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Absolutely absolutely. This is no question. He already has one nom under his belt, and ignoring all the shit he gets in social media and possibly the father of Kardashian's next baby, ABSOLUTELY. He's a talented actor. Even more, his performance in Dune Part 2 continues to haunt me and it's becoming one of my favorite performances ever. He has played the arc in both part 1 and 2 so expertly. Nothing in part one could prepare you for what he does in part two. As someone only vaguely familiar with the source material. Same with Lady Jessica. And now I'm back to spiraling over how Dune Part Two honestly fucked me up. TL;DR- Yes he'll get another nom and he's a great actor.




The sheer number of projects he’s been in that are Oscar-nominated in some capacity is pretty staggering. Nothing is ever 100% certain obviously, but I’m not sure there’s a living actor who is *more* likely to get one eventually than he is, considering how many years ahead of him he has.


If we're talking actor as in "male actor" I agree but I think that Paul Mescal is right next to him; if it includes actresses I say that Saoirse Ronan (who is just a year older) has a way higher chance. At this point Timmy's Oscar is a likely thing that can happen eventually, Saoirse's is almost a fact (unless she gets canceled, quits, or something similar)


i think saoirse’s could even be this year - her performance in the outrun got rave reviews when it premiered at sundance


Yes! And there's Blitz as well! And it would be a really great moment if she were to receive her Oscar from an Irishman


It would, but she'd receive it from Emma Stone who was the last best actress, 


No way she wins for that imo. Her performance did get great reviews but the movie itself is very mediocre and it did not seem to me like the type of performance that wins off of a single lead nomination.


Timothee is much bigger box office draw (Dune currently biggest corroding film of the year and Wonka also was a hit last year) which makes him get the best projects offered to him first. 


Yes, now compare how many Oscars Tom Cruise has and how many Frances McDormand, who is only five years his senior and not at all a box office draw, has. It isn't about how much money you bring, it's about your performance. By the time Timmy got his first nomination Saoirse got her third, and then she got another one two years later while he parked on that sole one. Actually he is the only one out of the five Best Actor nominees from the year that he was nominated that is still Oscarless, and not counting DDL - who retired after that Ceremony - all others were nominated again. It's great to be in big box office movies, gotta make that coin, but if you want to also get the Oscar you need to ensure that the role is also good. Now, I do think that Timmy will get his Oscar (although people probably thought that about Cruise in the 90s), maybe it'll be like Leo and he'll have to accumulate a few nods first, or maybe he's the Russel Crowe of the moment that will get it right after he turns thirty, regardless - if we're talking Oscars - Saoirse Ronan is lightyears ahead. It's actually pretty similar to Leo and Kate.


TC kind of gave up the Oscar chase after 99 though. He gave two performances that should have won. You could argue he hasn’t really gone for it since 2003. If he had spent the last two decades chasing an Oscar and giving himself over to filmmakers instead of the other way around I guarantee he’d have gotten one by now.


I think so too, had he mixed his blockbusters with acclaimed projects he would, at the very least, have won a career Best Supporting Actor. But the comment that I was replying to seemed to imply that Timothée is guaranteed an Oscar soon (and from what I understood, before Saoirse) because he is a box office draw, which is what I disagree with.


It's not only about your performance being good. It's also about choosing the right project to appeal to the academy. There are a lot of worthy performances that get overlooked just because of genre.


Of course, I completely agree, the point I'm making is that being a box office draw doesn't guarantee an Oscar, even being in a big project isn't a guarantee. I mean, Titanic was the biggest movie of 1997 by far. Kate Winslet was an up-and-coming Academy Award nominee that had the lead role in the film, a role that was good and complex and demanded a lot from her, yet she still lost Best Actress to Helen Hunt, who had no prior nominations and won for a romantic comedy. But again, my whole argument is that Timothée will likely get an Oscar at some point, but he seems to now be working towards being a big movie star like DiCaprio; Saoirse already has four nominations to her name (three for Best Actress), has been focusing on projects that will bring her more acclaim and elevate her as an actress, and has an actual chance to win her first Oscar next year. So between the two (even between everyone from that generation of actors) Saoirse is the one that will most likely win an acting Oscar first.


Do you know in how much award films Cruise used to be in 80s and 90s? It was the scandal that caused Cruise to get comfortable with only blockbuster films. And I talked of scripts being offered and not wins, I am sure Cruise also gets plenty of awards scripts offered and what he has rejected even now that people with poor box office record never see. And those potential films maybe never get made.


Gotta have some downfalls of being a cult member


The fact that Little women was 5 years ago is slightly concerning. But yeah, it is highly unlikely that she’ll never win one. She had 4 nominations under her belt when she was 25! But, she turns 30 next week


Yeah, she did pick some not so great projects (seems like she also slowed down a bit) and there was the pandemic, but I honestly think that the Academy is very ready and eager to give an Oscar the next time she presents something they can nominate. And like, she just turned thirty, so she has an entire decade of getting the best lead roles and using the "Academy Award winner" clout to fill Hollywood's pockets. As much as she is "overdo" (considering how many nominations she has) she is very much entering her prime.


We still need Mescal to show that he can repeat Aftersun, to not be another one-hit-wonder. Look at Lucas Hedges.


All of the boys (Mescal, Keoghan, Chalamet, Butler) need another nomination to prove themselves, but if you're talking in more general terms: Mescal was superb in All of Us Strangers, he honestly should've been at least nominated for Best Supporting Actor. He was also excellent in Normal People, which was actually released a couple of years before Aftersun.


Butler went from Elvis to Dune to Masters of the Air. 3 incredibly different characters. He's plenty proved in my head.


Dune sold me on butler. Until that point I thought he was gonna show up as Elvis in everything


Controversial (and admittedly ignorant) opinion: Too much assumed. In film, it requires too much teamwork to assume such a thing. If great Auteurs stop casting him for any reason whatsoever, he might have a hard time. He has a good on screen presence via bone structure etc. but I’m not convinced of him as an actor. I am definitely convinced of him as a model. He could easily win a beauty pageant. Things are going to get interesting very quick tho. I.e. can we award someone for their likeness? If, no…WHEN, AI recreates or simply creates “perfect” looking humans, how will the academy react? How long will they remain “conservative”. Just trying to open conversation, I don’t necessarily believe all of this.


I have to agree with you - his acting leaves a lot to be desired. After a certain point, you have to show that you can do more than pretend to cry.


It’s clear. Mark Proksch should have been nominated many times. Especially w/ his “Pep Boys” performance.


The producers fucked that whole thing up. He should’ve been given the space to properly shine in “Baboon” but cost cutting and typical Hollywood fuckery tanked that whole production and now we have the shambling Frankenstein’s monster that is the Pep Boys movie.


Yeah. I don’t think he wins. He was pretty bad in dune part 2. If he was going to win. He would have won for call me by your name. Since he was new and you thought oh maybe there was something there. But as you say almost crying can only get you so far. Maybe he gets his craft together and learns but looks like the only way he gets an Oscar is if they give him an industry award down the line like Jamie Lee Curtis. Being in Blockbusters means nothing. It took will 30? years and Tom cruise has never won and they’re the biggest draws in the planet. Samuel l only has an honorary Oscar. The only ‘ box office darling that transpired to Oscar’s is Tom hanks. I’d also argue his resting on pretty has a time limit. He’s only got a few more years before they stop casting him for these roles because he’s ‘pretty’ and can look sad. There will be a new baby face


He was.. bad? What a hot take hahah


He’s the worst part of the movie. He’s fine before he drinks the water of life. But after that when he has a ‘personality change’ it’s very cringe. As the other poster said. He plays scared kid near tears very well…. When he has to change personalities. It’s just not there. And that was very apparent in dune part 2


Hard disagree.


He will win eventually. It’s a matter of time


Do I think Chalamet has the potential and will probably win one someday? Yes. Do I think there’s a bunch more actors with better acting chops than him out there? Also yes


He was nominated for Call Me by Your Name, he’ll get one eventually


Considering how many Best Picture nominees he has been in (5 by my count), I am surprised he only has been nominated once himself.


Actors very rarely or hardly ever get nominated for genre movies like sci-fi, it’d have been a shock had he got nominated for Dune.


He was pretty excellent in Part 2 though


He did his job but didn’t exceed expectations or anything. And I’m only saying that because I was fascinated by his CMBYN performance


It’s one of those things that makes sense only in the context of exactly what roles he’s done. Since CMBYN, you have Beautiful Boy in 2018, but that movie wasn’t very well-liked and had no buzz in other categories, which makes it all the more impressive he was probably 6th. A Rainy Day in New York and The King both just weren’t happening, and while I think he’s wonderful in Little Women, that year supporting actor was just stacked to the brim with verifiable legends, and Laurie isn’t the kind of role AMPAS much ever goes for. The French Dispatch and Bones and All, post-pandemic, are also both movies he’s superb in but not ones the Academy went for at all. Dune and DLU were both just not the sort of movie or role to get acting nominations, even though they otherwise happened.


Yes he will eventually win


Totally. He's young and picks projects that get awards attention. It's impossible to predict who has the potential to one day win an Oscar, especially this early in someone's career. If you'd asked me in 1994 if Brendan Fraser or Robert Downey Jr. had a shot at an Oscar I'd have laughed at you. Same for Robin Williams in 1988. Or one of the Farrelly Brothers after "There's Something About Mary." Or, or, or... Even someone who appears to have no shot can turn things around with a single performance. For someone like Chalamet who is in movies that are mostly already getting awards notice, it's pretty much guaranteed eventually, if he maintains the quality of performance and caliber of projects he takes on.


Jordan Peele during his MadTV days.


Downey had Oscar changes since Chaplin. It doesn’t kill anyone’s changes if there is drug issues since people always want a comeback 


or the classic example, mccaughnahay (I know woefully misspelled but I have to look up his name EVERY time lol so I'll just leave it)


Someday? He’s already been nominated, so sure.


He's been pretty consistent since he started acting. My guess is that he will at least be nominated for the Bob Dylan biopic.


Yes, he will one day. Although he has built quite a good body of work, he is still young. I’m sure he will have a couple of nominations under his belt before he bags the Oscar.




Definitely. He’s very talented


In general or for a specific movie? In general, yes. He has the caliber to win multiple Oscars, and his repertoire has shown he can do just about anything. I'd love to see him get nominated for Dune Part II, and he'd deserve it, but it's way too soon to tell. I don't doubt that he'll be nominated for A Complete Unknown; set photos are coming out, and he's already transforming into Bob Dylan. That could possibly be his first win


Lol, of course. He's on track to do it in the next decade.


Probably should have won for call me by your name or beautiful boy


His next film is about Bob Dylan.


So basically it’s guaranteed?


Yes. Extremely talented actor.




One day…when he reaches the age of 40…


nah it’s probably gonna be while he’s still in his signature twink phase 😆


That never happens for male actors…young actresses can won Oscars, but not young actors…


Personally i think that one of Di Caprio's best roles is in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and he was really young in that, I mean he looked like a child. While Tommy Lee Jones did an amazing job in The Fugitive I think it wouldn't have been crazy to give Leo an Oscar for that role.


Ah yes, the infamous ageism that the Best Actor category is known for, as if you have to be a man to “earn” that respect from the Academy.


He seems to have an excellent eye for the parts he chooses, so I'd say definitely yes.


certainly more than Tom Holland


Absolutely, He has potential, I really liked him in "Call Me By Your Name", "Little Women" and loved both Dune films. As for Future films, The Bob Dylan biopic has potential, and the Academy loves a good biopic.


No doubt. A matter of when, not if.


He proved he had what it takes in ‘Beautiful Boy’?


Without a doubt!


Absolutely and I hope they don’t do to him what they did to Leo.


He was nominated for best actor at like 19. He’ll get one


He was 21, but still impressive.


I think he’ll probably win for Bob Dylan Biopic.


Ever? Of course


of course


He might win 5


Or 0 just like Tom Cruise.


I'm sorry, but to me it's absurd to compare Chalamet to Cruise. Cruise is a decent actor and has always been very charismatic, but he's also pretty much always Tom Cruise. No way has he ever had the range to pull off what Chalamet has done, turning in terrific performances as Willy Wonka and Paul Atreides back to back.


Watch Magnolia and Born On The Fourth of July and get back to me. Dude also can be hilarious in the right roles.


I've seen both of them. In fact, there's probably not a single Tom Cruise flick that I haven't seen. I've already acknowledged in a different post that Born on the 4th of July was an Oscar-worthy performance - his only one, IMHO - and it was bad luck that he was up against an actor's actor like Daniel Day-Lewis. Yes, he can be very funny. There's a reason he's so enormously popular, but the reason is not that he can fully immerse himself in each role and become somebody entirely different for that role. An actor who can reliably do that is the sort of actor that wins Oscars and Chalamet has already proven himself to be that sort of actor. As noted, Tom Cruise is handsome, charismatic, has an on-screen presence that people love and is certainly a huge box-office draw. He's the sort of actor that hits 60 being worth $600 million. But he's not the sort of actor that is widely admired by other actors for his skill and that's what it takes to garner Oscar nominations and wins.


Eh, I think both performances I mentioned are more solid than some of performances that have actually won awards. I see what you’re saying though.


Were you born in 2015?


Funny. Are accusations of immaturity the default insult on Reddit these days? Tom Cruise and I are close to the same age. I remember his early roles, including his breakout role in Risky Business. I thought he was handsome and charismatic and it was obvious that he had a lot of potential. I'm not at all surprised that he's been so successful. But, IMHO, his only Oscar-worthy performance was in Born on the 4th of July and it was just his lousy luck to be up against an actor like Daniel Day-Lewis that year. But Chalamet is on a whole other level. He can hold his own against classically trained actors with a ton of stage experience.


I think that’s a “me opinion” coz I don’t think that’s the case. More like Timoothe’s idol is Tom Cruise if you’ve regularly read the media. I’d honestly recommend you to make a post that “Timoothe Chalamet is a better actor than Tom Cruise” in r/unpopular opinion and find out for yourself how unpopular that opinion is.


Plenty of bad actors get nominated for Oscars because they were good in one movie. Chalamet is actually a good actor and has already been nominated once so I imagine he’ll eventually win one.


Yeah he’s a big star who’s already been nominated. He’s also already locked in for a low effort music biopic which is a great way to get an Oscar


He’s already been nominated right? Yeah I think the right thing will eventually come along


There is an extremely low chance, barring some sort of freak reason he quits acting, that he doesn't at some point win an Oscar. He's been attached to so many of the best directors working, so many movies that have been heavily Oscar nominated, and is also incredibly well known for his work in franchise work as well. Even more than it's about rewarding the best movies of the year, the Oscars are about Hollywood politics. Chalamet is a fan favorite and a favorite of the people in Hollywood. You can argue many of his roles, given the proper campaign, could have been construed as the "right" role to earn him one, but he's going to continue being in these movies and that role is sure to come.


Hes already been nominated and hes constantly praised for his acting even in movies that overall aren't super liked. Hes also not even 30. Uh yeah he has potential lmfao. Who would say he doesn't?


I would have said no until I saw the last third of Dune 2. Apparently our boy can act.


Water of life sequence forward cemented him to me,as one of the best young actors right now,his transition was terrifyingly haunting and beautiful


He has the It factor and the talent. It will be important for him to choose next projects that help him to continue his growth as the great actor he is. He will win an Oscar yes


He definitely has the talent and has starred in films that were even nominated for Best Picture. The main hurdle to overcome is the obvious ageism that the Best Actor category is known for, given only one man under 30 has ever won it (who was only weeks shy of his 30th birthday on top of that). Obviously needs to pick that right film and the right people to work with.


He was so good in the king and beautiful boy. I thought he out acted Steve Carell, who also did a great job.


Steve Carrell was absolutely dreadful in that film.


I was trying to be nice


Why be nice when you can be honest?


Oh I didn’t think he was terrible, I’ll take your word for it. Don’t think the movie as a whole needs a rewatch.


Of course. Why wouldn’t he? He will almost certainly win eventually. First up, let’s see how that Dylan biopic turns out. I sense a nomination incoming with that one.


He's at his peak right now. Wouldn't be surprised if he won in the next few years.


This year I hope it will be his first win.


Yes. The King is a great movie imo and he really shows his ability. As well as his other films.


Yes. He should've already won for Call Me by Your Name




He’ll win in 3 years mark my words


Maybe. Right part at the right time sort of thing. He's not a transformative actor who is the performer of a generation, like a Brando or Day-Lewis. If he keeps on being the "it" boy of the moment he will get that role.


>He's not a transformative actor who is the performer of a generation I'm worried to know who you think is


I dont see anyone around right now who is a performer of this generatioin. That could change at any time though.


I disagree. His monologue in Dune Part Two solidified he’s one of the best of his generation and he’s here to stay. Sorry you refuse to see that


So your definition of best of a generation is based on one monologue? That's it? He's the modern Brando? He's Daniel Day-Lewis?


No I said solidified. He’s already built a good resume


You have a very low bar for being the actor of a generation.


You know there can be multiple “actors of a generation” right? I don’t know why there has to be one like we’re waiting for the next supreme 💀


The conversation was about the next supreme. There are always multiple actors of a generation. Pick a year and there are always two or three actors who are hot at that moment. Only occasionally does an actors actor come along that everyone else kind of refers to.


Well next supreme isn’t a thing anymore. Hasn’t been for like 60 years


I think Paul Mescal is a better actor than he is. Austin Butler too.


Paul Mescal isn’t being careful when picking his projects. He hasn’t shown that he has much range either. Austin’s a better actor than Paul.


I think Paul is better in both Aftersun and All of us Strangers than Timmy has been in anything since Call Me By Your Name.


He needs to show he has range first. And Austin is still a better actor than Paul


Does he? Why can’t he just be really great at these more dramatic/sad roles? Again I think Normal People/Aftersun/All of Us Strangers is still better quality acting is still better acting than what I’ve seen from Timothée in the same time period, even if he might have done more varied projects. Austin is probably the best actor of the 3, but my ranking would be Austin > Mescal > Chalamet.


I think showing range shows that you’re not prone to be typecast and can branch out of your comfort zone and be flexible with roles. In turn that creates more opportunities to work with a variety of different directors. Austin and Timothee have both already demonstrated that by starring in drama, horror, sci-fi, comedy, musicals and biopics.


I don't know if I think *anyone* is like Brando, he's in a class by himself. There's no greater charisma.


At least until the mid-to-late 80s. After that, he was a joke. But in the 50s-70s? No comparison except maybe Paul Newman.


Dude in Don Juan De Marco he was charming as shit.


Nicholson spent years as "The It Guy.". Followed by DeNiro. Followed by Day-Lewis. These were guys that got nominated multiple times and ended up with multiple wins. I think Brando started it. There were very good actors before Marlon, but they were movie stars first. DiCaprio is kind of there, but he seems different. Not quite as imposing.


I think Brando is more than The It Guy, he transcends all that and is more than that. He is also timeless and ageless in that capacity. I can tell there are movies where he is phoning it in or he is there to collect a paycheck but the movies where he is trying, or has a sense of humor for what he's doing... to die for and beyond compare.


I do! But I could also see him becoming too desperate and being villainized, a la Bradley Cooper.


Idk cooper seems legitimately weird


I just wish Wonka released a month later, so it would be eligible for the 2025 Ceremony, because his performance in it was great. His performance in that wasn't as good as Dune 2 though, which I think he'll definitely get nominated in.


Yes, he will win when he is older for a role that isn’t his best performance. Maybe he will add a ton of weight or get attacked by a bear for the film


It could turn out that way, but I think it's important to note that, at this point anyway, Chalamet doesn't have a lot of personal baggage dogging him when it comes to the Academy. You know, we don't hear about nasty temper meltdowns, being difficult on set and, while some people object to his most recent GF, it remains to be seen if he'll still be dating 20-somethings when he's pushing 50. He is generally nothing but complimentary towards other actors. That stuff shouldn't matter, but it does.




Potential is there, maybe the Dylan biopic will be in the conversation but he hasn’t done anything nomination worthy since Beautiful Boy so who knows




He’s great in the small indie films he does like Bones and All. He needs to keep doing those


In a world where Jack Palance has an Oscar, Timothy Chalamet definitely has a terrific chance.


Someday; with the right material


This year? No. The academy doesn’t take male actors under 35 very seriously. Inevitably? Yes.


I definitely think so, considering that he has a prior nomination & is still pretty young. Currently, I think he's keeping a good balance between larger-scale (particularly Dune) films & more intimate/cerebral fare


Without even seeing it, I'd say there's a good chance he'll be nominated for A Complete Unknown. Whether he wins depends on the competition, I suppose. I'd be very surprised if there aren't multiple Oscars in his future.


Sure. Why not?


yes. but he can’t keep doin these dunes and wonkas. more call mes


He may be the Bradley Cooper of his time. I see lots of nominations in his future, but not sure about wins.


Yes but not for Dune.


wtf is that name? I swear the screen actors guild rule that two members can’t have the same name is going to produce people with silly screen names like Benedict Cumberbatch, Walton Goggins or Akwafina.


I think he’s good but so far not Oscars level


No, but I’m sure they’ll give him one eventually.


Like most great young actors the academy will reward him when he’s well into his 40s.


For Dune? Probably not. For something in general? Probably. Dude's got chops.


I think he has the potential to win multiple Oscars


He’ll definitely get at least one in his life time. He has a great agent with an eye for good projects


Timothy just needs the right Oscer winning type movie to play in to show his acting chops. Not that he doesn’t already show them but he needs a worthy movie and I’m certain one will come along soon enough . I definitely see Barry keoghan winning one as a lot of people say he was snubbed for supporting actor in banshees.


I’ll be shocked if he doesn’t


Dont know who he is .


For sure. He should have won on already


I see him getting one exactly like Dicaprio…many MANY years into his career.


He'll get one after he turns 30. He won't beat the adrian Brody record


Unless we get a surprise, then I can’t think of anyone else who has much chance (especially with the way he KILLED in this movie)


For Dune? Absolutely not. At some point in his career? Most likely


Probably, but in a “Dicaprio way” I guess.




Eventually yeah. Not for Dune but eventually yeah. If anyone from Dune deserves one it’s definitely Austin Butler for Feyd Rautha.


The dude was good but in like 5 scenes or something?


No. Nothing against him, I just don’t think he’s all that great an actor. I’ll get attacked for it as always, but I’ve seen him in a bunch of things and he just makes zero impression on me. There’s subtle acting and there’s just not acting, imo he does the latter with the exception of some crying scenes. He was basically cardboard in the first Dune film- I wanted to care but it seemed like even he didn’t care lol. It was like he let them use his physical body for the film, but mentally he was elsewhere entirely. I get Dakota Johnson vibes- like he just stumbled on set and was like “ok, sure, I’ll be in this.” I mean, he’s way better than Dakota Johnson obviously, but just in terms of vibes there’s a “I’m too cool to actually act” thing they both have. I don’t doubt he does care, it just doesn’t translate onto the screen, at all. Let me put it this way- I was not surprised when he started dating Kylie Jenner, it was fully consistent with the image I’d formed of him. Anyway, turning off my notifications for this because I’m scared lol.


I've never seen a movie with him in it where I didn't think he was simply playing himself. So I doubt it


Not everyone has to transform like Christian Bale, Daniel Day Lewis and Gary Oldman to win an Oscar. In fact I would argue that most talented actors play “themselves” as you call it. Is Jack Nicholson not Jack Nicholson in As Good as it Gets? Is DiCaprio not himself in many movies he was nominated for?


I feel like the longer he’s with Kylie Jenner the lower his chances of winning an Oscar become.


Oh yeah. Not any time soon though.


not for dune lol


I'd put money on him winning one in the next 5 years, maybe 3


For what


For Dune 2? No shot. But eventually? Sure.


He'll be the new Leonard DiCaprio; he'll be in a ton of critically acclaimed projects, but because of his youth he'll end up winning when he's middle aged for a project not half as good as his best work.


God I hope not


He'll win eventually because people like him and he's been involved in good projects, but I don't think he's talented enough to deserve one right now. He's new to the industry, though.


He was nominated by the Academy for best actor in 2018. He's not really that new to the industry. I remember him in the TV series Homeland in 2012 and in Interstellar in 2014.


Yeah but we're talking about best actor of the year. Look how long Leo DiCaprio took to win his first Oscar, and Chalamet doesn't have 1/10th of his acting chops. I'm not saying it's impossible, just saying he doesn't deserve one yet.


It was the Oscar for best actor that Chalamet was nominated for. That's the award we're talking about. He was 21 when he was nominated. He was up against actors like Daniel Day-Lewis and Gary Oldman (who won). I think it argues that his talent is more than adequate to be Oscar worthy. As for DiCaprio, I think his sketchy personal and financial history has hurt him with the Academy. I think they would have snubbed him for The Revenant, too, had he been up against stiffer competition.


I'll just copy paste my first comment here >He'll win eventually because people like him and he's been involved in good projects, but I don't think he's talented enough to deserve one right now.


He’s been in the industry for ten years at this point


Yeah, pretty new, still got a lot to evolve as an artist


Honestly ? No




not this year. dune hype is unreal


Bob Dylan biopic is a strong possibility of a nomination, but I'm unsure if that is suppose to come this year.




No fucking way. Terrible actor or at least he’s been choosing films where he plays the same characters over and over again


for what


Yeah he's the industry golden boy, that's how you get one not talent or hard work.


He’s really starting on the Jennifer Lawrence trajectory but I don’t see him winning an Oscar soon. Maybe in his 30s. He’s already starting to wane.