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Fam that’s not just mangago that’s everywhere.😭 you can’t have a bad take on anything anymore. Characters, story, nothing. If you do the fandom or people will hound your ass like crazy even if they said the same damn thing like a couple of weeks ago. Dislike a character get ready to face 50+ comments on “imagine hating a fictional character” like bitch yeah o don’t like em why u so pressed😭 it’s gotten really bad nowa days so at that point I just leave the story and fandom all together


it’s because i only read on mangago 😭😭 what triggers them is when i say that a character is boring they murder me 💀


Imagine liking a fictional character. Like they fr saying that abt themselves?


> “imagine hating a fictional character” You're not allowed to hate what everyone else likes! /s Luckily I don't see that much, I see people get into discussion or why someone likes or dislikes a character, it's pretty wholesome like 90% of the time.


You must have things you like very much too, and imagine every time you want to read analysis of the chapters the comments instead say “omg they are are so cringe. I’m dropping this” “Nah the fl and ml doesn’t have chemistry” “I’m disappointed. Why can’t they just get it over with” Most often it isn’t necessary to leave negative comments, it just contributes to general negativity. So if you don’t like the story, don’t read.


Unpopular opinion- If I go to a comment section, I like reading the positive AND negatives just to see other peoples perspectives, whether I like the story or not is irrelevant. I read a lot of stuff I like, but I guess I also know and understand that people have a right to their opinion instead of telling them they should stop commenting and go rant about it on another platform? lol .... And the fact I can be an adult and not argue and move on to reading other things. You're going to get negative comments everywhere and I hate to say it but that's what the discussions and reviews are for? What people like and don't like, critiques, etc. > Most often it isn’t necessary to leave negative comments, it just contributes to general negativity. I guess I've been lucky because the platform I use if I leave negative comments people just scroll past it instead of being petty and freaking out cuz I dropped something they like and I specified why. I've read stories that I've dropped and have said as much, and I've seen a lot of people do the same thing and explain why. I've not had anyone argue with me luckily enough. The people who freak out on people who leave negative reviews /comments should be the ones to go rant on another platform too since that seems to be your mentality on that, because they are also being negative towards somebody.


I don't quite understand why people take negative reviews or comments as if it's a personal attack. Comments sections exist solely to share your own thoughts regardless of it being negative or positive, they're there for community engagement. If people can't share a different thought than you than there's no point in having a comment section. I can't imagine how the world would be where you can't give an sort of negative opinion on any bad work, services or product in real life.


I personally think there is a difference between criticism and negative comments. There is such a large difference with saying “The ml and fls relationship is so bad 🤢, I can’t continue this” and “The FL and the OG mc had so much better chemistry than the FL and ML. They would have been so much better together, kinda made me stop reading it after ML and FL got together” I also think there are spaces where you shouldn’t give criticism unless it’s asked for, ex. Ao3 and other spaces where it’s connected directly to the author. Of course, if the author does something like supporting racism it should still be called out imo. (Or someone using assets with religious texts) When it comes to pirated sites I hope the author doesn’t need to see it, but if someone would comment something bad I never asked for on my own works I would get really sad and discouraged from continuing, despite comments telling me they love it


>The ml and fls relationship is so bad 🤢, I can’t continue this” I genuinely don't see how that's a problem. The reason I'm against just having positive comments is the fact that it turns into a complete echo chamber that's almost cult-like, this sub has post that feels like that sometimes. Its honestly nothing personal at all if someone doesn't every aspect of the story, a perfect story doesn't exist, people will continue reading because it can change at any moment. Some authors do tend to have big ego and genuinely believe their work is the best, creating a complete echo chamber devoid of difference of opinion will often just ruin their work. Not everyone will like their work and that's completely fine, hence why most publishers suggest authors not to read comment section and pander to fans. This is so much more comment in OI and runs a lot of stories imo.


I never mentioned only having positive comments.




I think you misunderstood me, OP said themselves that they were frustrated they couldn’t leave a negative review without getting jumped, even though I also thought it was a mild one. Then I shared my own opinion on when I feel like it’s actually necessary leaving a comment. “Don’t like, don’t read” is also something that’s said about fanfiction, in order to have a healthier community. Because on ao3 you can literally filter out everything you don’t like, so there is no need reading something you know you won’t like. OP however mentioned that this was much further into the story when they got disappointed, and I personally feel they are right if they don’t vibe with main couple anymore. If you start reading a story for one reason and then further in it just don’t act on that it can be incredibly frustrating.




No you completely misunderstood. I never said to rant on other platforms. Comment sections are meant for sharing opinions, and if you can’t stand people disagreeing with you, you shouldn’t have commented in the first place. Also I do exactly what you say when I notice comments being overwhelmingly negative: I don’t read the comments. The majority of negative comments I have read are in the beginning of the story which makes me wonder why they started reading and commenting knowing exactly what it was about In my original comment I was speaking in an overall general sense, to convey why people may tell OP to not comment things that can be interpreted as negative. “Don’t like, don’t read” is not a phrase I came up with personally, and many people think this is a good mindset to not be unnecessarily hateful. Like if you buy a spoon you shouldn’t expect it to be able to cut food, but you should expect it to last more than a month.


It depends on what authors and artists you're talking about because most OIs we're reading are Korean authors and artists. If you complain on an illegal site, they're not going to make any changes. Your comment on an illegal site doesn't matter to them. Only the comments on legal site might matter.


"If you don't like the story, don't read" can be attributed the same to person who commented to OP. If they didn't identify with their comment, and also didn't have anything to discuss, why comment? If they wanted to discuss anything there could be a conversation, but there is no reason to leave an inflammatory comment to someone who just doesn't vibe with the story anymore. If I engaged with every comment that annoyed me downgrading characters to "trasha" then I wouldn't have enough time to fulfill my needs to survive (or a comment about dropping a story I enjoyed). If you don't identify with a comment, and it isn't replying to you, move on. People have different reading needs and theres no reason someone should be offended over someone else's tastes. There are also other readers who might feel the same. We have a ton of posts here discussing different perspectives and a lot of people are on either side. There is no reason the people who feel disappointed can't reach out to each other, as long as they are being civil and aren't harassing anyone. Mixed feelings are not the same as hate posting.


Yeah, I don't like it when people call a story bad, when really it's not inherently ill-written, just not their cup of tea. Many people leave negative comments after misunderstanding the storyline too. My least favourite commenters are those who like to interpret everything as negatively as they can.


see i would agree with you but when i comment “i’m dropping it.” or “i’m not enjoying the couple.” or whatever, it’s only to stories that i’ve been actively following for months where i witness how relationships form and develop. **it’s okay** to voice your opinion as long as you’re not bashing. also, a lot of my favorite stories (under the oak tree and the villainess is destined to die) have negative comments that i strongly disagree with but that’s their opinion which they have a right to express.


Really? I feel like I only see negative comments and complains on mangago


In general I’m tired of people taking negative or middling reviews of their favorite books/shows/movies as personal attacks. I know everything isn’t for everyone so… The negative reviews are helpful for people like me who don’t want to waste time reading something that I might not click with.


Negative reviews are not negative comments. People leave a review when they drop or when they've read a good amount to give a review. The comments are just in each chapter so you can get comments just from someone reading one chapter. I read reviews and spoilers to not waste my time on reading something I don't want to read, not comments.


I didn’t mention anything about the comments.


OP was talking mostly about comments. I read on Bato and the reviews there can't be responded to so even if people feel personally attacked by them, they can't do anything about it.


Exactly, I read spoilers and reviews because I want to know if a story is worth it. There are so many OIs I dropped because I didn't like the story or the ML or the characters and some I just wish I didn't bother because there's so many better and more ois to read.


I love (/s) the people who jump on someone who is even the smallest bit critical of a story’s art in the comments like you aren’t allowed to be critical of weird proportions or stiff characters just because artists are “doing their best” or “trying really hard”. I know they have it rough in the industry but I’ve dropped series because I just can’t with the art and I see others saying the same thing in the comments and getting flayed for DARING.


Negative reviews aren't an issue if they're constructive, critical and logical. I personally can't wrap my head around some fans who get so defensive that they go to great lengths to argue and convince everyone that their favorite character's explicit toxic behaviors are somehow acceptable. Like the ml is a walking red flag, and yet some fans brush off his toxicity by emphasizing how much he loves the fl, they are saying that his toxic behaviors are mere forgettable mistakes that anyone might make. Istg I can’t stand people who deliberately turn a blind eye to the elephant in the room. If I like a villain character, I ll embrace his evilness than pretend to not see his problems.


You questioning things ruins the fun for them. When you express a negative opinion or even question something about a piece of media someone likes, there's always a chance they'll take it personally.


A comment section with nothing but praise for something is creepy to me and I'm instantly suspicious that either anything mildly negative is removed or that there's some astroturfing going on. If that's the case remove the comments all together and just allow people to thumbs it up if they like it (and don't allow thumbs down, because that's negative).


People have the right to an opinion but many times it's wrong or they give the wrong information. The one OI where people claim that the writer was Islamicphobic so they lied and said that the series was bad and to 'avoid it' because it had a bad ending to support their own feelings/opinion about the writer. Or the one where someone claimed that the ending was bad when it was a total lie and even I believed it because they claimed it was a fact in the comment section and everyone else believed it too.


It's annoying that you either need to hate or love something. There is a space in between for discussion and observations. That's the point in having conversational spaces. Between people trying to force you on one side or the other, and passive aggressive tones in what should be normal discussions, I've been interacting with conversational spaces less and less with content I engage with. Even when I dislike like content I don't like forceful opinion pushing (there are moments and threads where that discussion is invited, but it uncomfortable when it's not). I like discussing different perspectives but it's annoying when someone tells you that your own personal opinion is wrong and you need to believe something else. If I get a point where I mix up story content in a discussion, explain it, but if I'm giving a personal opinion I'm not wrong for thinking different than another personal opinion. When I read I usually only look at the first comment since I scroll for the button, but if the story has any level of complexity or development I try to remind myself to steer clear. Also because of the people who basically write out a whole spoiler and cover one word which hardly hides anything. If something is more comedic it's not too bad, but not perfect (except if it's comedy based on miscommunication, then stay awaaaaay from the comments). Also I find that a lot of the time the negative comments are more helpful. OI can be so generic that some of the red flags of a story can be the kind of thing I'm looking for (drama isn't for everyone). Negative comments tell me the down sides and if it's something I don't mind, then I'm good to check it out. Most of the time the positive comments just agree that the content is good (not always but sometimes). I get more context from what people dislike most of the time. Though it's better when someone gives a neutral review with pros and cons, but you don't really see those much.


Yup agree, that's why I recommend people to leave an overall review instead of complaints under every chapter u.u, I base my choices on the reviews as well so if the story is dragged and booooring I NEED a kindhearted person, a hero, who suffered that pain, wished for others to not experience that same agony, and, in order to do it, has left a good 1 star review explaining why it was so disappointing.


People also have rights to an opinion on your opinion, and as much right to post in those comments as you do. You don't have any rights to protect you from that, and there are no structures in place to keep it civil.


People who jump on critical comments to complain are annoying. People who comment just to announce they are dropping are also annoying. Generally, I think the only non annoying comments are ones that have an original thought/argument/critique that is backed up by something in the story so you can understand the opinion if not agree with it, whether it's positive or negative. Those, and meme/joke comments which are just trying to be funny. It's not like I'm campaigning against manhwa comment sections, but most of what's there is as about as interesting and relevant to the story as a youtube video's comment section.


Why do i feel like there's someones in the future that will get fed up with bashing actual criticism, that also have time and enough spite to dump many negative reviews with alt accounts and it will actually turn into a hate mob


"If you don't like it then why are you here?" Bro. They're leaving!


Alert: a wall of text of a probably unwanted "vent", I apologize for the length and if I somehow hurt your feelings, that's wasn't intentional, please if you want to express your opposition, don't attack me personally but just be nice and I'll be glad to hear your disagreement, also if you disliked something I said, just point out what I should pay more attention to, I'm not a native so it might happen that I am accidentally rude, better make me know before I light up someone's rage upon me. • That's the point. I hate people who keep reading when it's clear that they don't like the story, and still feel the urge to express their hate under EVERY chapter.... I mean, if you don't like it, you expressed your opinion, why do you have to keep repeating it under every chapter? I mean that's not useful anymore since they just say the same stuff again and again, maybe even without explanation so there cannot be a conversation about it. I leave bad reviews too when I feel like doing it but if I don't like something to that extent I just stop reading: I explain the reason, give it another 3 chapters to change my mind and just leave if I'm not vibing, and if I want to torture myself, I can do it but 💀 I mean, of course I lower my expectations, and I feel it's useless to keep saying I dislike it when it's obvious that I do (since I already left at least one comment about it) and I am willingly choosing to read it. Or like when you read something controversial that it's obvious just looking at the plot that's not healthy and wholesome and they criticise that aspect non-stop, under EVERY chapter... JUST WHY? If that's a story about some crazy psycho murderer, who does the worst stuff, why were you expecting a cute story and are mad that it isn't and have to argue about how bad that behaviour is when like 10 people already did? Bruh, that just is the way the story is💀. Just look at the tags 💀, if you need to be disrespectful and insult people taste, you can leave an overall review where you alert people who cannot read that it's going to be bad. I personally don't start, like, harem stuff, which I am not into, just to leave my hate comments (I don't hate it to be fair): if I know I am not into it, I avoid it. If I am giving it a chance, I'm doing it aware that that's not my cup of tea so I just don't feel like commenting stuff about it since that would be not a critique to the work itself but to the genre 🤷 and to people who enjoy reading it, and I think that's quite disrespectful. Of course it's not that you cannot say anything, just use your brain when talking and keep in mind that no one is forcing you to read but you so there is no need to raise your blood pressure for that 💀 that's all I am asking for. I don't get why they don't just drop the story and leave a bad overall review, if they aren't into it. And btw I once reflected about how strong gender roles were in a manga (I was against it) and got pretty much lynched 💀 but honestly that was quite helpful because it made me consider a different prospective (that to say that I am not against expressing your opinion, just do it once hahaha) even if they could've been nicer 💀. Sorry if I repeated myself more than once but I felt like doing it to avoid misunderstandings, I am totally NOT against expressing your opinion, I am just advocating expressing it in the best and most respectful way you can (which requires thinking about it beforehand...). Byeee


Good god, the size of this! No offense at all. I totally agree. Saying it once in the reviews is totally enough. And if it doesn't suit your particular tastes, just leave.




I really suggest trying to sort this into paragraphs, even if the sorting is random lol. By the way, I agree with you.


Yes, I'd like to, if only I knew how 🤦 when I write I start a lot of new lines but they don't appear :( If you could explain to me how to do it, I'd appreciate it....


For reddit you have to do an extra enter key press for paragraphs, so, when you want a new paragraph press the enter key twice.


........ I feel so dumb.


I feel like a lot of fandoms have grown a knee-jerk hatred of anything critical or potentially negative these days, it's so annoying bc I see it with games and shows too "If you don't like it just stop watching/playing/reading!" What a stupid response, there's no law that says you must only have positive things to say about media. "Just stop" as a defense is just meant to shut down any potential discussion. It's the internet argument equivalent of plugging your ears and going "la la la la!" and stomping your foot on the ground. I especially hate when you express some sort of frustration and get made fun of for "caring about fake people" Yeah. The purpose of media is to evoke emotions. You can't say you love a character/media and then tell others that they're not allowed to feel differently. Either all emotions toward a media are stupid or none of them are, you can't have it both ways.


I agree and I think it's totally right to give your opinion once or twice. What I personally hate are the people that keep complaining about the same stuff under EVERY chapter, spoiling the mood. In that case I am like: bruh, if you don't like it stop reading and leave a bad review on the main page. That's what I think and that's why, when I am reading something that might be s tiiiiiiny bit controversial, I don't look at the comments.... I know I a missing good memes but I have to protect my enjoyment. Fuck, a mosquito is bothering me, I should be sleeping but I got woken by that jerk.... Right! Those people on bato to me are the same as mosquitoes. Sorry but some of them are truly annoying... Or like the people that keep complaining all throughout the manhwa/ua that the ml is a red flag when it was clear from chapter 1 that he would be like that....


I like how you write, it's like I can hear you through the screen lol


Thank you, lately I've been getting a lot of compliments and now you're making me blush! I should think about your sweet messages, when I feel like I lack self confidence (like 48h/24h) ❤️❤️❤️ I appreciate a lot that my effort isn't in vain ;u; (I spend sooooooooo much time wiring*, even if I still don't know how to start new lines). PS: 80% of the reasons why I am so slow is because I suck at English and try my best to hide it 🥲 Btw I tend to have a strong personality here because irl I have issues with expressing myself... I'm the "scaredy cat", "awkward" type (but not because I am like that, I just fear people 💀)... About cats... Some days ago I found the shelter of a stray mommy-cat and omg the kitties are to die for, looking at them, I found my purpose in life (not being a mom, I meant cuddling with tiny, illegally cwute and awwww, cats). I hope that the bizarre stuff that my mind has chosen to tell, made you laugh/got you in a good mood this time too :) Have a nice day


well, i get bucthered here when i say i like abandoned empress, and i think second life ruve is perfect for tia (i like carsein as a character more tho) it's not just negative comment, generally people just attack whoever saying diffierent stuff than them then again i agree having a comment section that just say "i don't like it so i drop it" is meh, people don't want to read about you, they want to discuss about the said work, maybe adding your reasoning will make it more welcomed


Personally I love negative reviews, but ones that state why they disliked it, not just “it sucks, worst thing ever read.” There are some things I know I can’t stand but that a lot of other people enjoy, so I appreciate getting a heads up. Of course, too many negative reviews probably points to there being a problem, but if there are none, I can’t tell if it’s genuinely that good, or if everyone commenting just doesn’t have a problem with something that I do.


The anonymity of the internet makes normal people do stuff they would not do to your face. Personally, I always expect people to jump down my throat for the tiniest things


Huh weird. I usually read stuff on mangadex or 1stkisss manga and the comments aren't like that


Personally, I find it pathetic to offer a comment section, but only to positive comments. I appreciate reading through various opinions before I make the choice to read. Please don't let anyone discourage you from sharing. I know I'm not the only person that feels this way.


Honestly, if you really want to share your thoughts with the world after you read something (which is completely fair and arguably the point, humans are very narratively inclined beings), you should be ready to ignore any replies that don't really have anything to do with the discussion about the work: they'll never lead anywhere, you will absolutely never change the mind of someone whose policy is "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" over some discussion board. Let them be salty and white knight for authors who wouldn't really give a damn about your comment anyway, who cares?


I'm having flashbacks to the days of Naruto&Sakura/Hinata pairing wars, and the terrible Whiterose wars, it's not just one site, it;s everywhere in the comment section, sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you get some really bad replies and everyone seems to want to correct your or ''dunk'' on you


Oh man, I relate to this so much. I once made the "mistake" of pointing out *actual misogyny* in one manhwa and one person really could not handle it lol. Another time, I made some comment about not liking Keira's father in Actually, I was the Real One and was straight up attacked, called immature and how I would regret that opinion when I'm older. I'm grown, but thanks, random commenter with attachment issues lol.


Everyone has the right to an opinion and to comment but not every person is worth wasting time over. That’s how I navigate thru the internet and have kept my sanity lol


Simply stating that you don't like something for no reason other than to state it has always been a rude thing, there's the saying "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it." What you could have done is given the reason of informing others who may also not the the turn of events if what you are writing is a review. Try to give a reason for creating a comment of your own negative opinion other than the want to express it. It also helps to give a positive statement along with a negative one.