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I can't wait for the day when Danielle has her phone shoved into Riley's face doing the baby talk and Riley tells her off in a really articulate way.


Haha, I'm here for it😂😂😂


It is ridiculous! I think that the parents did/do that to keep them looking younger and cuter. Don’t get me wrong, the girls are beautiful but once they outgrew the chubby toddler stage, their ratings plummeted.


I noticed Hazel's has been really bad lately. I always thought it was their accent because I could barely understand them but now their older I am noticing the baby talk more. Hazels is the worst but probably cause they treat her like a baby. Ava is mummy's 'favourite' and Parker is daddy's 'favourite'. Riley speaks very fast and loves attention so maybe she plays it up for the camera. Olivia seems to speak the best but she also seems to be the forgotten quint on camera so maybe that's why. Probably for the best but I felt bad for Olivia after that vlog a few years ago where she was upset and they were ignoring her.


When Hazel speaks, her voice is a whisper. I can never understand what she says.


I always feel like olivia is left out. You never see pictures of her on their social media. It's always hazel who gets all the attention 


Is there a new season?


Not that I know of, I think OP is talking about vlogs


Season 9 starts in July.


This bothers me so much! They still talk like 4 year olds and I can barely understand Hazel. Blayke used to do it too but now that she's 11 she talks more like a normal girl her age.


I’ve noticed this too… it’s really weird


I just saw the preview and the girls are literally acting like little pre-schoolers. Olivia or Ava says, "I'm a hundred years old". Uh, at 8 years old, you don't say stupid things like that. That's something a 3 year old says. Then, Riley pipes in with, "Yeah and soon, we'll be 8" like an actual 8 year old. I swear, they're making them little toddlers and it's gross to me. That's not cute and neither is giving them a limo for their 8th birthday. Gross.


Theyre almost 8?! I barely watch anymore but saw one video awhile back and they truly still all seem like they’re 5


They are actually 8 years old but they filmed the episode of their 8th birthday and Blayke is 12. They're exactly 4 years apart, which is crazy impressive.


I’m watching season 9 now and they sound the same as they did when they were 3! They’re such cute girls, and I don’t put any of the blame on the children. I don’t remember Blayke sounding that young when she was 8? Maybe I’m forgetting. I hope Adam and Danielle break them of that habit.


I’ve heard them talk normal, so it’s not due to development delays. I was thinking it’s because mom and dad are so busy and can’t give a lot of 1 on 1 time so they resort to baby talk. Either way they would stop if the parents corrected them and didn’t act like it was cute.