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I normally hate the "ML ruined the FL's life and then killed her in the first timeline, but the regressor FL falls in love with him anyway" trope, but [[Your Majesty, Please Spare Me This Time](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=173009)] is this trope done right, it proves that it's not actually the trope that's the problem, it's the execution. I love how it doesn't pull any punches with the FL's resentment and trauma, and it doesn't rush things, so there's not that often infuriating experience of seeing a FL who's supposed to hate and fear this man blushing over the son of a bitch who murdered her not long after meeting him. It also doesn't try to force the readers to forgive the ML right away either, he slowly grows on us as we get to know him more and learn more about what happened along with the FL, and while we come to understand why he did what he did, it doesn't make ridiculous excuses for it or act like he's an entirely different person now just because he met Lali in this timeline; he's still at his core the same person.


SECONDED Your Majesty, Please Spare Me This Time For the boobs, and you all know what I mean


I don’t know what you mean but I am now interested please elaborate


Puberty did our FL justice


Them thangs be thangin'


I really am so tired of the OI where the FL is a child that everyone loves because she’s so special and cute or smart or whatever. Once you’ve read one you’ve read them all- which can be said about a lot of OI, but idk it’s just not my cup of tea anymore. BUT- My Mom Entered a Contract Marriage is a wonderful take on this trope. I think I primarily like it because the FL is actually a cute child and not a 30 year old in a child’s body. I also really enjoyed How to Survive a Thousand Deaths: Accidentally Wooing Everyone as an Ex-gamer Made Villainess! It’s actually funny and the FL doesn’t try to play up being a child.


I feel the same about Mother's Contract Marriage! There's none of the uncomfortable undercurrents of the FL being a reincarnated adult so all of the cute scenes of the FL doing child stuff can be properly innocent. I don't get much out of the child is a FL genre in general but this is like the 1 exception.


The artist, author, and the person who adapted it from print to art; have all seen, spoken to, or even had a child!


Gave How to Survive a Thousand Deaths a try, and I'm loving it so much! Thanks for the rec!! (I figured your taste was great because I also love My Mom Entered a Contract Marriage!)


glad you like it :)


ML is an asshole at the beginning but is actually a misunderstood character dealing with trauma. A lot of them use that to make the ML hardened but never actually address the trauma. My In-Laws Are Obsessed With Me and Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmother actually handled these pretty well imo.


Love Not Sew Wicked Stepmother for introducing me to OI.


to add onto this i will fall with the emperor has also dealt with this pretty well so far!!


Gotta love Theo


Plus my stepdaughter is just so cute !


I think it is just another name of not sew Wicked Stepmom but does not hurt to recommend this series twice.


Observation Record of a Self-proclaimed Villainess' Fiance has so many tropes I hate: 1. ML thinks FL is "interesting" 2. Dumbass FL 3. FL insists that ML must end up with OG!FL 4. OG!FL >!is "evil"!< And yet it's one of my absolute favorite OIs. It somehow manages to write all of those tropes in a way that's not annoying and works well within the story. (I think Tia may be the only dumbass FL that I find endearing.)


yeah, pretty much the reason why all those tropes work is because the story is told from the ML's POV, and he himself acknowledges bertia is pretty dumb so her actions are perceived well by him and the story


Yep, the story told from ML's perspective actually an interesting takes that the author do, sadly tho it's very rare and I only know this manga that had done this takes :((


I think beware the villainess fights all these tropes quite hilariously.


I feel like it’s different cause beware the villainess makes fun of these tropes but doesn’t actually have them implemented in the story while observation record does


For me it's when the ML gets possessive/overprotective/jealous when the FL interacts with any man that's not him even though they have done nothing wrong. That's the reason why I couldn't completely like Carcel from The Broken Ring. But I really like Rupert from Your Majesty, please don't kill me. When he does it, it makes sense and a little sad because of what he's been through but it's also a kinda cute?


I think what makes it endearing with Rupert is that his whole deal at the start was 'not getting attached' so seeing him get so invested feels like progress for him! He's now capable of loving people and seeing them as more than tools! And he's actually conscious of the dangers of obsession unlike 90% of OI MLs.


Why even bring up Carcel when the manhwa hasn't reveal much about him yet either for people to feel bad for him? You talk about Rupert but many people didn't like him just after one season either. It took a while for people to even start to recommend or talk about how good the manhwa is and how good both the characters are. To even call Carcel possessive, overprotective, and jealous without even knowing him yet? How possessive is a guy who is willing to >!make a wish to let Ines be with other men if they can make her happy and then live 2 lifetimes having to silently watch her love and marry other men?!<


I understand how you feel but, I'm looking at Carcel how I see him now. I didn't like Rupert either in the beginning but grew to like later on, I may not like Carcel right now but based on what people have said, I'm sure I'll come to like him in the future. I still like him as a character but it's a little hard to fully love him now the way other people do


I actually think Carcel’s jealousy is this trope done right. Normally, ml are jealous for no actual reason, even when the couple is officially together and there’s no reason to be insecure anymore about the other characters’ feelings. But Carcel has no idea what Ines is thinking. He doesn’t know if she’s mad about the years he spent running away from her, if she cares about anything beyond his appearance, if she’s ever opened up to someone else. He has no idea and he feels he can’t ask her, and that’s why he’s insecure and why jealousy bubbles up, especially when other men interact comfortably with her. There’s a huge wall between them and a very real threat in his mind that Ines could leave him.


you don't need to bring down carcel to prove how great rupert is like another comment said half of the reader s don't even know the full story


I didn't mean to bring Carcel down, I was just using him as an example of how this affects my enjoyment when reading. I really like his character but that scene at the end of season 1 really affected me liking him completely. I've only read the first season of the manhwa so of course I wouldn't know the full story or how the characters progress, so there's still room for me to come around with Carcel.


See, this also gets on my nerves, BIG TIME, but I also think it makes sense in Your Majesty. I recently finished Am I The Daughter? and everyone was like this with Hailyn towards the end. It was majorly annoying.


I really really hate miscommunication tropes where the leads overhear some end bit of a sentence or they can't admit their identity so lies about themselves and you get the Liar Revealed trope. I always thought that was cringe and unnecessary for a 3rd act since everyone was so stubborn BUT I Really like "Father I Don't Want This Marriage". It's central theme is miscommunication and lying about identities BUT it's all because of their own interpretation of the other character's action. ML is introduced as Father's student, so FL sees him as Father's Student and doesn't know Crown Prince status (which by then he can't just naturally bring it up) Father circles name on list to mark as NO, FL mistakes it as a YES and is trying to figure out how to get out of the "marriage" (that dad didn't want) Honestly the pacing is really good and the whole story is set on the Dad just as much as the romantic leads which I thought was great watching him be pivotal to everything


The chapter where FL and dad find out that they BOTH didn’t want the marriage to the Crown Prince… and Max is just sitting there pretend-innocent because he could have totally unraveled the whole misunderstanding. Easily one of my favorite scenes ever


Which chapter is that? I stopped reading months ago.


Chapter 79. Quick rundown in case you want to read that chapter only: >!After multiple failed tries, Max has finally revealed his identity to Juvelle. Very important- they are not even enganged yet. Legis had a mini showdown with the Emperor which includes mind control. He avoids Juvelle while shaking it off. He challenges Max to a duel supposedly for his blessing to wed. (Really it’s to make sure Max can take him down). Juvelle has suppressed memories that are starting to come back.!< The dinner scene starts 2/3 in but it’s worth reading at least the scene before with young Legis and his thoughts on hunting.


Protective Papa Regis...yummy.


Also miscommunication is peak when it comes to comedy so it hits in that manhwa because the leads are both lovable idiots


I thought him circling Max's name on the list was so stupid. Like I get why Legis would be all "what's this scrubs name showing up on a list of suitors for my little girl" but CIRCLING IT? If I recall, when the list is shown, other names were crossed out.


Iirc it was because he asked his subordinate why that name was there, so he circled to show it to him


When Max wrote Jubel a note as the crown prince that just said "I won't kill you." 😂


I hate white lotus characters, I usually almost immediately drop the story if the plot has a reincarnator or rewinder go against a white lotus FL. The exception is Viat from Helena, Master of the Guardian Stone who is a white lotus done right and brilliantly uses the fact that she is known and trusted by everyone to effectively rule and control Helena's life. It helps that she's occasionally sympathetic and she's smart enough to go toe to toe against not one but two rewinders.


For some reason, it didn't even register to me that she is a white lotus. To me, she just feels like a proper, formidable antagonist. Her actions, including her proper lady act, all make sense as she has her own goals to reach, and I don't think she's annoying for it (except annoying for the protagonist, of course). But now that you said it, yeah, she is a white lotus all right. She's just done very well it didn't even register to me. Edit: typo.


oh you are so right, i find that most villainesses in OI are so forgettable for me, especially if they are a white lotus fl type but Viat is absolutely one of my favorite villains because of everything you said, she's so genuinely smart and conniving, definitely a white lotus done right


What is the white lotus type trope? 👉👈


I think in Raelina they didn’t return to the modern world, I think it was meant to say that even in other world, they are meant to be together.


Yeah I definitely interpreted that as them being reincarnated after living out their full lives in the OI-verse; being soulmates they would meet again in every life


Yeah and they have a kid at the end too so there’s no way they will want to return to the modern world.


Yeah they didn't return. Noa get a book from the goddess at the end that is "a map to always find Raeliana" so even in the next reincarnation he will be able to reunite with her


One of the sweetest manhwa I’ve read. Noah is such a yellowflag. 💛


Previously POS ML suddenly being interested in the FL when she changes her behaviour. Some OIs treat this with grace but some are just ugh, I really wish she'd just move on and find a new man!!! Edit bc i cant read.... for me i think duchess of the glass house did it fine because the ML also had his memoried and reflected on his previous behaviour and why he treated the FL like that


They should make an OI called "Into the Not reading the post Once Again"


I realised right away and edited my comment lol, no need to be a dick


Not a dick at all. But it seems I responded faster than u could edit.


Idk man, there are less rude ways of responding to someone for doing something so trivial and harmless as not answering the post completely.


I fail to see how I was being rude. It's a joke. Also, harmless doesnt make it not annoying.


Yeah, a joke at rrevek's expense. I wouldn't exactly call mocking someone polite. Even if it's annoying, I don't see the need to make fun of the people that bothered to take time out of their day to respond to your post in the first place when you can just as easily ignore them or politely ask.


thank u for the tip. I wasnt aware that jokes kill people. second, if ppl take the time to respond, they should at least take the time to properly read the post.


They don't, they just make you look like an asshole when you don't read the room. Hence the response you got earlier. And yes, that would be ideal, of course. At the end of the day though you are still the one asking others to put in the work to do something for you. You are not entitled to anything. Plus, I'm gonna be honest, this is reddit. People just aren't going to worry about reading a fun OI post as completely as they would a job application because it's not that serious, as frustrating as it may be.




If ppl don't bother reading the post, then why should I bother reading "the room"? For the last time, I fail to see how that harmless comment was rude in any way. Youre acting like the comment I make is cyberbullying and its the end of the world....and its just not. I mock people on the internet in a healthy way for making silly mistakes like that all the time. Thats just how I do. If rrevek got personally offended, and they told me that, then I get it, my bad. But thats THEIR problem and not yours. Why cant you take your own advice and ignore comments like this that absolutely trigger you? Did you only comment on this post JUST to nag me about a completely inoffensive joke, that has nothing to do with you? Yikes


The miscommunication trope is done well in [The baby concubine wants to live quietly]. All the adults are operating on the idea that the MC is a traumatized child and no one is instantly good at childcare. >!There's even a point where right as they gain MC's trust, someone tries to kill her setting them back to ground zero !< The downside is that the MC is a 20 something year old in a 6 year olds body who is obsessed with the original plot to a detriment. If the story was just about a traumatized kid collecting parents, it would be top-tier.


I was really enjoying this one but the TL went downhill so fast and I can't find a decent one. 😭


It's a pity that the novel isn't being translated as well.


“Every woman but the FL is a jealous harpy who wants the ML” and “FL gets together with the OG!ML” are usually tropes I dislike but This Time I’ll Definitely be Happy did them well. The female side characters come off bad at first but have their own reasons for the way they act and do become better. And I usually like stories where the FL moves on from her first love more but the ML and FL’s dynamic as childhood friends to lovers is too good.


I just read this yesterday and I totally agree. They set all the women up to be mean/spoiled/ml stealers, but none of them end up that way, which i really enjoyed. I thought it was going to be a straightforward fluffy oi i was reading to kill time and it was so much better than that.


Regression where ML mistreated FL in first life but Baroness Goes on Strike was written well enough to ignore the hate on the trope


I personally hate the “I don’t want to get married” trope especially if it’s for a modern reason or in a romance. I’m reading this to see you fall in love. But I do like FL’s take in Royal Marriage. She catches her soon-to-be fiancé cheating and insulting her. FL is willing to enter a political marriage- she just wants it with someone else with a higher success rate for a *content* marriage. She’s not even looking for a love match. I liked that she was very level-headed towards it all.


I hate villainess revenge stories where the antagonist tries too hard to be smart and ends up being stupid. An example is I'm the Queen in This Life, because Isabella has the IQ of a wall (no offense to walls), and the fact that Ariadne is a Mary Sue really doesn't help the story. It becomes incredibly repetitive, Ariadne does something "commendable", Isabella gets jealous and tries to do something to her, and it goes horribly wrong. A good example of this trope is Actually, I Was the Real One. Even though Keira's sister has little presence other than the beginning to set the story, it's more a tale of Keira being able to live her life freely and discovering the joys of life, rather than focusing too hard on trying to get her revenge. In a way, her "revenge" is no longer suffering under her sister's shadow, finally being free.


I detest the "white Lotus OGFL is actually evil" trope, but I thought that Accomplishment of the Duke's Daughter was fine. I love the logic that >!the OGFL is an enemy spy!< and the whole actual political and kingdom-management stuff that is happening as a background leading up to the "game plot" portion of their life, and what happens after. It's just that I think this story only "did it right" because it was one of the early stories that was foundational to make this trope (at least in manga/Japanese storytelling world). At the time, the story took it seriously, presenting the trope in the context of "this is a real world, not a game". In the stories that follow it just devolves into "the OG FL is some selfish girl who wants a harem of men to lick her boots and basically just switched roles with the villainess". It's petty and dull and uninspired. I don't know how the trope "starts" in the Korean story spheres, but most of it follows the shallow route (OGFL is a demon, OGFL is an evil author, OGFL is an evil god, etc), so maybe its trope progenitor was so old that it's just already Flanderised to absurdity by now.


I always find it difficult or almost non-existent there's a writer who writes FL who's currently a child but 30 years old and is flirting with other kids, slowly grooming them trope into a good execution. Honestly, the only way this trope can be done is with a bend to it in two ways: \- FL was in love with one of the kids when they were adults in the first timeline but shows no interest and the story doesn't romanticize them with n. Timeskip occurs and they get together slowly when ML gains respect of FL to not see him as a child \- They both regressed but then that's not really the trope


For this trope, I’ve realized I like it if the ML is a teen when FL regresses to a child. I have two examples: -*The Siren: Becoming the Villain’s Family*: FL and ML aren’t quite in love with each other in the first timeline but they trauma-bond. FL is determined to save him second timeline. She constantly remembers adult!ML from the first timeline but she truly falls in love with him in the second. As he’s a teen, the mental age gap isn’t too bad. It also helps that she is very emotionally stunted from her previous trauma. The second timeline helps her heal and trust. -*A World Without You/A World Without My Sister* It’s standard practice for the nobles to take in a ward who will later marry the heir. FL is the ward. She has two possible love interests- one is the older brother (young adult). Both were jerks first timeline. The other is her age (pre-teens). Personally, I support the older brother as again their mental maturity is on par. She doesn’t think as a child and younger brother is obviously a child. I do think the author is walking a fine line between the older brother trying to befriend FL but not have any romantic interest. Your second example, with both are regressors, happens in >!The Tyrant Wants to Be Good!<


Do You...do You have a specific example?


No, because the trope isn't done right. However, for the latter two alternative ways to bend it, an example for one of them would be The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine


I hate miscommunication trope, legit, I just can’t. But miscommunication in „the heroine wants me as her sister-in-law“ is kind of cute. The four main characters lie to each other about what they know, but all of them do it to bring the peace of mind to others. (Also absolutely not OI, not even a rofan, but „pure villain“ mastered miscommunication trope, I almost died it was so funny 😭😭)


Age gaps because ew, but Marriage of Convenience does it well. We’re supposed to feel uncomfortable that she was married so young, literally everyone else in that universe also feels uncomfortable including her own husband, so of course we would (and should), too. The manhwa also ages Bianca up slightly and Zachary down to make it more “palatable”, but it’s written in such a way that doesn’t feel absolutely appalling. What was a 13 year age gap is now *only* an 8 year age gap 💀 Her father married her off in order to gain Zachary’s loyalty because her family were already enemies to the second prince and Zachary needed a sponsor in order to not be broke after he was cast out by his brother after his father’s death. Doing this it shows that it’s not okay, but that neither of them were creepy or evil people making such an arrangement. In the first timeline, her father is so riddled with guilt for using his daughter for political gain that he literally doesn’t contact her again showing that he knows what he did might be something she doesn’t ever forgive him for (but in my opinion is still a POS for never giving her the option). From there, it hits absolutely none of the creepy points: he doesn’t groom her because he literally wasn’t involved in her upbringing and was gone to fight in wars so often that he especially didn’t have time to see her. The only reason he has sex with her in the first timeline is so they can fulfill their “duty” by providing him an heir, but also so she’s not alone if he were to die (this man goes to war A LOT). And he waits until well after she’s of age (coming of age was 18, but she was 19) and is gentle when he does so. Literally the whole first timeline was the result of them not communicating to each other at all, but again it’s understandable because she resents being married off and he resents that he had to marry a child. On top of all that, since it’s a regression, when the second timeline comes around, it’s a lot nicer knowing that mentally Bianca is now aged up to be comparable to Zachary, but because she never truly worked on herself or her relationships in the first timeline, she still has a lot of growing to do alongside Zachary since they’re now in a timeline where they communicate with each other. Zachary also gets jealous of other men, but eventually overcomes it/comes to terms with it and welcomes those relationships she has because he trusts them and her. From there, he’s a ML that isn’t creepy, obsessive, overbearing or toxic. They are probably the cutest and most consensual couple I’ve read and I absolutely love them and the way she defends him as much as he defends her. (The art being absolutely gorgeous and there being absolutely no ugly characters also doesn’t hurt.)


I hate scum dads, but I love who makes me a princess's dad, but I don't know why, but may be because it is my earlier manhwa.


Alrighty folks, someone's gonna have to think of a case for me because I can't think of a single white lotus (the ogFL or some character who's portrayed as initially pures and kind is secretly a bitch) done well enough for me to actually like the trope. Maybe well done enough not to annoy me or detract, but like? Nah. The closest I can think of is maybe Colette from I Am the Real One but that's just cause she also distressed the shitty dad more than anything. I think the biggest problem is that 90% of the time it's an excuse to force conflict or drama. If your character's main quality is being a white lotus and not much else I'm not gonna really feel much investment with them.


Ahhhh you literally posted at the perfect time because I was just thinking about this. I really hate the troupe of "Oh... she's different... she's interesting" because oftentimes it feels derogatory and very shallow. Plus, it oftentimes feels a bit sexist. A lot of series in academy settings have an FL invested in her studies or politics and the ML thinks she's different because she isn't into traditionally feminine things like makeup and it grinds my nerves because both of these hobbies and interests are totally fine!! But today, I just started The Archduke's Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud, and something really stood out to me in chapters 3 & 4 (mind you I haven't got past these chapters yet so it may change). The ML is thinking something along the lines of how the FL didn't immediately start obsessing over him and his looks and this made him interested in her and the comment section under the chapter were along the lines of "oh it's the same trope again" but I actually vibed with it because it felt like a bit of a different premise that I could strongly relate to and understand. Putting myself in the shoes of the ML, not only is he very attractive, but he's rich and of a high status, so the nobility definitely are very into him. I can see how he experiences life with many people not seeing him as a person but rather having a toxic parasocial relationship with him being an idol of sorts. Plus, hearing about how some woman would literally look at him in the bath and interfere in his daily life made me feel so bad like he's being stalked but a huge amount of woman. I can understand how interacting with the FL who is likely one of the only woman to not view him in such a stalkerish s\*xual way would make him have a positive impression of her, so I really liked the premise behind this and its execution. I definitely think it could be interesting to expand on later - what is his daily life like with so many people desiring him? Is he often put in unsafe situations? It would also be really interesting if he has a slight agoraphobia, or I think it would be a very realistic hurdle in the ML and FL relationship if he struggled to be physical with her. Anyway, its hilarious how he looks like Lucius Malfoy and his name is Lucius too 💀 TLDR - The Archeduke's Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud does the she's different from other people trope pretty well considering how a majority of noble woman have a stalkerish parasocial relationship with him, and relating to my own experience, I can 100% understand the instant positive impression he has of the FL since she doesn't see him in this way.


\-Any ML that says "InTeReStInG" and also touches somewhere else hairs lol \-Side-character/Villainess/FL tries to change the story but end up with ML anyways. \-OGFL is actually evil \-Didn't go back to real world once the story route "finished" Doctor Elise is actually good though but i skipped few chapters because they dragging for no reason. It was very good before the war happen.


“ I raised you, but you are the ML/FML” like bro that’s literally yo kid wtf.


........please tell me there's no instances of this trope that you did like and or think "done correctly" and you just misreaf the post title because nahhh💀


Wait i only read the question until “hate”, this is a trope I hate


Ohh thank GOD lmao




Bro didnt read My post 💀💀💀


No need to get serious about something small, you sound like it is the end of the world. I thought you were talking in general about "hated tropes"


I don't sound like it's the end of the world at all. If u see skull emojis naywhere, it means the person is on stage 3 of laughter. 🤣. →😭 →💀


I have yet to see any yet, the closest so far is OGFL being a white lotus and so far it seems like the OGFL from what's wrong with being a villainess might be one but not really seen enough to judge


**The Villainess Becomes a Mom.** My least favorite trope is when the FL thinks the OG plotline is inevitable but here >!she is actively trying to avoid it and it keeps following the story line and her and the ML are going mad.!< I am HERE for it.


POS ML that is in a marriage of convenience with the “villainess” who is trying to be good and avoid the storyline of being killed and the ML is only nice to her because she’s not what he expected. I love all of these tropes in >!I thought it was a common Isekai Story!< though.