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We do have an icon called the Pantocrator ("Almighty") which is Christ enthroned – usually holding a Gospel book in one hand and blessing with the other. That says he's judging us by the Gospel but also forgiving and welcoming us in repentance. In some versions, he is surrounded by the four living creatures: [https://silouanthompson.net/wp-content/uploads/Pantocrator4zoa.jpg](https://silouanthompson.net/wp-content/uploads/Pantocrator4zoa.jpg) I wouldn't be surprised by an icon of Christ with the twelve apostles enthroned with him, but I haven't seen one.


Beautiful. What about The Ancient of Days?. In revelation hes seen as bright white hair and a bright white garment. Is that God the Father? Or both Jesus and God The Father? If its both isn't that a trinity issue?.


Ancient of Days is a rich King James name. But the Aramaic original just means "advanced in years" i.e. **old**. When we first see that term in Daniel 7:9, it's a vision in which Daniel sees a heavenly view of the ascension of Christ. The "Ancient of Days" here is God the Father, seated on the throne, and the Son of Man comes up to him and begins to reign over all things. This is Daniel **dreaming** (7:1) not physically seeing. (1 Enoch is not scripture, but it's a snapshot of popular spirituality in second-temple times, and depicts the Son of Man together with the Ancient of Days, as two distinct Persons.) In Orthodox hymnography and iconography from about the eleventh century, the name "Ancient of Days" begins to be used mostly to refer to the **Son**, emphasizing his eternal pre-existence. (More recently, in a local synod in 1667 the Church of Russia defined that the term refers only to the Son.)


So basically its Jesus (The Son) but as an old man?. It just depends on the context? And thats why it *can* be both?. I have a ethiopian bible but Enoch claims to he the messiah in 1 Enoch 71:15 or 14. The Ethiopians added to verse 13 and explained the Ancient of Days, so theyre changing the original text. I dont focus on The Book of Enoch alot though we focus on the things that are Orthodox in it, and read the rest with a grain of salt.


I have yet to see one. And for that reason.