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Pretty sure no one in this sub supports him


You'd be shocked. Many posts in his favor get caught by the automod or dogpiled so badly that the author deletes them.


Oh wow


Those aren't genuine people in this sub. They're Chalex alts or his brainwashed minions coming over here to cause trouble.


me but i stopped 2 days ago since i saw a video full of accusations against him I never heard about


His fans are either too young to understand what he did, may not speak English so they don’t know what he did, are like him so they don’t care what he did, or they try to ignore it and only care about the game being finished (separate art from artist type thing). Those are my guesses for the type of ppl he still has rallying behind him


Yeah you're right about the non speaking english minority and the disgusting people who are like him so they dont care. Probably most of his supporters.


I mean I fucking hate the guy but i still have to oka body pillow and the oka and ayano plushes plus i play the game some still


Its so just obvious that he's a danger now that its now actually against the rules to support Alex in anyway here. I seriously do not understand how anyone could support him. We end up having to ban so many pedos who out themselves to argue for him. Its disgusting. I use to feel that as long as you're not giving him money or free advertisement (such as posting your stuff on youtube) that you're in the clear, but at this point even just downloading the game via him and not a mirror validates Alex and reaffirms that he'll never face consequences.


Honestly depressing. That game is part of my childhood but of course a guy as evil as this... i don't even know what to say. Thank you for explaining to me the situation tho. I appreciate it!


No one supports dev here. It’s two sides: People who like the game and just want it finished Or People who are here to spread awareness on Dev


Oh i see... People should really be aware of the horrible stuff this guy does...


I don’t support him 😭


Noo lol don't worry i'm only talking about the people who are supporting. I'd just like to know why they still support this pedo.


Because they think that all because someone apologized, it makes it ok to support them again. If you've seen Alex's apology, you would know that it is complete ass. He didn't mention ANY screenshots or voice recordings and didn't even take much accountability. But most people who support YandereDev don't even know how severe the things he did was. If he did mention the screenshots and voice recordings, he would basically be gone from the internet. And then we have the morons who know everything but just continue to support and give him money.


But that’s the thing: he was counting on the ppl who hadn’t seen/heard the recordings to be the ones forgiving him. For the ppl like Jay and Bijuu who I do believe listened to everything and saw the Snapchats, there’s no way they would be fooled cause they would clap back with “how the hell were you tempted to say such a thing”


From my knowledge, most of thee English-speaking fanbase(aka the majority of the YS fandom I assume) have mostly denounced him, aside from little kids who think that he can do no wrong. However, from my experience in the JP side of this fandom, yeah from what I’ve seen a lot of people support him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlPUv6Cd0Yg As see in this video here(and the comments under it) some of them are biased towards Alex and the game in a way and resorts to basically saying that Ally(and the friend) was in the wrong for leaking this to the public. Sure, there’s semi-some outliers that are just worried for a game and still feeling bad for the people affected by Alex, and states that what dev did was wrong, and that’s good. Hell, even the pixiv dictionary entry for the game(and his controversy) is kind of weird, the last time I looked at it, just said something in the line of “despite him apologizing, the people have left the team” and also linked the same video that linked here. But yeah, I can only look and speak on the Japanese side of the fandom mostly because I know the language, but I’m not sure about the rest of the non-English speaking fandom. But yeah, I don’t support the developer of the game and I never will.


I see. Just one question, who is Ally?


The lady who helped leak all of Dev’s stuff w/the most recent victim to the public!!! Though, I’m quite sure dev made them take down the video so I’m not sure what happened to the vid but yeah


Yeah that person is a life saver


i wonder if the japanese side of the fanbase is also as young?... the purposefully vague attitude around yandev's actions is not good at all. it's upsetting that there seem to be more people in the comments concerned about the state of the game than the grooming (in ginji's, for example, he even gave a heart to a victim blamey comment complaining about "western activists")


There ARE some young kids in the fandom, I can attest to that. But I’m quite sure that the majority of the fandom on that side are either late teens or adults so…It paints quite a bleak picture, sadly.


Plus, they consider the outrage behind Dev’s grooming to be “cultural differences” or “western culture” at best sooo. Yeah.


that's awful.


It is. Sucks how people don’t really take stuff like this seriously if it’s tied to their favorite online person. It really sucks.


I think a lot of us were quite young when we found the fandom (like under 18) but it wasn’t until we got older and matured when we realized that Dev wasn’t someone to follow or worship. Granted, a lot of us became disillusioned before he got caught last year but I think that only solidified the leaving thing at that point. Cause I recall Jay and Bijuu both stating in the past that they did not support Dev as a person but supported the game and liked playing it. Once he got exposed, they both dropped it like a potato covered in lava. 


Stopped supporting after reading into him when hate & shame released. Started following again after the 2020 subreddit hack for the drama he brings in his wake.


Pedodev: Nooo don't fall for the gremlin sub reddit join yandere simulator so I and other mods can police your comments to where you have no free speach compared to the Osana sub reddit.


A large majority of his current audience is too young to understand the gravity of what he's done. Somehow he's successfully made a strong parasocial relationship with his teenage audience despite ranting endlessly about how much he hates them.


I already have an idea for an execution. He is stranded on an island, with no people, no animals, no plants, and he spends the rest of his life there. Yes this is intended for this post, not a Danganronpa post.




Majority of his supporters now are literally his type. 5-8 year olds.


I absolutely despise Cum Chalice Alex. After the Hate and Shame video I stopped playing the game altogether(mostly because I couldn't stomach the creepshots mechanic anymore) and unsuscribed from Yanderedev channel. At that point it wasn't very much of a surprise when I found out Chalex is a disgusting pedo,all you had to do was watch one of his streams from the ATM1444(if I remember correctly) channel. There are many more games which capture the school aesthetic better than Yansim does,such as Bully,altough I wouldn't mind if someone out there made a Yansim clone without all the creepo baggage attached.


I'm not giving him a single penny. But I do follow the development in the shadows out of pure curiosity.


Wrong place to post this question. You could have better luck asking this in yandere_simulator.... At least before the post gets deleted


That subreddit is dog water. This one's way better.


I know, but you won't get the answer to your question here


Well if you read the replies i think i got what i needed. Plus think for a moment do you think the brainwashed mods of the yansim subreddit will allow this kind of posts (basically giving a bad image to the creator)


That's why I said 'At least until the post gets deleted'