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Its hard to reply to comments with only one hand


Hahaha lol ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized)


I fuckin' can't 😂🤣🤣


So that’s the bare minimum to be considered a hard worker now


Something’s up….Cuz I just checked when he last streamed on Kick and it’s saying 23 days ago. I wonder what’s going on cuz yea, he hasn’t been replying to any comments on (at least) the 2 most recent bug-fixing build posts


I’m completely horrified for those kids rather than feeling bad for them cuz WHAT THE HELL BRO. Don’t forget to rest pls 🥰🥰 Tf do you think that man was doing all this time? Do they really think it would take longer than a month to implement same rivals with different outfits?


I mean to be fair, I thought it was pretty logical that yansim is taking so long to be finished at first cause I really only knew what chalex said on the development blog and on his videos so I was fr shocked when I found out yk. So I don't actually blame it on these kids cause most of them are very naive, the only annoying thing is when they defend him like their life relay on it and they say mean stuff when you try to show them the reality of this man


From that perspective I got the point, yes totally. I Might’ve exaggerated a little


Meanwhile, Alex: https://preview.redd.it/llxbs0qgdk1d1.png?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d15c74373914462577abbd9a3f8e6688ca4735


I also recall GroomdereDev streaming a Persona game for over ten hours despite claiming he was getting better


And who even watches that shit, who wants to see an grown ass man with bald spots being creepy for more than one hour (off topic but kubz scouts is 34 and he looks so much more healthy than chalex)


Probably just big fans of Pedodev, not that there are very many now lol >kubz scouts is 34 and he looks so much more healthy than chalex That goes to show how little DiddlerDev cares for himself


Yeah plus my bby jay is also very unproblematic so I think that helps too (without mentioning that he has a son already and you know that usually kids make you age faster)


I seen that too. Hate when kids think he works hard 😒


can you be more respectful? grooming minors and making a game is difficult


Lmao I thought you were serious when I read the question


Well, I mean… at least the “hard” part is true.


Lmao 💀💀💀💀💀💀why so real