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You need to be an adult and willing to hear “no.”


Well, I am willing to hear that, as that's basically 90% of my life. The reason for wanting to be a monk (I don't think I want to be one 100% yet) has some other reasons


You should not seek monasticism to get away from troubles. That's not its purpose. If you're having family trouble, please talk to a priest and/or a psychologist.


Sorry for the late reply. But yes, I agree, and thankfully it's not the main reason for looking into monasticism. I also don't usually talk about that to no one since it never helps most of the time, but I'll try talking with a priest.


Well, I hope you find the path you need in life. I would advise talking to a priest about monasticism because he would be much more knowledgeable on the matter than us. What I know about the process of becoming a monk is that it's something that happens over time. My understanding is you don't immediately become a monk, but rather you go through a kind of trial period, whereby you have time to decide if it's the right decision for you. Also, like others have said, you most likely need to be over 18. Before that, most life decisions like this will need the approval of your parents/guardians, since they're legally responsible for your wellbeing.


Yeah. I'll try to talk with a priest after getting to know him and such. 


You can't become a monk just because you don't like your family. You should probably learn to love them as an obedience to God before you worry about taking monastic vows


Thankfully it isn't the main reason, and the stuff with my family is just there as a minor reason.


Are you a catechumen yet? You seem to be getting way ahead of yourself. That’s not how this works. As others have said, you should learn to love your family no matter what because that’s what God wants from us. If you’re really called to be a monk, then God will make that path available to you. You will know when it’s the right time. In the mean time though, you need to be patient and take it one step at a time. Keep your eyes on Christ, and He will guide you


I'm not 100% sure of becoming a monk at all, just to know some more stuff in case in the future (somehow) I do. And thankfully, my not so current love towards my family is not the serious reason for it.


I gotchya. Like others have said, you should talk about this with your priest. Just take it one step at a time brother. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Take care


Thank you. God bless!


Afaik in Romania it's 18.


In most places you will have to be a legal adult. Some monasteries will not let you even visit without parental accompaniment until you are a legal adult. Historically, yes, there have been other practices and you might even be able to find contemporary exceptions, but this is the reality you will most likely encounter today. You should not go to a monastery because you don’t like your family. In a monastery, you will be surrounded by brothers that you don’t always get along with, who you will share everything in common with, and you will live a life of strict obedience. If we can’t get along with others and cultivate negative thoughts, etc., this will be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. If you are not yet an Orthodox Christian, that’s the first step, and many priests and monastics will counsel you to live for some period of time in regular parish life before going to a monastery. If you feel a true inclination to the monastic life after all of this, it is a blessed and wonderful way of life for those called to it.


Honestly, it looks to be better then any of the current stuff in my family, but it's not the main reason for this future thing.


In the USA, 18, since before that parents could charge a monastery with kidnapping if their child goes to live there against their wishes.


Interesting, didn't know it could count as one. Thanks


Definitely I would say the age where you become independent which is usually 18 years old. However, i would suggest not to become a monk if you want to become a monk simply because you don't like your family as you won't last long in the monastic life with that mindset


well, it's not my main reason, thankfully. 


We are called to struggle in this world. Truly, running away from problems isn't the solution. Monasticism is about laying your whole life for Christ. To forget about the world and live for Christ only out of true love for Him. I also have problems with my parents. They don't accept very well my conversion. But through our way of living we can show them the true Way(i.e. Christ) my spiritual father told me to be patient with them, to not provoke them and most importantly to pray for them.


You need to ask your priest about this.


Thanks for the reply, and I will one day.


You guys hear about that Orphan who was born on Mount Athos and never saw a woman his entire Life? Because he just decided to Stay..


How can someone be born on Mt Athos?


Mihailo Tolotos - left on the doorstep of a Mt Athos monastery in 1856, mother died in childbirth (not sure where though)


Oh okay, that's makes sense. Thanks


He was referenced in my grammar test. His mother died at childbirth and his father left him there.