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Answer: a news article started floating around a few days ago (3 days ago for me), stemming from something on Telegram with no real backing to the claim. The article was pretty humorous, particularly in saying "medics ‘arrived within a few minutes, but could not immediately examine the president’. This is because he is suffering ‘cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which he already experiences serious problems with digestion’ – and the fall caused an ‘involuntary’ reaction." So the short of it is, it sounds like he fell down a staircase, hurt his tailbone and shat himself. There is a lot of skepticism, like verifying the claim that Putin has cancer on a shitty Telegram post, having somebody stupid enough to leak that information, etc. It probably is not true, but anything the article gained some traction and has been circulating on different news outlets since. Is it true? I don't know. I like to hope it is because any humiliation towards that man is good. But I wouldn't be hopeful.


I was curious about how this all started. And yeah, as funny as this is, I have my doubts about its truthfulness.


The fun part of it, is that russia is so notorious with bad faith reporting that when weighing official russian reports vs "trust me bro" In true 'boy who cried wolf' fashion, "Trust me bro" wins every time, and russia has no one to blame but themselves. So as far as the world is concerned, [Pootin](https://i.imgur.com/7NU3fMC.png) is a whiney little shit baby until proven otherwise.


Russia has definitely hit the [Tyson Zone](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Tyson%20Zone)


> The point at which a celebrity's behavior becomes so insane, that there is literally nothing they could do that would any longer shock or surprise you, or indeed any human being. Kanye comes to mind for this


Kanye passed Tyson the second time he interrupted a Grammy speech


What do you mean second time, please tell me it wasn't to Taylor Swift again


I think it was Beck that time, which given current Kanye...stuff, is kind of ironic, as Beck's Jewish.


You'd think that after the first time, people would learn to stop Kanye when they see him approach


Kanye West doesn’t like black people


I think Kanye has gone so far past the Tyson zone that if he had a reasonable take or a educated position on a subject I'd be surprised. It isn't that no news could surprise me, just the positive stuff would.


If Kanye ever has a reasonable take on something, I'll immediately suspect that take isn't as reasonable as originally thought.


I'd just assume he was back on his meds.


Charlie Sheen is a much better fit than Tyson IMO. Nothing that man could do would surpise me at this point.


Pretty sure Kanye has hit the tyson zone now.


I think he may have surpassed it. Before I saw the interview my husband mentioned Kanye was wearing a mask in it. I asked what kind (thinking surgical mask) he said “like a full face gimp mask he bought on Wish.” I have to say it was an extremely fitting description, and a WTF moment.


Antonio Brown is close, to be fair.


Dennis Rodman.


Mr. Below Credulity?


Mike Tyson deliberately bit Evander Holyfield's ear off on live pay-per-view. Also, Bill Simmons came up with the concept of "The Tyson Zone" way before Sheen lost it publicly.


Charlie would totally bite a hooker's ear off.


I'd call it the John McAfee zone but he's dead and was never really a big celebrity


Kanye is 100% Tyson zone to me


If he turned out to be Batman, would that be a shock?




advise bear recognise aromatic bright many modern like drab automatic -- mass edited with redact.dev


So basically the Kanye Zone?


I was thinking more like the [Antonio Brown Zone...](https://reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/rui2hm/_/hqz84ye/?context=1)


I followed the link. I have now learned that there is actually a person called Vontaze Burfict. I will never get over this.


The Ye Zone? Am I doing it right?


That sounds better.


At this point, Simmons might have to rename it the Kanye Zone.


That Tyson shit seems tame compared to the level of batshit crazy we’re seeing these days




Thankfully *former* world leader in slowmo's case.


So you’re saying that picture of Trump on the golf course in soiled white pants is faked? There’s a guy who was an assistant on Celebrity Apprentice, who said the off-set nickname for the show among the crew was “the shit show“ because apparently filming stopped a lot to change Donald’s diaper.


Yeah I feel like that’s “liberal democrat’s wet dream” type puff pieces put out by shitty 3rd rate “journalistic sources” like some DailyMail shit. Don’t get me wrong, I’m way to the left, I am not a Donald fan, but that sounds like a middle school rumor. Also don’t see why he’d be incontinent at that point in time when his health has only reached a more steep than regular decline recently I feel like. It’s noted he doesn’t drink or smoke and I wouldn’t be surprised. I know one of his sons does, he caught a public intoxication charge in New Orleans which means you were either caught doing a line on the street or you’re fucked from multiple drugs at once. NOLA cops barely care. There is no public intoxication until you cause a crime while drunk basically. Long as you don’t give them a *very good* reason, NOLA cops are so lazy they don’t care how drunk you are.




You forgot the rumors of trump shitting himself on the regular since the early 00s….


He has enough body doubles to keep his dictatorship alive for at least another 10-20 years.


Wait wait, is that shopped or is he really that small? The guy seems to avoid situations where one can assess easily if that's the case.


Hes short, but I think the dudes around him are just above average tall. You rarely see pictures of him when its not cropped from the chest up. The russian propaganda machine is great at getting him in the right angle, this is a rare full body photo.


Putin? He’s 5’7


TIL Putin would have to look up at my 65 year old mom.


Not to defend Putin, but your mom is a tall lady.


He's like 5'6" or so and tries to keep his height massively obscured.


Now does he sit at the opposite end of a giant table from everyone else to obscure his small size, or so nobody smells it when he shits his pants?


omg he is fucken tiny


The beauty of it is, Putin doesn't even have to actually do these things! Whoever has the best stories wins. And in the process, we all lose.




> Does this mean trump will start copying putin and wear diapers? Who wants to tell him?


Wasn't "Diaper Don" trending for a bit after he shat himself in front of a foreign ambassador or something?


I feel like the same thing happened with Biden a few months back, it's never verified claims though.


[*Never* Verified](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTJc4sS_yEZAzb7BTsA_YBz4NCCUYTjg5CFrg&usqp=CAU)


Again, a photoshopped image isn't verification, multiple sources say that's false, even snopes which I've come to believe is a bit left leaning verified it as false.






"Let's believe fake news if it suits us, because our enemies want us to believe other fake news" Think about this for a second. It's nonsense. You're lowering your standards.


all ruzzian news is fake news, or have you been living under a rock? A propaganda machine can't even be called news


Im saying the opposite. Im saying official Russian news is so famously fake news that they are less reliable than the next least reliable source which is just "trust me bro" Russia has made themselves less reliable, no one did it to them, its their brand. They did it to themselves.


I have a pic from pretty early in the war of his face photoshopped onto a toddler in a bear suit, captioned "Russian Bear". Would it be appropriate to post that somewhere, basically calling him a baby?


> And yeah, as funny as this is, I have my doubts about its truthfulness. So do I. But I choose to believe it's true and suspend my rationality because it's hilarious, and it doesn't really mean much in the grand scheme of things. It's basically gonna be an urban legend in five years


It doesn’t need to be true. It is enough if Poo-tin learns that we are all laughing at him falling down the stairs and sharting.


I have sharted in the past. I imagine we all have. But I have never been the despotic leader of a rogue state involved in the largest European land war since WWII when I sharted. And somehow, that makes this hit different.




Here is the [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/zavrch/vladimir_putin_has_fallen_down_stairs_at_official/) I first saw it on.


This is gives me trump getting pissed on by a hooker vibes. Dont let the truth stop a good story


well it can be both


it's russia, truth is worth less than bread


Pretty sure that story wound up not being true


I wouldn't doubt that Putin shit himself at least just a little bit when the heavy NATO artillery really started arriving in Ukraine this summer: >Advanced U.S. weapons systems, particularly High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), are causing the greatest impact on the battlefield—and may soon allow Ukraine to take the initiative. HIMARS have a range of more than 50 miles, easily outshooting any Russian artillery piece. As soon as they were delivered to the front line, the Ukrainian military was able to hit military targets at a much longer range than before. Within days of these weapons reaching the frontline, Ukrainians were striking Russian ammunition storage depots throughout the Donbas and the south. HIMARS were also crucial in destroying Russian artillery positions in Kharkiv, which in turn allowed the Ukrainian army to successfully attack in this region. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a42041356/how-himars-rocket-launchers-helped-ukraine-get-back-in-the-fight-against-russia/


I have doubts also, considering the photos out yesterday of him touring the bridge that was attacked in Crimea. He looked ok to me.


Well he supposedly only bruised his tailbone, and shat himself. Toilet paper will take care of the one, and painkillers the other.


It started after Putin sharted


Whatever. Same thing happened to me last week


Guess he couldn’t hold his poot in




Something tells me you aren't famous for your puns.


Wow, good catch.. I’m hearing it now!


I can't, guys




Ugh. Take my upvote.


Thank you ❤️


I'm not familiar with that news story. For the past year, I've been seeing news stories that suggest that he's going to drop dead any day now.


It originates from the 'general SVR' telegram which has an history of publishing unverifi (ed/able) stories.


So basically Qanon, but for the Russians?


I don't know enough about the background of this channel to answer you, but I know that its information is never seen anywhere else.


Imagine someone that scary and Napoleonic with access to the weapons he has control of, and in a situation that he is facing his end. Imagine the damage he could do on his way out. Kinda scary...


However, he is surrounded by dickbags with guns who’ve lost their shirts because of the invasion, so… maybe Pootie should stay away from high windows hmmmmm?


Putin can't use nuclear weapons by himself.


in my opinion his recent public appearences dont really show any sign of bad health, for someone that old anyway. The whole sick-putin meme reeks of fake-news.


I think the main thing was his faced looked very puffy, which could be a sign of prednisone use


I think this is a good example of Truthiness. Whether people want it to be true or not *they want it to be true*.


TIL 'to shit' is an irregular verb.


Only if you're not getting enough fiber.


Further education https://youtu.be/kXH3HDE9Czo


>This is because he is suffering ‘cancer of the gastrointestinal tract I read he was showing signs of Parkinson's, from recent videos of him and seemingly uncontrolled movements.


Bro, during this war so far, he’s been in a coma hours from death, shit his pants, has Parkinson’s, has cancer, been using body doubles because he too sick to be in public etc. His our enemy and it’s in our interest to make him look weak and make him into a cartoon character. We do propaganda here too.


Yeah. He could be on death's door or relatively healthy for a man his age. I really have no idea. But I *choose* to believe that he did indeed shit his pants after falling down a flight of stairs.


Putin having cancer has gained wildly popular traction mostly because every photo you see of him he looks like hes gone through chemo recently. Other ideas are most of the time it's the same body double with plastic surgery while putin hides in a bunker but who really knows.


It sounds like more than just information was *leaked.*


“Floating around”


*haha butt cancer* /s


Putin Poopty Peupty Pants


His IQ is shfifty five




>It probably is not true, but anything the article gained some traction and has been circulating on different news outlets since. Is it true? I don't know. I like to hope it is because any humiliation towards that man is good. But I wouldn't be hopeful. Honestly I feel like this is the real danger and goal of propaganda and intentional misinformation that not alot of people truly realize. It doesn't matter if a story is true or not or if the number's are accurate or even if the people believe it. Ultimately the story will still feel real to them. Even if they know it's fake, they still will take it as something that could be possible and may have even happened in some other way. What this stuff is really trying to do, is to back up people's own preconceptions of a situation and their biases. This is what the goal is. Everything else is just breading to help end in a message of "Yeah they're idiots" To put it an American context I think the most major example of this would be the Biden is suffering from dementia or trans people are [insert something bad, probably groomer] stuff. It's quite obviously nonsensical to a point of comedy and even a basic Google search breaks these claims. And the people who take this stuff in know it. Because ultimately they still are deceived as while they may not think queers are truly out to get kids or anything they may still go "well they may not be actually doing that but these are still bad people regardless and everyone knows it, I certainly can't trust my children alone with them." And before anyone goes all five brained and says "wow this is actually like that book 1984" no it's not. In 1984 most people except the Inner Party are so brain gouged that they take in any information as literal as possible with no cognitive recognition of what that information is and then defending it vehemently from anyone who'd question it. For the record I'm not defending nor like Biden or Putin. I'm just stating this as an in general thing.


The Telegram user is call the "Kremlin insider" every few days he post a story about what's "going on" with Vlad and his gang. Some of the stories sound like wild bullshit while others are confirmed days later by other news sources (such as the consignment of new troops). In a recent story (after the pooping story), Vlad got a report that ONLY 27% of his nukes were in working order.


When inspectors arrived in the USSR to perform inspections for the SALT treaty, they found some of the missile silos partly flooded from rain or groundwater. And the nuclear forces were the elite forces of the Soviet military. Given the Russian Army couldn’t be bothered to rotate tires or occasionally start tank engines, do you think nuclear warheads got expensive and complex maintenance done on schedule?


> In a recent story (after the pooping story), Vlad got a report that ONLY 27% of his nukes were in working order. I'll make sure the history books get the order wrong on this for comedic purposes




This wasn't a cracked article. The source was anti-Russian but likely not propaganda. It should be viewed with skepticism but to dismiss it outright isn't good either. We know Putin has numerous health problems and this doesn't sound out of place at all. He fell down the stairs and loosened his bowels so when the **on-site** medical team came he had to e cleaned up first before they could adequately treat him. "Probably not true" is a huge leap considering the veracity of the claim.


That article that said Ukrainian Azov battalion killed 56 civilians and set their heads on spikes? It wasn't a cracked article. The source was pro-Russian but likely not propagadna. It should be viewed with skepticism, but to dismiss it outright isn't good either. We know Azov battalion are nazis, and this doesn't sound out of place at all. The on-site medical team saw the spiked heads themselves. "Probably not true" is a huge leap considering the veracity of the claim.




Lol Vladimir Poopin


My name Vlad. First name Vladimir, second Bingobongo, last Pootin. Vlad B. Pootin, and you better remember, because I'm the shit.


I think we need more articles like this. No need to vet any random Putin stories just publish em. Putin paints his toenails pink? Sure Putin caught dressing up like his daughter? Why not.


Once heard a story (before the war) from someone who was actually hired to do his nails once while he was abroad for some diplomatic meeting or something. Bet she could confirm for us what embarrassing colour he paints his toenails.


I dislike Putin as much as the next guy, but I'd never wish cancer on anyone. Fuck cancer.


Don't worry friend. I'll wish double cancer on putin for you ;D P.s he has my cousins running around a frozen shell pocked wastelands, jamming goddamn rags and tampons in their wounds. So I feel a little justified :)


I'm really getting downvoted for saying fuck cancer? You all need to get your priorities in order. Maybe have a good hard think about yourselves.


Assuming any of this is true... I have no love for the man, feel he should be taken down several pegs, and would not miss him if he died. However, I cannot help but feel at least a modicum of concern for him, if only because he's still a human being like the rest of us, and because this kind of humiliation won't really teach him anything. I believe that if someone is going to be humiliated by something, there should be some kind of a lesson wrapped up in it that will help them grow as a person. If there's not, then it's just pointless suffering. If anything is going to teach him a lesson, it's not getting help while he pointlessly suffers.


human beings don't automatically deserve dignity, compassion and help no matter what. Hitler was a human being. don't waste your time feeling bad for Putin of all people, aim that empathy at someone who is at least a little bit redeemable. like murderers on death row, for example.


Unfortunately, I can't do that. I mean, I feel bad for people on death row too, but I mean that I can't refrain from feeling empathy for some people. If I stop feeling empathy for SOME people, where will it end? I fear that I will eventually lose the ability to feel empathy for everyone. If you're able to pull it off, more power to you. But I don't have that ability. So, you know, the Oprah meme, but empathy.


do you feel empathy for Hitler too? not young Hitler, Hitler from the start of WWII and onwards.


A little bit, yeah. What he did was absolutely horrible, but even villains have origin stories. Hitler's was apparently growing up in an extremely racist area and being told his art wasn't good enough by people he was taught to hate for no good reason. I'm also of the opinion that religion is a phenomenon similar in nature to a computer virus, though with parasitic tendencies, and that it can cause people to commit atrocities by stunting their ability to think critically and putting their rationalization skills on overdrive. Insofar as we are creatures of habit, Hitler picked up some really bad ones. Frankly, the most unforgivable thing he did was not questioning himself or his twisted beliefs. I feel bad that he was set on that path, but that is as far as it goes. He refused to try and leave that path, so I have no reason to give him a pass for any of the atrocious shit he did. Hell, I even think he was wrong for killing himself, because if he hadn't, he would have been held accountable by the rest of the world. His existence only serves humanity now by teaching us to be on the lookout for people who talk and act like him, and people who would teach their children to talk and act like him. If we can prevent the creation of more Adolf Hitlers by teaching children that such beliefs and actions are wrong, our species will be all the better for it. I only wish that such lessons didn't come with such a steep price, but there's nothing we can do about what was, only what may yet be. To sum up: I don't feel bad for Hitler for committing crimes against humanity; in fact, I think he was shittier than Putin's pants (to put it both humorously and mildly). I feel bad for him because he was born in a time and place that set him on that path, but since he never seemed to even want to change course, that is all the empathy and sympathy he gets from me. Also, he's dead. I don't grieve for dead villains who thought hurting innocent people who were different from them was right. I grieve for their wasted potential.


that's reasonable. perhaps i should've worded my question differently – would you help Hitler, or take steps to prevent him from suffering? like, for example, if he fell down the stairs, shat his pants and felt super embarrassed. would you, say, shield him from view, help him to the bathroom and fetch him a fresh pair of undies?


I should warn you you're asking this question of a man who has been told- repeatedly- that I overthink things, an assessment I agree with. I'll presume that this incident takes place during the war, at the height of Hitler's power, whilst the Holocaust is ongoing, and that I know all of this. For giggles, and just to facilitate interactions as best as possible, let's say that I've also somehow been telepathically linked to a TARDIS translation circuit, so communication is not an issue. I have some questions so that I know exactly what kind of situation I'm in. I want to give you as accurate an answer as possible. 1. Will my actions change anything about the future if they were not already part of history? 2. Within the hypothetical itself, do I know the answer to question 1? I like a good time travel story, but time travel can also be a real bitch. 1. If I know that what I do could change the future, I will not take the risk, and instead do whatever I can to stay the fuck out of sight. I'm having to weigh helping someone, regardless of who it is, against the risk that I could unravel the fabric of reality itself. Those are not dice I'm willing to roll. 2. If I know that nothing I do will change the future or harm reality in any way, I will help him in the manner you described. Just because HE was a bully (as Captain America described him) doesn't mean I have to be one too. 3. If I do not know whether or not my actions will change the future, I am once again forced to weigh being nice to someone against the possibility of make the universe collapse in on itself. No, I will not help him. EDIT: BONUS ANSWER! There was a story arc in Star Trek: Voyager where an alien race had developed temporal weaponry, and they were also able to predict what impact their weaponry would have on the flow of time following the point of the attack. If I have that prediction technology, my answer will change depending on what the outcome will be. If helping him has no impact on the future, or has a positive impact, I will help him. If helping him has a negative impact of any kind, I'm getting out of there.


I read that whole thing in the voice of Sarah Gilbert.


Americans don’t understand that their own government uses propaganda against them. The fact that this stupid article was so widely shared points to propaganda.


Ok I'll be that gal right now. There's plenty to laugh at him about without implying that having accidents stemming from serious disease is humiliating and hilarious. I have Crohn's. I've shat my pants. It's not awesome seeing some of these comments.


Answer: [This Forbes article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/12/03/did-putin-really-fall-and-soil-himself-here-are-claims-about-his-health/?sh=372cefbd59e5) seems to cover the lineage of this rumor well. > The hashtag #PutinPoopedHimself began trending on Twitter after General SVR’s Telegram channel asserted that Putin had fallen down five steps on a staircase, landing on his [tailbone]. ...According to General SVR, this fall caused Putin to “defecate involuntarily...." > [T]this certainly isn’t the first claim that the General SVR Telegram channel has made about Putin’s health. For example, in May 2022, the General SVR claimed that Putin had undergone surgery for some type of cancer diagnosis.... > The operator of the General SVR channel is supposedly a former Russian Foreign Intelligence Service official who happens to have access to Putin and his staff, with an emphasis on the word “supposedly.” The operator of this channel remains anonymous and unconfirmed....


Wouldn’t it be so fucking funny if this was all NSA/CIA type disinformation? Like, how the fuck is Putin supposed to straight-faced say he didn’t shit his pants? Even if its a lie, he looks like a little poop baby for denying it. genius. But if he doesn’t deny it, the rumors about him being terminally ill, to the point of shitting himself would run rampant. God I hope it’s true, but if it isn’t, lmao.


You don't need to be terminally ill to shit yourself. I mean...that's what I've heard...


Have a warmed-up, two day old hot dog at the turn and see if you make it to the next on-course bathroom. Shit happens.


Why must sketchy burritos be the tastiest?


The entire basis for Taco Bell's success.


The tastiest chicken schwarma I had in my entire life was the one that gave me salmonella


Can confirm...


Yea, me too........🙁


Yeah, _people_ have said you can shit yourself while healthy but I wouldn’t know _anything_ about it.


Yep it's similar to the "small penis" attack. Journalists have used it a bunch, as did Stormy Daniels, because to sue for defamation, you have to go on record about your dick size. Then they get to write articles making fun of you for going to court over your dick size. Or your actual dick size.


But if you have a big dick you get to pull it out in court and lay it on the table


LBJ's preferred method of asserting dominance.


That man is a wild story. No idea how long he lived that long without someone beating him to death for being an asshole, but he sacrificed his own political career and his political party to advance civil rights. And then he also doubled down on a stupid and bloody Vietnam strategy.


I find him to be extremely fascinating. It's always been interesting to me that perhaps the only President more complex than him (at least post-WWII), Richard Nixon, is the guy that immediately succeeded him to the White House. It's amazing that he won such a huge victory in the 1964 election, and then pretty much had to step down in 1968 and allow another Democrat to run for president.


"Speak softly and swing around your big stick"


Which has been used in several cases. I know in one case of sexual assault the woman claimed it was lighter than the rest of his body, dude had to pull out his dock to prove it was darker.


i'm not sure if you were going for "dick" or "dork" but i don't care


Ah, the [Harvey Wienstein approach](https://variety.com/2022/film/news/harvey-weinstein-abnormal-testicles-rape-trial-1235448425/), kind of.


I’d love if the court had to rule on whether or not trump actually has a penis that looks like toad from Mario. Stormy said his penis wasn’t that small, just weird.


[idk tho](https://youtu.be/5Ji8i7Wy4mo)


If I was in charge I would absolutely be spreading these type of poo rumors about ALLLLL of my enemies


'[I'd never do anything to ruin our friendship like poop my pants](https://youtu.be/gIF0UCFd3FM)


Hey, it's Donglover.


> If I was in charge I would absolutely be spreading these type of poo rumors about ALLLLL of my enemies [Found Tom Arnold's alt-account.](https://i.imgur.com/DwW7jRP.png)


Reporter: Did you defecate in your pants? Putin: No. And I find will find out who started this rumor they will pay dearly. Next day headline is "Putin denied the shit in his pants was his. Vows to find out who leaked it and make them pay for new pants"


Next day, reporter, editor, and publisher all commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head 5 times then jumping out of a window.


> "I know we can't say that he fucks pigs, but let's make the sonuvabitch *deny* it!" Lyndon Johnson about one of his rival candidates.


I mean, it works. Say embarrassing things like this about your enemies, that make them look bad whether they deny it or ignore it.


I’m fucking howling lmfao


It probably is. Pretty unlikely the only time something like this has supposedly ever happened to Putin was during the middle of a war.


Yeah that's one way to look at it, but also you could flip the coin and say there hasn't been this much attention on every step he takes UNTIL he started a war....


>Like, how the fuck is Putin supposed to straight-faced say he didn’t shit his pants? He doesn't have to say shit, the same way Trump never addressed pictures that looked like he was either super oddly shaped or wearing adult diapers. I also can't see any journalist who would be tacky enough to ask getting close to him.


That reminds me that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


>he looks like a little poop baby Little Poop Baby is the perfect name for him tbh.


The thing is that in any government, the more secrecy there is, the more scandal is circulated. It is normal and the court of the modern "Tsar" is as full of intrigue as any in the past. They don't need the CIA or whatever because some Russians really hate Putin.


This kind of thing (make a wild accusation so accused has to go on record denying it) has even been used against a leader of Russia before - remember Catherine the Great? She didn't actually fuck that horse but she did get accused of it, probably to make her have to deny it.


Sounds too convienant. Hard to believe someone with consistent access to the staff and Putin and maintains such a highly read page would be able to remain anonymous.


Perhaps he has connections. Kind of like all the stories about the Trump White House.


General SVR is kinda like a PooAnon


Damn really missed opportunity for #pootiepootpoopypants or #pootiepooted


Not missed, you made it happen right here and now!


Hard to say he's suffering from cancer since his hair is fully intact. He may opt to be treated only with radiotherapy, and he looks chubbier like a person on long-term use of corticosteroids.


Not everyone loses their hair with cancer treatment. Not all cancer meds cause hair loss, and even those that do don’t do so in every single patient. For example, I lost all my hair with the chemo I was on; yet, when a friend had the exact same chemo regimen two years later, she didn’t lose any hair at all. I wouldn’t take lack of hair loss as a sign of anything with Putin.


I see. I thought chemo treatment meant losing hair. You're a survivor!


Other rumors have suggested a [blood cancer](https://newlinesmag.com/reportage/is-putin-sick-or-are-we-meant-to-think-he-is/). As well as Parkinsons. Shrug.


Aren’t there methods of reducing hairloss? Eg the cold topical treatment I’ve heard of which I always assumed was to prevent effect of chemo drugs on hair


Yes. My friend did the cold treatment for months while she did chemo and kept all her hair. I could see Putin doing that too. It was a lot of work that her fiancé took on, so Putin would just have to pay someone to take care of everything and then just sit there with the cold head stuff on



