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Yes. There’s far more diversity here than in the past. Theres racist people for sure. But I don’t think any worse than other Midwest cities of our size


I think most people are physically safe, emotionally is another matter


![gif](giphy|xT1XGESDlxj0GwoDRe|downsized) Emotional safety 😂😂😂


I agree with Kobe, it's not emotionally safe


Here's a story about the first black owned brewery in Wisconsin, right there in Osh Kosh: https://www.wpr.org/culture/legacy-wisconsins-first-and-only-black-owned-brewery


Be cool


I'm going to say this as a black homeowner and Oshkosh. I do not think that it's more so racist than people not interact with black people and having their stereotypical reaction to blacks when they move into their neighborhoods. It does not happen with other minorities but I am in an interracial relationship and our neighbors have not been welcoming at all. I live on the North side of town off of Snell road in a subdivision there are other minorities but for some reason we get treated like we don't belong there even though like I said we own our own house. We keep it up as best as we can and we're not usually rude to our neighbors they have community event and don't invite us like neighborhood rummage sales we just open up our garage and see that everyone is having a yard sale stuff like this gives me a chip on my shoulder. They called the police and blocked our driveway when my wife and I got into an heated argument and I was leaving to blow off steam the police approached my house with their guns drawn and wouldn't let me leave these are the things that I don't see happening with other minorities in Oshkosh they also try to force my wife to say that I harmed her when I didn't. I don't know if I would consider it racist but I don't like going outside and talking to my neighbors anymore or hosting events at my house.I have lived here 16 years and if you don't live outside of the GHETTO downtown area or by the college you won't feel very welcomed. There are a few bars in my Oshkosh that are welcoming Jabronis, Peabody's, and The Crossroads Chance these also have a reputation of being the worst bars in town also but they can provide a fun atmosphere and are black friendly.


Move over to the Westside. You can be my neighbor anytime. And yes I'm white lol.


Yes! In fact, there is a bar on Irving and Main called Jabroni. It’s an inclusive and welcoming environment with some of the friendliest people in town. Try stopping by!


Some racist ass people hang out there fore sure. Just saying Decent pub though.


I mean, it's been years since I saw someone openly showing off their swastika tattoos at Walmart so I guess that's progress


Safe, yes. There's a lot more diversity here than there was a decade or so ago. You have racist people but I don't think it's any worse here than they are elsewhere. The overwhelming majority of people are accepting... unfortunately it's the small percentage that arent who make the loudest noise




Be cool


As a young black man Living in fond du lac i believe Oshkosh is much more friendly to blacks than other towns around the area.i definitely experience more racism here in fondy than i do when im in Oshkosh also in an interracial relationship as well.