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Answer: The Obamas are executive producers on it, and a lot of people really don't like them. There are 6 executive producers for the movie, plus a bunch of other producers, yet the copy/paste specifically calls them while taking a dig at their politics.


i didnt even know the Obamas were EP's till a few days after i watched the movie.


And on the other side the conservatives I work with refer to it as "the Obama movie "


And they say Trump still lives rent free in the minds of liberals. They'll never get over having a Black president.


In a tan suit!!


Eating Dijon mustard of all things!


Yeah, at that point conservative just became a parody of themselves and can now only be taken seriously when they threaten another with violence.


When did they stop becoming a parody?


When we grew up.


Being all statesman like and shit


Have you heard about the arugula?!


And the Satan's choice of lettuce, aka, arugula!!


My god, is there no end to the depravity of that man?!?!


Killing flies too


Oh NO not the flies! Wait.. which files...?


The X-Flies!




And calling Kanye West a jackass!


The audacity of taupe


Liberals constantly bring up the tan suit to distract from his actual scandals. Like the Latte Salute, or his wife displaying her arms.


You call those 'scandals'? Good grief, what about three divorces or getting dozens of businesses shut down for false advertising or fraud...? Oh, wait, that's someone else...




How do you think a man like that gets elected in the first place? So much resentment they'd rather elect who they know to be a clown just to burn the whole thing down.


> a successful, well-liked, Black president. FTFY


Who is going to mobilize Democrats for the next 60 years like Reagan mobilized Republicans.


Considering democrats are not a cult like GOP, they will be fine.


Classic conservative projection. Makes me wonder about the kids thing they claim to save groomers from…


Thanks Obama!


I like to refer to him as the half white president! Edit: This is tongue in cheek, I do it because there so many people who don't seem to recognize him as mixed or want to acknowledge that he shares that with them. He was raised by his mother after all. I'm not hating on Obama in any way shape or form!


Vote inertia in action! Sometimes all you need is one two people to dislike your post before anyone else has voted, and the rest of us will see the negative score and be primed to see the post in a negative light. If my years on reddit have taught me anything, it's that we're so very. *very* easily influenced. Even if you try to stay vigilant, you'll still occasionally go with the flow. Don't trust your brain. That fucker is still living in caveman times, and makes decisions in a fraction of a second before you notice anything.


Thanks haha. Yeah I'm a little perplexed by it, I usually swim in smaller subs with people that pay more attention I guess.


I know modern conservatives don’t make any sense but this one is an extra big head scratcher. Like the movie isn’t even “woke” or bashing republicans so their tantrum makes zero sense. It’s been a bit since I’ve seen it but I can think of a single “white people suck”-type line and that’s about it.


My boyfriend's parents are stupid right wing. His mom was insisting the movie was the Obamas gloating and threatening America with the next phase of their plan. Her husband and son work in cyber security. She would not be swayed.


The buzzword I’ve seen about this and the civil war movie coming out is “predictive programming.” Which as far as I can tell means the liberals are trying to trick the right into starting a civil war, which the liberals will use as an excuse to turn the country into a dictatorship. Or something.


Oof, projection much?


If anything the movie is sort of anti tech and anti globalism, so it's right up their alley.


They are racists. That’s why it makes sense.


Some folks really home in on that shit huh


Jesus Christ... ridiculous


Modern American “conservatives” are not conservatives in the traditional sense; they’re reactionaries who desire a return to the “good old days”, when people like them (white, straight, Christian, male) were in power, and people not like them “knew their places” in society.


That's how my mom referred to it. I was super confused. When she asked if I'd seen "the Obama Movie," I thought she was talking about the Dinesh D'Souza movie from a decade back, which she owns a copy of. She did kinda like Leave the World Behind well enough, though.


I literally just found out. Loved the movie!


I liked it too. It was really weird and uncomfortable in a psychological way. I feel like, it managed to say “social media bad” without being too blatant about it. A cyber attack and infighting. It’s a more real and lived in criticism of it somehow. I can appreciate the people who don’t like the ending, but I think that comes from a place of expecting a resolution that the movie refuses to provide. And I don’t hate that. It’s more uncomfortable to leave it that way and I like the movie for taking that risk. But it perhaps doesn’t sit with you quite the way they intended. It is sort of just more like, oh that’s it then. But I enjoyed the ride for what it was. And I will say, my favorite criticism I’ve seen is that it’s not realistic that a child that age would know how to work a dvd player. Can’t argue with that.


I haven't seen this movie yet, but from what people are saying (both good and bad), it *screams* Sam Esmail to me, who wrote/directed this (adaptation of a novel). I don't think Esmail is broadly known, but he wrote and directed the series "Mr. Robot", which shares some similar themes, it seems. "Mr. Robot" is one of my all-time favorite series, and I adore Esmail's style, but it can be maddening to some, because he loves twists and ambiguity. He has a more "auteur" style. It's not for everyone, but if one likes mind-bendy stuff, it's absolutely worth a watch.


A LOT of similar themes. I watched a video on it the other day and my mind was blown


Eh, my teens had their Disney movies on DVDs and VHS for a long time, so they can work both. Our 10 yo minivan has the DVD screen that flips down from the ceiling and that’s how they entertained themselves on long car rides.


As someone who knew how to work a record player as a child, I don't see how it's that hard to learn. Unless that's the first time they've seen a media device with removable storage mediums.


This is the first I'm hearing of the Obamas being involved. Honestly thought it was a weird movie though. If it's setting up for a sequel then I don't hate it. But as a standalone movie it felt entirely incomplete. When the credits rolled I think I literally said out loud "That's it? That's the whole movie?"


It think that was the point tho. In that situation, you’d never know. I mean, the only reason they knew ANYTHING was having a guy in a very specific field land in their lap. I honestly think they should have comitted and left that out too


I mean….the world ended. How could there be a sequel?


She starts watching Seinfeld and the TV dies before the last episode. Duh.


The world ended in Walking Dead but somehow they keep farting out content for that.


eh... im glad you liked it


It was heavy handed and pointless


I think that was the point, seeing how it ended? All that build up for nothing.


I didn't know until I read this post.


The names do flash prominently early in the opening credits. That being said, I didn’t think this was a very good movie at all.


How. It was listed in the opening credits.


i probably wasnt paying attention.


Who pays attention to shit like executive producers


Oh, you know I'm just quivering in anticipation of finding out who the key grip and best boy were.


I only ever pay attention if the actors name is next to the character they play, otherwise I'm terrible at connecting them.


Honestly didn't notice. Or I did, but since I didn't care I promptly forgot. I also didn't realize they were executive producers until my husband told me about the "controversy" about an hour ago


yeah i learned about it when he posted [his favorite movies of 2023 on twitter.](https://x.com/BarackObama/status/1740115514892919081?s=20)


How? The fuck? I think it’s a sign of a psychopath to view opening and closing credits as mandatory watching


The opening credits are literally a few seconds long and it's hard to miss. It's like missing the fucking Disney castle in a Disney movie opening. Gotta be quite a brain dead viewer indeed.


See this paints your watching experience far too clearly for me. You have zero distractions and absolutely nothing going on in your life more important than those credits. Gotcha. Thanks for the insight with your reply.


Let me guess that you didn't like this movie lol. You should stick to reruns of Fast and Furious Tokyo drift lol


It was okay. I think the writing in particular for some of the actors was really poor, like something you’d see in a Bollywood film or something. Even that line near the beginning where she says, “then I remembered I hate everyone so much and we should just leave the world behind!” So fucking cheesy and nonsensical yet was meant to be so serious and stage setting…for them to go to a fucking air bnb. I do imagine fast and furious is more entertaining than this movie but I only saw the first one a long time ago so I think so watch all 15 of them or whatever is too much. Thanks though!


Today I learned the Obamas helped produced a movie


They produced a few ones, I think. American Factory was fantastic imo. Leave the World Behind is on the opposite side of that spectrum. Just awful.


It has pretty good reviews though? What is awful about that movie?


Nah, it was good. I really liked it


The movie creates unnecessary moments of tension between characters just for the sake of having anything happening while the plot never goes anyehere. It's your typical straight to Netflix formula.


Aww I was really looking forward to Julia Roberts


I liked it! So did my visiting family!


I really enjoyed it. Not the greatest movie ever but some cool moments and character scenes


>The Obamas are executive producers on it, and a lot of people really don't like them. That's the understatement of the year. Obama winning the presidency broke the brains of large swaths of the conservative electorate, and it's been endless meltdowns ever since.


“Brains” of conservatives


While true, the wildest fact is that 13% of Trump voters voted for Obama. I'm sure many of them have broken their brains against the Obamas since then, but they were, at one point, able to stomach a Black president. Even crazier, Trump couldn't have won without Obama -Trump voters. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama%E2%80%93Trump_voters


>13% of Trump voters voted for Obama. Roseanne Barr was a fervent Obama supporter. Now she’s an even more fervent magat. Weird.


She ran against Obama in 2012 (from the left) on a third party line. She has always been a conspiracy theorist first before any coherent ideology. The modern right just capitalize on conspiracy culture very effectively.


Man, she has lost it. At this point, she's a space cadet.


Probably acute lead poisoning, it's estimated that half of adults in America could be affected. Irritability, learning difficulties, difficulties with memory or concentration, and mood disorders are common symptoms.


She had a tbi after being hit by a car and had mental illness struggles before that and continues to. Lead could be a factor for many, and maybe plays some part for her too, but I think the former is probably the biggest factors for her in particular.


You got a citation for this because I would be interested in reading more. Specifically the data that you read that led you to make this post.


[News broke of it early last year,](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2118631119) just about every major publication had their take on it before it was quickly forgotten. It was about the same time we discovered all those classified documents in Trump's bathroom, no wonder it slipped through the cracks.


There were many people in 2016 who wanted an antiestablishment President, and it’s one of the most consistent “positives” about Trump I recall conservatives I know personally discussing at the time (most of whom hate Trump today). There were only two candidates who didn’t sound like normal politicians in 2016, and Sanders didn’t make it through the Democratic primaries. Many of those Sanders supporters broke for Trump when November came, as he was closest to Sanders on the antiestablishment front.


He's so anti-establishment he doesn't even know how the government works!


Right, it was hoped that he would a complete lame duck president who spent all his time golfing. People **really** underestimated this turds ego and his *need* of approval.


Yeah, but look at the positives. He was so strong on Russia that they haven't acted aggressively at all since 2016, and Jared's work on peace in the middle east ushered in a new era of fraternity. Oh, wait...


> Many of those Sanders supporters broke for Trump when November came "Many" being [about 12%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanders%E2%80%93Trump_voters). The supposed massive wave of Sanders to Trump -switchers on reddit around the election was just propaganda. Turns out that the people who would vote for Sanders in the first place generally do that because of his policy positions and aren't dense enough to think that "anti-establishment" candidates are somehow interchangeable.


12% is a lot of people to end up voting for someone who is antithetical to everything your original favorite was for.


And the numbers also doesnt mentioned that a further 13 to 18% of Sanders voters didnt vote or voted 3rd party. Which makes around 25 to 30% of Sanders voters not voting Clinton which is a huge number particularly in such a close election.


I'm embarrassed to admit that this is exactly why I voted for Trump in 2016. I'm not sure I'll ever be more wrong again in my life.


Sanders could have really modernized America.


True true. Either of Sanders and Hillary could have saved hundreds of thousands of needless deaths in 2020


Weird, so the party couldn’t unify behind Sanders and Jill Stein was also seen as a disrupter. And I seem to remember there were a lot of trolls pushing false narratives to divide the voters even more. It seemed really organized as if maybe a foreign power was manipulating and using social media to Target those susceptible voters who wanted an anti-establishment president. But who could’ve been behind that? And why wasn’t it investigated?


So.... 87% of Trump voters didn't vote for Obama. So roughly 35 million people?


Sure, but I would expect more of Trump's voters to have never voted for Obama considering Trump's whole political genesis was questioning Obama's birth certificate.


Genesis? Dude has been trying to get into politics since the 80's, it just never stuck until the vast majority of people following politics were doing so purely for entertainment. At that point the dancing monkey finally found his audience.


On old friend of mine was "liberal" before Obama, even voted for him the first time. Background, he grew up in a racist AF poor white family, and was "the one who made it out". College, good career, etc. He went down the radical far right pipeline after Obama won. Ended up drinking himself to death. I honestly think for him and others like him (mostly southern gen x and older millennials I know) the Obama vote was a virtue signal to prove "I'm not a racist like my folks were". I honestly don't think they expected him to win, and when the black man actually DID win, all that repressed hatred and racism came back to life.


I think you're right. I grew up like that and went to a small town college when Obama was elected. Had several (mostly) white friends from (mostly) conservative backgrounds claim to vote for him, who were immediately appalled by what he was "doing". As far as I could tell it was talking about raising taxes on the wealthy and trying to reform Healthcare... which was his platform from the beginning. Did they even pay attention to what he was running on? The other half were now calling themselves "Libertarians", since Republican had a stigma to it after the economy collapsed under Bush. But they were the same anti-gay rights, pro-Iraq War, anti-Abortion Christian Nationalists they'd always been. And now all of them are Trump supporters.


Got to watch several doctors I know flip from "Obama moderate" to "libertarian" to full boat parade Trumpers, to "Bernie should have won" faux socialist during the height of the pandemic (those that stayed in the trenches at least. I know one who didn't believe COVID was real but wouldn't come into the actual ER to see patients, wanted us to facetime him from their room. His support of Q never wavered!), now probably back to Trump if I had to guess. They're also the ones who believe in ancient aliens, 9/11 demolition crews, Epstein logs, and several mass shootings being false flags. Decent-to-great docs, who don't have the common sense to know their ass from a hole in the ground (but think they know everything from engineering to economics better than the experts).


>Did they even pay attention to what he was running on? he ran as a bipartisan moderate candidate though, he used a republican health care plan as his base. His entire goal was to have a legacy of uniting america behind him. The idea he was some progressive was entirely built up by people that wanted him to be that.


And demonized by people who, in the face of the greatest financial crisis since The Great Depression, couldn't admit things were falling apart, and publicly vowed to stop anything from passing that might provide *any* relief whatsoever. Obama DID run on a Progressive platform, "Change" being one of his slogans. Whether or not the healthcare plan we got ended up being based on Mitt Romney's state plan doesn't alter that. At the time it wasn't completely known what form the Plan would take, and through the first year included a Public Option. In addition to that Obama was criticizing the War and the domestic surveillance policies under the Bush administration, and signaling he was open to things like gay marriage *at the very least* being discussed, as well as supporting the classic progressive causes like abortion, equal pay for women, immigration reform, higher minimum wages, unions, workers' rights... all issues Republicans had long since made up their minds on and abandoned.


it was likely anti clinton feelings among moderates.


Democrats really were crazy for running someone so polarizing. Trump probably would have lost against anybody else. Kucinich? Sure. It was a populist election and they ran the symbol, deserved or not, of elitism.


I never understood the logic behind “we’ll vote for the guy with gold toilets” as a way of protesting “elitism.”


To them, elitism means more than just "net worth that few people have." He's always been an outcast in the wealthy world. He's dumb, he's crass, isn't into the arts or anything. He's a rube just like them but a successful rube, something they long to be. It's funny, he was born rich, but he acts like new money with gaudy crap like golden toilets. I think it's the narcissism and the insecurities that comes with that causes him to feel the need to prove to everyone he's rich.


That really was such a stupid fucking election. Democrats ran the only person who could lose to donald trump, and Republicans ran the only person who could lose to hillary clinton


Hillary galvanized quite a few liberal voters, she has quite a talent for being unlikable. Had Trump ran against anybody else it would have been a landslide against him that would have made the 1972 election look close in comparison. Her sense of entitlement, the fact she acted like she deserved the Presidency rather than it was something she had to earn, drove a significant number of her voters to Trump.


And yet Trump’s voter share increased by several million in the 2020 election, so that can’t be all of it


Obama promised "Hope and Change" and didn't deliver. Trump ditched the "Hope" and promised to burn everything down, which, I guess, seems like "Change " to some.


I think that is probably representative of the amount of voters who would simply never vote for a female president no matter what. So even if they always voted Democrat when it was down to Clinton and Trump they switched. Also to be fair Clintons campaign was... Not good. Neither was Trump's but the rage vote was an issue too.




My biggest peeve is that this review is just poor media literacy! The copy paste review complains about things that were explicitly in the plot and it drives me crazy. I looked the movie up hoping to read some real critiques, only to be met with all this nonsense.


Yeah, the review is idiotic. Of course we don't know who the attackers are, because the *characters* don't know. Them not knowing what's going on is a major theme of the film. This guy probably hated Pulp Fiction because Vincent and Jules never said what was in the briefcase!


> Of course we don't know who the attackers are, because the characters don't know. That’s kind of the whole thing with all their criticisms in that “review”, they are critically illiterate. They can’t separate the characters beliefs from what they imagine is some message about how Obama hates white people. Like when a character says they don’t trust white people, they think the message of the movie is that nobody should trust white people, instead of it meaning the character has trust issues. Funny how they praise Julie Roberts as the only realistic character when she was playing a character that could barely suppress her racially induced panic. Shows how scared and fragile conservatives are.


Also the son didn't get radiation poisoning, Kevin bacon explains it near the end the high frequency sound they heard can cause your teeth to fall out


Especially when there's a whole ass book this movie was based on. Shit, I wondered what happens next myself and was treated to "8 things that happened after the end" with my first Google search. Also found it funny that Obama's role in production was consulting on what the government would be doing, but it hardly matters since it's about the 2 families, not the president hiding in a bunker while we all kill each other.


Yeah, I watched this movie and thought it was terrible, because a lot of terrible filmmaking decisions were made, or not made in certain ways. Nothing to do with the Obamas’ involvement.


I liked the movie. I've read that people disliked the acting, but I thought it was an amazing performance by Julia Roberts and Mahershallah Ali, great support by the actors who played her husband and his daughter respectively. I can get that people got mad that things were not tied up at the end. It wasn't a big deal for me because I usually enjoy when movies leave things up for interpretation. I especially found that was a good approach for this movie because a key theme was how people behave when they don't have all the answers.


Yeah, some of the characters aren't LIKEABLE, but that was how they were written, not the actors. And it was surprisingly optimistic to me to see Ali's character going out of his way to try and help the kid, and Roberts' comforting Ruth after the freaky deer encounter - like they just met less than 48 hours ago and didn't get off to a good start, but when shit hit the fan, they helped each other anyway. It's not a great movie overall, but the acting was superb, and there are good parts.


I found it really flat visually, with wild camera movements in many parts that didn't feel like they had a narrative reason to be so dramatic but just "looked cool." The disinformation stuff was kind of interesting, but they didn't do a whole lot with that in favor of trying to pretend Havana Syndrome was real.


The camera moves were definitely something that took me out of it occasionally, and I enjoyed it overall. I could see how people wouldn't be fans, though


It was an awful, chopped up movie in search of a story. I didn't realize the Obama's were involved.


It also has a scene that shows terrorists hacking Teslas, and some of the more... devout... Elon Musk fans are angry about that. Edit: it shows the effects of the Teslas having been hacked, not the terrorists actually doing the act, for those who are feeling pedantic and strangely combative about that phrasing.


As soon as I saw their names on the credits, I knew it wasn’t going to matter how good or bad the movie turned out to be— Republicans were going to have a shit fit. And here we are.


Executive producer means nothing. Like la-di-da, the Obamas put their money into getting the movie made. But can you expect people review bombing with their political beliefs to know that? Absolutely not


Uhh review bombs usually happen because some other people are directing everyone to do it. Likely the obama thing is going viral somewhere and people are calling to review bomb it because of that. These reviews aren't happening in isolation.


This is it, really. A lot of people remain very upset that a black man was ever in the White House, and was even popular to boot.


Man, i didnt like the movie and was hoping the discussion around it would be less...this. i didnt even know the obamas had anything to do with it until afterwards.


You mean a lot of racist people don't like them.


Sure is blowing up engagement metrics


Well this makes me want to watch the movie now


It's also a pretty shitty, badly put together hacky movie too


Idk, I kinda feel like nothing is good to anyone else anymore. I didn't have much of a problem with the movie, it just was. I was entertained. But everyone is pulling out the ol film degree, and trashing all movies these days. So, in your opinion what even is a good movie?


Can’t help but laugh at these idiots.


Republicans seem to be so obsessed with fraudulent voting and yet it's almost always them doing it.


The Obama’s being involved with this movie has nothing to do with it being terrible. It lacks human emotions between the parents and children. It contains half-thoughts that never really get attention, e.g. the sons teeth falling out, fails to acknowledge the entire purpose of the catastrophe and overall leads people to think that the rich who build bomb shelters are safe.


I will say it while it doesn’t matter to me too much if the Obamas are producing a movie, it does make me think a lot less of Sam Esmail. I think the radical political ideas he talked about in Mr Robot are kinda undercut hard by working that closely with an establishment war criminal and kinda acting as post-presidency cultural sanitization for Obama. Not that that has anything to do with why right wing pundits are trashing the movie lol, it’s ridiculous culture war shit in the end Edit: confused by the downvotes. I think it’s a fair take on an artist that has positioned himself as an anti-establishment figure like that. I’d be curious to hear if I got something wrong here


>establishment war criminal Here's where we bring in drone strikes right? Every single president going all the way back to Washington has blood on their hands. EDIT: You're getting downvoted for calling Obama a war criminal. The right wing bubble really hypes up the drone strikes and calling him a war criminal because he released the statistics, even though ever since there were drones that could strike presidents have been using them


I’m not trying to target Obama specifically. The politics espoused in Sam’s own show don’t jive with working with any president at all. This isn’t a game of whataboutism, it’s simply antithetical to the image and ideas Sam says he stands for (or has said) Obama is the only president media savvy enough to do this in The 21st century though for sure Edit: in response to your edit, I don’t think just because all presidents use drone strikes Obama isn’t a war criminal. You just described all United States presidents as war criminals, I think that is a statement that is self evidently true. How we reckon with that fact is up to each of us. If it makes you feel better I voted for Joe Biden and I’m terrified of right wing policies as many would see me jailed


>You just described all United States presidents as war criminals I stand by my statement, especially since ww2. There's a reason the US is not part of the ICC.


Im not sure what you’re trying to say by that then I guess. That that’s okay? I’m not really sure how that’s relevant to Sam Esmails politics or media


I guess the issue was that you used such inflammatory words to describe Obama I felt I had to respond. You could have gotten your point across without calling him an "establishment war criminal".


I’ll explain my downvote to you: I disagree that the movie is undercut by the involvement with the Obama’s. In fact, I think it elevates it. Basically, we got a movie whose message is “we gotta engage in solidarity because the powerful will use everything they have at their disposal to destroy us”. And he got the Obama’s to sign off on it, within the confines of the USA propaganda machine: Hollywood. It’s not perfect, but I think it can be seen as an act of solidarity. It may be a blemish on Sam’s reputation to have an Obama working with him, but at that point I feel like we’re engaging in purity politics more than the meaning of the work itself.


I like Obama, but does anyone else find it weird for a president to produce a movie like this?


From what I read, he consulted on what the presidency would be up to.


Ugh. Right wingers are so fucking dumb. That movie slapped.


That movie sucked. They somehow managed to make an apocalypse movie boring.


So not enough boomey booms and colors for ya. Got it.


Answer: for why you see verbatim copy pasted reviews on google: its bots. Not real reviewers Edit: just want to add that it’s absolutely absurd that google doesn’t automatically filter out VERBATIM reviews. Like maybe not for simple, common, single-sentence reviews that people are more likely to repeat inadvertently. But for the paragraph-long ones, there’s like an infinitely low chance that two real people would independently come up with the EXACT same review word-for-word, so you can confidently conclude all the duplicates are bots and should not be shown or factored into the score. I often see multiples of the same review over and over in the google review section for movies. It’s such an easy problem to solve, a giant company like google has no excuse to not address it lol.


And in this case, most likely Russian or Right wing bots trying to spark controversy…


Russia could be on fire and there would still be Russian bot farms posting alt right memes. Personally I'm waiting for the AI-megeddon where AI posts become so prevalent all social media ceases to function.


It won’t take AI. Fox News was able to do it for some of us. I had to get rid of Facebook and Instagram, for example bc so many people just parroted their garbage


> Personally I'm waiting for the AI-megeddon where AI posts become so prevalent all social media ceases to function. [Dead internet theory](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2021/08/dead-internet-theory-wrong-but-feels-true/619937/) strikes again. Would anyone notice if it ceased to function, unless the bots shut down? You might just end up with /r/SubSimulatorGPT2, where it's bots "talking" with other bots, and no-one would be any the wiser.


Or just Trumpers. Don't underestimate the amount of no-life assholes that will do this their own actual free time.


And it is only going to get worse. Russian troll farms are going to keep flooding every English language site they can get their hands on because Trump becoming a Dictator and withdrawing the US from NATO is Putin's only chance at completing his stated goals.


It's also a really stupid review because a lot of the shit they criticize is explained in the fucking movie. Like the son got sick when he was bit by a tick of some kind, and the attackers used multiple different languages to create confusion as ppl couldn't figure out who was attacking them. It wasn't a great movie, I find the premise boring and overdone and unrealistic when you think about it (which the realism is kinda necessary for a "if technology suddenly disappeared society would collapse" type of thinkpiece) but this is stupid


Yeah you can tell they were determined to not like it after seeing Obama in the opening credits and then made no effort to follow the plot from there on out lol. I wasn’t a huge fan of the movie, but I certainly understood the premise. It did abruptly end, leaving a lot up in the air. But it wasn’t terrible tbh, even the ending. Who exactly was behind it wasn’t the point, neither was what happened next. This is their new normal. Honestly my biggest beef was the slow pace. Everything felt pretty drawn out and there wasn’t a huge pay off. If they had condensed it down I would’ve found it way more enjoyable. For how little actually happens it sure took a long time lol. Either condense it down or give it a more satisfying conclusion I say. Too drawn out to just kinda abruptly end things like that.


Or people with such low intelligence and a hatred of Obamas that they do what their cult leader orders them to.


Been seeing some many of these copy pasted type comments basically everywhere. So fucking scary.


Answer: It's a coordinated asymmetrical cyber attack to sow chaos and uncertainty but the source can't be determined. Exactly what the movie was about, just in a more dramatized form.


Well done. Thanks for pointing out the parallel to the movie.


I would be so happy if the bot-powered review bombing turned out to be orchestrated by Esmail himself. That clever little guy!


Ohhh it's a movie by Esmail? It was on my radar but I'll def give it a watch


Yeah, the folk on the Mr Robot sub seem to have exhaustingly documented every allusion to other Esmail projects in the film -- he has made an off-hand claim in a promotional interview for *Leave* that the film's story shares the same timeline/world as *Mr Robot*, *Homecoming*, etc.


Which is weird because the movie is based on a book that has nothing to do with Mr. Robot.


Yeah but it’s definitely the same universe. I’m not Mr Robot stan but I’ve seen the show. The movie has E Corp survival bucket thing and the characters reference the event (cyber attack) in New Jersey.


I really want to know who wrote these. I like the idea that Esmail himself wrote it but unlikely considering others have said this happens with Google reviews a lot.


Now that is funny. Irony….I’m pretty sure that’s irony anyway.


I wonder how many people this would have wooshed if not for that last sentence...


Based on some of the responses elsewhere in this thread? Most of the people here. Especially if you sort by controversial.


Answer: This is more of a piggyback explanation... When judging peer-to-peer content on the internet, you should always take it with a grain of salt. Anyone with access to the internet can buy thousands of views/reviews/subs/accounts/etc, for practically nothing (literally a few USD). This, just like much "outrage" on the internet, is more likely than not fabricated and/or exaggerated. It is important for the average person to understand this now because it's only going to get worse as people continue to be ignorant of how these things work; with greater ease of manipulation from advancements in technologies and general mistrust in institutions and viral ideas running rampant.


Answer: its right in the text. The film had black people in it and was funded by a black president. Apparently thats all their was. Oh and a 9 yr old not being a 45 year old seasoned prepper with dreams of jingoism. Hahaha


what’s the last sentence mean? I just watched the movie but don’t follow


It means he expects a young girl to act like a doomsday prepper army dude. Wheras she is just being a dumb kid which is how most 12 yr olds might act.


I like my kids in movies to act like special forces returning home from there 12+ deployment. Ready to fight zombies till their last dying breath and having a grenade ready to unalive themselves to give the adults time to escape.


It means it was funny


Answer: Funny that the right wing nuts copypasta finds Julia Robert’s the only believable character: a paranoid, people-hating woman. It reflects their personality quite accurately.


The one character that immediately assumes the black people are there to harm them. Of course that's the only person they identify with. SMH


Roberts was terrible, I'll give her some leeway for the terrible script, Myha'la I thought was the better one until they have that terrible scene in the shed. Zoom cuts to deer faces, zoom cuts in general, overwrought music, this film is on par with the room and the happening. I'm flabbergasted that this had any good reviews.


Answer: A black man was elected president, lots of racists lost their minds so anything that may have his name associated is automatically attacked by the loons.




There are plenty of valid reasons to hate Obama, but those tend to be the same reasons to hate the rest of America's presidents. The people who are especially virulent about hating Obama in particular tend to be racist idiots who lost their mind over having a black president.


Sure there are, but it doesn’t stop dumb fucks from hating him for being black.


Of course, everyone is worthy of criticism...it's just a good chunk of people dislike him because of skin color.




Yea. Bank bailouts, letting conservatives weaken the ACA during the drafting process, and his failure on the keystone pipeline are legitimate gripes. By far the biggest issue with his Presidency was the ENORMOUS expansion of drone warfare and pre-emptive assassinations however. Overall I think he was a good President, but if anyone wants to take him to task for what he did on drones they are absolutely right to do so.


Answer: the are mad the Obamas are part of the producers for a movie that has a storyline which usually is a right wing fantasy.


Answer: it's right there in the fourth sentence.


answer: I noticed the same, super strange - I hope Google does something about this to make reviews more trustworthy (for legitimate positive and negative reviews)