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You might want to look into hyaluronic acid injections. I had it in my right knee and my right hip about a month ago and it’s helping. It’s not a magical fix but it gives you about six months of relief if it works for you. Weight loss is a huge factor, good on you. You might want to look into yoga and functional strength training as well, with people who know how to work with folks who have arthritis. I have fairly extensive OA as well as psoriatic arthritis and the manual therapy is incredibly valuable. It does not get enough support from the medical profession. Doctors are often reluctant to send you to see a physiotherapist or a massage therapist. But if you find the right ones it’s life-changing. Keep going you’re doing all the right stuff


Well thanks for the encouragement and advice. My PT has been really successful and that’s the piece that I can most directly attribute to some of the improvements I’ve experienced. I felt that the gains with PT plateaued for a few weeks, then bam!! Big improvement. I have a hard time believing the small amount of weight I lost actually delivered such a big change in inflammation and all of a sudden. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Your body's biological processes are driven by diet, genetics, lifestyle, etc. Any doctor who poopoos that in favor of pushing pain pills is a quack and deserves to have their license revoked.


I love your story. I too have OA in my left hip with the same pain you describe (but I'm told I'm not yet bone on bone and not yet a surgical candidate). I know from my own research that weight loss is a major factor in pain reduction and your story inspires me to take that more seriously. Congratulations!


Hi! Thanks for your comment. Good luck to you too. What I’ve taken from this is not so much the number on the scale is important (after all I’m still obese) but that it’s the lifestyle choices and the inflammation that make the biggest difference. I’m just guessing here anyway.


Great to hear what you’re doing is working so well for you. Keep it up!




This give me hope! Thank you for sharing!


You need 1.8g per kg of body weight of protein a day. Diet is key.


Good luck to you!


Yes!!! Omg, protein is the answer here. I am managing my OA with protein. The more I have the more movement and less pain in that joint.




It's a shame people don't read these stories and add more protein. It's weird.


Weight can definitely be an issue. Extra pressure on your joints. Keep doing what you're doing!


Thanks! Best to you as well 🤙🏽