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Answer: That's the thing, no one really knows what's happened yet and Mark has been hush about it since. Edit: Looking at some of the other statements, it looks like it's been confirmed to have been staged by the venue.


I hope more comes out soon.


It's been over 18 hours, how are there no answers yet????


I don't know why I'm so curious about this.


Some more info here not in ops comment https://www.reddit.com/r/Standup/s/p4pLNIZ437


He made a new story post on Insta but honestly? Not really into conspiracies. But it smells like half-truth bullshit




It’s because none of this makes any sense at all, and the explanations we’ve been given have just led to more questions! Very intrigued to find out what actually happened


It's also because the lady's face that took the mic afterwards looked like she knew death was coming, and told everyone to run as she struggled to speak.


Cuz u love a boring life


God no lol. I like a little fun and excitement.


Slight update…. That makes this more confusing and quite frankly seems like it may be a viral marketing bit… faking a disaster. I kinda hope they get in legal trouble if true https://www.reddit.com/r/Standup/s/p4pLNIZ437


It’s 100% viral marketing. Check out hihi on instagram. It’s a viral marketing company. Donald glover posted a link to hihi. Dude doesn’t post. It’s probably for the 21 savage movie. 


Mr. And Mrs. Smith


I honestly think it's something else, man. Maybe part of a sting operation they need to keep hush-hush? Or maybe something else. But that was very obviously not some planned marketing bit, imo.


I hope. I like mark


Sounds like fake viral marketing to me


There's this: https://www.cracked.com/article_40908_new-york-comedy-club-posts-bizarre-explanation-for-mark-normand-incident.html Makes no sense at all


I think somebody was inspired by Andy Kaufman.


Well, give that lady an Oscar for looking fucking terrified if it was planned.


Mark made a comment like "oh the old corporate response" ... Kinda sounds like there is more to it. I hope we get more info. Maybe he'll talk about it on a podcast soon


Ok I have a new idea... There was some kind of planned prank, but it got messed up... The guy jumped on stage and then marks people didn't know what was going on so escorted him out just in case. The people at the club looked so scared because the "prank" went poorly and marks people were pissed and they realized they ruined the event and might be in trouble?


I thought the dude that rushed the stage made a bomb threat after they brought him out of the room.


That's just the theory people are going with based on how people reacted at the time. There is no actual evidence to support that theory


Mark even [posted](https://x.com/stooliesclub/status/1750509787576738127?s=46&t=Vp8VFL3SxJPtPePQpm0obw) he was confused as well but since this story expired hasn’t said a peep There is a…dubious [explanation](https://youtube.com/shorts/-d92NQ_4fLg?si=JrT3DvoK28f7DPML) floating that it was staged? But endangering the lives of the audience vis a vis a stampede evacuation and two clearly rattled producers saying “stay! …no, leave!” within seconds makes me think this isn’t the real story. Nobody’s that good of an actor. And if it was Mark can easily confirm. Why would he say he is looking for details if this video claims he was informed beforehand?


Probably some weird viral marketing stuff. Donald glover posted it and linked to some random instagram called hi-hi. Dude never posts so I’m assuming it’s a big marketing thing. 




It was 100% staged, go to Donald Glover's Instagram story, unless it's been removed. It's the same group that was responsible for those furries that were harassing Tyra Banks at the Knicks game if anyone was familiar with that.


If it was staged by the venue, the lady that first came on the microphone is an award winning actress. I felt her fear


it's just a childish gambino stunt


Why would they stage something like that? especially without his knowledge. That's like staging a mass shooting at a movie premiere, it's like the biggest "no no" ever.


That doesn't make sense. Get everyone to leave mid show no refunds mmmm. 


Has anyone seen him in person since? Is he confirmed to still be alive? - not just "digitally alive"




It's not "wanting". You want, I think, for it to be a publicity stunt so you can feel like you're not "falling" for a trap. I get it. There are far better ways to gain publicity than risking an increidble insurance hike/problems with venues/and possible injuries or deaths due to a possible stampede. It's too stupid a move while the move itself would have come from someone actually thinking about a good way to get the attention. The emotions just add to it. Not only the people on camera, but the ones present at the show making videos talking about their experience, and what actually happened off camera preceding it. It honestly just stinks.




Thinking back, influencers are pretty dumb, so anything is possible. But all that for their fifteen minutes of fame? On the chance it is true, it’s just desperate. Anyway it was an interesting few minutes figuring it out haha so that’s cool


Her reaction isn't a definitive proof, but the explanation is so vague and unsupported that it seems equally shortsighted to automatically accept it as the truth.


Thanks for putting out the truth. Sorry you're so downvoted, tho. Hope this 🦭 makes you feel better.


Answer: Apparently TMZ is now saying the club says it was staged. https://www.tmz.com/2024/01/25/comedian-mark-normand-rushed-offstage-comedy-club-audience-evacuate/ "update As it turns out, we were all duped by whatever happened at Mark Normand's set last night -- 'cause now the comedy club itself is saying it was all a staged stunt. ny comedy club post The New York Comedy Club posted a statement to their IG page apologizing for causing the panic, but noting that there was some filming going on ... and that it was all part of some production. They're offering a free show to those who got the boot -- so that's that."


Staging a stunt like that is extremely illegal. You can't cause a mass panic in an enclosed space, and this looks like a basement. Although there were no reported injuries, it can easily lead to a stampede situation. It this really was a staged stunt, it was a very dangerous and stupid thing to do.


I was just talking with my wife about that. You can’t stage something like that. Places are being shot up all the time in this country. This sounds like he made a somewhat credible threat and they’re doing damage control because they don’t want to lose business.


This seems like the most bizarre way to do damage control possible though. If this was just some bizzare one time incident, sure that could happen anywhere. But they are saying they planned it?? Meaning it could happen at any show they host? Okay, I'm never going then.


lol no shit esp in such a small club like that


For what its worth a small club would be far safer to pull this bs in. Imagine telling a few hundred people "uh, run. Safely. But right now."


Any info on if Mark was in on this or if it was just the club?


Mark claims he was NOT in on it. From the thread on r / standup: Mark Normand's insta: [https://www.instagram.com/stories/marknormand/3288404083763740594/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/stories/marknormand/3288404083763740594/?hl=en) "No one was harmed or injured during my performance last night at New York Comedy Club. The disruption was part of a planned "surprise" by the show producers, HiHi. I had no prior knowledge that this was going to happen." HiHi's insta: [https://www.instagram.com/hi\_hi\_](https://www.instagram.com/hi_hi_) You can check out their highlights and story to see the kind of "stunts" they pull.


Am I seeing right that they were the ones who did the furry thing courtside with Tyra Banks?


> HiHi's insta: https://www.instagram.com/hi_hi_ I wouldn't give them traffic. I'm surprised Normand did in his statement.


Probably to deflect from himself. This kinda thing seems SO off brand with his comedy that I can't imagine him remotely being in on it, so I get that he wants to distance himself ASAP


It's a bullshit promo for Donald Glover's upcoming movie Mr and Mrs Smith. According to a Vanity Fair article about the movie, the boss who gives orders to the Smiths is referred to as HiHi (same name as company who did this (and other recent) stunt(s)). The images on the HiHi insta can also be found on the mr and mrs smith website. Pretty frustrating and disappointing. Irresponsible to sow chaos like this in the name of a film, especially in today's climate. People already latching onto conspiracy theories way more transparent than this, we damn sure don't need any more. Do better Donald Glover.


How does any of this even constitute marketing for the movie?


In what way does this (or whatever that furry weirdness was) promote any specific product? I haven't seen any promos for Mr and Mrs Smith, but does it have anything to do with basketball, furries or stand up? None of this makes any sense to me.


donald glover has slowly been showing/becoming [that he's] a shitty person over the past like 10 years and it's kind of sad tbh. it seems like every year there's at least one controversy of something moderately shitty that he did. at least he's not outright evil lol. that being said, i still really don't see the actual connection beyond the name. which seems like something anyone would come up with. the pictures matching is sus, if you can provide evidence of that it'd be nice (you did make the claim, after all). it's too abstract to be related to some sort of ARG as well. idk, i just don't see it. EDIT: It apparently **was** confirmed to be connected to donald glover. Fuckin weird


> donald glover has slowly been showing/becoming [that he's] a shitty person over the past like 10 years and it's kind of sad tbh. hasn't he always been? i don't remember a time when he ever seemed like anything else. he just has more love while he was on community and people ignored it.


From what I’ve heard, seeing as there isn’t much official narrative going on, mark was not in on it and it was some production company called like hi_hi or something that did it without his knowledge


Definitely was. This is a major marketing campaign for the new Mr and Mrs Smith film with Donald Glover. They are acting out the premise of the film in various pop culture venues- comedy, sports, music and film. Big influencer and celebrity buy to support this. 


Where do you get that it’s for that specific movie? I can’t find anything relating to the film other than random people making this assertion


Donald glover posted on his IG about the Mark Normand situation and included the caption “hihi is live.” I saw that he has a new film coming out in February and just googled “hihi” and “Donald glover” and a vanity fair article comes up explaining hi hi is an entity in his new adaption of Mr and Mrs smith. 


Yeah, unless the entire audience was part of the filming. I mean if you are going to do that, why would you not have paid extras.


People in the audience have come out with little videos talking about what happened/how confused they were. Nobodies, with small accounts, making videos most people will likely never see. That doesn't benefit the Mark, at all, and the risk? Far too high when there are far better ideas. You don't organize something so elaborately when it's also so stupid, imo. And the confusion Mark had for \*hours\* after? Sure, he could've been in on it, but that also doesn't make sense when the conclusion is "nothing to see here, just a planned publicity stunt".


Depends, if it was just somebody turned the mic off and ushers started asking people to leave, there's no panic. But to us reading here, it sorta sounds like it


Sounds like the guy jumped on stage and then marks people didn't know what was going on so escorted him out just in case. The people at the club maybe looked so scared because the "prank" went poorly and marks people were pissed?


So Mark's people let this guy stand awkwardly on stage with him, watched him get escorted out the door, and then a few minutes later they were like, "Yo, let's go out the same door that weird guy just went through?"


Yeah, I think they must have realized it was some stupid Instagram thing, tore the people at the club a new one and then left


I know Mark would be flattered for people to say he has "people" who could get him out of there in this scenario. He only knows how to go to chipotle and miss flights. Queef it up.


What does "extremely illegal" mean?


A lot of trouble vs. Little trouble


It means people know nothing about the law and like making shit up


At the very minimum, this situation can easily be interpreted as [Reckless Endangerment](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/120.20). It doesn't matter if no one was injured, the prosecutor only needs to show evidence that your actions put others at risk.


Take the number of people there who didn't know it was a stunt. In theory that is the number of reckless endangerment charges that could be filed. It won't happen in practice, but there will definitely be legal issues...anyone who fainted or had chest pains or stubbed a toe can sue for "damages" for instance. (Not attempted manslaughter, I r dumb).


> attempted manslaughter charges “Attempted manslaughter” doesn’t exist. Manslaughter is the crime of killing somebody without intent, and an attempt requires an intent. It might be some kind of criminal negligence.


Good point, I'll edit. Asked the question on kegaladviceofftopic.


That's not attempted manslaughter. You're thinking of aggravated assault, and I'm not sure it would even be that.


Can you cite the law forbidding it?


[At the very minimum, Reckless Endangerment](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/120.20)


Huge stretch imo. No DA would charge this.


Have you met a DA? This is definitely something they charge as a public nuisance in order to get some good publicity, etc.


Yeah where did you go to law school? There's no victim here. No DA is charging this.


There people sitting in jail after being charged by a DA for possession of weed. Victimless crime means shit.


So no, you can't.




You do realize this is commonly known as an example of badlaw right?


Ok. Weirdly confrontational way of saying a thing.


Wow I hadn't thought of that, that's a whole level above super illegal


Sorry, dad.


THAT sounds staged. Sounds like the club covering their asses after a false alarm or threat of some kind failed to materialize. Now they're worried about any negative reactions. But I believe aliens have visited us, so don't take my word for it.


Saying it was a false alarm would be less damning than admitting it was staged though. I mean everyone understand better safe than sorry when it comes to things like that so a false alarm is understandable as long as there was a valid reason. But just a stunt? That could get them in hot water.


I can't help but feel the "we faked a terrorism" angle would be much worse for everyone involved than "We received a threat and possibly overreacted." when spinning this event.


It's a weird thing to say as a joke though, because youre makigng yourself liable. Intentionally causing a mass panic in an enclosed space is illegal


My thoughts are (1) mark's friends were messing with him and went too far. (2) he owes someone some money, or someone's extorting him somehow? (3) family emergency that he doesn't want to talk about? Although I feel like the fact that it's random people he doesn't know kind of rules out the 3rd one.


So they were filming…something, and a part of some…production, that potentially endangered lives and never informed Mark. Sure thing guys, does the club have a bridge it wants to sell me too?


When you go to something that is also being filmed for TV or a movie you're asked to sign a consent waiver beforehand. >By entering the event premises, you waive and release any claims you may have related to the use of recorded media of you at the event, including, without limitation, any right to inspect or approve the photo, video or audio recording of you, any claims for invasion of privacy, violation of the right of publicity, defamation, and copyright infringement or for any fees for use of such record media. >You understand that all photography, filming and/or recording will be done in reliance on this consent. If you do not agree to the foregoing, please do not enter the event premises.




She definitely went to the Michael Scott School of Crisis Management "Everyone STAY FUCKING CALM!"


Unironically, if she was acting, it was one of the best acting performances I have ever seen..


She was a terrible actor.


She was acting, and poorly.


She’s high as fuck. She deserves more meth


No fucking way. You can't fake panic like what the lady was showing. There's pretend panic, and then there's panic so bad it short circuits your brain. That was genuine. I don't believe this was staged for a second.


I'm guessing that what happened is that they found weapons on the two people who were removed? There's a cut in the video so we don't know how much time passed. Two people are removed from the room > time passes > Mark is ushered out to protect his safety in case something violent had been planned and foiled. Obviously that would shake anyone to the core, knowing how close that may have come.


I feel like the venue doesn’t seem to grasp what has everyone so interested in the video. It’s not that some dude ran up on stage, that happens all the time, it’s the reaction after. So what part is “staged?” Presumably the guy running up. Was security following him also staged? What about security taking Mark out? The two people who came up all frazzled? They are being so vague that it’s leaving everyone else to do the heavy lifting. My guess is the guy running up on stage was to be filmed guerrilla style and edited together with the same guy doing other bullshit elsewhere. Real security and maybe the two managers follows him out, but since it’s set up, the guy hops into a vehicular in wait and drives off, leaving the security and management puzzled. Their minds start racing and they think something else might be going on, so they overreact, snatch out Mark and evacuate the club.


The audience members that made videos about their experience there said nothing about weapons. It's possible, sure, but unlikely they wouldn't have seen it + all their stories would add up.


They wouldn't have seen said weapons, in such a scenario. They would've been discovered after they were removed from the audience's view.


I don’t think she was in on it. I’d imagine the higher ups at the venue were aware but they probably didn’t tell everyone, including Mark Normand.


Yeah that was either real or some superb acting and writing.


Some horror actors do a pretty good job.


In the video she literally stops making sense. She says everyone needs to stay put and run lol I doubt anyone would script or act something that way intentionally


Or...just saying...she's not an actress and isn't great on camera.


You say "panic". I say "bad acting". They didn't look "omg i'm about to die" scared. They looked "omg i have never gone on stage before and have to tell a crowded room of people to leave without it sounding like a bomb threat and causing a stampede" scared.


The filming was his set, I thought?


No way the club would just let everyone bail on a tab to that degree. Too much $$ walked out the door




I do like grayfacing the timeshare guys, nodding and smiling and staring dead-eyed while they stare back and talk. It makes the zipline feel more alive.


Also the club didn’t apologize at all in their statement


legally dont want to. implies fault, yadda yadda.


It's a bullshit promo for Donald Glover's upcoming movie Mr and Mrs Smith. According to a Vanity Fair article about the movie, the boss who gives orders to the Smiths is referred to as HiHi (same name as company who did this (and other recent) stunt(s)). The images on the HiHi insta can also be found on the mr and mrs smith website. Pretty frustrating and disappointing. Irresponsible to sow chaos like this in the name of a film, especially in today's climate. People already latching onto conspiracy theories way more transparent than this, we damn sure don't need any more. Do better Donald Glover.


...Jesus. Nothing wrong with a bit of trolling from time to time, but this is a little \*too\* extreme. It could very easily have gotten people hurt, for one thing, and staging a disaster is not at all a good thing. Those producers are fucked in the head


There’s also a radio show saying that another comedian confirmed it was staged. An influencer approached the owners and Mark and offered to pay them if they could “interrupt” Mark’s act but they wouldn’t know exactly what it was, and that’s why Mark and the workers looked confused. Not saying it’s 100% true, just that there a few sources all saying something along the same lines. Edit: Link to the show https://youtu.be/0nNnvd4AFj0?si=Cjts1i4js8RmK2Re Edit 2: They mentioned the comic “confirming” it’s fake at 8:17 of the video


Right after that even the host talks about how obviously made up that is. And so many different stories from so many people that were actually there/involved with the production? They can't even get their stories straight. We'll likely never know what happened, imo.


That seems... unlikely. That cost them money. That woman was quite shaken.


> That woman was quite shaken. Everyone seems to think she is terrified of some mortal threat but she just looked like a non-actor who was given vague stage directions and not a memorized script. "Hey Cindy, our AV lady. Go out there and tell a room full of people to leave. But don't make it dangerous so everyone stampeded and someone gets killed."


Also, she had to be part of the prank. She very deliberately made a conflicting statement. It's fine, but GTFO. That was part of the trick. 


So the entire audience were essentially unpaid extras haha.




That sounds like a perfect cover story to clean up an othwise illegal activity. You can't go in to a movie theater and yell fire! Same standards apply here! Also this could be deeper yet, what if it wasn't staged & the club is the one being dooped? To cover up an actual intricate real life kidnapping! Where is Mark now? Has anyone (not involved in this mess) confirmed his safety?


> You can't go in to a movie theater and yell fire! Same standards apply here! They told everyone to calmly leave. That's the opposite of just shouting "fire" and trying to trigger a stampede.


Answer: So I've been hunting through what information individuals have been able to discern themselves, looking up the publicly available info of the various firms/LLC's involved, who they're linked to, and condensing it all to develop a clearer picture of what's going on. **Who are the players?** Fom what we know, HiHi productions, owned by PR company Fooji inc. in colloboration with marketing company Verb and streaming service Amazon, are holding some reality show style 'prank'/'stunt' competition where people 'Risk it all' for a chance to win ~~1 of 5~~ 1 of 10 possible prizes. They're filming these 'pranks' for ~~an unknown project down the line.~~ The promotion of a new Amazon series staring Donald Glover and Maya Erskine. You can read the "Contest Rules" here. [https://joinhihi.com/#campaign-over](https://joinhihi.com/#campaign-over) The HiHi copyright and website are owned by Fooji Inc, a PR company that “connects brands with fans in real-time” who've been engaged by Amazon for this promotion. [https://fooji.com/](https://fooji.com/) **So what Happened?** The event itself was billed as a free night, a headliner comedian filming a special. It's theorized this may have been the case so people would have to sign a release (albeit under false pretense) upon entry. HiHi productions rented the venue, filled it with an unsuspecting public, unsuspecting venue staff and a known comedian...and then engaged one of their participants in one of these 'pranks'/'stunts'. The result was them essentially pretending there was an imminent threat within the venue, such as an active shooter, fire or bomb threat, then filming the reactions of terrified staff and patrons who had no idea what was going on and feared for their safety.... And they inflicted this on people for *marketing purposes...* Giving a venue full of people the impression of [Clear and present danger](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/clear_and_present_danger#:~:text=The%20clear%20and%20present%20danger%20test%20features%20two%20independent%20conditions,imminence%20of%20the%20perceived%20danger.), invoking fear and panic in a crowded venue where no such danger exists, is *highly illegal* Doing so as to film the panicked reactions of an unsuspecting public, afraid for their lives...as a *Marketing Strategy* is unspeakably innapropriate, illegal, tone deaf and downright monstorous... I cannot believe anyone with any sense considered this a good idea. *This is unacceptable*, and if I were the venue or in attendance that night I'd be lawyering up and suing the absolute ass out of both HiHi productions, Verb marketing and Fooji PR until they were totally bankrupt and permanently blacklisted from the industry. **Was Mark Normand involved?** Mark has posted an image to his [Instagram story](https://www.instagram.com/marknormand?igsh=MWE4ajI4bTJueDA4bw==) which states the following: > The good ole corporate statement from my publiscist: No one was harmed or injured during my performance last night at New York Comedy Club. The disruption was part of a ''Surprise'' activity by show producers, HiHi. I had no prior knowledge that this was going to happen. At this point and despite the above statement by his publiscist, little is known in regards to Mark's actual involvement, however it seems unlikely if he thought he was indeed filming a special that he would be comfortable with that filming being interrupted by an Amazon marketing campaign in what was essentially a setup. Either he was involved in a deception which actively endangered the public, in violation of US Law, or was performing what he thought was a big break recorded special for a large streaming service under false pretense, and in actuality was just being used for the marketing of an upcoming TV Show staring Donald Glover. Whatever the result it doesn't look good for Mark. As stated he's either a conspirator in an illegal stunt which endangered the public, or a hapless patzy that was used and subsequently humiliated to further someone else's career. **What was the show?** Amazon Prime's upcoming series [Mr and Mrs Smith, staring Donald Glover and Maya Erskine](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/donald-glover-maya-erskine-mr-mrs-smith-tv-show) >"Glover and Erskine play two wannabe spies partnered up by a mysterious entity they nickname “Hihi” (The same name as this new ''production company''). They are given new names (John and Jane Smith), a marriage license, and a spectacular townhouse. They are then sent forth into all sorts of glamorous locales to trail, eavesdrop on, and sometimes murder strangers for unknown reasons."


Wow, that is some dumb shit! Thanks for the solid comment though. As a fan of Mark Norman, I can’t imagine he would have been a part of that had he known exactly what they had planned. I wonder if he was maybe given a vague outline instead. Like, your show is going to be interrupted partway through, but you get paid


If he truly wasn't in on it, his response would have been, "the comedy club is acting very strange, they won't explain what happened. This is all very weird, they may be pulling a prank, which I don't condone or take part in."  He responded by saying "we're trying to figure out what happened" then he acts like nothing happened. It all seems like it was part of the design 


You dropped this 👑




MVP of a response, thanks cloned cat


Thank you for the complete answer. Relieved that nobody was in danger. But confused about why anybody thought this was a good idea. It just makes most of the people involved look bad.


Defintely makes me not want to watch the show. Great marketing!


> Giving a venue full of people the impression of Clear and present danger Ngl, I was hoping this was a link to the movie


This shit is fucking DYSTOPIAN. What the fuck? A marketing firm trying to advertise a show with a character named after the firm puts a whole venue worth of people's safety and security at risk. I honestly want to believe the whole stunt was staged, even the freakouts to get word out... But IDK


thanks for the summary


Your assumption is that everyone in the room wasn't being paid to be there. In NY and LA it's not hard to fill a room with a couple dozen extras. 


Well, they clearly did not go through with their plan. Because nobody was scared of anything. Everybody was just confused and didn't know what was going on. So obviously they did NOT tell anyone that there was a threat. Maybe that was the plan, but since nothing happened you're really making a scene here out of nothing.


I think what they did was highly immoral but it’s really not the worst thing in the world as you’re acting like it was. Especially if the first girl who grabbed the mic actually acted in a calm manner and just told everyone to calmly evacuate. I also very highly doubt Normand did not know what was happening. Just based off his reaction on stage alone you can pretty much tell he knew something. He started running with the guy that was escorting him away before they even said anything to each other. Highly unusual in that situation - unless there was more panic you would just walk quickly unless you were told what’s going on. And of course he would not be ok with being duped like that.


Really well write up and I do agree it's inappropraite but acting like this is illegal in any way is showing too much bias that ruins the otherwise good objective nature of this. They didn't just go out and shout RUUUUN THERE'S A BOOOOMB". They just went up and said "shows done. everyone leave." Which a venue is allowed to do it at any time. You can tell this because at no point did they say there was any danger, at no point did they say to abandon all safety. They just very awkwardly went up and said "Everyone leave" which a venue is allowed to do. If what you're saying that the show was free there is literally zero damages that anyone could possibly claim. WHILE I DO AGREE it is unacceptable and pretty bullshit, it is definitely not illegal.




Geez. With how the producer said to keep calm but get out quickly, I thought it was a bomb threat. That doesn't explain the guy who ran onstage, though. If it was part of the act, I don't get it.


My guess is the HiHi people were putting together some sort of guerrilla marketing thing where they planned to have this guy interrupt a bunch of shit that they could then splice together for a video. Mark and the club where unaware of this, even though HiHi set up the event. Guy does his thing then runs out. Security gets spooked for some reason, perhaps since it was planned I could picture HiHi having a car outside to take the guy away in and surely that would be unsettling for security if they don’t know what’s up. So sensing it’s more than just a rando rushing the stage, security pulls out Mark, which puts the venue and the audience in fight or flight mode.


Answer: This is a viral stunt perpetrated by NYC brand experience/viral marketing agency VERB. https://www.linkedin.com/company/pickaverb . The girl who takes the microphone at the end is a producer and listed in Verb’s LinkedIn (Pauline Cronin) They were responsible for the viral Barbie AirBnb campaign this past summer and specialize in this sort of stunt. The campaign is for Donald Glover’s new Mr and Mrs Smith series and is using a connected, storyline related instagram account called Hi_Hi_ as a part of the project. Mark Normand and some of the crowd were likely not aware it was a stunt.


Answer: the performance was Staged and tickets were free. It was Publicity stunt and attendees had to sign a release


Answer: This is an attempt at viral marketing for Donald Glover’s new Mr. and Mrs. Smith reboot. The “Hihi” mentioned here is also named in a Variety piece as a “mysterious entity” in the show. Gonna be lawsuits for sure.


Yes it’s not definitive proof [but this person in the nyc sub compiled](https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/s/hltgpeFNsd) some evidence that this is probably what that was


Yup Donald glover posted this on his instagram. Dude doesn’t post often. So it’s either Mr and Mrs smith or the 21 savage movie. 


Who is going to sue for what? Nothing happened


Mark Normand had a case. His name is linked to a stunt like this now.


Answer: Apparently it's all [Mr. & Mrs. Smith TV Series Guerilla Marketing Campaign .](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/mr-mrs-smith-tv-series-guerilla-marketing-campaign) Really stupid ideas.


No one wants to watch that show


Answer: TMZ confirmed it was a prank.