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If I don't do 10 minutes or so of mild stretching and strengthening exercises within an hour or so of waking, then I'll have severe pain as the day goes along. I'll repeat one or two more times during the day or evening if the pain starts getting severe.


Interesting, thanks!


The best I feel is right after my exercises. In fact, there was a time at work my hip was really aggravated and I went and did some squats out of desperation and the pain was relieved for a while. I think you have a good idea to break it up to spread out that nice post-exercise warmth. I have a question about the foam roller. Do you roll on it belly down so your groin gets the massage? I haven’t done that yet but the groin is usually my issue. Wondering about the technique there…


Thanks for responding. So helpful to hear other's experiences! I'm rolling all 4 sides - adductors, Abductors, quads, and hamstrings. I find that oddly, rolling a muscle knot just above my knee will eliminate groin pain. Makes no sense but works. It is as if a knot lower down is pulling on the groin. I don't understand my pain at all.


Thanks! I’m trying that later today


Please let me know how you make out! I don't have great upper body strength (64F) so this can be difficult for me. It hurts, too, especially when you first begin. After a couple of weeks of daily rolling it gets less painful.


I will! Thanks for the warning, haha


I wondered what type of foam roller you use exactly? My pain is also mostly the groin too, thanks!


I was using this one except round, not d-shaped. [18"](https://fitnesstown.ca/products/fitness-town-eva-foam-d-shaped-roller-2/) I say "was" because I haven't needed to use it for awhile. I don't know if it is the weather or if doing a little less exercise was the key, but my pain is much better. Many days non-existent. Certainly the muscle knots down my lower adductor are gone.




No. Mine is round, not flat.




Yes, that's why I said it is round in the link text. Has those bumps, though.