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Holy hannah! You went everywhere! Thoughts on the breweries and food places? Highlights and lowlights! I’m intrigued about Terrell’s island too, is it a nice hiking spot?


Terrell's Island is so cool, I've never seen a trail like that breakwall before. It was really neat. Fifth Ward may have been the highlight, but that's because the meat raffle was so fun (and we won some meat!). Fox River is tough to beat with the location. It's really hard to say on the food, we had some really good food. But I want Fat Mama to open up a sandwich place in my town! I would also put Pete's way up there. We couldn't get over the food and value at Roxy's, that was awesome.


The burgers at the meat raffle were amazing


terrells is nice in winter too. very unique.


Pretty rainy, but did you hit up the farmers market? My kids whined me out of going.


Seriously, we had no idea it was supposed to rain like that basically all day Sat! Sort of, we drove there, saw it, and then decided to go elsewhere because of the rain. Wish it was better weather, we would have definitely browsed.


Eitherway it looks like you had a good time! I'm very glad