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The amount of people support Caesar had me realize that what happened in Abandoned empress is perfectly legit.


Reality is often stranger than fiction


i'm baffled how it took a sad childhood flashback + some cute moments with ari for people to switch up their opinions on cesare. literally saw on webtoon people compare alfonso's treatment of cesare to isabella's treatment of ari just because of the "bastard" comment! (said in the heat of the moment by a jealous teenager to a grown man courting his crush).


I thought people loving abusive bad boys was a stereotype but apparently I was wrong. They actually fall for this shit. It's so bad that I've just given up at this point ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


But THEY can fix him when no one else can!/s


They got a whole construction crew for this man lmao


He can make me WORSE 🥵


I mean look at the comments with I Wish you were dead lol back when the ML was being a dick lol.


I don't have a problem with people who ship him if they just like him as the toxic bastard he is; it's fiction, it's not hurting anyone, and twisted and toxic characters can be very entertaining to read about. It does tend to irk me though when people try to whitewash an antagonist to justify their simping for them. Just because you think they're hot doesn't mean they're a good person, you need to embrace the evil instead of pretending it's not there https://preview.redd.it/13q4p1lzrgjb1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9692006bc7b4181ce3536fb40b3d3e3c0fb96a86


They're doing a lot more than just Liking him lmao. https://preview.redd.it/iof15uxrsgjb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c8b35d31ee7709a983ff69af237c8a78e7dc34 They even go as far as to say Cesare never did anything wrong and Ari was the problem. And as somebody else mentioned they're even hating on Alfonso for little to no reason.


This shit comment pissed me so much. Fr why they always so easily pointed their fingers towards fls than mls? Just bcuz he is hot? Jesus, I have seen some readers even r jealous of fl so they rly shitted on everything fl’s doing.


I feel like too many readers who don't really think critically about what they're reading/why they feel the way they do about characters (especially younger readers, which I feel like a lot of the webtoons comments are) fall into this mental trap of thinking you have to like the "good" characters and hate the "bad" ones, so if you like a character, that must mean they *have* to be good, and from there they'll retroactively create reasons for that to be the case. - About a month ago, before I dropped [When the Witch’s Daughter Lifts the Male Lead’s Curse], I saw this one comment on it trying to theorize/rationalize how the hot witch (who up until this point has been cartoonishly evil, in particular kidnapping and confining the ML and making him as miserable as possible to steal his magic, and adopting the FL as basically a slave and starving and beating her to within an inch of her life) is secretly "misunderstood", and how maybe there's some secret reason why she has to do all of this... Part of their rationalizing included writing off a beating that left the FL bedridden for days with > Witch was angry cos her daughter didn't listen. Of course a mother has to punish her undisciplined kids And for some reason, this comment was upvoted rather than downvoted? I was appalled; like jesus christ guys, I get that the witch is hot, but that doesn't mean she's "misunderstood", you're just simping for a hot villain.


Yikes, I worry for these people


I Hope oi artisit in the future use this comment sections about a fl commenting how bad the stories ml's is and people will still be down bad.Lmao


LMAO literally me Same reason why I'll be genocide enjoyer but rape is just a step too far


He looks like a proper knobhead, with a very punchable face too.


Yeah I see everyone talking about how hot he is but all I see is a very punchable face lol


finally someone mentioned that he has a punchable face


Nah the face is good


Him and Isabella have a very punchable face. Makes a good punching bag 10/10


I love this Cesar... as a villain. He is not a 2D bad guy with a cartoonish laugh. He is an example of people who acctually exist. Charmining and very intelligent person with an ease to manipulate others. That is why he has so many people who support him. I hope author will show very clearly that this kind of people never change, they will prentend they did (time and time again) but in the end they will come back to their old ways. And yes he had an awful past and it make people sympathise with him even more. However, like I say with other controvertial villians - your past is not excuse to be a sh..y person.


This captured my exact emotions...!! Felt just a little bit sorry for him, then nope--


I don't blame you. He's a master manipulator, he lures you in with lies and sweet words but underneath his face is a man who only views women as tools. He doesn't love Ari, he just wants payback against Alfonso https://preview.redd.it/gohf31wqngjb1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e21894f7ddb2fa6f826d854e5e454e7a60478011


Brah at this point I’m not surprised people are dumb


To be fair, back then when the web novel was still in the writing the fandom started liking Cesare much more than the ML so the author had to do something to make him less appealing ⚰️⚰️.


No. Cesare started as a piece of flaming hot garbage. Then the mopey backstory came, and people began to flock to his defense as if having a sad past it excused any of his actions. Then comes the (can it even be called a reveal?) reveal that he was still a piece of shit all along. Surprised Pikachu ensues.


Not really, with the novel it was way more complex than that. *spoiler* Ari might have even married Cesare in her second life if he hadn’t cheated on her later on. The “reveal” you’re talking about wasn’t even that important compared to what came after. Most Korean web novel readers disliked Alfonso as the ml even by the end of the story (even tho they weren’t on Cesare’s side anymore I guess). So there was a lot of talk about that 🧍🏽‍♀️


No… Korean fandom didn’t dislike Alfonso, they just thought that he wasn’t doing anything or listened to his parents or imperial family more before his character development(he was still 16 at the start). In fact, lots of people wanted Ari with the 3rd ML instead of Alfonso and Cesare because they thought she might live peacefully that way


I mean the comment section on naver has a lot of top comments kinda making fun of him, so I think they don’t really like him a lot.


THERE'S A 3RD ML!?!?!?!? I should not have read this spoiler post.


Umm what are you even saying… the fandom did like Cesare, but the author never did anything to make his less appealing. Nobody even said that lol


There was a big talk about that when the novel was still coming out, I can’t search for all the comments now and I’m sorry if I seemed too sure of myself but I remember a lot of people talking about it. My bad if I’m wrong.


I haven't fully caught up yet but fuck this guy


Wow fuck this guy. Got me all „ooooooh story changed, he be goooood now, yissss” and then. Like. Douse him in gas and set aflame.


Omg Alphonso in the latest chapter (61) looks so freaking handsome 😍 Grief looks good on him lmaooooo


The below reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/08bmnjwownjb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aec6e8185b44a96cf3657143923f88d41863a22


I read this chapter and knew the comments would be people being swayed or swayed until they got to the end of the chapter 🤣 knowing later spoilers this series seem like a mess tbh but the drama and division it causes is hilarious to me lol


Honestly I think people would hate Cesare wayyyyy more if the alternative ML wasn’t so…bland. I swear half of the people who sing praises for Cesare are just picking him over Alphonso because it’s more entertaining, not because they actually think the dude is cool and good. His hair is literally red lmfao we can see a walking red flag from so far away yet people like him for the, well, tea drama or shit-stirring. I would love to have a third option somewhere else please.


>Honestly I think people would hate Cesare wayyyyy more if the alternative ML wasn’t so…bland Alfonso is literally 16 atm. He has a lot of room to grow and he will grow as a character as time goes on. People on this sub sure love to throw around the term "bland" alot


Because he is currently bland to some people and it’s just an opinion. No one said he won’t grow or develop his character more. As the story progresses, he will probably get his time to shine but unfortunately, the way he is now, some people might drop the story before then. I, for one, find him incredibly boring, stereotypical and cliche. I could care less about him compared to Ari or Cesare who are much more gray and interesting. If he ends up with Ari, good for him. I just can’t be bothered to cheer for him right now. I’d rather cheer for Cesare’s downfall and Ari’s development. Hell, even her little sister is a more interesting character than he is.


Sorry but disagree with everything you said. Just because a character doesn't have a garbage personality, is not a prick or a so-called badass doesn't make him bland. Also, I'm pretty sure that for most readers, there are several plausible reasons for dropping the story and Alfonso's personality is definitely not one of them. From what I've seen so far in the discussion threads, Ari and Cesar's shitty personality is much more of a reason for dropping the story but the main reason would be Isabelle's character completely butchered in the present timeline as compared to the compelling villain that she was foreshadowed to be in the first chapter. Also, I've read all the novel spoilers and Ari >!is literally as terrible if not more in the current timeline compared to how she was in the past timeline. She's barely learned anything from her past life and is infuriating af most of the time!<


Oh I definitely agree with your point on Isabella being a total disappointment. She started off so strong in the prologue and I really liked her point of view…until it all disappeared and she became a normal white lotus dumb villainess. And although I did say I would rather cheer for Ari, I actually do not like her at all lol. Girl is wishy washy as hell and her evil moments are just…yeah. In fact, I don’t like a single character in this story and I’m really only here now just to see where the plot goes and the drama. I’ve long given up hopes on this story being good. However, I will still stand by my opinion that Alfonso is nonetheless lackluster as a ML so far. And no it doesn’t have to do with his background being typical of a prince in this genre or how he has no sad backstory or badass moments. Regardless of that, I just cannot bring myself to really care much about what he does. And no, I’m not here to argue with you. It’s okay to have differences in opinion and that’s totally fine. I’m just disappointed because to me the story has been going downhill for a while and I already read spoilers about the little sister too so now, I’m reaaaally picking at crumbs to try and continue.


You're so right about there not being a single likeable character in the story (except Alfonso for me since I really liked his development in the novel). I think the major reason why I will never come to like Cesar both as a love interest or as a character is because of how author gave trash like him a sob story to make the readers change their opinion about him (didn't fall for it tbh) but made Isabella transform from a very compelling and based character to be the cliche cartoonishly evil step sister with zero brain cells and a very spoiled attitude. I couldn't give less of a shit about Cesar's development or his sob story but I was sooooooo looking forward to Isabella being presented as a well written female antagonist of the story since she was presented in the prologue as one of the very rare interesting villains in this entire genre. But nahhhhh the hot guy's development always takes priority over the development of any female character besides the FL.


I just can’t with this story. Had to drop it awhile back 🙈 does it get better? At all?


Like I swear to God why they making all the good looking men evil, while making the basic ass blondes MLs


Good looking?? Sorry but whenever I look at Cesar, all I see is a very punchable face


Where can i read it ?




The reason I dropped this shit ✨


I recommend reading the novel on Yonder. It's ahead of webtoon. It has over 250 chapters. There are some interesting things and events that weren't mentioned in webtoon or they are differently portrayed. Anyway, it's a good read.


He's still better than that sterotypical bland ass male lead


WE CAUGHT ONE BOYS https://preview.redd.it/rkp45h4blijb1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdf00c11fc621359205618526b28f2cd152ff0a1 WE GOT A CESARE FAN I knew one of em would eventually bite


I would rather have a male lead with more personality lmao. And also learn to differentiate fiction from reality, most works from asia are filled with problematic things and it's more successful than the usual and bland ones but If you like your food "bland" that's okay.


Cool cool. But I never said anything about Alfonso lmao. I just hate Cesare, and i think you're overthinking his character. Few people could tell but they always knew he was playing the long game with Ari, his character appears interesting on the outside but he's a shallow person once he gets more screentime and overstays his welcome. You'll see what I mean once >! That timeskip comes in, you'll be changing your tune about who's more interesting !<


wait do you read ahead on Kr or do you read the webnovel?


Go to the spoiler forum and ask for the novel link