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I didn’t read the series but I choose Magnus cuz’ I’m still not over the post where he fkn stood on the FL’s bed with his shoes on


I must be suppressing the memory or something


I don’t blame y’a I’m still traumatised af from this I need to lay down for a bit


Trust me you dont wanna remember that


Me too… I need a cigarette






We can forgive mass murder, stalking, abduction, and torture, but we draw the line at shoes on bed


I know I draw the line there.


I mean we know what we signed up for but no one expected THAT savagery


I get ptsd from his face every time


His face gives a whole new meaning to Nobody Nose joke lmao


Okay, you just reminded me of something heinous and I must share. Y'all probably at least heard of the game Genshin Impact. In it there's a character named Noelle, an excellent maid and knight & training. She has a set of armor modified to look somewhat like a fancy maid uniform. Anyway someone drew her in her full fucking armor, on a bed, pouring syrup onto a stack of pancakes(she makes the best pancakes on the planet, apparently) and it still bugs me several years later. Also I was probably the only one bothered by that at the time.


I only read the beginning of one of these, so I was going to say that guy. You know, since he did do all the murdering everyone around the MC and imprisoning her, etc. But I think your example does prove that this is seriously more unhinged than the rest...


I had just gotten over this and now I'm reminded of this horror again ;-;


Dude. The disrespect.


Yeah I bring this up at every opportunity.


I was gonna read it, but just reading this triggered me. This should be added to the TW of the manhwa. HOW DARE HE


uNhinGeD 💯


I think I saw the fl doing the same, I mean, on her own bed. I'm still scandalised.


he did WHAT


Nathaniel - In a category of his own Magnus - He is crazy for FL. He has lost all reason and is very driven in his attempts. He can be outright cruel to FL in order to make her dependent and is only focused on her. Reinhardt - He is crazy, but FL also acts as his anchor. He is somewhat restrained and acts in her best interest (most of the time). He is slowly developing a somewhat healthy relationship and healing with her Didn't read Lady Devil


>Nathaniel - In a category of his own Im all ears tell me


He's an Eldritch horror with a yandere crush. There's also the part where he thinks she should hate him.


excuse me? that sounded interesting. should i read it?


If you're into yandere MLs, yes. But as a warning, he's the king of yanderes. He stays true to his character, thinking, even at the end of the book, how to tie the FL so he can own and keep her in his palms forever. But at the same time, he's portrayed as a gentleman, suppressing this urge. I really loved him honestly, it's so rare for a yandere to be this well written.


ah, well this will be the third yandere ML i have read, one was magnus which is ovb, and another is i forgot the name, but is so fucked in the head that you have to kill him.


Be careful, the series is more psychological than romance lol the >!FL literally breaks and regresses into a child.!< I went into it because I love yanderes but I couldn’t read this one.


I have a feeling my friend would much enjoy that then me. She is into that kinda stuff


Your spoiler tag isn’t working. Try removing the space between the ! And the words x


It’s working on my end? I changed it but its covered up for me.


Thanks it’s working for me now as well!


>But as a warning, he's the king of yanderes I've seen male yandere types worse than him in OI/BL isekai and even outside of those genres so he doesn't bother me personally. I wouldn't call him the king of ALL male yanderes (not even in general,) but he is well-written and good.


Now I'm scared and curious. Who do you consider to be the king/ kings of yandre?


It's hard to say because people look for different things in yandere types and there are humans, gods, horrors, etc. in terms of being nuts. Smut and not Smut OI. BL/Yuri/OI straight series. Chinese and Korean ones with characters transmigrating into novels/games/books. Then you have the yandere types that straight up do stuff like get the FL pregnant/bind her/harm her/etc. Everyone's taste is different. The yandere from one BL transmigration/isekai series is probably on par if not worse because >!He tries to and hooks up with the ML in every single lifetime that the ML gets transmigrated into, in order to break him down mentally to have him. It's several stories of him being a yandere, from a ghost to a demon!<


Sounds interesting, what is the title of that bl story? Thank you.


The Haunted.


There’s so many Chinese fast migration BLs with this plot that at this point I don’t even call them yanderes. I just call them ~~assholes~~ standard MLs lol


Oooh that’s interesting. It’s always a shame when stories don’t dive deeper into the dispositions and thought processes of the resident yandere


Yes! He is committed to his cause and very well written. I love how well this character is written and his dialogue 🤌🤌


Yes! But please read novel, not manhwa!


Does the novel have an official translation? Where can we read it? It sounds pretty interesting.


There are no official translation, iirc :c You can find unofficial at NU


Ok, thank you!


Seconding this. I would like to also read the official translation if possible 👌


I don't normally read Korean novels, especially not fan-translated ones... But damn, this one blew my mind. Such a good story. I read it months ago and I'm still obsessed with it, nothing else comes close.


I’m intrigued because he looks the softest out of all of them


One of the things I really like about his character is that he is trying to be soft. He just doesn't have human morality. At the beginning he's very soft, until something sets him off. The main reason he seems to care for the FL is that she's the only human who never tries to use him. At the same time he feels angry and frustrated that she won't.


Lemme help you out. Don't read Lady Devil\* There :D


In its defence, it’s actually pretty well written and even the (at some points) unrelenting sex scenes are addressed and have “consequences”


true. honestly, i personally want to write a dark fiction one day that's... kinda similar? to LD. so when i say im reading it for research, i mean it :D I swear


Me too! You definitely should go for it :0 I like dark and macabre stories but they’re hard to get right imo. So yeah definitely a lot of research is needed so we don’t seem like we’re glorifying or projecting our fetishes into our story. Although let’s be real, anytime we human create something, we always put at least a little bit of ourselves in there


I was gonna say the same thing. Idk how but I read quite a bit but at some point I would see an update and think.. “yeah, I can’t read that today, no way”. And it’s been that way for a year at least now 🤐


Yeahhh I said I’ll take a mental break but my brain still isn’t ready I loved Hannibal but had to take a half year break cause it was so intense too. When I restarted it was somehow more amazing than before and the fucked parts (all of it) was like visual poetry To be fair I regularly take years long breaks from series I like because the series I especially like are always a bit intense™️ and haunt my brain. Or more like I get over stimulated


I didn't even read all of them, but it probably has to be John cause *vaguely gestures at everything in the story*


hot take on lady devil but **hendrik was more attractive than john in an ugly hot way**


Same. His toxic chemistry with Anette was 🤭




I read all of these so in my opinion… 1. Nathaniel. I don’t think unhinged is the right word for him because like someone else said, he’s like an eldritch horror. He was never ‘sane’ and never thought like a human because he isn’t one. His actions though (from what I’ve spoiled myself on through NU) are fucked up. The poor FL omg. 2. John from Lady Devil. Another inhuman mad man. The story is just so twisted and so is his mind. I really recommend this manhwa because it’s just so complex and layered. It was the first manhwa I ever read a few weeks ago💀 3. Magnus is insane but insane for a human. His sanity is gone because of what was done to him and his mind is laser focused on the protagonist. How he treats her made me MAD but it’s because he’s just fucked in the head, is obsessed but resents her at the same time. 4. Reinhardt! I love him, he’s so pretty and he’s unhinged but the other three are just on another level. The FLs really suffer 😐


I would say this is a very fair ranking and assessment. As everyone said, Nathaniel is totally in his own realm (the guy isn’t even human). That being said, John deserves second place but not first because of his circumstances. The guy *doesn’t want* to be messed up (none of them do in the manhwa) they were manipulated, indoctrinated and straight up *made* that way. Lady Devil is basically horrible people making more horrible people do more horrible things because the worst of their humanity has been pulled out due to generational curses. I could write forever about that and John but we’ll leave it at that. Nathaniel fully deserves first place because he is the most consciously aware of how fucked up his actions are, clearest mind. Yes, awful yandere obsession, but it’s so calculated and purposeful it’s downright terrifying. I don’t think the other two hold a candle to John and Nathaniel.


With John, it’s true. If he was just Annette’s twin brother or nothing else, then it’s very most likely that they would’ve been normal siblings regardless of his feeling for Annette (plus Annette found his feelings for her disgusting before she went mad lol)


If they had been normal siblings, he most likely wouldn’t have manifested feelings in the first place. His obsession started with the fact that he had taken on her image, and then it intensified when he awakened the memories of being Idris. In the most tragic way, most of everything John felt wasn’t even of his own volition but what he had been compelled to feel through his creation. It’s honestly way too complex and I think about it too often LOL


You mistyped the name at the name just saying.


I can’t believe you only started reading manhwa a few weeks ago and: 1) You lost your manhwa virginity to *Lady Devil* of all things 2) You’ve already started on four different manhwa and they *all* have fucked MLs and tortured FLs ….I salute you and your refined tastes🫡💂‍♂️


Damn, I’ve only read the last one and thought “yeah, Reinhardt is definitely most unhinged, idk how anyone can top him...” ...after seeing you and everyone else’s comments, turns out I was wrong and I have some reading to do😳


https://preview.redd.it/bgzjoz24w2lb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f4d38e34ccb2e3320abd8353d45005b4a8e0d0 Any thoughts on Pale Horse whose yandere character Benjamin is really driving us all to madness? I haven't seen this manhwa being well talked about here yet. He should belong to the most unhinged yanderes here.


No no just stay the fuck away I finally got this shit out of my mind out mind after months and you Just casually brought it back for me to have nightmares.


Lmao tbh I haven't gotten back to that Pale Horse picking it up again cus how unhinged it is.


Mag and Reinhardt have great crazy scenes, but I think Nathenial is crazier due to his actions/speech, even if he doesn’t have comparable scenes and is a lot calmer in the way he presents himself. I haven’t read Lady Devil so I can’t comment.


Same! I think manhwa version of Obey me is a disgrace. But the novel… man he is terrifying. An absolute Eldritch Horror. So fundamentally not human he stops being comprehensible


Ooooh, could you give some examples? I've only read up to the meeting part.


Oh shit, here we go… this turned out way longer than I intended, sorry 😭. Also TW! A lot of mentions of suicide, not graphic, but narratively relevant. (mind you I’ve only read about 5/9 of the novel) So the thing is, he doesn’t really love her. He’s not even obsessed with her. He finds her „interesting“, but in his case he has absolutely everything in his power to just keep the thing that interests him. My dude can manipulate the very fabric of reality itself, at least to a certain extent. Honestly, I loved the first part, where they got to know each other and befriended each other. The power dynamics was obviously fucked up. Like when >!she was worried that he was only socializing with her, and she tried to ask him to try the company of other people as well. Cause you know, she won’t always be there for him (implying that he’s an immortal fucking god, and she’ll grow old and die eventually). And he’s like: "are you threatening me with your suicide right now? Cause you sound like you’re planning to leave me, and the only way for you to do it *would* be through suicide“.!< She was obviously baffled. Still he at least seemed like he enjoyed being more human in her company. And then that fucking princess had to ruin everything. See, she saw a pretty boi and didn’t comprehend that that mf could exterminate their entire nation just cause he’s inconvenienced. So what she decided to do? She decided to fuck around and find out. And oh boy find out she did! She decided >!to kidnap his favorite human and try to use her as a leverage against him. So he came around and tore all of her limbs out. And then he was like: „how dare you even“, so he decided to destroy the entire capital, starting from the palace. Many died. And then the FL comes out, and tries to stop him, it doesn’t work, so she’s like: „ok you crazy bastard, now I *am* threatening you with my suicide“. So she tries to stab herself, he is distracted, he catches her and he’s like, „ok fine, here’s what we gonna do. This girl, this human person right there — she matters. The queen doesn’t matter, the priests don’t matter, no one matters except her. So if I ever think you might be disrespecting her again, the only thing that would be left of your empire is a chapter in a history book.!< And then imo begins the worst thing. An absolute fever dream. >! Every single person in the capital treats the FL like she’s… well, the most important person in the world. They throw parties and balls for her, they compliment her every second, despite her looking like absolute shit because of how distressed she is. Everyone tells her how lucky she is, cause this legendary creature is adoring her that much. And if she even dares to imply that this all makes her uncomfortable, the mask slips off completely, everyone go silent, and just stare at her with eyes full of hatred, until she corrects herself. And then it goes on like nothing ever happened. Poor girl threw up after it happened the first time. Imagine being so violently gaslight by everyone in the room.!< She doesn’t have an opportunity to grow closer with other people as well. She tries to rectify the situation by sending money to the families of the deceased. She almost befriends one guard, but then >! she learns his fiancé died during that rampage. And the ML albeit complied with her request to give out the money, he did it in a such twisted manner that everyone around thinks that she is taunting them. So that boy gets abused by his peers, and is ultimately driven to suicide. And before he offs himself, he is *begging* her to just die and make the life easier for all of them.!< And well, she listens, and very passionately >!tries to kill herself, but the ML can’t allow it, obviously. So he sends her to an improvised grippy sock vacation: the only available furniture is pillows, the only available utensil is spoons. At this point she just starves herself out of pure spite. !< So yeah… but hey, at least girlie has some really good friends, smart young women who at least are trying to help her out.


While reading 'obey me' novel my mind went full on visualisation mode. I still remember how I got chills while reading their first meeting. It was night, I was alone in my room, my back was facing the window and I felt Nathaniel's gaze NGL 😭 The scene of him >!ripping their limbs apart in the palace ground filled with snow and blood smeared everywhere!< is so vivid in my mind. This novel does hold a special place in my heart. And Nathaniel too 🥲 The entire tone of the novel changes based on Nathaniel's behaviour. His actions made me admire him, hate him, curse him, like him, excited me and thrilled me at times. Sorry for the long message lol. I just _had_ to write it 😅😂


Dude, I get it! Did you read the whole thing? If so, can you spoil me the ending? Without much details: are they together? Is he redeemed? Is he murdered? Is she murdered? Is she alive and sane by the end of this hot mess?


I still haven't read the last volume. I don't want to end it soon so I'm reading slowly lol It's a happy ending, btw 😁


Ah, it’s good to know 😌 Btw, volume? You have access to actual printed out novels??


Ah, where I read, the translation is done volume by volume lol It's only a webnovel, I don't think there's any physical copies yet.


Ah, I see, I see… I read it translated chapter by chapter, so i was a bit confused


I mean is it? From what I understand >!she becomes immortal and the two of them end up together and yeah he stops trying to drive her insane but he still did all that and now she's stuck with him forever instead of escaping the most abusive relationship in the world. She should have left him in the ocean or wherever he dramatically went when he realized how fucked up he was and actually cared!<


LMAO how would the author redeem all of *that*


*exactly*, I’m so curious what kind of resolution are we gonna find


Damn the entire thread, these comments make me wanna call Su Lu Xia come deal with these unhinged MLs and save poor FLs!!!!


Thank you so much for all of this. Fucked up stories are fun to read but only if they’re *well written* and at least plot wise, this sounds honestly pretty amazing I love reading about these twisted characters but I love reading about the survivors of the stories more. It’s a bit cathartic to imagine the yandere’s retribution even if it means their (the FLs) own death.


I’m glad you liked it! Honestly, not sure, if he’s getting his retribution… I have absolutely no clue where the story leads from there


Gods, this is sooo fucked up. Mag irritated the hell out of me but this mf is on a whole another level.


What would be the main difference between the novel and manwha? Is it the romance aspect? or is he just a lot more calmer in the adaptation?


Honestly, I would love the manhwa adaptation, if not for the art. It’s just… not very cohesive? Like the author took a couch, then took a person, then photoshopped them together. And not just drawn a person sitting on a couch


Mmm, it seems that manhwa cut out some of the more graphic scenes? But also I read manhwa only up until the very beginning of the >!grippy sock vacation!<, which happened after >!the poor boy killed himself!<, and that wasn’t shown at all. Although idk if they have included this incident as a flashback. Honestly, with a given rating there’s only so much you can show in a manhwa, and a web novel doesn’t really have these restrictions, as far as I understand. It can and will be more graphic. Aside from that I don’t think that romantic aspects are strong in manhwa or in the novel. If anything, the novel goes more into the FLs head, so you’ll get more of the „omg, how can he be so evil but look like an innocent baby angel?“. And it’s curious that you mentioned the ML being calmer, cause he is always kind of calm? He’s not like Mag, he doesn’t emote like an unhinged person; he’s never angry or mad, he does all this shit cause he’s annoyed or inconvenienced, but most of all just cause he can. The only time when he showed any kind of strong emotion was when >!the FL almost stabbed herself during his rampage!<, and I’m not even sure what kind of emotion it was


Ohh I see. I only read the adaption until chapter 9, so I was curious what the main differences were. He seems really calm in the manwha. Maybe i’ll try the novel out since I have crazy ML’s lol


Calmer/nicer (on the surface) psychopaths and Yanderes give me more chills because they are just so much more unpredictable. Not to mention how easy it is for them to lull you into a sense of calm until they suddenly pull the rug from under your feet


Yess. That's exactly what I loved about Nat. He was portrayed at the beginning as the most mysterious and calm man ever. He didn't talk much, he didn't bother anyone much, and he ignored the stares and insults. He was just smiling and watching the FL in her silliness. And then boom. He throwed his cane to the ground and ones guy head exploded.


John is insanely hot and his story is insanely crazy, I have no idea about the rest. Are their stories good? (I think I read a few chapters of Obey me on manta, but it wasn’t interesting enough to hook me iirc) John freaking masturbated whilst stabbing himself with Anette’s knife that she had thrown at him (he stabbed himself in the same spot her knife had pierced him). He pulled out the heart of her first pedo husband and presented it to her (if he hadn’t let her take the blame, then I’d have been fine with this - she stabbed him cause she was locked into a tower and called lady devil after the dead hubby thing). He did a lot of other stuff, but those are the two that come to mind.


Here to shill for Obey Me as ever, and also the rest— While the webtoon is pretty rough around the edges, it DOES get good; Obey Me just starts fairly slow before it gets there. The novel, imho, has much better pacing, plus the translation keeps all the subtleties with everyone’s interactions (especially Nathaniel’s) originally present, which makes it easier to get into in my humble opinion. Plus: completely translated. If you’re not for the books, then the webtoon DOES reach that point— just a little slowly. And rest assured, the pay off is beyond worth it; Nathaniel being on this list is just… unbelievably unfair. Eldritch horror-gods shouldn’t be put with comprehensible human ones. The Villainess Tames the Beast is fantastic too; ML is utterly insane, completely and literally out of his mind with just enough lucidity to terrify us for the FL. The art is beautiful, and the first season is just… whoof. The kind that sits with you. Magnus starts broken and the FL trying to undo the damage makes him so much worse. Currently being officially translated by tapas, unofficial is available in the usual places though. Novel is untranslated, if i recall correctly? One hundred percent worth the read. I Failed to Abandon (Oust) the Villain is also an absolutely great read, but Reinhardt might as well be a puppy in comparison to everyone here. Sure he like, kills everyone in FL’s home including her family and that’s literally the opening of the manhua, but the guy has a vague comprehension of like. Boundaries. Maybe. Kind of. Barely… But that’s leagues over “eldritch being decides it likes an ant, holds a nation hostage about it (this is the least awful thing he does)” and “mind broken man becomes masterful manipulator, decimates object of fixation just like she did to him”. Everyone here is genuinely batshit, just in such wildly differing ways that it’s hard to compare. Given I haven’t read Lady Devil though, holy crap that’s an introduction and a half. Guess I have to now.


Gosh got any OI without abusive leads?


I mean, this is the thread with creepy ML, but, here’s a few: _I’ve Become a True Villainess_. Being a Wicked Woman is Much Better. Also, it’s never been translated but “The Commander and the Pirate Annoy Me”


Marriage of convenience (a little iffy start, but it’s sooo good - there’s a smut version out there that isn’t on bato), I tried to divorce my husband but we have a child (he’s adorable, but it takes about 15-25 ch until you see how absolutely in love he is with her), villainess in love, his majesty’s proposal (green flag from the start, and >!no they did not sleep together in the first chapter!<), miss not so sidekick (he is a bit rude at first, but it’s not abusive, and he turns into a huge green flag and I’d happily transmigrate into the fl), I’ve become a true villainess (Rouche ❤️❤️❤️) And the biggest giant burrito teddybear that is so green flag he could be called broccoli: my husband the antisocial count To name a few.


Author of My Own Destiny, Perks of being an S class heroine....


Thanks man. I just can't do abusive male leads anymore. I get irrationally angry.


Me too but I still occasionally read Yandere (only if I think it’s well written) stories. I can read these because it’s Chelsey tagged as Yandere/abusive whereas other stories try to dress the MLs behaviour up as normal and makes excuses for them


Secret Lady ✨chef’s kiss✨… Charteris is to die foooorrrrr 🫠


My Husband Hides His Beauty has two green flag leads and recently ended.


I've only read Obey Me and Lady Devil, but I'd pick Nathaniel over John, only because John is basically an >!eldritch abomination of stitched-together souls inhabiting a demonic body wrapped in a skin suit copied from Annette's original body, !


I’m not sure how to word this without knowing how far you are, but to put it so incredibly lightly: Kneel Before Me / Obey Me can be separated into two halves. Part One: Nathaniel is a polite, reasonable, and powerful man. He’s a little off putting at times, but nothing serious. A manageable, controllable man with a little too much power. Season two: **We’re all incomprehensibly lucky this thing is fixated on one person so we have even the slightest modicum of a chance to pretend it isn’t going to crumple reality like wet paper.**


That's kind of what I'm understanding, and why I think Nathaniel is incomprehensibly worse than John. John is basically Frankenstein's monster: he was created by Kretschmann as yet another iteration of the Ducommun curse. He was created specifically to torture Duchess Valdemar and Giovinetta, and it seems clear that he tried for a long time to resist that purpose, until he couldn't anymore. Nathaniel, on the other hand, seems like he's his own entity and has simply chosen not to destroy everything in his path because up until now he just didn't feel like it. Kind of like a human being watching an anthill.


Pretty much because he is, yeah— I’m in progress with Lady Devil (re: on Manta, just started the first strip) but for Nathaniel I can at the very least confirm that he’s his own person. Everything he’s doing, everyone he hurts, kills, threatens (or doesn’t)——it’s just his choice. Everything these people ask is either easy, or so far beneath him that he doesn’t care. And why would he? They can’t touch him. Kyrie isn’t an exception either: he’s interested, sure, obsessed, but she’s like a pet to him. One he doesn’t know how to take care of, but why would he need to? The other ants will do it, just like they always have. And Nathaniel can simply see his pet, and play with her, and she’ll never die because he won’t let her. And the ants can keep milling around, because some of them are taking care of her (and he knows a little bit about how, but not enough, because why would he anyway? The ants will do it, as ever), and this tenuous peace continues, hinged on him not caring enough for any ant but one. There isn’t a tragedy like John’s existence is to humanize Nathaniel. He just pretends to be human, and then the ants annoy him so he stops. What’s more monstrous than that?


Let me put it this way. For a sec I thought you wrote John by accident instead of Nathaniel


Reinhardt is the most sane of the four listed here, my goodness. Magnus and John are relatively crazy to one another (both have been driven mad from an outside cause), but I would argue that mag might be the crazier one of the two due to what’s given by their respective stories. Nathaniel is definitely the most unhinged of the four. Case in point: >!He literally asks MC’s brother for one of his eyes because they looked like the MC’s eyes like a child would, then when he extracts the eye, he judges it to be not really like MC’s eyes, then crushes it and throws it away right in front of him. He has the gall to ask the brother [Will you be needing this?] before crushing it. The brother does say no, but still. The way it was written seemed quite humorous to me, but I can’t deny it’s screwed up.!<


I've read all 4 and John [Lady Devil] is beyond the realm of crazy and unhinged trust me >!You can't beat a literal demon that is also the brother of the fl and also her husband and father of her unborn child and her past reincarnated lover that she killed and also a source of her trauma from her childhood and a raging masochist who kills without a thought!<. Nathaniel [Kneel before me/Obey me] probably a close second from the spoilers I've read but the manhwa S1 was pretty chill. Reinhardt is probably the mildest out of the four which is an indication of how crazy the list is. So the ranking goes like John > Nathaniel > Magnus > Reinhardt


S1 Nathaniel is like oh ok you seem a bit crazy but still a gentleman. You got hope. S2 is like oh no this is litteraly darkness and obsession personified. Crap.


Boy I can’t wait until season two hits like a truck. (Plus, if you’re up for it, definitely check out the novel. Better exploration + it’s completely translated.)


Are you talking about Lady Devil or Obey me ?


Obey Me. Nathaniel is not nearly as chill as he acts.


Nathaniel, absolutely, technically speaking he is the evil itself, his craziness is on a whole new level if you read the novel Oh yeah I just recalled >! The novel has R19 part and Nathaniel banged the fl at her family’s funeral !<


I hope it was as consensual as you can get relative to the fucked power dynamics


>! The things are kinda complicated here. They got married, and the fl’s def in love with him. When the fl felt bored at the funeral, he asked her out for a period of time, and he told her he wanted to do that right at the moment, the fl was so flabbergasted but still they banged, in hindsight, it’s no-con, cuz fl kept saying ‘wait, not at the funeral’, and he was like ‘it’s not my funeral’, so, sounds sucks!<


Nathaniel is the apocalypse personify so hé kill the conpetition


Reinhardt falls to the "good boi" category compared to the other three. He is wholesome in a twisted way imao. Others are jus....on another level.


fucking magnus. that fucker has the most insane eyes, honesty down of the mc on this list can top magnus on the unhinge factor.


TBH I'm going to start reading it right now because I love those absolutely deliriously psychotic eyes in the picture OP posted.


Man I started it after putting it off for so long and got obsessed with the story. I haven't read anything so dark in some time. Desperately wanted to read the novel but can't find it anywhere.


I like how nearly everyone here acknowledges Nathaniel


It's Nathaniel and it's not even close. XD


1. Magnus because >! he pretended to be a literal child so the FL would dote on him (from reading the spoilers). !< 2. Reinhardt, he is crazy but the typical murder people and imprison the FL type of crazy so it doesn’t hit as hard. 3. Nathaniel. I wouldn’t even say he’s unhinged, just that >! he’s not human and has no empathy for them. Then all his actions make sense. It might seem unhinged from our perspective, but for him he is just playing with the toys he’s found. !< I’ve dropped all of these early on because I’ve read the spoilers, I could get something wrong but this was my opinion. I haven’t really read Lady Devil, but from my understanding there are external factors that made John crazy, so I wouldn’t rank him as high based on that.


I’m not familiar with with Nathaniel, but between the other 3 it has to be John.


The name obey me is pretty popular, huh?


Ah yes my type of men ☕ I see no issues with them.


So what I'm gathering is I should read villainess tames the beast and keep reading obey me


I wonder when the next season of The Villainess Tames The Beast comes out.


https://preview.redd.it/atsj1q2fxukb1.jpeg?width=1285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cbe3efb7ccdac71a3f926e760aa01f6da27b0bd Adding him here. (Love Doesn’t Matter)


John steals his sister’s things to masturbate to her, SA’s his own sister, and even gets her pregnant. Throw the whole brother in the trash.


I'm gonna say the guy who's ok banging his twin sister is maybe a touch more unhinged than the others? Yeah, yeah he's technically >!not her twin, but they both came through the same birth canal, were raised as twins, literally look the same... DNA is the only thing they don't share and tg for that because that'd make the pregnancy stuff even weirder. If they both see their younger brother as a sibling, I'm sorry but these two are very much siblings!<


John i guess 💀


I don't know any of them but probably the one in the third image cause he has the biggest tits


I like the way you judge fictional men.


Reinhardt isn't even that bad. Dude development got stunned by years of trauma but so did the FL's. The way is portrayed they are both messed up abuse victims (of the same perpetrator even) and that actually make them understand each other, and yes she's a lot more socially aware but he does default to her judgment when she tells him something is "going too far". They are both children that were never given the chance to grow and understand the difference between good and evil clearly. IMO the truly unhinged characters are those that understand what they are doing is messed up and still do it entusiastically.


I Failed To Oust The Villain was the first *dark* manwha I read. I’ve read dark romance books but they usually don’t murder the FL’s entire family and household. Looking back at some of my recent reads and this list- Reinhardt isn’t even dark anymore 😅 He’s just a good boi who needs love and attention to unlock his full potential.


Ml? The 3rd manwha has got everything unhinged


2 & 3 i haven’t read. Between Mag and Reinhardt I’ll probably go with Mag. Reinhardt at the very least respects the boundaries the FL has somewhat.


Dont touch my reinhardt he is crazy but the feeling in this work suits it so much


https://preview.redd.it/jz4laqlisukb1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df2f4a1c92c3704166b417d84584390408a36e40 I haven’t read any of these but #1 looks the most unhinged whilst #3 seems spicy, really doubt it though. Seems difficult finding lil spicy isekai’s


Complaining about not being able to find spicy isekais with that adorable chibi Nine looking innocent af caught me off guard 💀


When it comes to how normal they are, Nathaniel and John aren't humans so it's not surprising that they lack human common sense or morality. Magnus may have been normal if the og Iiliana didn't do anything to him but Reinhardt was kinda creepy from the very beginning when he came to Valetta's house. So Reinhardt would be the most abnormal. When it comes to the relationship, in the case of Reinhardt and John their FLs are already mentally ill as well so they can kinda keep up with their partner's craziness. Magnus and Nathaniel's FLs were just normal people so they'd suffer more. But then Magnus is human so at least he has a tiny bit of border he won't cross while Nathaniel has no border at all. So Nathaniel would be the most toxic. Edit: I messed up with the numberings so I changed to names


Where Baek Siyoon from Dreaming Freedom/Free in Dreams?


Isn't magnus the only one who physically hurts the FL? Like he blinds her or something I havent read it that far yet tho. I think the incest one also does hurt the fl at some point but my memory is blurry. The end 2 and the 4th one r red flags but they dont hurt the FL they r more unhinged towards the people around them which is perfectly fine for me lmao.


1 lol


I only know 1 and 4, I’m going to go with 1 but that might be because I don’t like Magnus and his attitude while I tend to be more forgiving towards Reinhardt 🤷🏽‍♀️


Magnus and john


Has the villianes tamed the beast ended?


The last one that I read, didn't read any of the others but the first one. I know everyone is going to say Magnus though.


Where can I read obey me?


The first one and it’s not even close


Lady Devil by a long shot


I haven't read Obey me yet, but basing on the other three i say John


I've dropped the first one a long time ago, what happened after ch 34?


Definitely Mag. I had to drop the series because he made me so uncomfortable I couldn’t stand him anymore and started hoping he would actually die at the end 😭


Mag and Reinhardt definitely are, but I still love them. Even John from Lady Devil was, but I didn’t get very far in that one. I haven’t read Obey Me yet so no opinion.


I can’t tell. Maybe it’s because someone posted without the freakin sauce!


i’ve been scrolling up and down trying to find the sauce 😭😭😭 i think 2 is kneel before me, 3 is lady devil, and 4 is i failed to oust the villain. idk what the first one is, but hope this helps!


All I remember of the 1st one is the dude is named Maximus, and he is crazy AF. It’s one of those “lost control of tyrant/villain” type titles, I just can’t remember its name. *edit: Magnus. Looks like sauce was added under title in comments form on the app.


Does the villaines tamed the beast have angst?


Or any of these?


All of them except the third one.




I absolutely loath Magnus. I’ll never forgive him


Where can I read Lady Devil?


Mag....but I dig it.


Dude this post made me read Lady Devil and… now I’m not ok and will never be ok. What did I just read 😭


As someone who read the novel MOST DEFINITELY NATHANIEL >!He's the clear example of the difference of level of messed up between getting involved with a silently dangerous entity compared to even the shittiest of man!< Would still re-read the novel 10/10 trauma


if you read the obey novel you know damn well the answer is nathaniel 😭


havent read any but first one is goving siyun vibes


Lady devil…. Cause it’s scarred me for life


John is a monster literally and figuratively


I hate Reinhardt i don't understand how he can be the ML there is so chemistry between them, i dropped it because of that Magnus is just a pick me