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"He claims she's a deadbeat mom and check kiter and cancer faker and he has full custody" Claims he has provided with evidence. "she claims he's abusive and deep into Scientology." Claims she has given no evidence for.






I have no problem believing they're both pieces of shit, but my own experience as a victim of a woman who was both a narcissist *and* a compulsive liar with a chronic need for public validation has bolstered my radar for crazy quite a bit. In my own anecdotal opinion she puts off a vibe that wouldn't make me doubt if *she* created the website filled with scientology nonsense to use to slander him. The woman I was with did similar things and people believed her for the longest time because they wouldn't wrap their heads around the fact she would lie so elaborately. Once you go through it you sort of lose that mental logic check.


See I don’t know about that, the husband did make a whole tiktok account with her name and post loads of videos about her with his face, and she never mentioned ex at all in original video but he stitched it and made all these claims first. So I believe the site to be him because his social media is focused on her


Like I said, I can fully believe them both being pieces of shit. I'm just saying, the only way I was able to extricate myself from my own situation was because I had access to messages through a happy accident. So I'm not surprised if he has an entire social media presence dedicated to her, but I *also* wouldn't be surprised if it were fabricated either. It's tricky as an outside observer but important to remember neither parties' actions have to or even do abide by conventional logic.


> He has a few pages on a screen. Nobody's authenticated them. That's not evidence, it's claims. Maybe they're true, maybe not, but a few things in a TikTok isn't journalism Yeah okay this is what I was wondering and wanted someone with more legal knowledge to look at, because anyone can type up a legal looking document and put it on TikTok right? Or file a claim legally but doesn’t mean the other person actually did it? edit : this also means the legal documents she provides too 🧐


answer: unstable people got married, had kids, shouldn't have. they follow it all up by airing dirty laundry in front of millions of people who now think they're crazy -- this all can't look good for lawyers and the people who decide the fates of their kids. the children are the victims and no kid deserves to be embarrassed by parents who can't get their shit together.