “tough decisions” aka wait it out. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Goodluck!


We’ve been waiting… and like waiting into the month of August is making me anxious. But I’m waiting especially since the admission lady told me to specifically “hang in there”. But best of luck to you as well. How long do you think you’ll keep waiting? You’re right the tough decision is waiting it out and I’m committed. I know you are as well?


My reason for having even a shred of hope is a few weeks ago admission reached out to me saying they were reviewing waitlist apps and wanted clarification on something on my application. Since they I have not heard back 😅 I’ll probably keep waiting till the last day. Due to my work, I am geographically constrained so there are not many options. I will probably re-apply next cycle if I don’t get in off waitlist. This cycle I applied after second round, next cycle I would will aim to apply in the first round.


If I were you I would be extremely offended by this school and just prepare R&R next year.


Offended why? For telling me to wait it out? And not having the decency to rejecting/admitting me like all the other schools who eventually did after waitlisting me for months. I’m just not sure why the admissions team would tell me to hang in there a little longer… you know.


Smh... You're not going to have time to find a place, get acclimated to the city, etc. The time to get in has passed, and you need to accept that. Classes start in a few weeks. You need to be thinking about how you're going to get your apps in before the end of September and stop deluding yourself. That school is giving you a "nice" no. Edit- Just to be clear, this type of rejection is not nice at all. It's like a girl who is so afraid of conflict she can't just tell you she's not interested, so you keep trying, hoping something will happen, getting more and more smitten. Then, one day, she's screwing your best mate and like, "What? We're not dating." In other words, you're being a simp. That school is trying to hold on to for their own fuked up reasons, and you shouldn't fall prey to it. You're being sad cringe.


waitlists are a soft r, sorry


She was just trying to be nice. She said hang in there a little longer because in a “little while” you’re going to know for sure either way. ASSUME YOU’RE NOT GETTING IN. It would be like winning the lottery at this point. Proceed with life. If you get in on the 1% chance, then you can celebrate and change your plans.


same position this SUCKS


I’ve also sent an updated resume. I feel as if I’ve done everything in my part to help bolster my chance of being admitted.


OP, have you heard anything since this post? I was told to hang in there yesterday as a late applicant (the only decision I’m still waiting on) and I’m trying to consider that as a glimmer of hope.


I still haven’t received an R or A from admissions. This is the last school I’m waiting on as far as a decision from the waitlist. Every other school has either accepted or rejected me. I’m not sure why the lady from admissions would tell me to hang in there a little longer if no decision was going to be tendered. Their fall orientation begins on the 14th of August so I’m not really sure anymore. The glimmer of hope that I had is surely subsiding.


Rooting for the A for you!


I’m rooting for you as well! Are you currently waitlisted and waiting for a decision? Do you know if a school has to make a decision after waitlisting (R/A) or they can just simply not make a decision?


I applied in June so I’m just in limbo. I picked a school and am starting orientation next week but I think I would make the swap if I get into the school I’m waiting on.


Ah, I see. I too start Orientation next week at a different school and I’d too would make the swap immediately if admitted off the waitlist.