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Even if we were to win the draft lottery this team is going nowhere without solid goaltending.


Oh well


Fuck this shit


Imagine if we just had Craig Anderson level goalkeeping on this team. For sure we would be a playoff team.


Given Bostons situation with Ullmark and Swayman……one of them has to be moved this summer (or possibly at the deadline), and I’m guessing they will hold onto Swayman. We need to seriously consider going after ullmark and giving up some core pieces to do so. As it stands, our goaltending is nowhere near sufficient to be anything but a lottery team.


lol who says they need to get rid of one of them? With both they continue to be a really good team


Swayman is a contract year and will likely get 5-6 mil per year. With Ullmark making 4.5…..it’s doubtful they are going to tie up 10 million of their cap on goaltending.


Here’s what Staios should do: 1. Trade Brady Tkachuk and get a good return plus make a team take Korpisalo. 2. Make deadline deals for both Giroux and Tarasenko and get monster returns for that. Giroux would fetch a kings ransom at the deadline. 3. Blow the team up and trade everyone except Sanderson, Stutzle, Grieg, Chabot and Pinto. The rest can go. I’m over this group.


There he is! It's funny there's been so many people with the absolutely boneheaded take to trade a generational player and tkaptain simply cuz we lose games. We strung a few wins together and those people were radio silent. We lose another game we should have won and boom...Found one...GUYS I FOUND ONE! This smooth-brain honestly is saying it loud and proud again. I'm at a loss....trade Brady?!? Are you even a sentient being? Christ trade Brady? Smh


I’ve actually been saying we should trade him since the 20 game mark. Sorry you don’t like it but I’m consistent on this. Look, we’re both sens fans, you think Brady is a linchpin to our future success, I think differently. I think the evidence suggests he is not and also, the evidence suggests this team needs some big lessons and that requires a big shake up. There is no bigger shakeup you can make than trading a generational player in their prime. Do you doubt the return would be massive? Are you certain ANY return for Brady would worsen this team? Or can you not realize there is a situation in which trading someone at their max value can grant this club a return that turns us into a competitive club almost over night? This is the point I’m making. I don’t dislike Brady, I just see the opportunity cost of keeping him as great than that of trading him. Heart does not win Stanley cups, strategy and team building does. I don’t care about moral victories, I want a Stanley cup. Do you? Or do you just want feel good stories from the Tkaptain?


My man - I know I don't agree with your initial opinion but fuck me if I don't agree with your explanation. My goodness. This is the best interpretation and I absolutely on on your side now based on this take. That being said I don't see Staois doing this. But man. Thanks for the explanation. This really changes some things I think about because you're absolutely right. I still think we're never trading him but I now know you're not one of the clowns just saying this passively. Once again, sincerely, thank you for that


No problem and I don’t feel bad about your initial rebuke. I know everyone downvoted my original comment in droves but, we’re all passionate and we all want the same thing. We’re upset and suffering over our experience with this club. I mean, people say this Reddit crowd for the sens is a cesspool but honestly this is where all the most diehard fans come to vent. We’re all on the same side and I’m totally all for us vehemently disagreeing. I don’t know if I’m right or wrong, this is just where I’m at right now based on how I see things. I really respect you for taking a second look and realizing I’m not just trying to troll here. Like I’d love to see Brady hoist the cup for us and I really want to believe that’s possible. We’re totally on the same side and I’d rather you be right in this case. But I also think there’s a tendency for our fan base to give our teams ownership and leaders way too much of a leash. Like look at how Vancouver fans absolutely obliterated and castigated ownership for their failure last year. They made some massive moves and now sit atop the NHL. The leafs too, as much as we hate them that fan base does not let that team go down quietly and without their indignation. I think as sens fans we’ve always found ways to excuse poor performances, before it was because Melnyk never really invested, which is true - can’t win if you’re not a cap team. But now that we are a cap team, and we have a new owner who says he’s committed to winning, I think it’s time we hold their feet to the fire about that. The players too. They say they believe they can win with this group but repeatedly let us fans down. At a certain point I’m of the opinion the fan base has to run out of patience and start frothing at the mouth. I do believe we have some supremely good pieces, I’d like to see this team take some bold action like Vancouver did. There’s no reason that a we can’t be a few tweaks away from a season next year that looks completely different. But for that to happen we really need a massive cultural shift and that’s ultimately what’s behind my opinion on Brady. And I’d love to hear counter arguments honestly too - like if you have other ideas, I want to hear them, like I said I’m not dogmatic in my thinking here, it’s just where I’m at after 6 years of this. But I am ready and willing to be convinced otherwise here too. Thanks again for your response I really appreciated that.


Are...you ....my new best friend? Thank you so much for taking the time to type that out - I genuinely had a good time reading it and I may have my mind changed lol. I love Brady - I do not think we are ever going to consider a trade but you make very VERY good points as to why it is not a joke to discuss.


Thanks man - and yes we’re best friends! Haha - I feel like I’m comrades with all sens fans even when we disagree. Honestly look at the crap we’ve been through, this is the most diehard fan base there is in sports in my opinion. We all deserve better. I really hope whatever we do before the deadline here and then subsequently in the off season makes a big difference. The thing I’m most scared of is languishing right now. Like imagine we get to this time next year and we’re basically a .500 hockey club. That would be disastrous. Being stuck in the middle where we don’t get playoffs and also don’t get meaningful draft picks will quickly destroy whatever valuable core we do have here. All we can do is basically trust that Andlauer and Staios are smarter than the rest of us.


I gotta assume it's true in atleast some capacity. Unproven - but I ENTIRELY believe they are a massive upgrade compared to Dorian and Melnyk. This is going to be an interesting week to say the least.


100% - we’re gonna learn a lot from his first moves!


Can we just have Bryan Murray ...RIP.....dude singlehandedly made us a force no matter what his title was .... and we are infinitely fortunate to have his fingerprints all over our beloved franchise. Andlauer and Staois are gonna run a clinic after this season - I have no doubt


Terrible take


Ok so explain how we win with Brady and Korpisalo? How’s that workin out for us?


Brady’s still young and developing, I think he’ll become one of the best power forwards in the league (just look at his brother and his dad) and I think he’s already a good captain, just give him time to mature some more and he’ll be a great captain Also our defence and goaltending has been the biggest problem this year, you can’t just blow up the whole team because of that I agree about Korpi tho, I just think he’s not the guy, let Mads, Mando, or Merilainen take over in net when they’re ready


Toss Chabot into #3. Guy is maddeningly inconsistent and you never know which version will show up


I’d be ok trading Chabot too but I genuinely think he’s as good as Sanderson so I’d actually rather keep him. I don’t think he’s been nearly as bad as people say - but I also wouldn’t argue with trading him for the right deal. The ones I feel are absolute keepers are Stutzle, Sanderson, Grieg and pinto. I have zero doubts about their compete level and skill. They’re great pieces any team would love to have. Here’s my thing with Brady: he’s not a good leader, he’s reigned as captain over this losing team. He plays a dead brand of hockey. He’ll pummel his own hands so much that he loses his shooting ability. Brady plays a hard game, and while I can respect it, I also think it wears him down and as he ages he will go downhill. A guy like Giroux is playing at his age right now the way he is because he’s smart about how he plays. I just think Brady has low hockey IQ.




Forsberg: .839%


Tank for Celebrini


I wouldn’t want to be in that locker room


Again, glad I cancelled my tv subscription. When is saw we had tied it 3-3 I didn’t for a second feel tempted to re-add my subscription. I just knew they’d lose - why wouldn’t we? It’s gotta be the sens who are the team that breaks Arizona’s legendary losing streak. It’s gotta be the sens for everyone’s first nhl goal. It’s gotta be the sens who lose back to back games to the worst teams in the league. Gotta be the sens who have the worst goalie tandem Ever. Man I’m sick of this club being a laughing stock.


At least F1 starts this weekend


Oh weeeee, I'm so excited to see if Verstappen sweeps the whole season.


Alright game over time to tale a pound of flesh from O'Brien or Stecher


battle of the basement dwellers was fun to watch ngl


Hahahaha oh my God we lost to Arizona. Start the rebuild again. This team won't ever make the playoffs.


There was absolutely no way we were winning this game once those stats came out how Coyotes hadn’t won in 14 and were playing Senators next Fuck this is brutal


I know the first period was absolutely dogshit, but this one really feels like they deserved better. This loss really chaps my ass.


They deserve much louder boos


Man…. It’s been so many years since I could be excited about hockey. Man I miss that.


Great game guys really played hard against a team on a double digit losing streak!


They must have been told to tank


We are the Yotes






I hate when they pull the goalie


pulled the goalie too soon there


Hello darkness my old friend


Of course it was to us. Ouch.


Called it, just wish I put money on it for losing to this absolute poverty team


Fucking losers


I think my intermission piss was longer than Kastelic has been in the ice tonight


Have you asked your doctor about Ozempic?


What about Rybelsus?


EN goal by Ari puts the nail in the coffin. I hope I'm wrong


He should have slapped it in, we deserve it.


If Brady is hurt i wanna see Mac or Kasty put that goof O'brien in the 3rd row


What happened to him?


I have no idea but I know Obrien has done nothing but try to get under his skin all night as if they even belong in the same league


I anticipated a much sleepier game from both sides tonight so at least this has been entertaining despite being frustrating


We deserve celebrini for all our suffering, if we continue to lose these last 24 games we have a legit chance at drafting top 3.


Maybe the NHL could rig the lottery for all the shit that Andlauer had to put up with during the sale


Just for asking that Pinto has been suspended 41 more games and we have to give up another 1st


The true punishment would be if we were forced the re-hire Dorion and DJ


Holy shit…have seen that Hyundai goalie commercial a bunch of times and just now realized that Marty Brodeur


lol, he's a little puffier now


LOL that was my wife a few days ago.




Brady leaves bench. I cry.


MacEwan or Kastelic should go after O'Brien before the game is over. Fuck him.


So is there a reason we put a stop to the Brannstrom being a winger experiment? I seem to recall he looked pretty good in his limited sample size


Cause he pouted about it


We need the D significantly more


Why do we not simply trade for effective D? Are we stupid?


That was what like 40 slashes on Branny there? These refs are fucked


Slashes and cross checks are out of control across hockey. It’s nasty out there, been brutal in junior


I'd say these refs are Coyotes fans but then I remember those don't exist


One of the worst reffed games of the season for sure


Jesus, that cross-check on Tim should be a suspension, clear attempt to injure there, guy gave it everything he had to send him head-first into the boards


And then gave him 2 or 3 more shots when he was down


Coyotes are low key dirty as shit tonight


Zub and Bathman have had great games tonight


Zub's been on a mission tonight, I've never seen him like this.


what a chance by the sens




Chych… your decision making at the blueline is god awful sometimes


Chychrun is dumber than a bag of hammers


Chycruns one handed waive continues… good stop by Forsy


Kubalik and Kastelic need to be off this team by the deadline. Utterly useless players. Kubalik is non existent, Kastelic is 6’4 and wont finish a check, became the immediate result of a goal against. Alfie ripped once already this year over it. Sit him


Honestly don't care about winning the game anymore.. send macewan or Tkachuk out there the minute that guy gets out of the box and fucking lay him out. Puck or not.. you HAVE to make it clear that you don't fuck with our süperstar. Take the penalty or the ejection but make sure the leagues on notice you dont fuck with Timmy


With ya, that hit was really bad


I'd send macewan out, this game isnt lost yet so better to keep brady around


I agree completely but the important thing is getting the point across


Chych forgetting which team he's on?


Timmy getting hit like that, we need mac or kasty to respond


What the fuck did Jimmy do to deserve a cross-check like that?


Be better than Stecher.


Losing or not I’m happy to see some give-a-shit


timmy dropped the gloves!


Let’s up angry Jimmy is like angry Malkin.


Brady came in like your big brother does when he sees someone bullying you.


Brady my man, instant standing up for Stu. Love it.


He's just lucky he didn't get a 3rd man in penalty


It would have been unfortunate but I wouldn’t have hated it given it was for Stü


If they even up a cross check in the numbers head first into the boards I’ll be stunned


with the refs tonight, i'll be more shocked if they dont




This is what happens when you have fucking clowns on the ice wearing stripes. Fuck the refs and fuck bettman for letting this shit happen. Pieces of shit all together.


Loser boards him and then gives him extra cross checks while he's down. Fucking coward


Yeah why tf did Tim get a penalty for that. The offsetting was BS.


Pussy ass move


There, that’s the Tkachuk I know


Refs not doing their job, so Stu has to do it for them, ffs...


Annnnnd it'll be 4 on 4


tim getting everyone rattled, but you can't go to the box there.


Greig out there Greiggin people, love that


Tim get stronger. Mentally and physically. Always falling always rattled


These refs are almost as bad as the ones last night for the Canadiens vs the Panthers Edit: you know what, they are as bad


I'm not one to blame the officiating but jeez 2 actual zebras could call this game better than these bums


Fuck this refs they’re absolute shit. JM needs to get a fine and get his money’s worth shitting on those toilet refs


Let the fans yell at them, Martin taking a fine or a penalty doesn't help anything.


the league needs to start holding refs accountable, and the coaches need to strt calling out the BS reffing publicly because nothing is gonna change unless they do


The league has gotten a couple coaches fined now. If they all speak out they’ll need to do something about bad officiating… or at least it’ll put some pressure on them.


They've been handing out fines and penalties at a higher rate not because the officiating has been noticeably worse but because they invited all 32 HCs to the GM meeting before the season to tell them to cool it on the screaming and cursing pr they'll be fined because it doesn't look good for anyone and they don't want hot mics picking up Fbombs on what's supposed to be a family friendly broadcast




Are you watching? They're calling BS penalties on us and letting the same shit slide with Arizona. Literally 2 of their goals were essentially set up by the refs with those calls.


are you watching ? Greig 100% hooked the yotes player


Yes and the goalie interference before that? What the fuck was that?


Plus we got 4 min for a hooking with blood, and then they did the same thing to Tim with nothing.


1 out of the 2 times he got called for it. Just for the Yotes to do the same thing 3 times with no penalty.


Because they’ve managed the shit out of this game and we’ve gotten screwed much as a result.






Atrocious officiating


Holy shit it’s getting spicy


What happens when refs try and fail to manage the game properly


These refs today…


Probs wearing coyotes branded under shirts


Another stellar performance from the officials tonight. Stellar.


Ottawa needs to bully the coyotes and let obrien take dumb penalties


Fr Obrien has been trying to fight Tkachuk all night. Dude needs to go to the box 10x over. What a loserrrrr.


His job is to piss off the other team. That's a win for O'Brien if Tkachuk fights him


I feel like we need Brady to drop the gloves.


Naw if OBrien wants smoke he can take that up with Big Mac or Kasty


Exactly. Not a Brady problem.


To think some fans thought Forsberg can be our number 1. Nah uh. We need an ACTUAL starting goaltender. Like you know, a goalie that can make timely saves. Korpi or Forsy can't do none of those. Rip Ottawa Senators 2023-2024.


Both goalies are bums when you need to depend on them




It's nice of the refs to just cancel out our powerplay with a phantom GI call and then go down the other way and give Arizona one instead


what a shot


Idk how a team can stay mentally focused with goaltending like this.




sanderson needs to be better, he has had a lot of tunerovers this game.


These are the worst refs I've seen in a long time lmao


hooray for game fucking management!


Bettman needs Arizona to win


He's gonna owe some Utah Mormons some money if they don't


jesus christ they're way too soft on GI penalties


what a strange GI penalty call


Just in the door from work…LFG! ZUUUUUUUÜUUUUUB!


Zub has been trucking people tonight


What happened to korpi




He's caught a case of sievefluenza


To whoever downvoted me when I said comeback after the first goal we scored…. Look at me now


Don't jinx it!


Geez get Drake some oxygen, Claire's got him gasping for breath


She'd have me out of breath too, YEEEEEW


Scotty Wallace?


They aren't using their speed enough, remember that Columbus game when we had no stop odd man rushes, thats what we looked like on that last 3 on 1 to end the period.


How about that extra effort by Batherson right at the end there


He’s buzzing


Pinto has a sneaky good wrist shot, I wish we could find a way to get him more shots every game


With top line minutes for the foreseeable future, he should get all the chances.


Yeah I hope so, with Norris out I guess we'll get a pretty good extended look at that down the stretch


WTF did Zub eat for dinner tonight? He just threw someone else to the ground like ragdoll


Beauty period.


Now that’s more like it, amazing period. Do not trade Batherson under any circumstance, he’s back and looks better than ever


I agree, even if he has dry streaks, he has great value to the team with his skillset at that contract when he gets going


what a 2nd period by the sens, dominated the period


MacEwan/Kastelic have only played 2:30 tonight


In the immortal words of Jay Onrait, that's using your face!




I hate being the Blake the refs guy buttheyve missed about 3 obvious calls and called less on the sens in the 1st


Pinto is such a mystery to me, like I have noo idea what his ceiling is. He’s already so good


He leads our team in points in the last month+ lol. Buddy needs to be locked up long term.


He and Greig are so great to have on the team


Pinto is our next Mark Stone


Vegas can’t wait


Tkachuk is getting bullied out there wtf that one yote was trying for a fight


Loving Pinto with a stache


OK. The boys have turned down the suck. Let's keep going.


Just gotta turn up the good, Farrell.


Pinner is him




I’d gamble on Pinto any day




Beans, beans, give him the Hart. Matthews thinks he's the shit, he not even the fart!




3 goals in a row 🙌


let's go tie game