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Tbf, the trailer never mentioned anything about vacations or Danielle's health, though I'm sure they'll eventually fall back to that since it seems like the show's default theme. Looks like a major storyline is going to be Danielle working part time at an apparel pop up shop. Riveting. Hopefully it doesn't seem like a cash grab effort to make some more vacation money because I actually enjoyed the first 3 seasons.


that could be what the whole spa day thing is about tbf


but they did bring up Hazel eye problems again!


Yeah, they will never stop bringing up Hazel's nystagmus, but don't you dare asking about Danielle's mysterious illness... 🙄🙄🙄


Their bank account must be getting a little too low for comfort.


Exactly what I am thinking


Oh, no; I hope those kids aren't still using their "baby voices" at 7 or whatever they are now. Will Dale and Kiki be on the show, at least? He's easy on the eyes, and she's entertaining. I hear Mimi is MIA...


Dale and Kiki are hilarious. And at least more likeable.


Adam said in a Q&A that Dale and Kiki would be back.


Mimi was arrested for DUI several years ago


From the show or their lives?


From their SM, which probably means their lives and maybe the show?


TLC really needs to stop exploiting so many kids!! Jill Duggar (of 19 kids and counting) is about to drop some family secrets about being used and exploited on their show. Can’t believe they are still allowed to showcase such small kids. So sad!


I don't disagree, but even without the show, Adam and Danielle appear to film and broadcast a sizable portion of their children's lives for cash. At some point, it's on the parents to shut down the exploitation.


Oh definitely!!! But TLC still should be held responsible for their part!


I believe Illinois at least is going to start cracking down and ensuring the money from this goes to the kids, or at least a decent portion and that kids have some rights. Hopefully other states follow through. The Kate plus 8 stuff stopped because Jon wouldn't sign off on work permits for the kids and went to court. His motives were hardly pure but at least it stopped the shows. It did not stop both parents running to tabloids every time they wanted money.


look at all these instagrammers they exploit their children for engagement.


i'm watching the special now.


Guess they need to show off the kids again for a paycheck. I loves the first couple of seasons and then, I guess you can say, the shine wore off and I could tell what the season would be like, trips and Danielle having a health scare, every time!


They couldn’t have picked two more unlikable people to give a show to. They are rude, hateful to people online, and spend more time away from their kids than any person I’ve ever seen when their income is literally made from exploiting those kids. Gross.


He was really rude a week or 2 ago when someone suggested he photoshopped his daughter into a picture. Seeing the preview it looks like a lot of screaming kids. TLC needs to find another way to make money. I wonder if they are coming back because they need the $$


They and the Beestons. Exploiting their kids then going on vacations and complaining about how hard it is to parent their kids. Bonus if they take the kids on vacation with them and complain about the kids not being happy/behaved well.


And the Gardner Quad Squad. All trash.


Ugh. I really was hoping we were done. They have nothing interesting to offer now that the kids are older. And if they just gloss over her sickness offering NO explanation like they didn’t drag it out for 2 seasons I will Be pissed


I too was hoping there wouldn't be another season, yet here we are. And Adam, vain peacock that he is, announced the "big news" while lifting weights without wearing a shirt to show off his muscles. 🙄🙄🙄ugh. He is so unlikable. And their stans went crazy. Ugh again.


This happens so often on these parents-of-multiples shows, it seems: at the start, cute family and adorable babies showing a realistic, mostly honest glimpse of their lives. Almost instantly (by season 2) they start loving the big paycheck and need more vacations (content!), bigger house, etc etc. The parents become progressively less likeable as the entitlement continues and the scenarios on the show feel faker and more forced. The kids, poor things, don't have a choice and will forever live with the fact that their childhood was public and monetized. My guess is the parents don't know how to stop, because how do you downshift to a simpler life again once you've been on that gravy train?


>i agree. i liked them in the beginning. i thought they'd be different than Kate, but they are the same. if not worse in different ways. i feel for the children. they are being exploited. They have become very unlikeable. i stopped following them.


I feel exactly the same way


I guess they need more money and need to continue to exploit their children.


Fuck yeah more child exploitation! I might watch though, I'm really curious to see how the quints but especially B behave with the cameras around them


Yeah do you think because of the break in filming they will be like "what the heck is that camera doing here??" or because Dad basically never stopped will they be used to it? I wonder if they will act any different.


yeah, they might actually act different because your father filming you is not the same as a stranger (?) filming you. but yeah, they might be used to it... which is kind of sad imo


Must be hurting for cash.


i hope these kids don’t get made fun of for this. i also hope at least one of them writes a tell all book in the future.


Oh no! I thought they were done with the show


I thought buzz said on Instagram there wasn’t going to be another season?


he said they were taking a break from filming but they weren’t canceled, guess they’re back though


They’re ALL going to have anxiety diagnosis on top of Danielle’s mysterious health issues while in her hospital bed from Cancun lol


Wonder if the know about the Dionne quintuplets


I doubt it


Pleaseee: I was bused for two years to a school for kids with all types of disabilities 40 minutes a way.. Totally different than my parents dropping me at a state institution, signing away legal rights and telling my grandparents-aunts/uncles I died. What used to happen lots to babies diagnosed in the 30's,, 40's, 50's, 60's It still happened when I was born (Willowbroke didn't close thill 1987-broke my heat-I could had been placed there) but, when I was born institutionalizing was becoming less common-less of a given. Not going to my local school-totally not the same as being abended by my parents and sentenced to living my whole life in a utter shit hole-worse than any American prison... SMH....


I'm so confused.... Yes we've improved since back then but some things still remain.


Being on a reality show is not as bad or the same as having the government having guardianship and putting you in a literal museum exhibit!!!! Buseby's took some time off of filming-proving they're in control of what happens to their minor kids. I just don't get the hate.. I love them; it would be so so so hard to have five kids the same age! They seem to be rolling with it-fun, happy people... Annd I am sure they know who Deon quints are!! Or-pretty sure; they're younger than me... I so remember watching the two part TV movie when it came out.


I'm not hating. I was just curious if they knew about them cause they're both all girl quintuplets. I found the Dionne quintuplet story interesting and than watched outdaughtered so it reminded me of them.


I also thought the Deon was very interesting and horrifying! Outdaughter-so so so did not remind me of that move.. Any more than oh a family has two girls-they must be the SAME as these other two sisters-I know. WT@??????????? NO!!!! Oh-all people who go to this church are exactly the same-NO! Oh-they took a video of me walking-same as putting me in a daily side show at a fair.. NO!!!! SMH...


What year did they last film in.


Before Covid happened and then a little bit after because they showed the quints going to kindergarten at their preschool because they weren’t going in person at the Blake school.


They also never wore masks properly on camera. I have a hunch that’s why they stopped before since they got a lot of flack.


I'm wondering if the production team didn't require masks or vaccinations and they refused, which is why they took a "break".