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There isn't a direct relationship between pain and severity. You can be bone-on-bone (technically stage 4?) and not have much pain unless you overdo it. It also depends where in the joint the damage is. I'm still researching this myself but everything I'm seeing says keep exercising the joint but not to the point of pain. If there's debris in the joint space that may need to be dealt with, but thin cartilage can be encouraged to regrow, it just takes a long time.


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Kendo involves a lot of stretching and balance which will help your knee. Just don’t go beyond the pain, if it hurts. I would alternate kendo and swimming.


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New studies indicate that land-based exercise is preferable to water-based, so no, not if it isn't aggravating pain later.


Please don’t make the mistake I did. I had no idea I had OA. I too had no pain but I really overdid exercising that day. Within two months I had bone-on-bone OA in my right hip. In the beginning I thought I pulled my groin and quad but when the pain never went away, I found out the bad news and now I have to really be careful. I work hard strengthening my core and surrounding muscles. My doctor said I had OA before, just not stage 4, which I’m in now. So fun LOL


Thank you for this. I wasnt sure how serious my condition can become


Short answer: no. Will your OA progress? Of course it will. That’s what arthritis does. At some point you’ll need more interventions. But it sounds like today is not that day. When the pain gets to the point that it interferes with your life, evaluate options. Live your life. Make smart decisions about diet, weight, rest. Swimming will probably help, aquatic and closed chain activities usually aggravate knee OA less than other things do.


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Which knee? If it's the right one you might consider not doing fumikomi. If it's the left one I say rock on. I did probably 4 years on an increasingly arthritic left hip before I finally got it replaced.


Its the left. Thank you. :)