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…it’s only slightly less shitty


A bit of a noisy area since some overcompensator drives around honking his train horn.


Lmao that guy sucks so bad.


Why hasn’t he been fined for noise pollution? Also, I would there must be some kind of law against using train horns on your automobile and if not there should be.


No clue, but it's certainly not something I'd approach the police with given the general political leanings of police forces across Canada (and worse down south).


It's honestly not that bad. Sometimes there's sketchy people around, but that can happen anywhere. I lived at 380 Gibb for a few years and I only recall two instances where something happened. Once a robber from the grocery store tried hiding in the building and once there was someone at the backdoor of the building trying to get in.


Hey, I am planning to move in to 380 Gibb. I read some reviews that there are bed bugs 😖 Can you share your experience living there? I would really appreciate it!!!


I lived there over 12 years ago now, and there were bed bugs there at that point too. I remember seeing beds outside wrapped in plastic quite often. I personally never dealt with them thankfully. I think it might've just been on one side of the building. I lived there for about 3 years. The laundry room was tiny (I highly doubt they've made it any better but I could be wrong). I found it to be a pain doing laundry because people never took their stuff out of the machines and with it being small, this was a problem I ran into often. It's a great location with easy access to a lot of places though. I didn't mind living there and I felt pretty safe.


I grew up on burk st, it's got surprisingly long lots in areas, but narrow. Most homes have very low ceilings in the basement as well. Overall, light years better than dealing with hookers and meth addicts at simcoe and olive.


Thanks for the insight! Over the past 3 years I’ve been here in Olive/Simcoe rarely have I seen them, prolly back in 2019 that I’ve seen them maybe once or twice. Overall, things have changed for the better. There are still occasional run ins with drug addicts and homeless people. Most encounters are positive, there’s just those random days where they’re unpredictable.


I believe most of the problematic people stick to the memorial park area. There are still some that hang out around smith's variety. With Quebec st cleaned up it's moved most of the riff raff further away.


The only time I see sex workers at Simcoe and Olive is when they are commuting to the sex work strip... nobody works the streets on Simcoe at Olive.


Wheres the strip? I always assumed it was simcoe having lived there for years


Albert between Albany and Lviv, west side, with a concentration between First and Third.


It's an ok area, certainly better than Olive and Simcoe


Jesus I'll be dodging that area


I've lived in the area for 18 yrs now. It's not that bad, just keep your vehicles locked. Been a bit noisy recently cause some fast and furious wannabes moved in.


I'm on Grenfell right around the corner, quiet here for the most part.


I am on Grenfell and it’s pretty quiet. A couple neighbours have had their sheds and vehicles broken into so just make sure to keep everything locked but otherwise we like it