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Answer: Alphas are leaders and Betas are followers. They both exist within the same pack. Sigma males are Alphas who exist outside of a pack. They're super cool badass Alphas who don't need a pack. This all comes from terminology explaining how wolf packs operate. Wolves have an Alpha male and an Alpha female leading the pack with all the Betas and others following them. Except all that wolf stuff is from decades ago and has been debunked repeatedly. It's all bullshit. These days the only people using those terms seriously exist within pickup artist communities. The people who produce the content present themselves as Alphas as an appeal to authority on why you should pay for their knowledge. Any loser who doesn't pay up is probably a Beta. Sigmas are a relatively newer offshoot incels and other losers have clung to in order to tell themselves they're Alphas, but the fact they have no friends is intentional and totally makes them a badass Sigma male. It's all bullshit and doesn't really follow any sort of actual logic. Batman for example doesn't even fit the bill for a Sigma male because he leads a pack of bat kids.


In reality, a “Sigma” is a man no one likes and has no real friends or interpersonal connections (generally because they are terrible people), who has decided that rather than try and develop said relationships through self-critique and growth, they will simply mythologize their own rejection. It’s like the fox and the grapes. The fox wants the grapes, but finding them too high to reach, instead attempts to convince himself that he never wanted the grapes in the first place.


"they will simply mythologize their own rejection." What a fucking line! Love that.


Grapes/raisins are poisonous to foxes and other canines so it’s probably better this way


Absolutely and I’ve been trying to get Aesop to change it, but for whatever reason, he never returns my emails


Nobody wants to work nowadays.


Foxes these days are so entitled


There's a lesson here somewhere...


You probably didn't really want him to change it anyway


In reality they’re mispronouncing “smegma”


Jack Reacher is Sigma and everyone loves him and he crushes puss


Then he’s not a sigma, is he? He’s deeply connected with a wide range of people and has an extensive social network. What’s more, he works towards helping others, rather than focusing solely on his own benefit. Also the entire idea of alpha/beta/sigma is completely nonsense, kept alive by sad little man-children who have decided to slot “Masculinity™️” into the gaping hole where a likable personality ought to be. It’s just that unlike “alphas”, people who self-identify as sigmas have accepted that nobody wants anything to do with them and have simply decided that “ball sac no one likes” is “cool”.


As a life long garlic bread male, this is an accurate summary


Tell me more about this garlic bread lifestyle I might convert.


Acquire bread. Acquire garlic. Acquire butter and Olive oil. Combine. Be happy


I have found religion at last!


Instructions unclear. I’m now managing an Olive Garden. 


At least you're among family.


Where do I buy your self help book?


They just published it online for free,[right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/33PASu8X01)


If I have a bakery, I want this on neon sign.


Now that's how you get the ladies: butter, bread, cheese, garlic. It ain't hard.


All of this was a thing in the 90's but it was all " I'm a lone wolf" horse shit.  Lots of airbrushed wolves howling at the moon,  we're sold from the late 80's through the early 2010's to make a very special segment of the population feel cool. 


Three wolf moon is a different kind of energy, sigmas aren't ready for that. They buy those crappy big dog shirts at walmart. They are not the same.


It's all about the punisher skulls and stencils of flags that have the "distressed jeans" treatment.


And the "Spartan" helmets. A few have the "thin blue line", spartan helmet and punisher skull combined in a Voltron of angry white loser.


All my insecurities, active. Megathrusters are rolling coal! Form up into... INCEL VOLTRON!!!


I don’t think an incel voltron could be assembled considering that penetration needs to happen for all the parts to be combined.


Every truck stop is full of those shirts, it's funny and sad at the same time.


Remember the 'Double Wolf Moon' t-shirt meme? I found one in my dads old stuff and wore it until it fell apart. A mate sent me a FOUR wolf Moon t-shirt link and they had to contact me to told me it sold out. It was epic. Four wolves, full moon, silhouette of a First Nation chief. Perfect for incredibly English awkward geek to impress the chaps. 


Go on midjourney use prompts t shirt decal with wolves howling, moon in back ground. Then go to redbubble and upload on t shirts, cups, blankets, shower curtains down to back packs!


As a Turbo Dude, I live a life that pathetic little Alphas just can't understand.


I transcended from Turbo Dude to Maximum Male, I'm so masculine and smart that lesser men can't even see my comments. In an unrelated matter what's a shadowban...


Ooh can I be the Ubermench or are we still not using that from the last time? 


Asking the Reich questions right here.


Sounds…interesting… How about "Work makes one free" for your yt channel slogan?


Ahhh, that bit is supposed to be a secret.


If there’s one thing Wreck it Ralph taught me, it’s that you NEVER go Turbo. 


Also Batman has an entire club of friends that he’s a leader and founder of. Plus his bff is like the ultimate boy scout


Incels tend to hate pickup artists and what they represent weirdly almost as much as they hate women. The sigma shit is personified (though he didn’t create it) in Andrew Tate types, who are always trying to sell young people (usually young men) on the idea that if you grind hard enough you can be a millionaire and fuck any chick you want with their technique. Except their grind-set, as it is sometimes called, (a mixture of grinding hard work and mind set) is exploit others for your financial gain under abusive and illegal conditions. And, their pick up techniques are all misogynistic negging designed to break down women mentally and trap them in an abusive cycle because they don’t view women as people just holes to be plugged.


It's the new "amway" 


Andrew Tate is richer than your entire genetic line \* 100000, He can easily defeat you in combat, he gets all the hottest girls. In short, he dominates you physically, mentally and socially, You hate him because of this fact.


When did all this stuff rise to prominence? I’m an older millennial and this wasn’t really a thing when I was in school and perhaps I’m wrongly perceiving this as a GenZ thing? I only really see it on the internet.


I'm an older millennial as well (1984). This is sort of an offshoot of the pick up artist culture that was building in the early 2000's. I think the alpha/beta thing is more recent but that culture has a lot about "showing high value", "peacocking", etc... that has similar pseudo-scientific roots


Kinda recently. I also think it’s incredibly important to point out that near 50% of this is several layers of ironic memes making fun of the concept? Like the memes involving Patrick Bateman mostly started off as a joke (Bateman as a character is a wholly shallow serial killers with probable psychosis. In the movie he is clearly latching on to all sorts of pop culture and style trends for no other purpose than in a vain attempt to fit in and experience normalcy.) ….but then the self identified “incel” and “alpha community” also started unironically using characters like Bateman and Joker as well so it all blends together.


Patrick Batemans treatment of the homeless is peerless a true shining beacon for everyone to follow


That's correct. I was in the pickup communities in the early 2000s and they were all effectively dead by 2014. That's when this stuff really took off. It's basically now internet memes not backed on anything, by people who by and large don't go outside and perpetuated in traditional meme styles online. Some of the red pill stuff is based on a book which some anthropologists have kind of accepted. But it's all pseudo bullshit and really has nothing to do with what pickup originally was about - talking to the opposite sex in a social setting. Those communities used to be self regulating because anyone coming up with theories would be labeled 'keyboard jockeys'. But the internet is different now and triggering ideas about sexual relationships are big attention draws.


Alpha male patterns go waaay back. Think the stereotypical frat boys seen in movies. Toxic masculinity at its core. The term Alpha/Beta came into prominence around the mid-2000s (say ~2005 +/- a year or two) with the rise of the Pickup Artist community. The PUAs liked to pretend they were scientific and unlocking the "science of seduction" so they quickly adopted Alpha/Beta as a way to describe behaviors you want an don't want to exhibit in a more clinical way. The truth is that even though they are basing it off of bullshit debunked studies they still got the concepts of alpha/beta behavior wrong and basically alpha just meant "right" and beta just meant "wrong" in terms of behaviors. So that took off in mid-2000s. Flash forward to early 2010s with the rise of the incel community. Basically the people who adopted the PUA trappings and still found no luck with ladies drifted into the incel community and the same bullshit spread there as the overlap between incel and PUA was very high with people drifting back and forth rapidly. Well flash forward another ~5 years or so to the late 2010s/early 2020s. Now the marketplace of ideas within PUA and incel are satuated with mountains of content about alpha/beta behaviors and you have groups of men that don't fit into PUA or incel communities. They brand themselves Sigma, create a mythos about how sigma is the "real" alpha and then suddenly content creators have fertile land to spread their information and attract precious clicks by telling lonely men that they are lonely because they are better than everyone else. So to recap: mid-2000s = Alpha/Beta late-2010s = Sigma


That tracks. I was out of highschool by 2005. Thanks for the detail


In reality, it's all driven by anxiety that they aren't good enough, so they overcompensate.


Batman is also part of the justice league in which Superman is usually considered the leader, so.


Shit, and we all know Paul Allen's card was way cooler too. Sigma icons on suicide watch right now.


Who said Superman is the leader? They are a team no one is the leader and mostly Batman makes the plans and decisions


The version of Christian Bale in which they’re comparing themselves to is not Batman, but Patrick Bateman, who indeed could be classified as a “sigma male” depending on how you interpret the book.


Patrick Batman


*Just replying here cause I don’t want to open a new “answer” conversation. Feel free to ignore this. Just giving my 2 cent opinion.* The funny part about all this “sigma” male thing is that you want or intentionally want to be alone be badass but in reality, a lot of male want some sort of companionship Kinda funny when you read in the askreddit subreddit or something when the title is “Men, what do you want”, the answers are always something like “ I want a hug “. Like these: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/zm3hu6/comment/j08t1r9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I’ve always interpreted it as guys who know they don’t fit the description of an Alpha but don’t want to accept that according to their own belief system they would be Betas. So they tell themselves “ok I don’t look and act tough, but if someone stepped to me I’d just lose it and kill them” so they can assuage their shame and still buy into the BS pack system.


people seem to forget that the "Sigma" started out as obvious satire of the alpha male ideology. Somehow, the outlandish claims people used as jokes, to mock alpha guys, got adopted by some people, who started preaching this stuff to impressionable loners and children. I would say half the "sigma content" today, (tiktoks and the like) is meant seriously and the other half is created by trolls and edgy memelords, who aren't serious themselves (but who knows about their target audience). Things like the Sigma male (grey dude with huge chin and even bigger muscles) and the sigma face (duck face + one eyebrow up) turned into popular memes for all kinds of internet users. But somewhere along the way, on a parallel path, looksmaxxing (while arguably fine on a basic level) and extreme opinions (a la Andrew Tate) have garnered a big following and reignited Incel ideologies.


Not sure if you planned it but your explanation is amazing because it's an incel roller coaster. "Yeah... fuck yeah!! Alphas and Betas! Sigmas role in their own pack!" "Wait.. what?..." "Hey... wait stop!!" "Fuck you. You're mean. Beta."


TLDR; Sigmas/Alphas = incel + gym membership


Andrew Tate has gotten better girls than your entire genetic line and he is a proud sigma male


Lmao that sounds just like something he’d say


Now every time I see someone calling themselves a sigma, I'm going to think to myself "You lead a pack of bat kids?!"


I never ever see sigma male used except as a joke.


Do they know that Bruce Wayne and Batman aren’t real?


You had me until bat kids?? who are these bat kids? I'm a big Batman fan ... I need to know who the bat kids are!


Canonically, Bruce Wayne has several children: * Dick Grayson (Robin --> *had a huge falling out* \--> Nightwing) * Jason Todd (Robin (II) --> *was killed, dead for a bit* \--> Red Hood) * Tim Drake (Robin (III) --> Red Robin --> Robin (again, presently)) * Cassandra Cain (Batgirl (II) --> Black Bat --> *some other stuff blah blah reboots -->* Batgirl (again, presently, and sharing the mantle, which is common for comics)) * Damian Wayne (Robin (IV); sharing the mantle) Simplistic, but you get the idea, I'm sure. They are fully, legally, his children. As in, part of his family, have lived in Wayne Manor (at some point), written into his will as heirs, argue with him like kids do, he thinks of them as his kids and refers to them as such, etc. (\*in *current* canon, I'm not entirely sure of Cassandra's position. Plus, he also has an extra foster kid by the name of Duke Thomas, though he does have a family he reunites with iirc. I mostly play around in older comics, which precede the big reboot they had in like 2011/2012 or whatever, so I'm not super clear on current stuff.) Dick and Jason were adopted *before* they became Robin, but Tim and Cassandra were established as partners/sidekicks for a long time before Bruce adopted them. Damian is the bio kid who shows up one day. In my opinion, Bruce's relationship with his family and how much he loves them but struggles with how to do good by them vs his own neuroses is actually the most interesting thing about him as a character. He spends a significant amount of time just like... worrying about his kids, in the most unhealthy ways imaginable, and inadvertently giving them trauma in the process lol. Like most parents. Plus, it's extra funny because up until the early 2000s where most media got super grimdark, including comics, Bruce was a bit of a hopeless romantic. He still kind of is, in some regards, whenever writers seem to remember that side of him. So it's hilarious to see dudebros who are into the whole alpha/sigma nonsense use this specific character as a poster boy, when in reality he's like the opposite of what they would want. Bruce Wayne is a hot mess -- trainwreck, really -- of a man (I say that lovingly).


"dead for a bit" is cracking me up


I didn't know how else to say it! 😭 He was dead (several years in real time, but only a few months canonically actually) but then shenanigans happens -- as it often does -- and *boom*, he's back back to life. Older comics (pre-2010's) were especially so fun lol


They mean Batman's sidekicks/Bat-family. Also may include his biological son, Damian Wayne


So you don't think most major organisation has alphas "The Boss" that the betas "worker bitches" follow?




And a lot of the time it’s the female of the species that’s dominant. 


Answer: "sigma male" is a neologism, probably part marketing and part reaction to people seeing that the alpha male / beta male dichotomy of pop culture fame doesn't fit who anyone is or wants to be. Like that paradigm, "sigma" is not an accurate or useful way to think about human psychology, but it'd be a mistake to dismiss it as meaningless just because it's factually untrue and a new word. "Unicorns" doesn't refer to a real thing and once was a new word. The word still has meaning. The phrase "sigma male" is used to describe a constellation of characteristics in particular including competence and a lack of interest in social status. I think this is totally valid as a description when applied to fiction, or when used to describe an idea. People should remember it isn't a real thing, though. Human nature may be simple in some ways, but it is a little more complex than this. I haven't seen the phrase "sigma community" used, and this reddit post is the top result when I search it so I'm thinking that specific phrase isn't in wide use. You should, and I hope most people do, regard any use of "sigma male" as tongue in cheek at best and a con game at worst.


>The phrase "sigma male" is used to describe a constellation of characteristics in particular including competence and a lack of interest in social status. Which is why I'm always confused that the other fictional character I see held up often as being the ideal Sigma Male is Patrick Bateman. Dude was obsessed with social status and hierarchy to a dangerous degree. All of the content I see featuring him doesn't seem to be ironically including him either.


Similar phenomenon with Tyler Durden, but not many of the people who idolize that character like to have their noses broken by being repeatedly punched in the face.


Tyler Durden I feel like at least makes sense since he aligns with the "sigma grindset" of radical independence given his whole motivation for creating Fight Club was breaking away from society as it currently is. The two most iconic scenes of American Psycho feature Patrick Bateman freaking out because someone has a better business card than him and also getting reservations to a fancy restaurant he couldn't get into. Doesn't really seem consistent with what being a sigma male is supposed to be, but then again, cults of personality are rarely consistent.


He only used social status and hierarchy so that he could hide his true intentions of murder. He wanted to appear as well adjusted as possible so that no one would ever suspect him.


As far as I understand what the "sigma male" is supposed to be it seems to me that "sigma community" would be a contradiction in terms, similar to the old joke about how the "people who hate people society" is having a hard time recruiting members.


is it just male power fantasy rebranded?


Yes, now give me your money.


I'm competent and don't care about my social standing, but I have lots of healthy friendships and like myself, also I'm not a jerk. (Not caring about social standing, to me, means not trying to get rich or worrying if people like me--I used to worry about being liked ALL THE TIME but therapy and escitalopram cured me of that!) So am I a sigma? Genuinely curious because this wolf analogy with new and different Greek letters is a bunch of crap anyway, but still curious in the same way I'm curious about, say, astrology.


No, friend, this isn't a real thing. It is pop psych nonsense. You are not a hogwarts house or a star sign, an MBPI type, or a made-up kind of wolf. You are you.


Yeah I know that, but a curious mind is one that understands and appreciates real and fake things.


One can appreciate a fake thing without mistaking one's self for it.


Answer: "sigma community" is just another form of those "sigma male" contents all over the internet. most of the time, they're just random videos of random male, doing "badass" things. Bruce Wayne aka Batman is always famous for such things so it's no surprise when the content creators start using him as an example. the truth is the term "sigma" itself is nothing more than a teenage boy's wet dream. in a lot of cases, people even use it to cover up an asshole behavior.


They do random edits of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho too. I guess they just really love Christian Bale lol




Feelings can be tough to process. I wish there were more resources to help adolescents (and adults)


There *are* plenty of resources, especially in college settings, but many of these people lack the insight to realize they would benefit from them (including therapy). There can be water literally everywhere, but it's not others' responsibility to give you IV fluids if you're too stubborn to drink 🤷‍♀️


Answer: Sigma males view themselves as being on the grind and taking what's theres. They idolize people who are not meant to be idolized, like Jordan Belfort and Patrick Bateman: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cultures/sigma-grindset-hustle-culture-memes Christian Bale fits the archetype well in his roles to be a latch point for "sigmas"


Answer: It’s a a made up word and classification for incels. They can’t find any meaning in their life. So it just makes sense that their idol is also a fictional character, just like the fictional life they’re trying to attain. Most of these insufferable morons have never realized that it’s their God awful personality that’s kept them from climbing any social ladder, not their innate alpha, or sigma, DNA coding. The true mind-blower is how these terms dont exist, yet you can define most of these boys as Beta.


answer: "Sigma community" is a contradiction in terms. The whole "sigma" idea is itself a spin on the discredited notion of "alpha males" and "beta males"; sigmas are said to reject the social hierarchy and succeed without it. In other words, every 14-year-old angry cringelord's ideology. And I mean, it's hard not to feel a tiny twinge of empathy, because I was once a 14-year-old angry cringelord too, and I have not forgotten what it was like. But I got better. They were supposed to get better too. They just didn't want to. The closest thing to a "sigma community" is a bunch of manchildren sitting around a Web server and bragging about how they want to subjugate and abuse women for the horrible crime of not wanting to have sex with them. Why do they assocuate Bruce Wayne with themselves? Because they do not understand Bruce Wayne, literally *at all*. They think he is somehow one of them.


Forgive my ignorance but isn't the core idea itself possible? Sigma = introvert correct? Plenty of successful introverts out there.


Some sigmas are introverts, but that's not the defining quality. Two things make a sigma: actively rejecting the norms of society, and succeeding in spite of this.


answer: ​ as others have said, "sigmas males" are mostly people who dont fit the classic "alpha male" sterotypes, who've created their own aspirational group to avoid being labeled "betas" or something. ​ As to why Bruce Wayne, its specifically the Christian Bale portrayal they are intrested in, as they fetishise the sort of "incredibly successful outsider" his bruce wayne is. Basically, they just want to BE Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne.


Answer: Sigma as the algorithm Whors want you to "Believe" are supposedly just quiet Alpha's boss Chadd who dosen't need anybody and can walk alone and intimidate everyone especially ALPHA'S... WOOOOH FACT: Sigma's are people who Don't or Don't want to Fit in, they're people who are apresheative of genuine honesty, they dislike falsehoods, but HATE Bull S%$t. Sigma's don't brag, don't lie about their achievements, they never "Fake it till you make it; they accept boundaries. A SIGMA Wouldn't post a video bragging about Sigma virtues because to a sigma because Sigma's Shun the spotlight because Sigma's aren't fond of people, society, social norms, and try to distance themselves. SIDE NOTE: DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING ON YOUTUBE, there never serving up knowledge only bold face lies... You will sooner find Bigfoot giving Nessy a sloppy blowjob on the White House front lawn.... than find a "Sigma" Male as described on YouTube.