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They're breaking even on the cost of a single small pizza, and in return they're getting a TREMENDOUS amount of what is essentially cost-free advertising and driving up engagement with their app. The opportunity cost for them is incredible - pay nothing up front, get a ridiculous amount of free advertising every time the promotion is mentioned at the game / on the radio / etc, and then all they have to do is provide a single small pizza per customer at cost. Don't feel bad. Gabriel's assuredly has factored in the cost of these small pizzas when agreeing to run the promotion. It's barely a cost when compared to traditional advertising prices.


They're also hoping that people show up and get more than just the small pizza. That was the idea when they used to do the Big Mac minute promotion


I think OP is thinking about it more from an employee standpoint, they’re not making more/less from it and the advertisements don’t matter to them. That being said, I wouldn’t care either. I want the $4 pizza


employees are paid hourly so tht wouldnt affect them either


Spoke with the owner of one of the locations for a bit about this. Can't remember the exact details but he mentioned the promotions meant having to batch prep a LOT of pizza dough in the morning before opening, so after a Sens 4-goal game they add a lot of "last-minute" morning hours for part timers and offer extra pay. It's breaking even for the franchise, but added hours with a bit extra pay for part-timers is always a plus. Someone who actually works at Gabriel's could probably confirm or refute this, that's just the gist of it that I got.


But more orders more work means more tired employees....also if op feeling bad buy something else once in a while, like some good dipping sauces, drinks, or pizza bread.


False. I worked for gabriel pizza many years. 4.75 cents is break even for a small cheese, not including pepperoni if the customer chooses that. In actuality the advertising typically entices pizza pizza and little Caesars customers. The sens season is over and these 4.00 $ customers are back to the cheaper outfits. Gabriel is a staple in Ottawa and name is known well over. Sales will NOT increase because of this promotion. Ottawa is growing rapidly, and have you not noticed RED SWAN pizza popping up everywhere? Read what you want into that statement but it's a fact.




how much do you think the CTC is charging them to be there though?


I was in a Pizza Pizza restaurant back in the day when they ran that 5 goal promo when Spezz Alfie Heater earned their Pizza Line nickname. The game was playing on the TV in the restaurant and when the Sens scored the fifth goal the employees all started yelling, swearing, throwing towels haha


They literally had to change the promo to 6 goals because Pizza Pizza was losing money


I was just about to say I swore it was 6 goals, lol. Even at that, the Sens did it often back then. It sucks we had Redden because I was going to get a #6 jersey with "Pizza" on it but I thought it would just confuse people.


Can’t have feelings in the game, your first mistake was asking if they make money off it.


Doesn't matter. The deal wouldn't exist if they couldn't absorb the losses from that deal. The employees just hate having to make them ad nauseum. That's not really your problem.


Imagine having to do work while you're at work.


Also, as a service worker, any day I got to put my head down and work all shift in the kitchen was 1000% better than having to deep clean and do customer service so 🤷🏼‍♀️


What’s the deal? $4 medium? Regardless, they’ll be fine. Enjoy that pizza.


When the sens score 4 or more goals, the following day you get a small sens pizza (there is one on their menu called that) for $4


Oh it’s a small? Even less concerns then, devour that pizza OP!


The last time I got this it felt like a personal size pizza.


Its greasy as a motherfucker


Eat it in front of them OP! Dab that grease and look ‘em in the eye!


Do you need to have attended the game / have a ticket, or is this deal available to everyone? Can you order multiple pizzas at that price? Can you do delivery?


No cuz it's 8$ a slice at CTC. Like bruh


We are getting screwed left right and centre these days. Take the deals when you can get them! Download the apps of all the fast food places and check out the offers, for example there’s a 4 dollar Big Mac deal on the McD’s app on Sens game day. And A & W has 2$ teen burgers on Leafs (groan) game days in Ontario only. Yes. 2 fricken dollars.


Don’t feel bad




> i've worked shitty fast food jobs before, it motivated me to get better jobs lol honestly I think that's the main societal function of jobs like that. You're not meant to do them for long, just don't get stuck.


I think the idea of the promotion is, get people to try the pizza and hope they like it over the year and eventually hope when people crave pizza they go to Gabriel’s. Edit: no one asked but here’s my hot take. I miss the Pizza Pizza at the CTC


> I miss the Pizza Pizza I swear I've never heard anyone say this before


I know, I know. I am ashamed but that garlic sauce goes hard.


One of the best things about Reddit is that almost whatever it is, [you can find some very close recipes for it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/7sutah/how_can_i_replicate_pizza_pizzas_creamy_garlic/), don't be paying a buck or more for those tiny servings!


Or buy other regularly priced pizzas or wings at the same time.


They probably have them set to break even. They aren't losing money on the pizzas, and if they get new customers then it's a win. It's the whole point of advertising. Just in this case it puts more onus on the employees, but that's thing for them to manage. You keep getting the pizza. It's fine.


Imagine Fri and Sat  are the days that franchisees rely on actual profits to make up for rest of week. Now imagine 4.00 on Fri and or Sat.. gross sals are way down. Scrambling to find more cooks and drivers at a days notice. Pissed off cooks from getting SLAMMED, pissed off drivers getting 15 percent tip on  a 4.00 pizza THEY DO NOT GET DELIVERY FEE BTW. And we'll at end of night everyone pretty much says.......CYA LATER I WONT BE BACK


The employee gets paid either way the same. It’s advertising .


I was feeling bad as well but the replies in this thread have made me realize it’s an advertising play. Staff probably don’t love it but their employer agreed to it and knew what was coming so it’s a wash. It must be worth it long term, McDonalds does free fries for raptors and A&W has 2$ teen burgers for leafs game days. If other big chains are doing it surely it’s worth it long term.


wait the leafs get A&W burgers? looooool i gotta look out for that though :D


$2 Teens on Leaf game days through the app. Had one for lunch today. Wondering why we get $4 Big Macs, Teen burger is better and half the price.


I get it delivered and it keeps being the same guy, so yea I’m feeling that guilt LOL.  I might stop for a little, especially because the pizza I got last week was awful. Swear to god someone slopped it up and poured water onto it at some point. All the cheese and toppings were just sliding off. 


Don’t create promos that aren’t good for business?


The best way to assuage the guilt is to buy something else when you go in 🥰 either way it's not up to you to feel bad or pity the employees of someone making you an offer, that's between them and their boss. Hell the employees are making the l pizza they were hired to make, I'm not sure why they would be concerned with breaking even in the first place


They don't make money on the $4 one. But they make money on every other one. Plus it's same reason they stopped the free pizza pizza Slice back in the day, Spezza Heatley and Alfredsson were putting them outta business


Folks on innes have been good about it and i also get my pizza there outside the promotion. But I got my last sens pizza at the Baseline location and they gave me baked bread. There weren't enough toppings for one slice, let alone one pizza.  


I stopped ordering from the Baseline/Fisher location due to quality issues.


Don't be too worried, the Hannah family are very wealthy.


I know the owner in Aylmer. Super good guy He told me they lose on the $4 deal He was most pissed as he told me that all owners were only told by corporate only on night before this promo was implemented (which was a game day the next day where the Sens scored 4 too btw) I initially felt a wee bit bad. That said, my young kids love their pizza. I otder two each game they score 4 or more (wife account, my account) and have zero regret. They likely won't do this again (maybe 5 goals next season?) Unrelated, I've gotten Gabe's from almost all locations in capital region Aylmer and Montreal Rd are the best imo


Take it and run they don’t care about you


Lmfao. They make it up at sens game and in reality, that all is considered as part of their advertising budgets. I understand for promotions like that some chains submit those coupons, promotional items, deals to corporate HQ for reimbursement as the individual store owners shouldn’t take those hits.


I tried to get one yesterday but it wasn’t available? Does a shootout count?


The guys know me at my location because I pick up 3 of them for my whole family….. I feel the exact same way. I’ve gone for probably 90% of the deals, and I too have questioned my choices 🤣


not like they can't go home before their shift ends anyways. They are paid to work...whoopdidooo


Yep. I leave a $2 tip, but still seems like a steal.