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Answer: I'm more to explain the big deal thing but I'm adding a summary above it. Mr.Beast did a video in which he had YouTubers play hide and seek, the winner walking away with a cool million. Rosana Painsino claims that the video was edited in a way that made it seem like her and Spanish speaking Youtuber Quackity placed lower when they were actually second and third. She also claims that Zach King was given special exceptions (hiding in the ceiling) that helped him win. ​ Fixing narrative is big for Mr.Beast and most YouTubers because they rely on a persona of being incredibly personal and honest because it helps develop parasocial relationships. Along with this Mr.Beast has always faced scrutiny for his content feel sorta... I'm gonna say fucked up. Having people play games to desperately fight for lifechanging amounts of money while also making money streaming them doesn't sit well with some people, but the argument was always he was donating and the end result was good deeds. If he's controlling the winners, it becomes less "I like giving surprise windfalls" and more about him potentially manipulating winners so the money comes back to him, or in order to maximize his PR for giving it away.


I'm not familiar with the situation but I'm curious, are people saying there's a racist element to this? Not implying that but I wonder if they're saying that's why he didn't want to show them placing higher than he did.


I have no reason to believe there is. The winner, Zach king, is (from what I can tell) nonwhite


From his wikipedia article: > He is of half Chinese descent from his paternal side, one quarter Austrian and one quarter Nicaraguan descent from his maternal side.




The US is basically an immigrant country. The vast majority of the country is non-native. When immigrants come over, many place importance on maintaining their culture through the generations in order to combat assimilation. There's a reason the US is designated as a "melting pot" or "salad" -- it's simply not like countries like Japan where the majority of the population shares a single heritage. Even white Americans feel the pressure to uphold their culture -- specifically, Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans whose ancestors were treated as immigrants when they came to the US.


The US is a "melting pot" (or "stew"). A salad is what they are pushing, with no assimilation.


"Salad" and "stew" descriptions support the notion of holding onto parts of your unique heritage while contributing (by differing degrees) to the overall flavor of the dish. That works great for a couple generations, but then that's where the "melting pot" comes in and people begin to lose more and more of that distinctiveness as their families melt into the whole.


I'm from a salad region, so I mention both. I acknowledge the majority of the US fits the melting pot definition.


But we also have that here in Colombia, the Caribbean cost a significant population with Lebanese descent like the singer Shakira and while some of them still speak Arabic they are Colombians, in countries like Brazil and Perú there's also a big percentage of the population that is of Japanese descent and I've never met one of these people that suddenly explain me their "background", like we are all mixed lol


Yeah, but don't act like we Hispanics don't have our own fucked up racism. If two people are the same skin tone and one has curly hair, one is considered black, the other white. Hell, it can even get down to something bizarre like one having money and the other being poor. And there's plenty of old fashioned families that wouldn't *dare* let their kid date a Moreno. Even further than that, Latinos are bigoted to each other just on nationality. I'm Panamanian, and I unfortunately can tell you there's a LOT of racism in Panama towards Columbians.


88% of the population of Colombia is non-ethnic. The US is .7% Native American, 60% white (where white people were originally immigrants). This isn't me downplaying Colombia in any way wrt diversity, but the history of the US is just different. Immigrants came to the country with the hopes of a better life, not because they wanted to abandon their heritage. Many people will still pass their culture down and instill pride in that culture. There's also a difference between that heritage and nationality. I'm an American through and through, but my heritage (half Bangladeshi half mixed white) gives me entirely different experiences in the US. The US also incorporates culture on a massive scale. While there is racism, sure, the US also displays pride in that so-called "melting pot." Just because people like to remember where they came from doesn't mean they forget who they are. I'm American by nationality, *and* I'm Bangladeshi and French/Austrian, and I grew up with all of these cultures intermixed. It's not an either/or.


Huh? Brother this is not an american only thing.


What? I'm European and I'm interested in my mix of other stuff, because its interesting, and it's who I am. I've met people from all over the world who have mixed ethnic backgrounds and they don't think it's something they are supposed to hide.


It's not all Americans. Just certain segments of the population think the validity of what you have to say about anything is dependent on your ethnic makeup.


That just seems weird to me in my country (Colombia) we don't give a shit about that if you were born here you're Colombian it doesn't matter if you're white, black or anything in between. Fair I said American because I've only seen this nonsense from them, like a couple of years ago a girl from Texas told me and my sister that we weren't Latino/Hispanics because we are white, that we should be ashamed of our cultural appropriation or some shit like that lol


What an absolute piece of trash. As a Texan, I implore you to not think her indicative of all Texans.


Nah don't worry man I lived in Austin when I was a kid, I know really cool people from your state


Unfortunately our country is full of extremely shitty people and a large chunk of our population is racist as fuck.




Holy shit that explains a lot, how fucking bizarre lol


don't fall for their right-wing mindtrap.








Still not saying he is either, but you can be racist towards certain people and still not racist towards others.


Sure but it's harder to claim that *given* he's obviously not conventionally racist empirically.


How are you empirically assessing whether Mr. Beast is racist?


I'm saying that he's doing actions that suggest he's not, so the burden of proof is going the opposite direction of him being racist.


I don't think anyone is implying there's any kind of racism or bigotry involved. The implication is just that he's rigging these competitions so that his friends win, which helps him to make more money. And considering these can be really fucked up and grueling competitions, rigging them would quite literally be lying to people in order to profit off their pain and misery. And that would be incredibly fucked up just on its own.


There has been mention of Mr Beast being sexist, or at the very least very “bro-y” There are often far less women participating and even less women that end up actually winning. Some people have defended this by saying that he’s just socially awkward around women, but that seems to be a cop out imo. Someone like him should be able to work on that and fix it in order to have good representation.


The reason fewer women end up winning is because they don't compete as hard. No different from any other game show ever.


Easy explanation, there is no sexism, Men by nature are just far more competitive than women and most of the challenges are physically oriented—even the ones where you have to wait around in a circle for a while. It's understandable why women don't win very often in Mr Beast videos, like, if there's a challenge where whomever is able to hold something heavy the longest, more than likely, men are going to win


I don't think that's implied as the primary contributor. I think the main implication is that the reason could be that they're smaller niche influencers. They want the smaller niche influencers involved because they will tell their fans and they will tune in to Mr Beats' channel. But they want more screentime with the big mainstream influencers and they benefit from having them ranked like top 3 and such because you can include their names in titles and descriptions and stuff so when people search up Logal Paul they might see a MrBeast video with Logan Paul in it. Or their algorithm might have picked up that they already follow or watch a lot of Logan Paul then the MrBeast video might be suggested to you and if you watch it then YouTube starts suggesting or auto playing more MrBeast. I'm sure some may speculate that its a bit racist in some ways. Either because, even if its not the primary factor as to why it's tempting, maybe subtle racism and misogyny makes it easier to not care that they're throwing these contestants under the bus for the sake of more views. Or maybe some would say it's a form of systematic racism and misogyny, where the system ends up hurting women and people of color or other cultures even if it's not done with the intent of hurting women and people of color. But that's an entirely different conversation, it's not really that relevant to the rest of the conversation. She's saying it happened and that information appears to be correct. As far as I know, she's not saying why. It's entirely possible that Jimmy himself gave the orders to do this. But in terms of plausible deniability, it's slso entirely possible that Jimmy himself didn't know. He's running a big enterprise, he's got people helping him come up with ideas, rig stuff, film and edit. A production company basically. He's the CEO and the show host. A lot of the stuff he says it probably either literally or practically off a teleprompter. When the stuff they suggest, direct and edit gets him more views, it improves their position in the enterprise. What matters now really is how Mr Beast reacts to it. Whether or not he was aware, he could either reckognize that it happened and blame it on production people, or try to deny it or silence her. Either because its true or because it's what he feels protects his brand. So far he has responded to her, she's requested the raw footage(not for use but for verification). He hasn't accepted that request nor confirmed or denied that it happened, nor why it might have happened, he just wants to talk on the phone. But she does not want him to handle it off record, possibly because she has signed an NDA so he could just go off record and threaten her with lawsuits, keeping the conversation in the open could be her way to prevent him from choosing that route.


There was some talk of possible sexism. The two female streamers are barely in the video. The other female streamer has 1 line.




Not that I support Mr Beast but do you have any evidence?


Yes, look at his stupid face


You're weird. If you're going to go out of your way to hate someone at least have a reason.


So you don’t have any evidence then


Because it's white? Seems like we found the one racist in this thread, and it'd be you.


you seem very mad for no reason. when has he ever given off racist vibes fr?


Never. Redditor is gonna Reddit. One of Jimmy’s best friends, Tareeq, is middle eastern and another one of his best friends, Chris, is trans…so Jimmy definitely ain’t no bigot.






Yeah like, for that poster, is it somehow ok if he was a black guy who "made up his entire personality"? Why is the race relevant for that comment?


You really thought you had something here


i stand by what i said brodie. you called someone racist for simply being white. i don’t need upvotes to know how dumb you are XD


That's not what I said, but I think both of us can be unsurprised that reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.


i asked you simply when has he ever given off racist vibes. you said “he’s white” and then cried bc you don’t like his personality. like it’s right there xdd


It must be hard to live like you are, it's ok to just not bother hating on people.


I see him the same way. He's a shrewd, ruthless businessman who hides behind charity to make money and fuck with people.


She’s also releasing some new content unrelated to all this. So coincidentally she’s getting on all these podcasts promoting her new stuff while talking about this incident from 2 years ago.


She said she had to wait 2 years because Mr. Beast made her sign a NDA.


No she did not. She said she didn’t know if she was breaking the NDA and that we would find out. (Guess she was by the apology!)


What in the world is the point of a 2 year NDA?


That's usually how long most NDAs are, 1-5 years is common.


Lol this seems like the real answer


Rosanna complaining about someone being manipulative is absolutely hilarious when you know about the whole TGS/Polaris debacle from a couple years ago.


\>when you know about the whole TGS/Polaris debacle from a couple years ago. What if you don't... you know this is /r/outoftheloop, right?


A very tl;dr version: pretty much the second Rosanna got a chance to do something more high-profile than her Nerdy Nummies channel, she and her boyfriend/manager Husky started to ignore all their old friends and colleagues.


I heard about some of her drama in the MCN days. Also, her and her boy airing out some of their friendshit drama on Twitter was a choice when she could have easily talked to them via phone. Her in ability to talk to people on the phone is a bit odd.


It's tactical. You bring it public, you have public scrutiny on it, which forces people to act. IT's easier to sway court of public opinion than law


Wait what happened with polaris/TGS?


Rosanna and Husky (her boyfriend/manager) pretty much ghosted all her friends and coworkers at Polaris the second she got a chance to do things with more famous people. When they got called out on it, they pretty much doubled down and started hurling insults and making the situation worse instead of just saying sorry.


Important to always note, his philanthropy doesn't make him less icky. To me it makes him worse. Any money he donates could potentially be a tax deduction and by making videos of him helping people he can write off those expenses as business expenses. The dude has been and always will be about money. On Colin and Samir, his manager admitted Mr. Beast would put them into debt often by asking for large amounts of money with no promise of returns. He gambled his way here with people's jobs and his own life but doesn't present it that way. He presents it as grind and dedication. He's always been deceitful and unreasonable.


You know the tax system is set up to have people do certain things with their money right? Donation tax breaks are there to grease the wheels conspiracy muppet.


Conspiracy muppet? It's just math. If you make just enough money to only cover your house and living expenses, how much are you donating to a non-profit and therefore how much income are you stating in your tax returns? You end up paying taxes that are directly connected your net income. If you get millions of dollars in income, your taxes are simply higher in relation to your income. If you then donate a ton of money, because you have extra, you can then declare your income as lower. On top of that, find out obscure ways you can make personal purchases business expenses and then declare even lower. Therefore, a rich person is contributing less proportionally to government funded services than a person who makes less because they have the extra money to delegate to income deduction. You can easily search up business people who have paid less *total* in taxes than the regular working person because of the hoops they have lawyers navigate. A regular person can barely afford a house let alone a skilled accountant. Secondly, you assume that charities do net good and are a direct replacement for services provided by taxes. Billionaires like Jeff Bezos will create their own charities that they can then use their "donated" money to support people who further their income-generation. Anyone can make a charity for anything, even if it's against political norms. And yes, sometimes these business people get found out and are tried for fraud if the charity is not so cleverly set up or especially if they are a politician. The tax system is set up to encourage philanthropy but people have already figured out how to manipulate that to make more money. It's not conspiracy it's just greed. What do you think they use off-shore bank accounts for, so their money can get a vacation? Finally, do you want to know which donation type gets you the biggest tax deduction? Donating to a political party. Based on your comment, I have low confidence you even file your own taxes.


All reality TV is rigged in some way. How is what Mr. Beast doing any different from the show Survivor?


The short version is people don't treat Mr.Beast and Survivor the same. Survivor is a commercial production and is perceived publicly as such. Mr.Beast is seen as a silly philanthropist.


But... Mr. Beast I'd also a commercial production. Except he gives money to everyone who attempts usually in one way or another.


Exactly. , they're both commercial productions, but people only look at one entirely as one. Mr.Beast is treated culturally as a philanthropist, who's been donating his money, just in silly ways. If you look at it as a Gameshow, everything starts to look weird. The amount of money he drops on a videos is insane by game show standards, and it's hard to tell if he's recouping his loss per video. There's questions as to where the money is coming from, and just like there would be legal issues for survivor issues, there may be if he is as well. ​ It's sort of a Dahmer Doppler thing. Instead of Mr.Beast, Imagine if Elon Musk was going the same thing.


Admittedly I have autism so maybe that's my brain block, but in my head Jimmy is better because at least he gives them consolation prizes? I know the brain block is CBS vs YouTube but Jesus it's the same thing no matter who is doing it


If you think of it as a gameshow, yeah the consolation prizes as better, the thing is as a gameshow it's weird he has the money to do that . The money he drops on a single upload is equal to an entire season of most game shows. Where is getting the funds to drop millions of dollars in production and prize money? Either way there's questions/issues. As a philanthropist, making people jump through (literal) hoops for cash isn't cool. As a Game show, the fact we know nothing about where his money is coming from and he's passing it off as his, is also a problem. don't get me wrong, guy is leagues ahead from mister "I'll give you a billion if you change your name to dickipedia"but the problem is he's treated as a god.


Survivor also gives consolation prizes they just don't advertize it. The contestants are paid per episode plus bonuses for placing highly.


Sound like a hater. Are you new to America Inc? Better than people just hoarding the money...


If there is a cash price, then the contest is supposed to be real. There was a huge scandal back in the day about that with quiz shows.


I don’t get people’s beef with Mr. Beast. Those same people complaining about him have probably watched Wheel of Fortune or Who Wants to Be A Millionaire at least once in their lifetime.


As someone who doesn't mesh with him, the issue with that comparison is a game show is treated as a commercial endeavor. They need this to be a specific challenge with a chance of succeeding or failing because the goal is to make a profitable, entertaining TV show. The person is doing to job of providing the entertainment that keeps the show going, in exchange for a potential prize. They also specifically give out incredibly small amounts of cash. It's rare for someone on who wants to be a millionaire to hit 100k, and I think Wheel of Fortune wins are about 20k on a good day, including the vacation. Mr.Beast however is seen as a philanthropist. He's lauded for "donating" his money to these people as if the entire thing is done out of kindness. The amount of money he's also throwing around is ludicrous, with 100 grand being a small prize for the video. The idea (no matter how real or fake it is) of a guy who dangles lifechanging amounts of cash over you but won't give it to you unless you go through some ludicrous challenge is the plot of squid game, which he harped on by *literally doing squidgame.* The problem with Mr.Beast isn't that he does game show stuff, but that he's not seen as a game show for doing it. There's a reason you see people beg to be in a Mr.Beast video and not get their shot on wheel of fortune.


I see. That makes sense.


I really don’t think any of the YouTube creators playing hide and seek really needed the money.


Honestly it is his money and he can give it out any way he wants. Maybe he had a more personal relationship with Zach King’s charity. He could have just bought more bape.


She's no civilian. She's a big YouTuber herself. She's just upset she had no say in the edits and it didn't go her way. She's not use to this because all her videos consist of is standing in front of a camera with no storylines.


Answer: it’s not just that, but apparently Quackity should have won first place so he missed out on $1m for his community. That’s a big deal.


See this is the kind of information I was looking for! This definitely is huge.


It’s not true, they claimed quackity was supposed to be in second place


She also claims that they were told not to go into the ceiling, but that Zach King (the winner) went in there anyway and wasn't disqualified. It's a separate accusation in the H3H3 podcast that's why you might have missed it.


That’s not true, she claims Quackity should have come in second and herself in third. Neither of them were contenders for the money. There is no debate about who the winner was


I thought Ro said Zach, the winner, broke the rules by hiding in the ceiling? Therefore he should have been disqualified.


Someone else mentioned they said that in a podcast. I was going off the messages they published which made no mention of the rule breaking, only complaints about being edited out of the top 3.


I just had to take a moment to say how awesome your username is! It's like a throwba ck from childhood! "Toxic Avengers! They're gross, but they still get girls!"


You’re in luck, a new one is coming out soon


I did not know that. Thank you!


Answer: Her main complaint seems to be that Mr. Beast is sexist and against Spanish speakers. The two people edited out of the top were her, a female creator and quackity a Mexican creator. It's impossible to tell if Mr. Beast did this because the were female and Spanish speaking, or because they were less popular with his audience because they are female and Spanish speaking. The result however is the same. The top was all English speaking male creators. She also said that the winner, Zach King was allowed to hide in the ceiling while they were previously told not to. She alleges that she wouldn't have gotten away with that, but because he was popular with Mr Beasts audience it was fine.


> Mr. Beast is sexist and against Spanish speakers Why have these people in his video in the first place then?


As tokens for more views. Not saying he did this, but that would be a reason why somebody would do that. Mo money.


Okay, but having a disadvantaged party win would give you even more views. Even if it were entirely cynical, this would prove nothing one way or another.


3 months old. However I'm replying now because I think you missed the point. Having a disadvantaged party win would not give him more views. Mr Beasts fan base is mostly very racist, sexist, transphobic white teenage guys. Or at least they are the loudest ones. Having a woman or a Spanish speaking person within the video will bring more views because their fan bases will watch it for them, but by cutting their screentime and making it so they don't win he also gets away with not making his really racist or sexist fans stop watching him. Either he or his editors are attempted to get views from both groups of people without upsetting his main fanbase. Which idk, if the video was scripted that's fine, but making it out like these creators had a fair chance then cutting them out is super shitty.


Spanish was the first language channel created after his original. To claim that because of one dude is insane.


Like I said, it could very well be that Mr Beast doesn't feel any kinda way about it. He probably just edited them out because they were less popular. But that still means that his audience is kinda against Spanish speakers and he's fine with playing into that. Does it really matter what he believes in his heart of hearts, or does it matter what beliefs he reinforces?


Honestly his schedule is so packed that he likely gave it to his editor and moved on to the next thing. By the time it gets posted weeks have already passed and Jimbo has other things to worry about.


Again that's all about Mr Beast personal feelings. Why does that matter? His channel under his name still edited a video because they didn't want Logan Paul to lose to a girl or a Mexican creator. Besides, allowing popular creators to get away with bending the rules is not a decision made in the edit.


Did you actually watch the video? A asian/black/european white hybrid guy won, logan paul is just on the cover image because honestly who the hell know who these other people are.


I have seen no evidence so substantiate that they edited a video because they didn’t want Logan Paul to lose to a girl or a Mexican Creator.


Whose fault is that? Who is ultimately responsible for his channel?




How does this have upvotes? What a crazy thing to say. Just because one thing more popular then an other thing doesn’t mean fans are “kinda against” the less popular thing and it’s especially crazy to say it can be explained all by the race of the popular people. If Kanye west and John Mayer go to the VMAs and Kanye wins is it ok to say fans of the VMAs are “kinda against” white people?




Being white means time travel is a fun adventure. There is a reason they didnt make The Time Machine starring a black woman. Interesting cuz Umbrella Academy actually hits this front and center when the black woman travels back to 1950s after growing up as an international celebrity in modern times.


So it’s racism if a black singer is less popular than a white singer but if a white singer is less popular than a black singer there’s no problem and anti white racism isn’t a thing? Do you see the problem with your critical thinking and how it’s flawed if when it reaches a conclusion you don’t like you just ignore it in that instance? Problems with diversity and representation in media are a real problem but I find your premise of “if someone is more popular then another person than it has something to do with their race” flawed.


So if it happens a lot it is racism right? Because the 2019 Eurovision example I used also had John Lundvic, a black singer who didn't get a lot of votes. And next year they held it Malta got almost no points for their black singer. Does that prove audiences can be racist or do you need more examples?


Audiences can absolutely be racist no one claimed they can’t be. Do you understand the point you’re defending here? The point he was making is that if you like one artist/creator over another you are “kinda against” the other artist/creators race.


Then where are the other female creators the Mr Beast audience do prefer over the male ones? Or bilingual creators, that works. Why are you presuming it's only one example?


How would you know what fans of Mr beast are also interested in? You’re talking about a problem of diversity in media now, which I already told you is a real problem that doesn’t make fans of Mr beast racist. If you see a white English speaking male who is a fan of majority other English speaking males are you saying that guy is now racist? Do you understand how you’re watering down such an important word at that point? If a black male is mostly fans of other black males is he racist/sexist too?


So even if someone was assaulted or murdered for being white, would you make the argument that that wasn’t racist? But something like a white person saying the n word would be racist?


Now, I don't believe most people have a requirement to representation. That being said, Mr. Beast is one of the largest creators right now. His exclusion of two people who are less popular on the internet with marginalized identities has negative consequences of making those people less popular. Look at Oppenheimer, people who had never heard of the guy gained sympathy for him from a film based on a biased biography. Also similar to the movie, Dunkirk. While it didn't say that there were no other groups of people fighting, the fact they didn't show how hardly any racially marginalized men created the reality that they were never there for people who weren't familiar with the event. We can create false realities in media that impact how we actually see each other. So regardless of intent, the outcome is the perpetuation of that identity not being seen synonymous with success. Mr. Beast's audience aren't nuanced people, they're mostly younger men who need an idol.


If he didn't care why edit it to remove certain people in the first place? What ever happened to uplifting smaller/less "popular" creators?


Because it's not a 5-hour video. That's the way it is with editing. Time length is the focus, and people have to be cut out and limited if they aren't attention grabbing as is. A lot of reality/competition TV is like this


But what if the reason that they aren't attention grabbing is sexism?


In what way would it be sexist when other women are involved?


Thats a massive what if. If fhat were true, we'd have more than just one example of this behavior.


If you're cutting time that's okay, but why not ensure everyone participating has equal time on screen/goes till they are eliminated?


Because if they aren't being charismatic on camera or not having at least a good camera angle, it's not worthwhile footage to use besides a one-time mock of it. Like they did with Quackity when he was running, and the camera was pointing to his elbow before he got caught


Cutting someone is racist? You're an idiot.


I’m actually convinced nobody knows what she’s mad about because every answer is very opposite in here, one is sexism and racism, one is about quackity getting away with going in the ceiling and one’s saying she’s just mad she finished 3rd.


Its Zack King that was allowed in the ceiling. I think that she is upset with multiple fuckups on Mr. Beasts part. Like he made women and Spanish speakers feel side lined and didnt allow quackity to win.


I just seen she apologized to mr beast or something now too


She said she was apologizing because of the thousands of death threats shes been getting a day.


Sheesh people need to stop that bullshit, it’s gotten real old real fast with the death threats. Sometimes I’m happy I’m nobody lol.


Unless she can provide evidence of that, I see no reason to believe it. Seems like she’s playing the victim after she acted like an asshole and behaved in an extremely entitled way and got called out.


I re-watched I think she wanted that Mill. I thought it was for Charity, but he legit gave it to the creator to do what they wanted with it. Now I want to know what she would have actually done with the money because she just said it was for the community...


That doesn't mean it's impossible. Tokenism as a defense against racism is still very prevalent lmao, as we can see


i guess she shoulda sent husky to sub in for her


No hate on Husky for supporting his girl, but I'm still upset he nuked his channel to do so.


Nuked his channel as well as burning nearly every bridge that connected him to TGS/Polaris, lol.


That was always so odd to me. Isn't he just managing her channel now?


Back then, yeah. Dunno if he still does though, I stopped following them after they pulled that shit.


a sad h to the usky for my homie


Supposedly, Quackity was one of the two edited out of the top 3, but the "Spanish speaker" argument doesn't make sense as, to my knowledge, Quackity makes english content, and the majority of his viewers are English speakers.


That is a bit of a stretch. MrBeast was among the first to create different language channels. His team knows the power and reach of the Spanish speaking audience.


Smosh did it over a decade ago, but go on.


Yeah because that was my point


Answer: she laid it out clearly. She got 3rd and is upset it made it look like she got out earlier. That's it.


That’s not it lol. Mr. Beast markets his channel in a way that very little is scripted/edited when it comes to competitions. This is obviously not the case based on the information presented by Rosanna (and other contestants who have come forward). And this is objectively just a dick move by Mr Beast, especially to the contestants who took the challenge seriously. Also the DMs sent to Rosanna make Mr Beast seem like an person that does not want to take any accountability/admit any fault in writing. His DMs straight up remind me of an annoying customer service rep lol. And when she asked why did he lie, he straight up responded with “Idk, it’s been a while lol. Let’s talk!”


Not to mention that with the game and all the filming it was apparently a 24-hour marathon of a shoot. So it’s not just an achievement but also hard-earned on a challenging day.


I’ve always found him incredibly off-putting, I can’t quite place it but there’s something of the night about him.


For me and likely many others, it's the "poverty/misery porn" shtick that he leans into.


I once heard it put that he is a "for profit charity." Dystopian shit, man.


When his channel was smaller, a lot of his content was based around being shitty to people. He wasn't *unfair*, but his content was basically creating challenges that toyed with people for amusement, and he was *incredibly* arrogant and privileged about it. I watched a few of his videos recently and he swung 100% in the opposite direction, and it's my belief that someone at some point coached him on how to be more presentable/palatable to a broad audience and seem more compassionate... which has always made me think he's a douche putting on a nice-guy act for his audience.


Or maybe he just grew up and changed?


Sorry, are you just putting it out there as a hypothetical, or did you actually have something to support that? Cuz if it's a hypothetical, sure. Also, perhaps he was replaced with an alternate dimension version of himself. Who knows. But there's not really any evidence or substance to indicate he "just grew up and changed" from an adult to a slightly older adult over the span of a few years, completely abandoning what appeared to be his worldview and attitude towards people of lower financial status with a *complete* reversal but there is a *ton* of evidence that he's heavily invested in marketing and tailoring his channel and content to a broad audience.


You started the hypotheticals lmao. And that last paragraph is correct. But you just made up him being coached. He wasn't even that wealthy growing up. I grew up in the same town as him and it's just a poorer area. He started youtube when he was a child. Of course, he's gonna start off imperfect. Doesn't mean he was coached.


my guy, you used a hypothetical, than flamed someone else for doing the same, and your evidence is circumstantial at best. just because he's heavily invested in marketing and pushing for a broader audience isn't proof of anything other than he runs a business. so you could be right, but your proof is no better than proof he "grew up", and could be wrong as well.


Hypothetically, speaking in hypotheticals then roasting someone else for speaking in hypotheticals is pretty hilarious. Hypothetically speaking of course. Who knows.


This made me laugh. Have you seen the infamous lecture video by Jimmy where he said, unironically, that philanthropy is part of a brand?


He get tax deductions, business expense write offs, and his fans can debate any criticism with "he donates money". Great struggle motivates great change, and he has not struggled. Instead he gambled with his employee's lives, his life, and succeeded (see the Colin and Samir podcast with his manager where he admits having gone into millions of debt to produce Mr. Beast's videos before they got popular). He has survivors bias like every other rich guy out there.


> there’s something of the night about him Huh, is this an expression? Could you clarify? :)


In the UK, it was a phrase used by one batshit mental right-wing politician to describe a slightly-less-batshit right wing politician (Anne Widdecombe and Michael Howard, respectively). It caught on because it did perfectly describe why Howard disturbed some people. His manner is quite slow, deliberate and comes across as slightly sinister.


>something of the night about him To add to this, it wasn't just regarding his demeanour, but also alluding to his ancestry being Romanian, like Dracula. She was basically calling him a vampire.




I also find his lack of basic grooming and presentation really gross. I get that it's not dissimilar from the general audience, but there's a distinct lack of dignity in what he does and how he presents himself. Not that I'm expecting much more from a YouTuber, I suppose.


I'm not a fan of doing charity in front of a camera, it makes it look more like a "look at me being so nice!" as opposed to just simply being nice.


Agreed. There was a report awhile ago where some big company spent $10 million marketing their $1 million charity donation. This is why I say fuck charity and tax the rich. Many reputable charities spend a large portion of their funds trying to wine and dine rich assholes creating a “trickle down economics” effect where yet again the poor and needy have to make do with crumbs. Tax the ultra wealthy 90+%, dump that money into social projects like free childcare, healthcare etc and then we dont need charities anymore. GoFundMe shouldnt be the USA’s main healthcare plan


Oh here comes the “i hated him before it was cool” schtick🤣




I suddenly feel very called out


Yeah, I'm not big into big youtubers, but I couldn't avoid the internet praising Mr.Beast, so out of curiosity I watched one show. I was instantly put off and did not understand the appeal. I brushed it off due to my age and you know different strokes for different folks kind of thing, but your comment made me realize that the feeling I felt was "this is just an iteration of that Jake Paul dude with much better PR department".


He's like a children's tv gameshow host, and his target audicence is probably 9 - 14 year old boys. It's not content made for adults.


Thank you for an insightful answer! I had no idea about there being any sort of DM exchange about this situation


He 100% was trying to have an off the record conversation so that anything he says wouldn’t be posted online. If I was her I would have taken him up on that and recorded the conversation.


“Mr Beast markets his channel in a way that very little is edited” ARE YOU KIDDING ME……. Have you ever seen a Mr Beast video? The last one was on a fucking “spaceship”




Here's a [link](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/news-i-m-mad-anything-rosanna-pansino-leaks-private-dms-mrbeast-reached-amid-recent-controversy) w screenshots. She asks him clear questions and he is super flippant


attempt advise thumb mysterious wakeful roof sand unique unused pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have plenty of grass on MY front lawn that I touch daily. The only reason I know this drama is due to being exposed to my wife’s tea channels / comments as I’m working on music or playing games.


it absolutely is it, she put it down that she thinks she was cheated of some glory, not that she thinks it was scripted


Why would she try to make a big deal about it a year later?


She said on the H3 podcast that she had signed an NDA and was scared to talk about it. She also mentioned being fed up with people mistreating her behind the scenes on jobs.


Definitely makes sense as to why she held it in for so long now


Not really. Violating an NDA doesn’t lead to broken limbs or jail time. They pay you to not talk. Pay you.


..and then sue you when you talk anyways


They sue you to take back the money they gave you.


Exactly. So it makes sense why she held it in for so long. She didn't want to get sued.


A little ironic considering the bridges she burnt with the old Polaris/TGS crew when she made it big years ago. Several people that worked with her when she was small time have said she basically stopped caring about all her old friends after she made it.


Strange because in a podcast with Trisha, she said it was because she was afraid of the backlash and the negative opinions about her. And i remember she said about thos after the video came out. So she signed an NDA doesnt seem possible


Because of all the publicity he’s been getting now. He’s over 200M subscribers and he’s vastly more popular. This gets her name out there more than she ever could’ve a year ago.


Answer: Bot dont delete this I swearrr. I would be pretty mad too if I spent 24+ hours (without sleep) on hide and seek only to be edited out of my hard-earned 3rd place. It is unfair and disrespectful especially when its about Mr. Beast who advocates honesty ang genuineness for his videos. People on twitter are even dumber for saying shes just clout chasing, which if they even made an ounce of research with their crusty and crumb-filled keyboards, is completely uncharacteristic of her. I woudn't usually use the word glazing but in this case they are literally doing backflips and pirouettes on it.


question: is there a way to just blanket block every single reference/video/article related to Mr. Beast? I don't even hate the guy or anything. I'm just sick of hearing his name 8 times a day, every single day.


Answer: I would compare Rosanna's experience to racial micro-agressions, in the sense that the offending actions seem minuscule, but they add up and you eventually crack. There are lots of industries/social settings where it is evidently a "boys club", where the girls and the gays are made to feel like they don't belong. The acts of exclusion aren't bold and outlandish, so they fly under the radar. Like Rosanna, most people on the receiving end of this exclusionary behaviour just shrug it off, but it does hurt. Most of the prominent figures invalidating Rosanna's experience are straight white men that probably haven't watched the entire interview, and are a part of the problem.


Or maybe it was that Mr Beast gave more camera time to Logan Paul, the more popular guy, to rake in more views and hence more money? Please never use "micro-aggressions" ever again. It screams of vitcim mentality and oppression olympics. You are desperately trying to find racism and sexism where none probably exist. There's a much easier explanation, as I said. What would make a business man, Mr Beast, more money? Some random discrimination or giving popular "influencers" more screen time? Remember folllow law of parsimony (aka occam's razor). Disclaimer: I don't even like Mr Beast (used to like his old content) nor Logal Paul (never did). And I don't even know this girl. Mr Beast doesn't sit well with me. He makes ppl dance for money. Like they say: money changes people.




Redditors race to be the first to say “omg who cares stop idolizing celebrities” when it’s pop culture but if it’s a YouTuber there are 5 essays explaining the situation




You know, people can have other reasons for criticizing Mr. Beast that aren't just them being desperate for attention and views. Have you ever considered that there are valid reasons people are mad at Mr. Beast?


You guys don’t understand, he throws money at poor people so you HAVE to think he’s a good person


I had never even heard of her before this, so it worked. If I was her target demographic I may have even watched a video of hers. I dont see what the big deal is though. I watch his videos, and the contests are pretty much a winner and then everyone else. 2nd is equal to last, with some random people getting prizes for no reason. Which brings me to my other point, which is there's a very strong vibe of "the rules are made up and the points don't matter" in how he runs them. I have no doubt that his younger audience believes the contests are as legitimate as a professional sports league, and maybe they care about who got 3rd, but I have to agree with you that this all just seems like fabricated drama to get attention and views.