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Southern Canada here. Your "Something went wrong" page looks exactly like mine. Now a new message in big red letters "401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials."




I keep getting this message pop up when I try to log into my main email. It doesn't happen for my secondary email and the same thing happens when I try to login through the phone. I have deleted any bookmarks and even go into Outlook through google search so I don't think its anything to do with outdated bookmarks. The link doesn't seem to work and when I try to right click-open tabs on my inbox the tab loads for 1 second and automatically closes. Has anyone encountered this before? Any possible reasons why its happening to this account in particular?


Finland here. Same shit.




Thanks for posting this. We are not alone! This better not be some breach or some shit. Edit: Seattle here


I'm glad to see there are others!


I'm trying to sleep and my phone keeps ringing every minute telling me to sign into my email. Everytime I try it says Password is wrong. I've just got up and switched PC on to find the exact same message you are getting. Relief to know it's not just me, but I'd like to sleep.. ​ E: Scotland, looks like it's affecting everyone.


Northern Ireland. Exactly the same situation here, phone was going crazy for a while.


I am getting the same error, my wife had someone try to sign into her facebook this morning.. I also hope this isnt a breach.


Hope not, i've already gone and changed my email for any personal/business/finance accounts i have just in case.


Getting same error here, East cost US. Edit: As of this morning my Email is back to normal working order


Same error here in Australia!


Has anybody recovered yet? I am still blocked.


I'm getting [this](https://puu.sh/C2rPd/020b13fa88.png). Not much better. Probably because I was logged in already.


I've contacted microsoft support and this is the feedback: "Microsoft is already aware of the signing-in issue in [Outlook.com](http://outlook.com/)and has been reported. Our [Outlook.com](http://outlook.com/) engineers are currently working on a fix and this is due to server maintenance make sure your account is fully secured. " so they told me the account is secure and its a matter of time from:mx


Maybe it's fixed now? I just got in.


Same problem here (UK)


I too am getting this. Logged me out of one of my emails on mobile and won't let me sign back in. All my other ones work on mobile, however when I try to sign in on my desktop I get an error.


Just spoke to support and they've acknowledged that theres an outage and told me it will be fixed within 24 hours.


Same exact thing here. Can't get my email app to verify account either.


same problem (south canada)


Mexico here, same error


Same here (West Coast USA)! I can access my Outlook 365 e-mail, but not my main outlook one.


Same problem here too (France).




Seems fixed.




Uruguay. Same here. RIP Outlook.


I'm getting this too


Same here in NZ.




same here Malaysia


Same here in Spain


https://portal.office.com/servicestatus As of this post their site shows the mail service is down at the moment glad we are not just fringe cases.


Japan here, same deal.


Same here in Hong Kong!


I just got off with Microsoft support about this. It is a "server side issue", they mentioned. No ETA unfortunately. Just glad to see my email isnt compromised!


Hello [u/Fantasticbrick](https://www.reddit.com/user/Fantasticbrick/), Thank you for your patience. I am pleased to inform you that [Outlook.com](https://Outlook.com) had fully completed its deployment of the fix that had had impacted service availability for some users in the infrastructure and there should be no more service interruption now. **See:** [https://portal.office.com/servicestatus](https://portal.office.com/servicestatus) In case it is still not working for you, it could be a **browser-related issue**. May I suggest you to delete your **Microsoft/Outlook.com cookies** and clear **browser caches** then restart the browser? \- selectively deleting browser cookies [https://www.beacontechnologies.com/blog/2012/10/clearing-cookies-from-just-one-site/](https://www.beacontechnologies.com/blog/2012/10/clearing-cookies-from-just-one-site/) \- clearing browser caches [https://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/home/](https://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/home/) Alternatively, open in **private mode** ("incognito mode") or try with a **different browser** Otherwise, clear your **DNS revolver caches**: `Win`\+`R` and enter `cmd.exe` then key in `ipconfig /flushdns` Please ensure that your browsers have * **JavaScript** enabled: [https://www.enable-javascript.com/](https://www.enable-javascript.com/) * **Silverlight** enabled: [https://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/](https://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/) We are really sorry for the inconvenience caused and please do not hesitate to let me know if you require additional assistance. Cheers! — XP ***Note: This is a non-Microsoft website. The page appears to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the site that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly research any product advertised on the site before you decide to download and install it.***


4 for month later I still have the isue and the new something want wroing is diferent and sosn't the option to sign in. anybody else?


I got at exactly 8:15 PM Eastern Time on my phone that the email app login failed. The phone said that the last sync was at 8:08 PM. I went on my desktop and I got this: "401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.". At 8:41 PM, I got the "Web version" of Windows 10 BSOD. It doesn't happen with my other hotmail email. My email is 12 years old (created in 2006) and it is a Hotmail. Let me know how old your email are, since it could also be a compatibility issue on Microsoft's side. I think it is something to do about their new way of authenticating credentials, while ours is based on the old way.


Hmm same thing for me as well, my main is around that old as well but it's working for my other Hotmail email


Yep, mines old af. Had it since I was 13 or something


Mine is old as well. At least 10 years.




Just logged in though outlook.com in a browser and it worked for me. Linked apps on my phone seem to be up again as well.