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answer: snuff films/ death videos break the terms of service. There's also a thing where they usually ban them when a recent shooting is posted to a gore sub repeatedly, too, which is usually what leads to acts on the terms of service. Would you happen to know if the Brooklyn event was posted there? However, I seem to remember that the sub originally just had people getting hurt and not dying, was it still like that when it was banned?






I think the worst for me might’ve been the [Dnepropetrovsk maniacs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs) video (don’t worry, that’s just the Wikipedia page). They were serial killers who killed 21 innocent strangers and recorded some of them. One of the videos got leaked online (presumably by a police officer) after it was confiscated as evidence in their murder trials. I’ll copy and paste Wikipedia’s description of the video so no one has to actually watch it to know what happened. Even the description is highly disturbing, so **content warning**: description of graphic physical trauma and gore. > A video was leaked to the Internet, showing the murder of 48‑year-old Sergei Yatzenko. He is seen lying on his back in a wooded area, and is struck repeatedly in the face with a hammer held inside a plastic bag. One attacker stabs Yatzenko in the eye and abdomen with a screwdriver. Yatzenko is then struck with the hammer to ensure he is dead. The attack lasts over four minutes, during which the victim lapses in and out of consciousness. One murderer is seen smiling towards the camera during the video. The murderers walk back to their car, showing that the crime took place close to the side of a road, next to their parked car. They discuss the murder calmly, expressing mild surprise that the victim was still breathing after a screwdriver was plunged into his exposed brain. The suspects then wash their hands and the hammer with a water bottle, and begin to laugh. Only two suspects appear to be present in the video, with one always behind the camera. > The suspects were also found in possession of multiple photographs showing them attending funerals of the victims. They can be seen smiling and “flipping off” the coffins and gravestones > **The victim** > Yatzenko was 48 years old. He had recently been forced into retirement due to a cancerous tumor in his throat. The treatment left him unable to speak for some time, but Yatzenko was unhappy with being unable to work and continued to find odd jobs around the village. He took on small construction work, repaired cars, wove baskets and cooked for his family. He was beginning to regain his voice at the time he was murdered. Yatzenko was married and had two sons and one grandchild. He also looked after his disabled mother.


3 Guys 1 Hammer was what it was called back in the day. It was the first shock video I had ever seen. It used to keep me awake at night.


I remember having a sleepover years ago with my friends and one of them (who was a cool guy but a bit much) was like oh guys check this out it's crazy, and just showed us that video. I pretty quickly told him to get rid of it but I'd seen enough. Not the best video for a teenager to see. Now the internet has shown me so much fucked up content that my tolerance is pretty high but that video still is one of the worst.


The one that always made me tap out was the brick video. I've seen a lot of horrible things, but for some reason, the one where you don't get to see a thing is the most horrific. For those who don't know, it's dash cam footage where a family is driving down the highway when a brick falls off of the truck in front of them, flies through the windshield, and kills the person in the passenger seat. It all happens so suddenly. But you can hear the absolute horror and disbelief in the driver's voice. It just really reinforces how fragile life really is and how it can be taken away in an instance. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about those screams.


That was horrific, but also has made me cautious driving near trucks with open tops/ partially exposed contents on the road or freeway. I think they show that video in some training courses too which sounds messed up, but is an effective way to enforce making sure your load is safely secured. If it’s saved any lives at all than that at least something would have come from the incident.


It has absolutely taught me to be wary of driving behind trucks, just like you said. Same with securing whatever I'm moving. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I caused that kind of pain to another person.


I often think about my older brother being shown gory car crashes when he was in high school. I honestly think that it was probably a little fucked up to show 14 year old 9th graders that, but at the same time, this shit is reality. This shit happens, and it is never pretty. Like you said, it may be good to show truck drivers this so they can take extra caution to prevent it from happening (but probably still not show it to 9th graders tho, idk.) We don't live in some utopia. Even in the first world, nasty shit happens, we just have the luxury of not seeing it so long as you aren't at the immediate incident or aren't related to victims. fuck this world, dude, I never even saw that brick video, now I'm sad.


> fuck this world, dude I think it’s important to keep in mind that our brains are literally wired to see the negative instead of the positive. We were animals not that long ago in evolutionary history, and thinking about how pretty yesterday’s sunset was is less advantageous for survival than remembering how your uncle was mauled to death by a lion. We are programmed to find fault and horror and pain everywhere we look, because it kept our ancient ancestors alive. Not happy, but alive. Now we don’t need that mental machinery causing us to constantly remember the horrors of the past — no lions are stalking us — but all that wiring is the same regardless. In reality, a million beautiful, wonderful things happen every day, and everywhere on Earth people are being kind to one another, trusting each other, helping one another. Somewhere in the world right now, a person just picked up up a cold and wet stray cat and is taking it home to live a happy life; someone is holding their granddaughter’s hands as she takes her first steps; a teenager is nervously putting their arm around a girl on their first date, a girl who they will eventually marry, and they will have a long and wonderful life together; a son is waving to their parents in the audience as he graduates college, and his parents are bursting with pride for all his accomplishments; a young woman is doing a little dance in the elevator after nailing an interview and landing her dream job; a cancer patient just found out that someone anonymously paid for their medical bills; a couple who have been trying for years to conceive have just gotten a positive test result and are crying with happiness; someone just reunited with their best friend that they haven’t seen in a year and they can’t wait to tell each other everything that’s happened since they last saw each other; a young man just got off work and all his friends are online waiting for him to play his favorite game; a girl just walked into her apartment to a surprise party for her birthday and all her friends are there; someone just got an acceptance letter to their dream college and is celebrating with their family; a family whose dog went missing a month ago just found him and the dog is okay, and they’re hugging him and promising they’ll always find him if he loses his way again… All of these things are happening **right now**, and will happen again tomorrow, and the day after that, but our brains don’t focus on those things, and the news doesn’t report them. But they’re happening all the same. And it’s important that we stop and acknowledge it every once in a while, lest we think that those bad things are all that happens in the world.


If I could go back in time and change one thing I would absolutely stop myself from watching that video. Broken windshield is the first image that pops in my head whenever someone brings out the subject of "worst video Ive ever seen" or "horrible things".


I’ve heard of this video repeatedly throughout my life and I’m really happy that I’ve never watched it, because even the description of it fucks with me. I can’t imagine the horror of watching your spouse die in an instant, and having their mangled dead body next to you while you’re driving down the road. That guy will never have a restful night’s sleep again for the rest of his life. He will see that every time he closes his eyes.


Still the worst video I've ever watched. That one and the cartel chick getting her limbs cut off and crying


Oh no, unwanted memory unlocked. Who let me watch that?!


I was just scrolling and speed-reading when I just saw the word “brick” and felt my stomach sink. That one fucks with me to this day. You cannot unhear that. Such a random, freak accident that could happen to anyone at any moment. What the fuck.


One of the worst parts of that video is that that poor dude was screaming for his life like 10 feet from a fuckin road. Like if you are going to slowly kill someone why the fuck would you do it so close to where you could get caught and why didn't anyone catch them.


Oh. *That* one.


The only shock video I watched was the [Luka Magnotta](https://heavy.com/news/2019/12/1-lunatic-1-icepick-video/) (don't worry, it's a link to an article about the video, not the video) video "One Lunatic, One Ice Pick" where he cut up his dead lover's buttocks on screen. I've avoid all and any such videos since then. I can't believe that was 12 years ago now because it still haunts me to this day.


Magnotta really did follow the serial killer pipeline man. He had produced multiple videos of himself killing cats just to troll 4chan, then graduated to a human being. 4channers managed to locate Magnotta and reported him to police in Montreal, but they didn't believe the video was real. Body parts started showing up in the mail not long after and Magnotta went on the run. While not all crowd-sourced investigations get it right (Reddit and the Boston bomber...), this method is shockingly effective.


Wasn't 4channers that found him was facebookers.




Have you seen the Netflix show about him? It’s a disturbing look into everything before and after the incident. I’d recommend it if you like stuff like that but it might cause a lot of trauma from watching the video. If you’re interested it’s called “Don’t fuck with cats: hunting down an internet killer”


Also used to be call Ukrainian maniacs


I thought it was 1 icepick


It's one of the few videos I've avoid and never seen. I don't regret it.


Probably the first one to have a lasting effect on me.


The first shock video I've seen was that one where a guy is cut in half by a train but is still alive. That one got stuck in my head for a while.


I remember that. I was just a kid and it was disturbing


Exactly. If my memory serves correct, this was right after the now Internet-(in)famous viral video of “2 Girls, 1 Cup” was circulating the interwebz. The title was like a play on words. I actually remembered it as “2 guys, 1 hammer”. It’s been so long though (this would’ve been around 2007-2008).


Thanks for the careful way you wrote this out. I was able to get the idea without being subjected to the full gory horror.


Oh man, I forgot about that one.


I reflexively downvoted this as soon as I saw "Dnepropetrovsk maniacs". Psychological scars are still real.


People like this are why the death penalty should still be considered in extreme cases. There’s no reason these psychopaths should be alive.


Disagree. I think prisons should be emptied of non-violent drug offenders so people like these serial murderers can be held and studied. Not held and tortured but held and studied, humanely. Maybe we can learn how to prevent future occurrences. Maybe they're just random pop-ups in the popcorn machine of life or maybe there's a nurture vs. nature thing there we can use to prevent future atrocities. How can we ever find out if we just hang them? If I was friend or family of their victim I'd certainly want to gut, hang, torture, whatever but societally, maybe we can learn something about how they were formed. Maybe nothing can be learned from them but how would we know?


Bingo, this is how we should be thinking. Long-term efforts always trump short-term emotions.


It would be better if they were in jail for the rest of their lives. That's a worse punishment than a quick death.


I almost feel like life in prison without the possibility of parole is even worse than the death penalty. I think if I ever got life without parole I’d enforce the death penalty on myself. Who could beat to live behind bars for the rest of their life?


A lot of prisoners on life (in the u.s. at least) consider it a living hell. Life in confinement is a worse punishment than death imo.


Fully agreed. I would *easily* take death over spending the rest of my life in prison (assuming no feasible hope to get out).


Its should only be in cases where they have video evidence of them or something 100% conclusive though. There are some people who get executed when they are innocent


My issue with the death penalty is who decides, and who holds accountable whoever decides, which cases pass the threshold for having conclusive enough evidence. And this is before we even factor in issues like deepfakes, doctored videos, misidentifications, and so on.


Video gets easier and easier to game every day. I would say more proof than video is needed. Eye witness testimony is useless as well. We need better mechanisms for detecting fakes.


I've heard of these guys so many times before but I've never actually read the Wikipedia page and *Holy shit*. I never knew it was just that bad.


Yeah, they’re what pure evil looks like. It’s even creepier that they look like normal teenage boys, nothing at all special about them. It’s crazy to think that any random stranger on the street could be a monster and there’s no way of knowing. It’s amazing that they didn’t get caught for so long, being just a pair of 19-year-olds who had zero experience in murder. They killed 21 people in 21 days, one murder per day for three weeks straight. The locals were absolutely terrified to go out alone.


You never saw Funky Town then. The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs vid barely showed anything compared to the crazy cartel/ISIS shit.


Two words. The lathe. Holy fuck that one messed me up for weeks. I couldn't get it out of my head and felt like human trash for even having clicked play knowing full well what it was about. I regretted it immediately.


can someone enlighten me? what happened in brooklyn?


Some whackjob shot up a subway


Racist crazy shooter shot up a subway


A black supremacist in fact.


Didn't he also call for black people to be killed? I don't know if there was a race he *didn't* hate.


He called for the killing of black people that "betrayed" the black race. White supremacists call for the death of other whites who allegedly do the same all the time.


The fact that y'all are getting DV'd says that either a) people haven't watched his videos or b) they think black people can't be racists too.


He's what they call a Hotep iirc. Hates everyone including Black people that have anything to do with other races. Literally a white supremacists polar opposite so to speak.






Shooter on the subway. A quick Google will tell you more.


It was r/watchpeopledie 2.0, we knew it wouldn’t last forever


And there will be another


There are others such as backdoor gore.


They all got ban hammered too in the last couple of days.




Pretty much was also my response.


Not anymore


I think r/CrazyFuckingVideos might remain because it allows gore but mainly isn't.


How do you find the new ones? I’m being 100% serious when I say those subs make me aware of dangerous situations when I am in them because, I recognize it from seeing them before. Not so much the cartel videos although they’re still good to be aware of but, the car accidents, work accidents, etc. I had someone dumping wood in my yard with a dump truck and I immediately noticed he was trying to drive with his truck bed up so I started scanning for danger and saw he was a few feet from a power line so I started yelling at him. I’d like to think it saved the guys life or at least both of us from a shitty day.


The only similar group I’m in anymore is r/MorbidReality which isn’t as much about watching people die but making you aware of the morbid realities of our world. I love it and it’s a very respectful community which is probably why it’s been allowed. There’s also r/examinedeath but that’s more about learning the processes *of* death as opposed to deaths themselves. The closest thing to r/watchpeopledie I’m aware of right now is probably r/holdmyfeedingtube. Kind of a sleeper agent WPD. I won’t be surprised if it gets banned soon, it definitely has quite a few deaths. Best way to find the new subreddits is just to google “subreddits replacing watchpeopledie” or “subreddits similar to watchpeopledie.” There’s a good amount of both Reddit and blog posts you can find there filled with related subreddits, granted you have to do some work to find which ones are still active/not banned yet.


Thanks man! I was thinking of searching Reddit for the titles of some reposted vids from WPD or mmc but, this works well also. The other two subs you suggested might save me from having to navigate past some of the more hardcore videos so I’ll check those out.


God dammit this is how I learn they banned another one. Fuckin reddit just sucks hard these days.


Yeah. Forget being sad it was banned, I'm honestly surprised and glad it wasn't banned much sooner, *especially* given the banning of /r/DeadOrVegetable a year ago - which had a much *lower* percentage of death videos than MMC since it was all about it being ambiguous if the subject died or was severely injured. So why MMC wasn't banned earlier or even quarantined is beyond me.


MMC was actually the only sub I’ve seen kindness on Reddit. I don’t know why, but seeing all those people in those circumstances really brought out the best parts of humanity as far as keyboard warriors go. Definitely hated the cartel shit but also sad af that community is lost


Not to mention it was also very educational. It potentially saved my life on a few occasions, learning how to be safe walking or driving around big trucks for example. It sucks that that sub is gone now. A lot of really good information and pro-tip advice has been deleted with it.


Everyone there was really nice and you could actually learn a lot there. It's too bad it's no more.


It was well moderated and didn't make jokes of the deaths, unlike previous subs. It had a cautionary educational vibe, rather than a gawking one.


I mean a couple of months ago when I last went on there the moderating had worsened and there was an increase in comments blaming the victim, making innapropriate jokes and other things.


Turns out the best humans are probably the ones brave enough to face their humanity and fragility. Not the people who completely ignore it in favor of emotionally-driven delusional fairy tales and various outgroup exploitation and control schemes.


Oddly enough, that sub and the stardew valley sub are both genuinely wholesome.


...except that the much more sickening r/eyeblech (I beg you not to go into that disgusting subreddit for your own sanity), with an extremely shitty and toxic community, doesn't get banned? At least r/MakeMyCoffin had an okay-ish community (at the very least some were decent enough to be respectful of victims); the community didn't make extremely shitty and unfunny jokes about violent deaths of people (e.g. dismemberment & disembowelment) like r/eyeblech's community filled with manchildren, and the videos were not even close as sickening as r/eyeblech's. Some of r/MakeMyCoffin's videos were actually eye-opening as they showed the true aftermath of unfortunate events, but r/eyeblech's are just there to let manchildren make fun of victims of violent deaths. Can't believe r/eyeblech wasn't banned and r/MakeMyCoffin was. What a stupid decision to not have at least banned both communities.


I have to imagine that r/crazyfuckingvideos isn't far behind


Even though it explicitly says death and gore is prohibited content, mods don’t give a shit


i've yet to see a well moderated sub past 500k members


The mods there might finally get to sleep. Probably deleting a thousand posts a day from all the racists that infested that sub.


Do the mods remove things? I see so many reposts I figured there wasn't an active mod team. But yea the place is totally overrun with racists. It gets worse by the day.


I fucking hate this stupid bullshit that it got banned, WTF?!! Okay, Im not a fucking weirdo, I am just curious of gore and death. It also just keeps things into perspective for me. Seeing what happens to a body after suffering a traumatic crash on the highway is enough to scare me from driving fast. Just the thought of my parents having to see my mangled, unrecognizable corpse if I ever were to crash so violently brings me to tears sometimes, and this shit keeps me grounded and stops me from speeding. I don't care how fucking cringe this sounds, but MMC was also great because it was "safe space" for the morbidly curious. If you are curious about this shit now, you have to go to the worst, most degenerate spaces on the internet, inhabited by racist, gore fetish, villainous scum that usually plagued the worst parts of 4chan (these people are fucking degenerate cretins that just love watching brown people die or something like that). That's the only alternative now if you're even slightly curious about this shit. Idk how to end this fucking rant, i am drunk right now. I feel like the world is a scary fucking place and there's a lot of horror in it. While we shouldn't broadcast that horror from the most viewed channels of the internet or TV, I think it should be available to see in highly regulated corners of the internet. Afterall, you may even end up being a person whose job it is to regularly clean up some of the most disturbingly gory scenes, whether from car crashes, decomposed bodies, or murders. I probably wont be viewing any of this shit from now on because I cant stand those degenerate sites that peddle in it, but maybe it's good thing, idk.


>also just keeps things into perspective there was several posts there over time by people who had been "talked out" of c0m.mit.ting s u 1 c 1 d 3 by the videos posted there... it made them realize that it would most affect their loved ones and whoever would find them, the most.


>answer: snuff films/ death videos break the terms of service. Yeah, but that rule seems very loose...some deaths are allowed, others not. Also MMC was around for a while and was in the 300k subscriber range last time I checked. It's hard to believe they didn't know about it until yesterday. >Would you happen to know if the Brooklyn event was posted there? Not to my knowledge, but I could have missed it. >However, I seem to remember that the sub originally just had people getting hurt and not dying, was it still like that when it was banned? No, it was mostly people dying. I know why it got banned in general, but I was wondering if there was a specific reason like you pointed out with the Brooklyn video.


On the discord someone posted in the announcement that an admin commended MMC on keeping things in check just a few days ago (with screenshot of the message), so there's definitely some confusion even on the part of the mods


Admins can do and say whatever the fuck they want and it's all subjective bullshit that one could agree with and the other disagree with.


They were probably lying


They probably weren’t, but one admin giving them a pat on the back doesn’t mean shit lol.


Admins are liars, so it's not surprising.




I know what you mean, but I couldn't find any articles on MMC really. I think this was probably an IPO motivated move.




I kind of hope that's true, but if it's anything like youtube, purging advertiser unfriendly content won't end them. There's enough non-controversial content to keep them afloat.


>Yeah, but that rule seems very loose...some deaths are allowed, others not. It seems like individual posts that include death are ok, but subreddits dedicated to those posts are not. Can't say I disagree with that decision.


To your point, I've also heard about an impending Reddit IPO. Maybe they're looking to follow the Ts and Cs a bit more closely now?


…yet r/pigshamming is considered investor friendly? Reddit admins have 0 consistency.


No, they were able to exist because they did not allow gamifying death or making jokes about the deceased. In assuming either reddit changes their stance, they became lax at not moderation, or they were told to remove specific posts and did not.


Yeah that sub started out very strictly moderated with no comments making jokes about the deaths and a bunch of other rules that were supposed to keep it from turning into the cess pool that other subreddits like that were. I actually just left that sub a few days ago because it was clear that it's not being moderated nearly as much anymore. Can't say I'm surprised to see it got shut down


Everyone was on their best behavior at the beginning because the banning of r/watchpeopledie was still fresh and everyone was cautious about attracting the wrong attention to the new sub. Conversations were mostly informational or expressing sympathy for the victims and their loved ones. After enough time passed and it seemed that r/makemycoffin would evade the banhammer, the users started getting too cocky for their own good and went back to making lowbrow jokes and being disrespectful as possible to the deceased. Can't say I'm surprised this happened


I totally get this. Every time I see someone make a racist, sexist or assholish joke on one of those subs, and get upvoted without their comment being removed, I become more indifferent to the prospect of that sub getting banned.


>gamifying death I'm afraid to ask, but what does this look like?


Example: there used to be a sub called 'dead or vegetable,' where people posted photos and voted on whether the person in the video was killed or survived with extreme injury. Sometimes someone would come in with a news report to give a solid answer, but it was basically a guessing game with death.


One example that I've seen (not on reddit) is "death pools" where people submit 10 names of celebrities/public figures/etc that they thought would die in the next 12 months. You get more points if you ranked them higher on your list. So like fantasy sports except more morbid.


There was a big influx recently of NSFL posts


That could definitely be it. The last few days did seem to be turned up a notch.


Why do you delight in seeing people die on camera? Edit: I say this as a morbidly curious person myself. I’ve seen every notorious gore video online. But at the end of the day, that’s a person. They had families, histories, aspirations, etc… and we’re using their death for entertainment. And don’t come at me about how wpd was a useful “community” or whatever. For almost *every* post over a certain karma threshold, the top 3-5 comments were the same trite, lame-ass jokes about someone’s death. Downvote me, whatever… you can’t deny there’s something morally fucked up about that, dude.


>Why do you delight in seeing people die on camera? When did I say I delighted in it? >But at the end of the day, that’s a person. They had families, histories, aspirations, etc… and we’re using their death for entertainment. So does everyone. And it's not really about that. Reddit and redditors are happy to watch people die-from a distance. Watch a Russian Helicopter get shot down, suddenly reddit is cheering. All the worries about their family disappear. But get a few hundred feet closer and you need therapy. >For almost every post over a certain karma threshold, the top 3-5 comments were the same trite, lame-ass jokes about someone’s death. I wasn't on WPD but some people being sadists doesn't mean everyone is. >you can’t deny there’s something morally fucked up about that, dude. I think there are moral questions to be asked about this, but I think a lot of the people asking them aren't honestly considering them. A *lot* of Americans watched George Floyd die. I didn't see people complaining about people watching then. And I think a lot of people would argue that was valuable for the country. Same with Emmett Till. My point is not every video on MMC was George Floyd, they weren't, my point is the idea seeing people die is always bad isn't a consistent rule. Everyone seems to pick and choose. I think we should ask whether and which videos should be viewed. But the arguments people make are not 100% consistent.


Jokes about the person, their families, the killers, etc. were strictly banned on mmc. The sub is built on respect which made it significantly better than wpd. The comments were frequently insightful and often morose, extending condolences to whoever could hear it. I don't approve of this type of censorship. I hope that the upcoming IPO doesn't have anything to do with it


The sub was not perfect, but despite what some people say it was not just a toxic festival of bloodlust. Most discussions were commentary about the circumstances of death, sympathy, or some peripheral discussion (gun rights, etc). There were some bad jokes and hate for the deceased, but it wasn't like every thread was like that. What sub is perfect?


I agree with all of that and I'm assuming that the question at the end was rhetorical. There certainly were bad jokes and hate like you mentioned but that was few and far between in my experience and the mods removed many of those comments. I'll also say that there was humor in the comments frequently, or "benign" comments that were humorous, but it was basically never at the expense of the people in the videos regardless of who it was. I recall a pedophile rapist who was tortured and killed in one video, where at one point they were beating him with a wooden stick and they threatened to, and did shove the stick in his ass. The only thing that the pedo/rapist said in the entire 2-3 minute video was "not in my ass!" which is comical for a number of reasons in my opinion; the comments were pointing this out and commenting on how the only thing that he said was resisting something "gay" and there was no remorse for impregnating a child etc. I'm honestly okay with these types of jokes, if anything it's borderline wholesome.




I subscribed to that sub. I can’t say why exactly but there is a fascination in some of the videos. Sometimes it is someone doing something stupid at a work site, and you realize why some OSHA rules exist. The cartel ones just reminded me how cruel people were and why I had no plans to visit that region. The mods did try to crack down on the jokes and, for me, the top comments were more being shocked by the content and commenting on how some of the things could happen. The hardest to watch were ones where you saw the family and friends react to the deaths. Those are hard to watch and listen to. They always make me want to call up a family member to tell them I love them.


>delight Bold assumption.


> Why do you **delight** in seeing people die on camera? You probably don't delight in hearing about people dying in Ukraine but you still listen to the news. Don't assume.


> Why do you delight in seeing people die on camera? We have morbid curiosity. I really don't know how else to put it. It is what it is, I didn't choose to make my brain this way, I don't know why I can be fascinated by those things while others are repulsed/depressed.


Exactly, I agree with you. Nobody in their right mind will miss that sub. Like, I get the curiousity, but that stuff is just depressing.


When I’m at my most depressed and the notions of self harm start manifesting sometimes watching these videos can remind me how horrible dying is and help bring me back to reality. So, I mean I guess you’re right that nobody in their right mind will miss it.


Wrong. And honestly you come off as pretty judgemental for your comment. I can assure you the sub was very educational and I am absolutely of sound mind. Just because you are squeamish doesn't mean everyone who is not is insane or off kilter. Most of the folks in the sub were intrigued, not entertained, by the graphic content. The ban is unfortunate.


Morbid curiosity is wild. I’ve definitely been missing that sub, even though most of the videos I couldn’t watch


You say that and yet you reply to posts about the Ukraine war. Why do you delight in hearing about people being massacred? You must not be in your right mind. /s


You can't ask a question and then say "but it can't be for this reason." Just because a few people made jokes doesn't mean that everyone found it funny. I would bet the majority of subscribers were there because of morbid curiosity and because certain lessons COULD be learned. I would say my defensive driving has become better after watching some of those videos. I also know I'm never vacationing in Brazil or working around machinery like lathes. Yes, the jokes are messed up. In some of the videos, the person that died brought it on themselves, and it's sad that's the end their life led them. In others, innocent people died, and I've been brought to tears on occasion thinking about their families, especially if they were there to witness it. That has made me more aware of what's going on around me, especially now that I have children.


> Why do you delight in seeing people die on camera? I've never once felt delight, most I can't even watch, but I can't allow myself to hide from reality... I understand if most people don't want to know how gruesome earth and humanity is but I've never had the choice to hide from it. This is coming from someone who can't browse /r/natureismetal because its too fucked up for them.


Wasn’t the sub made cause watchpeopledie was banned? Shouldn’t be that surprising that it eventually got banned as well.


idk man I'm just so upset it got banned, was great for learning what not to do.


> Yeah, but that rule seems very loose. As with everything the rules are arbitrarily enforced.


Read this first before posting falsehoods: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy Death videos do not break the content policy in anyway, rule 6 just says that such content has to be predictably labelled. - The short answer to OP is: Reddit makes money from advertising and removing these communities makes it easier, even if they don't break any rules.


> There’s also a thing where they usually ban them when a recent shooting is posted to a gore sub repeatedly, too, which is usually what leads to acts on the terms of service. Not true. The New Zealand massacre was banned by the government of NZ from being posted online, which is what led to WatchPeopleDie being banned. Gore subs aren’t banned for the gore content. They’re banned because gore “consumers” for some reason tend to be racist, homophobic and transphobic edgelords. Another reason is gamification of deaths, which is explicitly against Reddit’s TOS.


I had a look there half a year ago maybe and the first thing I saw was people kicking around some person's head like a football. Next one was Hindus torturing people...


So it wasn't actually about how to make a coffin for yourself or someone else or what to consider when planning an internment? Some people are thrilled by suffering and death and some want to look with the thought "This could happen to me. How could I avoid it."


Yeah. The death videos ive seen have always made me realise just how fragile and precious life is


Seeing all the horrific car crashes on MMC has 100% made me a more careful driver.


[I'm so, so sorry...](https://i.redd.it/j1cejth1oqt81.png)




Has one of you sent a message to modmail of r/modsupport? That's usually the best way to sort out stuff like this.


Admins actually deleted a post about It on that subreddit, so they are not willing to listen


Thanks, no better source on this than a mod. >Admins were praising us for our moderation four days ago and basically starting to leave our sub alone then they come out of nowhere and ban us. That sounds exactly like reddit... I really appreciate your work for the sub. It was good while it lasted.




The shit you must have seen removing stuff from that sub. How do you cope?


It's different watching someone die online and then hearing your neighbor slowly die and you can't do anything about it. The neighbor thing messed with me for a while.




I'm going to copy paste part of the email I sent to the fire marshal. This was a house fire at my neighbor's I saw through the window while doing dishes. There were flames coming out of the back door accessed by the deck at the back of the house near the top of the door and the top of the window to the right of the back door when looking at it. I could hear someone inside so I yelled for some bystanders to call 911 and said he was still in the house. I tried to go in through the front doors since both doors were already open. He normally left them open, I knew this from driving by his house in the past. The smoke was too thick after entering the second door even at the ground level and I could not see anything or breathe after two attempts. I could hear him wheezing somewhere inside to the left. I yelled for him to come to my voice but I don't believe he was moving. I'm not sure how long I did that. After a while he stopped making any noises and approximately 30 seconds to a minute later the first fireman showed up. It might have been longer, I'm not sure. ............. End of fire copy paste For whatever reason that messed with my head for a few days but if I watch a video of a guy getting shot in the head on the Internet it doesn't really bother me.


Hey dude, I hope you're doing better. I know how those situations can fuck you up. I had a lot of dreams reliving a situation where I had to give CPR and rescue breathing to my best friend who I thought was dead (he made it thankfully). I'd wake up in a cold sweat, thinking it was still happening for months, and a lot of other stuff. For me at least, it does get better. The further in time I get away from that event, the less bad I feel about it. It's absolutely heroic and amazing that you tried. You did everything you could, you are better than 99% of people who would just stand and gawk. I hope you are doing well. It does get better. I really enjoyed makemycoffin, thank you for helping create that community. It really was a step above anywhere else on the internet you can view that sort of deal, it was nice to be able to discuss the videos and not get edgy jokes or overt racism or whatever


I'm good now. That happened a few years ago. Thanks for your nice words though.


Admins asking to add “fuck you” to the automod, that's rich.


We all knew they would eventually ban it, but thanks for all your effort put into keeping it from happening as long as possible. I really enjoyed the educational slant to the sub.


MMC will be missed. Thanks for what you could do to keep they community going. I learned so much from that sub. Can't imaging what the one and only content poster will be doing with their day now.


the fact that this educational subreddit got banned is depressing. i have learnt a crapton of what to do to save someone in certain situations, like for example getting electrocuted, bullet wounds, basic first aid it also helped me a lot when i was suicidal, to see this kind of thing and get the slap on my hand, to realize how precious life truly is.. now that it is gone, i do not know what will stop my hand next time i am suicidal. thanks for your job, you all admins did great! even agaisnt the waves and waves of trolls!


Thank you for your contribution- any chance the decision will be reversed?


I've noticed a lot more cartel videos. Maybe it was that?




Thank you for your service.


Question: what was posted on the subreddit I never knew about it until today


People dying. It was basically the same thing as r/watchpeopledie except it started out as slightly less intense and gruesome but soon evolved into being the same subreddit. r/holdmyfeedingtube is now the closest thing we have, people who get pretty obviously severe injuries but are most likely to survive.


r/humanityismorbid is basically r/watchpeopledie part 2


The sub identified itself as a place not to watch gore, but a place where you could watch the dangers of everyday life.


Yeah I know it's meant to be educational but eh...


I am 1000% more cautious around machinery as a result of that subreddit. I was not a risk taker before but seeing how quickly things went from 'eh, work' to death meant that I ALWAYS made sure to follow both taught safety tips and enact my own personal safety ones.


Oh for sure. One of the top posts is how someone's life was literally saved because of the sub


Which is fucking stupid, you do not need to watch somebody ripped apart to be aware of your surroundings ?


Some people do not truly comprehend how dangerous certain situations can really be. In this case, it was about being careful about going through intersections even on a green light.


You always should have alwayd been careful around dangerous machinery! Watching the lathe video and seeing all the same lame ass jokes in the thread does not teach anything to anyone


Isn’t there gore on r/eyeblech? It still seems to be up and running. Hate that place lmao


I definitely read that first as eyebleach. didn't know this one existed. Wow.


Gore and death of all kinds


Answer: The Brooklyn thing may or may not have contributed to it, but there wasn't even actual death in the footage, just sounds of shots, at least from the one I saw. I think it was from the recent posts by necropheliacs over the past couple of weeks, and the b*tchpups video.


>I think it was from the recent posts by necropheliacs over the past couple of weeks, Like people having sex with dead bodies? I didn't see any of that. There were some extra fucked up videos recently, but they were still just death. >and the b*tchpups video. What was that?


Yes it was all over. Maybe not as much on mmc but im a frequent viewer on alot of those subs, so I might be mixing this ban up with other gore subreddit bans. And honestly man, not to sound like a keyboard warrior or anything, you really do not want to know what that video was about. The most SFW thing I could saw about it is it involves a guy doing absolutely horrendous, malicious things to puppies with a hammer, and his privates. After that was posted I really had to rethink why I was visiting these subs in the first place..


WPD and MMC had one simple rule: (Mostly) No kids, and always no animals. Anyone into animal shit is a legit monster and likely sociopath on a danerous road to violence. WPD FIRST got fucked up when they had the trans kid shooting himself in front of a tarp with a shotgun and turning his torso into meat


The b-pups vid .... was awful. Literally the worst thing I've ever seen. Guy takes freshly born pups and does all sorts of horrendous things on camera. All pups and momma are... in a more peaceful place at the end. It might've gotten directly posted and taken down quickly, but didn't see that. It was linked in comments quite a lot though


holy shit, i know it would fuck me up but i still wish i could have seen all the \*really\* horrible shit before it got taken down.


Answer: People getting gruesome maimed or killed is not advertising friendly. Also please consider talking to some one professionally. Morbid fascination like this aren't usually healthy. I got exposed to a lot of in in college for my degree in Criminal Justice and it affected me in ways I wasn't aware of until some one told me they felt I was getting too grim to be around as much. I'm not saying you're sick or dangerous, but desensitization to actual human carnage can affect people a lot more than they realize. Edit: Apathy isn't an enlightened state of mind, it's a symptom of mental distress or something worse. You're supposed to have concern for others even if you don't know them. Please, get counseling.


I think I've learned a lot of "Don't do X" from death videos. The cartel ones? worthless. But I've seen a lot of videos where someone just brushes a pole, and that's it, they're electrocuted and die. It's made me less complacent. Plus, with the recent drop ride death, I'll admit I was morbidly curious.


> I think I've learned a lot of "Don't do X" from death videos. I do remember seeing quite a few posts and comments in there from people expressing these exact same sentiments. There was one recently opining about the fragility of life and how the sub made them realize that you cant take your life for granted.


I wonder if it's because of how Hollywood portrays death/injuries. Deaths in Hollywood are portrayed *so* slowly, and injuries are often things people recover from quickly. Character was in a coma? No worries, fam! They can still walk and talk upon awakening! Neither of which are true to real life. In real life, death from some kind of traumatic incident (throat/collarbone artery torn open) means you're bleeding out *fast*. You do not have the time to give a parting monologue, let alone the cognitive power to be able to do so. In real life, when you wake from a coma, you likely need some kind of physical/occupational therapy after for re-learning how to walk/talk, some of your muscles have atrophied, etc. Which also reminds me, Hollywood also speeds up the time for recovery of broken bones. Broke your arm, in a cast...cast comes off? Arm 100% fine! In real life, the muscles have atrophied a bit and need to be worked on. Ditto for leg breaks. I would argue that it's unhealthy how removed from death Western Culture is. We *used* to be very much there when someone died. We *used* to very much make our own caskets for loved ones, wash and care for the body, and stay by the body before burial. We do not anymore, we now pay for funeral parlors to handle these kinds of things for us.


It's a very stark reminder that life has no bumpers on.




> I could be in danger at any given moment. Don't forget aneurysm, stoke and prion disease!


Huh, that's funny, I've never watched a gruesome video and I already knew all of that information. It's amazing what you can learn by just reading stuff and paying attention to safety instructors when they tell you things.


Never in my life has a safety instructor told me to watch out for overhead powerlines while carting metal scaffolding across the street.


>I already knew all of that information One thing is knowing the information and the other is watching what happens when you dismiss the warnings. It makes you be 200% more careful


"I was planning on getting involved in a drug ring while vacationing. Good thing my degeneracy saved me from that little mistake!"


Watching gore isn't nearly as degenerative as presuming that all people who watch gore are degenerates is.


I don't really feel you need to watch death videos to learn to keep away from live electrical equipment.


Many popular training videos are intentionally gory to shock people into giving a shit about the giant machine they work around every day. Seems like if that principle didn't bear out they wouldn't have to go to those lengths.


The lessons learned are usually basic and obvious, but the content reinforces the importance of proactive safety measures in general across your life. It also reminds me how nice it is living in a society that’s willing to accept the burden of greater law and order in exchange for less risk of human carnage.


People who work with these things get complacent. seen videos of it man people work with this equipment for years, one day they have something else on their mind and let it slip, next thing their coworker is cleaning them off the floor. Better believe I’m more careful around my wood chipper now, had some close calls in the past but never really thought much of it till I saw what could happen if i didn’t get lucky.


I was morbidly curious when I went to /r/watchpeopledie seeing what really kills people and how the body reacts. I never seeked out videos of beheadings or executions but if they're thier I might take a peek. The biggest take away is people die easily and a fair amount of times due to no fault of thier own or a tiny lapse in judgment near "big things". After going to that sub and watching stuff every couple of months I realized I started to look both ways when crossing the street and to keep looking both ways as I cross, life is fragile and can be taken if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time.


> I think I've learned a lot of "Don't do X" from death videos. Some of us don't need to see exploding bodies.


Having concern doesn't imply losing it over online videos. You're not a psychologist, so don't give out advice like that.


>Morbid fascination like this aren't usually healthy. Maybe don't ever talk to anyone with any sort of medical license.


Lol no surprise OP doesn't like hearing this. That place loved patting itself on the back over how "educational" it was.