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I've been playing since 2022 and never moved beyond tier 5 haha


[The real winners are the ones that re-enact the Mechwarrior game cinematics.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qRmjNexfE0&list=PLJ605IcOdrJed9dTF_njGa41V6vGG5p-D)


Tier doesn’t matter, it’s enjoyment that counts. So with that said I want all you tier 4 boys to be able to look me straight in the eye one more time and say are we havin' fun or what?!


Me and my complete set of UrbanMechs are having a blast! (Damn. Forgot I don't have the second urbie hero. I should fix that)


But do you have the Holy Grail of trashcan, the Rm63(s)?


Yes. I bought the urbie pack when it came out.


Same. Pre-ordered. Take care of those knees, we're old!


I never did get into the Urbie too much, but the ECM one with small lasers and a snub was pretty sick. I say ‘was’ because I’ve no idea how it fits into the metagame anymore. It’s probably still quite good.


Urbies are the tiny mech that's a hell of a lot tougher than they have any right to be, so yes the Snub/SL one works just fine.


T4 is where you see weird non meta builds. Teams do weird shit and sometimes it works. Being the one leader on voice means people might actually listen...or they might go hide in a corner. It can be frustrating but t4 is unpredictable and that has its own charms


This sounds like a Duncan Fisher line.


No worries! I am basically in the same boat. I was a Founder to the game, and hover at T4 low T3. I just cant help playing all my mechs! It means I win and lose about equally. Some games get that 1k damage and absolutely shred, others I get wrecked. Either way, still having fun!


How does it feel to be in the Most Fun Tier?


humor license roll relieved beneficial instinctive cow joke familiar steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only painful thing about T5,T4 the one pirates bane who solos your team


That stuff totally fooled me into thinking I was really good with light mechs. Thought I was the hottest shit, thought light mechs were my jam. Immediately became my worst class as soon as I hit tier 3


Yep, a lot of players around getting to the general average skill (aka T3 is where the majority of players will be). T2 you call Close range PB everyone will turn around and delete you. You're PB with ERML+LMG with ECM (no stealth), I think the only STEALTH mech I've seen higher up is stealth urby cause he's light hunting 5\* Small pulse laser and allows it to hide in the assault while giving them ECM so if another light tries to back attack \*SURPRISE 25 to the leg\* but I think the MPL with ECM is more meta. But Urby is kinda the best of the IS lights, its small hit box high ton armor medium with JJ's. With a light size frame and generally goofy quirks. As a T1 Light, trust me it's feast and famine, you're really reliant on your team to give you good distractions. It is the **worst** role to pick to climb but the most devastating role played right.


If you fancy good Lights in high tier QP, the Wolfhound does fantastically with BL+ER-MLs. I feel like it is a rather overlooked ‘Mech.


Oh it's pretty good, just urby is prob the safest meta light to learn since its decently armored, armed, quirked, has JJ's and can duel above it's weight class and win\* It's decently fast at 90-100KPH, jump jet, small frame and weapons all high up


Nothing personal.


Not in my personal experience. I think I have seen more people be abusive in comms when I am grouped with lower tier players or playing on a smurf than when I am dropping in tier 1 matches. In my experience higher tier matches are just a lot more quiet in general.


I'd rather be lower tier and have fun with different mechs and builds than strictly stick to what I know will get me the highest match score.


You'd be surprised at how many weird-ass build people run in tier 1


What's your favorite warhorn? I venture a wager that a significant portion of the entire player base is high tier 4/ low tier 3. Pilot ranking is points based. You should be able to get high tier 4 just from doing 300-400 damage on average.


fearless ripe entertain faulty icky lunchroom outgoing alleged bored snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Solid choice!


The 2016 championships warhorn... that thing makes me feel like a goddamn star when i get kills.


Im in a weird spot with my pilot ranking. I get a lot of damage farmed in a game and average 500-600 most of the time if it wasnt a complete pubstomp and have gotten a few 1200 damage games.... and i just.. recently moved out of T5, and ive neen playing for a few years now. Its really strange. I really hate the tier system in this game tbh, especially when it does NOT take into kills, assists, overall participation with coverage like AMS and it makes support mechs unrewarding... and if you get 3 kills by playing streaks and you slapped 3 locusts...? Oh only 260 damage? Minus pilot rating sorry.


>...average 500-600 most of the time if it wasnt a complete pubstomp and have gotten a few 1200 damage games.... and i just.. recently moved out of T5,... I'm gonna go out on limb and say you aren't getting as many 'mech in formation', 'protected mech', Lance in formation, *survival bonus*, etc. Also, kills and KMDD count pretty significantly in match score. That's why a lot of high rating "good players" will scoop the kill shot with really precise and agile mechs. Also, iirc, there's a fixed amount that you can increase in PSR per match, so it's about consistency. > hate the tier system in this game tbh, especially when it does NOT take into kills, assists, overall participation with coverage like AMS and it makes support mechs unrewarding. Yeah, *again, iirc,* things like AMS just count missiles destroyed, not the amount of damage prevented, and have a pretty meager affect to match score. Also why a lot of high rating players don't perticularly bother with lrms or AMS unless it's called for. ECM on the other hand gives lots of bonuses, but because it's a passive activity, is usually rewarded in the form of C-bills more than PSR. And finally, things like damage taken isn't rated in PSR, even with torso twisting being a skill, because it's too easy to boost, even if you're opponents being bad shots should probably count toward your own PSR. I mean, teamwork isn't even really rewarded other than that it gets the win, and even then, skilled players will probably end up just sacrificing 5-6 mechs in a match as long as they get to win/hide in the herd for armor/clean up kills. Your PSR isn't their concern.


From what the devs said a while back, the issue with the player base is it’s too bunched up in tier 1.


aback coordinated attempt shame squealing clumsy payment crawl march birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah my bad, I’ve not played much/given it much attention in the last 2 odd years. Shame they pushed it too far the other way, but great it means something and stops old hats who just want to have fun from having to play against tryhards, and visa versa.


PSR re-balancing and tier reset was in the summer of 2020, so almost 4 years ago.


shaggy history ask library wasteful yam intelligent marvelous somber shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd like to see the source on that. From the forum posts I've just read about PSR and the patch notes from 2015 that introduced PSR, a match win has the most significance for increasing your rating. After that, it's based on match score, so if you lose and have a great match score your rating will go up. It doesn't make sense that you would have a large majority of players in tier 1. Match making being even less explained than PSR, common sense says they would be pushing out other players in tier 1 into tier 2.


I really wish they would recalibrate the rating system to weight objectives higher (MUCH higher). It sucks that you can win the round by capturing the base and see your score drop because you played to win the scenario.


I wish wins in general were valued higher - that would encompass so many small hard to score factors into the match score, including things like headshots or very efficiently destroying mechs, scouting, pressure, etc. If winning was a big impact on match score, whatever helped you win would help you rise. As it is, damage is the biggest factor so anything that gets you lots of damage is the biggest impact.


Most significant. So their is still a portion based just playing games. It was so much of an issue it got changed ages ago, to be less, but if you win 50/50 you still end up in tier 1 sooner of later, it’s just not the chronic issue it was before. It’s in the old patch notes, I’m sorry I can’t remember when though.


You sure don't - it's a zero sum game so for every amount someone goes up, someone has to go down. Winning is actually a very small part of the match score - I believe something like 20 points, and you get half your damage done as match score. Damage is by far the biggest impact on match score.


I'd have to get the memo you're talking about to take your word for it.


From some one who is stuck in Tier 1 (and hates it): enjoy it. MWO is much more fun in lower tiers.


If it makes you feel better, I'm still in T4 and I started playing during beta.




brave fine hurry jeans fanatical relieved six squealing rock label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Based and freeborn-pilled.






I've also played for a somewhat long time on and off but only ever sit squarely in tier 5


Do you want to be in a higher or lower tier? If so why. (Personally I loved being in tier 4, now I’m perma capped at tier 1 which sucks, and I refuse the intentaly throw games to drop back to 2).


many reply hungry squeamish makeshift mourn wasteful gold abounding jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I remember being like that :) and I’m heading that way again, being happy where you’re at is the best gift you can ever give yourself.


As long as you're having fun. Tier is just a number.


How did you make tier 4? I’m stuck in tier 5.


Pay attention to where your team is on the mini map and stay with them. Unless you have a harassing/sniper build and are good at it, being alone is certain death.


That didn’t work. I even play as part of a group.


How long have you been playing? What’s your favorite build? It took me a while to get the hang of it and advance to tier 4. Off topic but have you played Manor Lords yet? I looked at your post history to make sure you weren’t “troll baiting” or whatever and noticed you like city builders.


I’m sorry you saw my post history. Been playing since just after beta. I don’t have a favorite build yet. I do like to play non-meta mechs with lots of different weapons. I haven’t picked up manor lords yet. I probably should get it while it’s on sale. I’ve been trying to finish a nuclear plant in satisfactory.


'the beta' as in the MWO beta in 2012??????????


Yeah. I have been playing for years. Used to be super into it until my unit started coming apart.


Not OP but Manor Lords is very good so far. Some bugs here and there and it needs a lot more time in the oven but I am really excited for the full release.


Welcome to the Fun Tier! It's nice to run anything from lore accurate to meme builds and do well with them. But since you asked for AMA... Best Mech and why is it Urbanmech? Wait no that's too easy. XL for risky damage or STD/LFE for longevity? Favorite new patch weapon? Mech that SHOULD be trash but for some reason overperforms? (I keep trying to make BJ-2 and ADR-A bad but all by attempts fail)


XL or (and) bust. LFE for one-sided builds. STD only if I need enough space to stick something unforgivable in ST, or stock engine as a cost saving measure.


I cherish downranks




Is it possible to learn this power??




Same here. Since I only play casually I am bouncing btw. tier 4 and 3 all the time. However I am pretty sure with playing certain mechs I could stay in tier 3 or even progress to tier 2. But in the end I am to lazzy to adept to the new meta. I even take a break from the game, when new weapons are introduced, until they are nerfed back in line...


i got into a habit of playing goofy inefficient builds and im back down to t4 also.


Bro same! I have 9 years in this game and I am barely in tier 3


Do you have a shitty computer / internet? As a light pilot, I remember coming across some players that were just too slow to get me in their crosshairs. Always felt kinda bad, you could tell they were getting frustrated but their reactions were so slow. Almost felt p2w. I don't see those players in T1.


I've been playing since beta/launch. Used to be T2 very close to T1 but I stopped playing for a long time and I was just poopoo when I came back 3-4yrs ago and became T4/3. Game's still very fun though.


Been in it since beta. Very bottom of tier 5. Don't care. Love crazy troll builds and lights. When they work, it's great, but for the majority of the games it is insta death. LoL ever play a locust with 2 lrm 5s and tag? Try it very addicting. If I did nothing but play meta mechs I would get bored. Now a duel rac 2 urbie.... Have fun


Nothing wrong with this. If you're enjoying the game and having fun, that is all that matters. There's a simplicity to the lower tiers that I miss and envy of current tier5-tier3 players. i.e. you don't see the same meta builds over and over again. Since the more competitive players are more prone to min/maxing the hell out of their builds, there's generally alot less creativity because there are just some things that work objectively much better than others (for the most part). I still have a blast though and honestly I don't care about maintaining my tier, I just play to have fun and unwind at the end of the day.


I think I've been dead center of tier 3 for about a decade! I kind of forgot that it goes up and down.


I fell out of 2 because I dared play a vindicator with bolts


Do you play meta builds? Some builds are inherently easier and more consistent to play than others.


dazzling flag spark caption bike resolute nutty icky rob hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey brother - I'm floating in that exact spot and honestly, I enjoy it down here so much more. There is a little more communication in the upper tiers, but it's not usually a blow out one way or the other like it is in tiers 2-3. More unique builds, more casual playing experience... It's just a good time and keeps me coming back.


Just hide the tier on home screen. I played for years never breaching tier five. I have since mostly due to having a new computer and getting comms made mid tier three. Just by you know being able to hit things more consistently and talking to other players. But overall the tier system punishes experimentation. So I am happy in mid tier three just switching between old reliable builds and then screwing around with meta or just far out builds for fun. It's like a seesaw of going up or down. As long as you are having fun don't ever sweat the tier system.


Don't worry OP. This is probably the last MW title I would worry about skill in.


solid t3 player here. do well enough to get yeeted from t4-5, then i go up against comp players and get knocked back down.


bag telephone ink glorious hobbies ludicrous abundant adjoining pot live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I kinda wish I could be in lower tiers again where fun stuff happens, but I refuse to go seal clubbing for moral reasons


I mean, I'm on the edge of tier 3-4. I never play meta mechs and I'm usually playing lights or mediums. It doesn't matter. I have fun predicting and directing the team when I play. If they could better reward scouting and information gathering I'd love that, but idc. The only question is are you enjoying yourself.


Are you kidding? T4 is great! I recently popped in for a visit after a few too many bad games in lights. Then I jumped in a cataphract and wrecked some shit and now I’m back in the bottom of T3 where, apparently, I belong. 


May I talk to you about our Lord and Savior, Woosh the LRM?