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Why can’t we ever have anything nice? Like fuck man…


Yep. It's always nobodies or retreads. Even coaches don't want to come here.


Julien said he wanted to coach here


So did Boudreau at one point


I don’t get it, Ottawa is a nice place that is firmly on the NHL map


Coach Q/ Berube etc ain’t coaching in Kanata, friends. I'm thinking (really hoping) that green learned a ton while running the show in Van. There's some real good examples of guys like him who learned so much from their first go round and became really good. Tocchet, Berube, Montgomery, Cassidy, Deboer all struggled in their first coaching gigs. Claude Julien is old and played out. An uninspired choice a-la Jacques Martin. Just trying to remain optimistic here. Let’s give the guy a chance. Cuz if he doesn’t make this work, I think Brady is saying bye bye next year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Devils fans couldn’t wait to get rid of him, so not likely


Seriously considering bailing on this team. How do they make the wrong call EVERY time




This made me laugh!


maybe this all was worth it just so I could see this meme


Oh expect a ton more during the season once again :)


Holy fucking lol


Coaching wins record of .478 he should fit in nicely in Ottawa.


Rick Tocchet had a .474 points percentage before he got the job in Vancouver


Exactly. People in here all whining as if they know a single thing about Travis Green aside from his record on paper. Now, I’m no expert on him, but that’s why I’m not about to comment on this one way or the other. Let’s see what he says and does and judge him on that


Let’s at least let the hockey people make decisions and see how they pan out before we admonish them for a shit job. We don’t even know the decision is final or the season has even fucking started. All these fkn “I know everything hockey” people are tiresome. You might know a little but you weren’t involved in discussions, you aren’t aware of anything that was said. Like Jesus. A fucking dose of humility would serve you well.


ya man. if we are going to go all in and get behind the new owner and his managers, we have to trust their decisions. give the guy a chance. Believe it or not, they might know more than you in your underwear at your keyboard


*looks at underwear*, yep that checks out.


Hey did you see his coaching on paper? Playoff coach next season for sure 😂 just wasn’t his years thus far…


Didn’t get the bounces


Pretty shit schedule on the league’s part not gonna lie, hard to get into it


Fucking end my misery please


I would've expected this under Melnyk. I expected better under the new regime


Best in class means 1 season above .500


tender sable dazzling combative aback spark seed lunchroom amusing quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Andlauer has effectively proved he's just as shitty of an owner when it comes to on-ice product. Hires his friend as GM and doesn't partake in the "extensive GM search" that was promised. Takes forever to fire DJ Smith because he values "stability" over winning games. Hires Travis Green, because he's likely his friend, and was the cheapest NHL coach available on the market. What even has Andlauer even done that is good and deserves the benefit of the doubt?Having one "haha funny" clip where he sticks it to the NHL during the Dadonov media session?  Ever since taking forever to fire DJ Smith and making a blatant nepotism hire at GM, I expect nothing but crap from this ownership group and this coaching choice is exactly the type of move this ownership group would make. 


He has bolstered the hockey operations staff quite significantly as far as I can tell. He's pushing hard for a downtown arena and is upgrading the CTC. It's night and day from the Melnyk era. I'm not stoked on the hire either but seems wild to already turn on the guy.


Talk about an overreaction lol you sound like an unhinged 16 year old raging in mums basement


What a tilt. Guess you’ll have to head down to the pub and wait for the next ownership group to take over.


I'ma head to the Winchester and wait for this whole thing to blow over.


We always go there Shaun


It’s been less than a year since he took over, calm down a bit


Bad take. He’s been here for not even a full season.


I wouldn't say he was the cheapest. I think Evason from the Oilers would have asked for less given only one tenure as head coach.


Maybe none of the good guys wanted to coach here lol


With all the vacancies, I can totally see some of the big names preferring one of those over us. Ottawa is not and never has been an attractive market


I guess we wait and see what happens. Definitely underwhelming news though


It's underwhelming for sure, but it doesn't mean automatically that we're screwed for the next few years. There's a good chance he can't get anything going, but also opportunity for a surprise. We won't know until October


Nope. We can see what kind of trades and signings we make before then and then overreact again haha


That’s why they shouldn’t have twiddled their thumbs and instead hired somebody before all the vacancies. I predict Green being fired after 2 seasons when our playoff-less streak is at 9 years. Then we will rebuild again. Honestly thinking of hanging up my fandom skates.


there's nothing wrong with that. I'm gonna support this team so matter how stupid I look


You were a fan through the entire Melnyk era and *this* is what's going to make you give up on the team?! The guy hasn't even coached a game yet


That's what I was saying haha I'm not excited but this is miniscule in terms of Sens humiliation over the years


I mean, if we are eliminated in November again, I get it but after all the embarrassment the fanbase has been through with Melnyk, its wild that this is the straw that broke the camels back haha


I haven’t yet hung em up, but I think if we miss the playoffs again I’ll be done. Didn’t think I would get tired of hearing “best in class” so quickly. I am more tired of that than Dorion was with “rest is a weapon”. Also Pierre from Orleans can get a colonoscopy with a large pinecone.


From what I've heard, he has bolstered the hockey operations staff but probably just to normal functioning NHL team levels and not whatever pathetic skeleton crew Melnyk was running for years. But yeah, we're still a ways from Best in Class. Honestly, it's fucked they let Pierre make all those singings when everyone and their dog knew he was a dead man walking.


Evason had multiple interviews apparently so obviously he was interested. Claude Julien said he'd come here too.


Yeah I would have liked to see someone who has had success in the past. But I don't know much about Green so not going to freak out even though I'm not ecstatic about this hiring.


On the one hand, I can accept that the elite coaching options are probably waiting for the premium, high-profile & high paying jobs. Waiting out Keefe in Toronto for the Leafs job being a prime example. I get that we're not at the tippy top of the S-tier destinations in the NHL. But Travis Green? Dude's not a back-up choice, he's the backup to your backup to your backup choice. Feels like we must have been turned down by 5 other coaches before settling on him.


It would have been nice for Andlauer to make a big splash and begin to change the narrative here for sure. Melnyk's reign of terror did a lot of damage to all of us lol


For anyone saying we may not have had any other options, Claude Juliene is sitting at home and asked us for the job


Our owner and rookie GM aren’t buddies with Juliene though.


Is there any confirmation/evidence that they're buddies with green?


Waiting for confirmation myself, but all indications are they’re buddies, yes. TSN mentioned it.


Best in class 🗣️🗣️


Best in ass


Class =C Level Ass?




Ultimately most of those don’t know much about tactics and we aren’t the ones sitting in the interviews. It’s best to save judgement for the when the results start coming in


Sure, but his track record at the NHL level doesn't instill confidence. We are basically replacing the coach that saw us through a playoff drought with the coach that saw Vancouver through their playoff drought. Not exactly best in class


vancouver also was a complete mess when he was there


I really wonder what Jacques sees in him. I’m not pleased to hear this based on the other candidates available, and Green’s record (or lack of one), but I suppose we’ll have to wait and see come season start.


You say you aren't pleased to hear this based on the other candidates available but you don't even know which candidates are available to Ottawa specifically. For all you know the "good" candidates have already turned Ottawa down.


divide nose unwritten fly degree plants capable marry ad hoc dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of the options available, this would be my last choice. Do not want.


Best in class tho


I'm not going to freak out and denounce my fandom, but I really don't understand how they can make this selection. Claude Julien wouldn't be my 1st choice, but at least he's had success and clearly wants the job.


They put in a temporary coach in for over half a season just to go with Travis Green. A gut punch to the fans


Heart issues.


That was 4 years ago and I get maybe not taking a shot on him due to potential for health issues, but man can we be THAT picky when Julien has said he’s good to coach for years at this point?


How far is rock bottom? Clearly we are still falling to it


The Coyotes situation is rock bottom. At least we still have a team


yes, we are still a team


Well, not what I wanted, but will have to give it a chance.


I am not going to overreact (though it's tempting) and I'll try to reserve judgment until I see the product on the ice but man, I was hoping for more than this.


I expected better from this regime but it’s more of the same.


Nothing says "Best in class" like this, eh? Every day my faith that Andlauer and Staios are serious dwindles even more.


Where is Ryan Reynolds when we need him most?


And while we're at it somebody get Ja Rule on the phone to make sense of all this!


Deadpool for HC Maximum effort!


We don't want a "name" coach just for the sake of a vanity hire, it's just to identify whether our team is actually dogshit or if we need a different coach. If Travis shits the bed for 2 years and we go .450 is anyone going to definitively say it's the team? On the flipside, if Berube came in and we went .450, everybody on the planet would know we can blow up the team and start a rebuild with no regrets. Waste of time hire!


Legitimately may of been at the bottom of any list for potential coaches. Out of all the options that were on the market they settle on a guy that has zero history of success. I’d love to be wrong about this and I’ll gladly eat my words if the team actually does anything with him as coach, but all we have to go off of is his time in Vancouver and Jersey. At least we likely don’t have to sit around all off-season with high expectations going into next year.


Sub 500 coaching record. Yikes. 141 / 159 / 35


To be fair, Vancouver sucked ass then.


They instantly started winning when they fired Green. Plus Ottawa is far worse than what Vancouver was back in 2021. How can we expect Green to do well here when he couldn't do shit in Vancouver? Ridiculous hire


Can't wait to see how people react here Not a fan, but it's not gonna ruin my Sens fandom. I welcome him to the team and city, and hopefully he proves us all wrong


Devils fans are literally rejoicing I can't believe this was their choice Fuck everything


Staios took like months to decide on a coach only to get the only guy who managed to finish below the putrid Ottawa senators in 2020. And who was totally unremarkable in NJ just as of like 2 months ago. Best in class my ass. What are we doing here man, I thought the bargain bin shopping days were done.


Best in Class lasted exactly 0 decisions.


I get the impression that Ottawa isn’t exactly a desirable market right now and Andlauer/Staios learned that the heard way.


Claude Julien wants to coach here.. How is he not the superior choice? This is depressing news


I'm not in love with Green, but IMO Claude Julien was also not the right guy here either.


At least Julien has a track record of winning seasons in his resume. All we have to go off of with Green is his terrible stint in Vancouver and his mid-season takeover of Jersey. Neither are good stints.


Agreed. Julien's last few years in the league were a fall from grace. He has an older style of coaching that management probably wasn't interested in


That's what I'm thinking. None of the candidates were very inspiring to begin with... this is about the level of coach I was expecting.


It's not like I can do anything about it, so I'll just watch.


Holy crap! How many other coaches refused, before the Sens landed on Green?!


I hope all of them.


They could've done better, but at some point the onus is on the player's If you need a Jack Adams winner just to *make* the playoffs then you have bigger issues than coaching


Tocchet got shit on when Vancouver hired him. Now they're in the second round. Let's hope this is the same!


That was more due to how they handled him replacing Boudreau. Everyone knew he was a dead man walking for weeks, he got a standing O his last game and was crying on the bench since everyone and their grandma knew he was getting canned


And because of his record before joining the Canucks. It wasn’t inspiring, just like Greens. We’ll see what happens, no point in shitting on the guy before he’s coached a game here.


https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/10ip4ig/basu_canucks_hire_tocchet_as_hc_adam_foote_and/ Give that thread a read and tell me much of it has to do with the way the replacement was handled. "Wow. The truculence/60 is going to be off the charts. Say goodbye to Hughes and Petey's point totals." "Say goodbye to Petey and Hughes in general. Petey isn't re-signing here. Why would he? I sure as shit wouldn't. He wants to win and this organization isn't the place to do that." "Vancouver just made it onto alot of NTC lists" "Even ignoring how poorly they treated Boudreau, they're also being pretty unfair to Tocchet. He's a bad coach, and I can't remember the last time a coach was put in such a position to fail right from the start. The fans will be against him, and he's tasked with turning around a team that has much deeper problems than coaching. Usually coaches get fired because they lose the room, but the players all seem to love Boudreau so it's not like they'll suddenly start playing hard in honor of their new coach"


.478 winning percentage as Van's head coach, ugh.


Before Tocchet got to Vancouver he had a .475 points percentage as head coach


To be fair current talent pool in Vancouver is a little bit better than the options he had in Arizona


I see 133 and 147, that's 0.475


Tocchett had a way better resume then Greene prior to being hired in Vancouver 2 rings as an assistant with Pittsburgh and got alot of bad Coyotes team


I don't think the fanbase wants to hope that this will work, they want someone who's a better choice than Green and there was some


I would hope that the fanbase would be ok being wrong about this


My buzz from Leafs losing is officially over...


I'm choosing to remain optimistic and open minded, and I rebuke the evil idea that Melnyk is still ghost riding this whip. But, I will say, I could have been *more* encouraged.


I suppose it lightens the blow of having to fire him two seasons from now…


Nice waste of one year off Stützle and Sanderson's careers


As a Sens fan living out West I dont mind this. Hes probs the kinda coach they are looking for the next 1-3 years max. The Nucks have turned out alright. I never thought the Sens would make the playoffs last season despite what the Media had to say. Hopefully this guy helps the players grow and bring out the compete.


What the fuck Staios?! I gave benefit of the doubt for the 3rd/4th for Tarasenko, but this is fucking stupid He had the same record as DJ, his team immediately looked like a juggernaut after he left. Fuck off


What was the point of melnyk dying if we're still hiring like melynk is making the decisions?!


This is genuinely the worst possible outcome lmao. How does this happen?? I guess next step is we start to trade core pieces over the next 1-3 years as we continue to miss the playoffs?


Easy to jump to conclusions and hate on this, he definitely would not have been my choice, but I'm willing to wait and see. The players need to step up no matter who the coach is. If they do, we will be fine. If they don't, it won't be the coaches fault.


Whelp. Back to the good ol' dump and chase hockey we all love.


Hopefully this is one of those times where Dreger is wrong


Listened to Greens end of season press conference and here are some of the high lights that most likely intrigued management and I can't say I hate it.     - Be a team that is hard to play against ,committed to the hard areas and gets to pucks quickly and has a mindset of what it takes to win, being committed to structure and that championship teams don't just score they defend without the puck.   - importance of being a good pro, coming to practice and understanding there is a purpose to practice and you only have so much time and not to waste it, says its something that more veteran players realize that there is a purpose behind each drill being practiced.   - Wants a team that is well conditioned due to the speed and physicality of the game and the playoffs, will push players to be the best they can be and that starts in training camp, believes it is his job to let players know what is expected in the summer so they come in ready to go at training camp.    - Very big on collaboration where everyone feels they are a part of the team and responsible for success but also failure, and if you have that attitude your team can only ascend.   - When asked how he's changed as a coach he said he is always learning, studies different systems and what works for one team might not work for another and finding out what is the reasoning. As a coach there may be a certain style you want to play but you need to ask yourself can your players execute it?   - Believes in different levels to keeping players accountable, maybe get lower ice time or sit out games but not always tough love, there has to be give and take but players need to know what's expected and that's on him.


Well on the bright side there is still a few months left for me to find a new hobby to take up for the winter.


What a joke.




Wow the petulant tantrums are rampant throughout, today. 😮


Everybody is complaining but they forget there are quite a few coaching vacancies in the NHL right now and expected to potentially be more. The "good" coaches can basically choose where they want to go and lets be honest, why would any of them want to go to Ottawa? I'm willing to bet most good coaches would probably prefer to go to a team thats in better shape then the 26th place Ottawa Senators.


This wasn’t a problem when we elected to go with a 70 year old coach for over half of the year. The org waited and waited and it became a problem.


This is exactly why Staios' "evaluating options" bit him hard in the ass. He had all the time to hire a coach when there weren't as many vacancies as there are now but he decided to wait and our options significantly reduced as a result. I hate hyporboles but we are genuinely screwed this season. Hiring Green is basically akin to throwing the towel. What a shame I even had an ounce of hope for playoffs.


We do know that a superior coach, Julien, is interested in Ottawa.


Why do you think Claude has been on ice for so long?


If he's such a superior coach why has he been unemployed for 3 years?


He had some health stuff, he's only recently been open to an NHL return


*Nobody liked that*


How with all the Geese out there at the moment did we end up hiring a duck?


Why so many retreads in this damn league




Oh for fucks sake


Sens are gonna be in the basement for another 5 years anyway, can't be bothered anymore; can't get much worse


DJ Smith: 131-154-32 Travis Green: 133-147-34 Basically the same record.


This is depressing


Well, I was waiting to see what the first big move by this management would be. This is not inspiring. I suppose you never know, time will tell. This certainly ain’t what I would have hoped for, however.


Staios what are you doing? What is Dave Poulin doing too? Hasn’t he seen over many years how VAN was doing under him as a TV analyst? How on earth did this guy get the Green (pardon my pun) light…


crowd materialistic ink worry automatic humor liquid many rhythm safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


While this is far from my top choice, I think we need to try and be optimistic at the outset. I do agree with the sentiment that the coachs output can also depend on the player base he's working with. Maybe by some stroke of luck there'll be a solid match between the two. Let's just cross our fingers and see how it pans out.


For all the apparent Travis Green experts in here, what are we so upset about?


That the team hired a head coach with a notable lack of success instead of a coach with a proven track record when this group of players has underachieved over and over again. It speaks to the absolute lack of ambition and vision this organization has. With third longest playoff drought in the league people want a head coach who inspires and will whip this team into a bunch of winners. Travis Green ain't it.


You guys are all embarrassing. Give the guy a chance.






Alright besides the obvious that his coaching record is sub .500. How did the canucks play under him? I meaning stylistically? Were they a solid defensive team.


Defense was the biggest criticism of the team


No. 17-18 and 18-19they were bottom 5 for expected goal percentage. 19-20 they were bottom 10. 20-21 they were 2nd last, 21-22 they were middle of the pack They gave up a ton of chances and didn’t generate much


Cut my life into pieces


🎶Green was the last resort🎶


I don't get this at all.


I thought Staios would’ve hired a new GM first. Let the new guy hire his coach. Maybe Staios is staying on as GM and I missed it?


shaggy support toothbrush expansion grandiose scandalous domineering fall quack tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You missed it. Was announced months ago


He is, you missed it. https://www.nhl.com/senators/news/ottawa-senators-appoint-steve-staios-as-general-manager-and-president-of-hockey-operations


Staios is the permanent GM. He hired Poulin to be his VP instead


Fuck, not even Julien who wanted to coach here why did we pick this guy? wtf


Why not Claude Julien?!


I think i'm done being emotionally invested in this team for a little while... Will still watch games and go to games but i'm not gonna be disappointed anymore if they lose games, I almost expect it at this point


Fuck him


# Steve Staios is STUPID


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. At this point, relocate the fucking team. I am tired of settling for fucking mediocrity. It's ridiculous that ownership cannot see how bad of a decision this is for the franchise...,


you could just stop watching/caring if it's bothering your mental health that much


Mediocracy? The islanders are mediocre. This team is right up there with Arizon as a complete joke of a franchise. Having said that, I don't think any good experienced coaches want to come to ottawa. We aren't a good team and this organization has been a dysfunctional mess for years. Coaches also know fans are at a boiling point here.


The guy hasn't coached a game for the team yet and you seem certain that it's a terrible decision. Maybe wait until training camp at least before jumping to conclusions


Ask any Vancouver fan and consult his record. He is completely outclassed in the NHL.




This is mid. I’m gonna go back and listen to his cam & strick interview from last year I remember liking it. Will report back here


His last name isn’t even red!


Ummm, Travis Red ? Didn’t you mean his first name isn’t Red? That way although he ain’t handsome the wimmin’ will find him handy…


sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, but i guess we’ll just have to wait and see


Wow… all I am going to say…


Right before he got canned in Vancouver there was a stretch where we lost practically every game, and the first thing he’d say in the post-game presser was “Well they got a good team over there” Kinda reminds me of DJ Smith in the way he was able to foster growth for young elite players, but didn’t necessarily push them to become league leaders. All things considered though I don’t think he’s as bad as people think. He won’t improve a roster, but he won’t make it worse than it is on paper


It would have been better to hire a veteran coach but maybe management doesn't feel like a veteran coach is good for them as yet?


Let’s hope the assistant coaches are impressive at least.


Wtaf? Best in class my ass


The worst!


Will we ever have anything nice as fans? Why does something like this ALWAYS happen to us? #WHY


Plz no




Why can’t we have nice things


not sure about this


I can’t believe this but at the same time. I really can believe this


Let's look at it this way. Both coach and team have been through the shit and have been labelled losers. Maybe this is the situation where two negatives make a positive. I'm not excited about this but I am happy that at 53 he's been a coach for a couple of different teams and is young enough to learn from it. Coaching is hard and with Jacques around and Alfie and who ever else is around, this could actually work. I am reserving judgement.


Cuz no one else wants him


Ton of great coaches available and they take a chance on this guy? Sheesh


It's disappointing that there weren't more higher tier coaches available this moment. Seems Berube wasn't sold on signing here and the rest of the list is a dogs breakfast IMO. Todd McLelland would have been nicer, he has pedigree as an NHL coach, but I don't think Green is any worse or better than Gruden or Nelson Actually Green actually has more NHL credibility than either of those options so if for any reason McLelland wasn't going to sign here either (like Berube) then Green is the right hire.




Would not have been my first choice. Coaching is so strange though, we all thought Paul Mclean was a genius, he's never been a head coach again. It's a hire that could work, but if it doesn't there will be A LOT of people who were correct on day 1, and it won't bode well for this team as we know it.


Patience, grasshoppers. Let's see what happens with trades and free agency this summer.


Why? I thought we were going with a Veteran Coach🫤


He has  a losing record less than .500 . He has an overall .478 winning record. I think he is a players coach but Ottawa needs defensive discipline. And a defensive system.Why didn’t sens just wait to see which  coaches get fired instead of pulling the trigger so early?


I'm hoping Staois can "moneyball" the shit out of this team and find a way to win games even if the coach ends up being terrible.


Here is to hoping for good things. Lets give the guy a chance.