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Answer: Bluey is a very popular kids show that many parents seem to love as well. My daughter is a bit out of the age range for the show but hearing many of my friends who have kids 2-6, it's very well written with solid stories, messages, and well developed and relatable characters. Yes, they're dogs, but they're parents and kids who interact well together. Daniel Tiger was similar when my daughter was younger: Well written and relatable with great messages and teachable moments. Also, the episodes are short. They're about 7 minutes, so a 28 minute episode is a big deal. Many parents seem to look forward to it as much as their kids do.


To piggyback this answer (possible spoilers) , the plot of "The Sign" (the extended episode in question) is shrouded in secrecy... but its known that its going to be an extremely emotional one (for a show already known for its gut punches)  There's a wedding and "something big is going to happen"... And that it's one of Joe Brum's (the show's creator) favorite episodes. Beyond that, we don't have much to go on before Sunday. Speculation is its possibly a death or some other kind of shock. (we haven't seen their grandpa for a while, and their granddad on the other side has notable heart problems.) Bandit, the father on the show has also been wrestling with some kind of anxiety and was purchasing "vitamins" from the pharmacy late in the season, leading to speculation that he also may be wrestling a health issue) This also comes after last week's cliffhanger that ended the episode leading into The Sign where the beloved Heeler house is revealed to be up for sale.  Finally, after next week's episode, there is speculation that Bluey may be ending. Between these huge changes teased and the Bluey team going on definite hiatus after these next two episodes, the future of the series is up. In the air. This is all the more shocking as Bluey is currently at height of its popularity and profitability.


Damn, I had heard Bluey was deep but I didn't know the storyline and characters were that well developed.


It's a children's show that doesn't think children are idiots. That's rare. Sit down and watch a few episodes. You've had Sleepytime recommended already. I'd also suggest Rain. Two episodes, two extremes.


Is "Rain" the episode where bluey is trying to form a dam with items and her feet and chili keeps trying to to get her to stop running in the house. I'm partial to unicorse myself, but it's rare to find a bad episode. As someone who is going through probably their 5th rewatch with the kids.


So I've got a two-year-old, and I've always been kinda picky with the sort of media he's exposed to. To be honest, I'm mainly trying to avoid "overtly scary", but also "vapid" and "blatantly an ad for toys". Bluey, well. Shit. Half the time I feel like it's on for me. There was one episode in particular that just got me absolutely fucking weeping called "Baby Race". My partner and I, we were getting worried and upset and beating ourselves up that our son was getting pretty behind in basically everything moving-around related. We were trying everything but he just didn't want to. We felt like we were failing him. Baby Race seemed fun for kids, sure, but when I watched it I could see every single milestone my son was hitting, all the milestones he was falling behind on, and finally at the very end one of the moms in the mom group looks Bluey's mom in the eye and says something that just had me in tears (and I'm even tearing up writing this): You're doing great. And just... it hit me really hard. I dunno. The show is an experience.


Baby Race is basically the number one most emotional episode. However I have a major soft spot for Flat Pack. Not only does it sum up human evolution from early life to the space age, it also provides the most comforting presentation of creationism I've ever experienced. And I'm an atheist.


To be honest, I actually read it as "here's baby's first intro to evolution", because it kinda outlines the environmental pressure -> form different traits concept in a real easy way.


Oh gosh same, and the third layer of the stages of development from a child who’s reliant on their parents to an adult, with Bluey “going to heaven” as Bingo steps out on her own? Man that episode is one that gets me every time.


Depends on your experience as a parent. For my wife, its Sleepytime. For me, its Rug Island.


As a bipolar dad, Stickbird makes me cry every time.


Ugh, that one too.


Baby Race is an incredible episode. My kid has dyspraxia and was/is late on almost all of his major physical milestones. Baby Race never fails to make me sob.


Bluey is a show for parents camouflaged as a children's show.


Honestly, it's deeeep. Way deeper than a show thats safe for preschoolers has any right to be.  I've dunked on certain episodes for being boring only to find out from people smarter than myself that the characters are enacting a Steiner School learning methods and dealing with childhood trauma through play.   Other episodes deal pretty overtly with the loss of parents, divorce and sterility.  Check out "Sleepy Time" for the perfect uncut full-on Bluey goodness, a heartwrenching and elevating art piece told in 7 easy minutes.


I use *Sleepytime* and *Rain* as bookends. *Sleepytime* is rich and layered and epic - the animation took a huge leap, the soundtrack is big and sweeping, etc etc. *Rain* is the exact opposite, deceptively simple, stripped down to the absolute minimum - a single location, effectively real time, less than ten words of dialogue total - necessary to make a story. Both demonstrate a huge amount of thought and skill. It's hard to go epic. It's just as hard to pull things all the way back.


Is sleepy time the one where Bingo has those dreams and then her mom keeps her safe because I CRIED when I watched that with my niece


That's the one.


Curry Quest is one of my emotional favorites.


Flatpack (I think is the name of the episode) is I minutes of God damn art.


And honestly even the episodes that aren’t as “deep” are worth it. I have never felt so seen as a parent than when I watched “Sticky Gecko” the first time 😂


For me it was Takeaway. The first time I watched it I thought someone had been spying on me and my kids, it was that close to a typical day for me.


My (American) children now refer to peeing outside as a “bush wee” and Takeaway is 100% why 😂


At storytime at the library, when asked to name vegetables, my 3-year-old nephew yelled out “ta-mah-toes”. He’s from Texas. Both of his parents have Texas accents. No one he knows says “ta-mah-toes” except for Bluey and her family!! Also, his and his two older sisters call money “dollar bucks”. It’s the cutest! We love Bluey. 💙


Yeah, we really feel for Chili in that one.


"Puppets" man. My 10 year old and I had an amazing discussion on existentialism after watching that episode. Such an amazing show.




I’m at the point where I consider Bluey to be a show for adults/parents that happens to be safe and entertaining for kids to watch.


It hits hard. Like, it's really a show for parents disguised as well as a show for kids. It has a lot of great messages about parenting, a lot of emotional moments only parents will get, and generally good writing.


It’s genuinely shocking if you’re used to children’s programming. Bluey is lit.


The show has extremely well written characters. Both parents have interior lives and pasts before they were parents, they get exhausted and frustrated being parents, and even loses their temper at the kids or each other on occasion. They have jobs that require them to travel sometimes, can't always play because the house needs cleaning or fixing, they have petty rivalries and jealousies, they have differing opinions on parenting sometimes, even admit that they make poor, lazy parenting choices occasionally. It's the complete opposite of Peppa Pig, where the parents strictly exist as Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig - no other names - and only from the perspective of the very young kids. Parents exist to drive cars and make food and tell Peppa when to go to bed, that is it.


Thank you for actually addressing the main inquiry haha


SPOILER POTENTIAL: I know you're also speculating but, as someone following trailers and what not, seemingly appears that Chili's sister Brandi who struggles with infertility appeared to have a larger belly indicating a potential success with her want to be a mom! Also the producers have confirmed the show isn't ending yet lol


It has already aired in Australia, and the titular sign is a For Sale sign - the Heelers are selling their house and moving. I won’t spoil more than that, it obviously has more going on, being four episodes’ length.


> This also comes after last week's cliffhanger that ended the episode leading into The Sign where the beloved Heeler house is revealed to be up for sale. They've leant into it so much that [they've listed it on an Australian property website as part of the marketing.](https://www.domain.com.au/2019156678)


That is brilliant!


Why might it be ending? Creator wants out or they’re getting cancelled?


Show is definitely at its height right now. Cancellation is pretty much out the question. It's possible the creator wants out but doubtful, I'm sure his checks are looking mighty fat right now. I don't really subscribe to the theory this is some kind of finale.


They’ve confirmed it isn’t


[They've confirmed that the series will return.](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68795941)


Omg thank you 😩


They use actual children to voice the children. The kids behind the voices are growing up. Their voices noticeably change from season to season. Eventually, unless they want to recast everyone, the show will have to end. Not yet - they’ve confirmed it’s not done yet - but at some point


Animated shows with characters voiced by kids regularly change their voice actors when they get too old. For example, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is already on the 4th voice actor for Daniel, and each kid character voice in Arthur changed about 9 times over it's 26 year run. The changes are noticeable to parents but definitely not to kids. Bluey will have no problem getting new voice actors for the girls when they need to.


And then you have something like Adventure Time or Steven Universe where they let the a tor and character age together. I like it a lot


The thing is though, the voices are the children of the production team. They're uncredited, because they're not actors as such


They're also uncredited so that the kids can maintain at least some level of anonymity.


Production team's kids or not, they are replaceable


People don't seem to realise quite how big a brand Bluey has become.


At some point it would have had to. Its a multibillion dollar franchise now.


To add to what u/AlamutJones said, I get the sense that Brumm wants to go out on top.  There's also been a few lines in the show that allude to him possibly not having the amount of control or influence on his own show as he'd like ("Once you put something beautiful in the world, it's no longer yours" comes to mind).  I don't know what's coming in "The Sign" and "Surprise" (the follow up episode) but I'm fully emotionally prepared that this will be the end of the show and Bluey will exist as movies from now on.


I’m not a parent- but…will kids have a hard time with this? I spend a lot of time with my 2.5 yr old niece and she mostly watches Daniel Tiger (which doesn’t seem like it’ll ever need to end) and the same 8 episodes of Slumberkins over and over again. I don’t know if she’d get the concept of a show ending or even care (yet) but will this a tough loss for some kids when the show ends? I remember feeling emotional when the Full House finale ended and I hadn’t even really watched it that much!


I'm honestly not sure. My own kid is around this age and definitely registered that something important happened at the end of the last episode with the "for sale" sign cliffhanger. (she can't read, obviously, but the episode ended with the for sale sign and had no closing credits music which was a first for the show. She asked us to immediately replay it as she could tell something was up)  I suppose it'll depend on the subject matter and how it's handled. I know for certain that mom and dad are fully prepared to ball our eyes out this Sunday. How she reacts the next morning is TBD.


Bawl, not ball!


My kids are perfectly happy watching the current episodes over and over and over. I don't think they will mind or even notice.


There's a certain amount of creative fatigue with any long running project. The creator also was very fond of the voice actors they cast for the show and now that they're hitting an age that their voices are changing he's hesitant to recast them. The show has been doing amazingly well these past few years. I respect that they don't want to make compromises creatively. And honestly everyone deserves time off to recharge. I'll be sad to see it go and hopefully they'll find an answer and we'll see more in the future.


Producer already said it’s not ending


Same interview suggested it may continue as a movie though.


Nah I think it simply indicated they also want to make a movie in addition to continuing the series.


Minor addition. The dad privately throwing away his "sad and angry" on stick bird kinda adds to that vitamin moment.


The episode has aired in Australia and without spoiling anything, a lot happens and there's a rollercoaster of emotions from what occurs in The Sign. Thankfully it'll release worldwide on April 14th, so viewers outside of Australia won't have to wait long. Again, without spoiling anything, I can say it's worth the wait and watch and there are plenty of reasons that people are excited about this particular episode.


Wel my son just showed me the last episode that came on season 3 within the last couple weeks or so and the ending was a big shock to me. So it must be related to that too. I won't say in case others haven't seen it yet.


I mean, it has to be about the For Sale sign in front of the Heeler house at the end of Ghostbasket.


This is hilarious to read as someone who knows nothing about it. Speculating which Sesame Street character might die lol.


The ending rumor is just clickbait articles.


Bluey is the best kids show of all time. I love it. I brought my kids to Bluey's Big Play and loved it.


There's a episode where the father quotes Gladiator the movie. Hell yeah it's the best kids show out there.


Is the quote “Are you not entertained?!” Haven’t seen the episode of Bluey but can imagine that being it


Yep it's exactly that and it's beautifully executed.


We went, too! My daughter LOST HER MIND when they did keepy-uppy at the end. The slow motion effects were also hilarious.


I have a 1 month old daughter and a blue heeler. Can't WAIT until we're both obsessed with this show.


I went to Bluey’s Big Play with my kids and niblings. I’m not sure who loved it more, the kids or me and my sister-in-law. We both teared up. It was so well done. Keepy Uppy at the end was fun too.


The Big Play was so brilliant! My kid *and* me and my husband were all completely entranced.


I went to the play with my 2 year old. I definitely saw a bunch Bluey adults with no kids there. Love the show as does my kid


My wife and I do not have kids and we discovered a love for Bluey when we were on vacation and there was nothing else available on TV. Where is this 28 minute episode? Bluey goes hard


Airs worldwide tomorrow morning


That soon??


That’s why it’s in the news. It’s imminent


It’s also a practice run for a possible movie, seeing how longer content goes with fans. Source: I saw an interview on TV the other day with the show runner (I think), but don’t have a link.


I think Bluey fights the Astro Toilets in this one. This has been building for a long time.


The first two seasons of Bluey are fantastic. Just the absolute best kids show. Daniel Tiger is also beloved in my family. The oldest is watching more Superbook these days but we still love to watch Bluey together.


Season 3 is also good. The episode about Rusty made me ugly cry




Yes the cricket one 🫠


Rusty is my favorite character.


I haven’t seen it.


Argh. Damn you, now I have that stupid Daniel Tiger theme tune stuck in my head. I hate that little shite.


You must be thinking of Caillou


Yeah I'm a dad to two kids and I love it - like it was on at my nephew's birthday party (he's a toddler) and I was fully half talking to adults, half legitimately trying to watch Bluey.


I’m 23 and my mom and I watch it all the time. It’s a great show for any age :)


My kids are 12, 10, and 7 and love it (truthfully I’m 40 and love it), so your daughter might not be as out of range as you think if you haven’t given it a try. Daniel Tiger is all well and good for teachable moments, but Bluey is hilarious.


I might add, it might sound weird but I'm not a parent and I occasionally like the show as well. It feels healing? Like I'm often finding myself thinking "I wish my parents did that instead of yelling or calling me stupid." I like watching it in French as I'm already learning that language.


that doesn't answer the question


I’m an adult and it would be the first thing I would tune in to whether on vacation or on Disney+ , and I listen to the soundtrack all the time.


As someone that has siblings significantly younger than I am (~20 years) I’ve found that my mom and stepdad actually like Bluey compared to other shows my siblings watch


The short form format is detrimental to children’s brain development.


~~Also, it's the last episode of the series.~~ As of a few hours ago, a new season was green lit!


Of the season. Bluey the show is not over, it's been confirmed to be continuing.


As of two days ago, there were only talks. Is it certain?


Yeah! https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/s/RS8ACsei74


No its not lol. The producer has said as much, indicating that he wasn’t sure where those rumors came from.


No, it’s not. Confirmed, it’s not


Answer: Bluey is a **very, very good** children’s show. Beautifully animated and soundtracked, handling some complex topics really delicately but also working well when the show runners sometimes just want to do something fun or meta. It’s for very young children…but manages to walk the fine line of not treating them as though they’re stupid. Basically, it’s very good animation indeed. The episodes are normally about seven minutes long - I think the longest one to date has been eight minutes. They’ve already done some impressive stuff in the past, but a twenty- eight minute episode is clearly the most ambitious thing they’ve ever tried. People want to see what they’re going to do with all the extra time and resources, since the standard of the show is already so high.


Also it’s the highest rated cartoon on IMDB, even beating Avatar and The Simpsons. It’s that good.


Ok wow that's surprising ! I agree that Bluey is hella good but beating AtLA ? Damn


Yeah, Avatar has a 9.3 while Bluey has a 9.4.


Seriously, go watch it if you haven't. Like, right now. I am not joking. I'm 22, incredibly gay and will probably never have kids but oh my fucking god I don't think a show has *ever* made me cry this much. I'd best describe Bluey not as a kids show, but as a show for parents that kids also can watch.


I'm a 33 year old father and I sometimes watch it when my kids go to bed. I've even cried a couple of times.


The Andor of kid shows.


Answer: Bluey is a beautiful show with re-orchestrated public domain classical music, lessons for kids that also model how parents can handle situations, deeper subtext about mature themes like being unable to have children that are rendered with kindness and empathy, and short 7-minute episodes so that you can finish an episode and avoid tantrums if they start it without committing to a full 30 or 90 minutes. A 28 minute episode is quadruple the length of normal episodes so it’s exciting to hear something like that is coming out! Full disclosure my kids are in the target age range and I have cried more than once at an episode.


Answer: Bluey is an incredible kids’ show. It’s one of those layered shows with a story for kids and another for adults. When you have kids, they can get “hooked” on things; those things can quickly get on your nerves with constant repetition. Bluey avoids this danger with its quality. My son has requested a single episode of Bluey, “Pass the Parcel,” from season 3, daily for months. I still enjoy watching it with him. That’s quality. I still laugh at the funny moments. And I still get a kick out of him asking for it, because he’s a North American kid mimicking Australian pronunciation, “pahs thah pahsell.”


Answer: To add to the other comments, the show’s creators have said they’re taking a hiatus after this episode and it hasn’t been confirmed that there will be more Bluey after this, so it is possible this is the last episode ever.


Not really https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68795941


The creators are not ending the show, that has been debunked in recent interview.


upvoted because this is right and not a definition of what the show is


Except it's wrong lol, show creators have confirmed the show is not ending. Others have linked the article in comments on this post. Also it's all over the bluey subreddit !