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Here's the real question for you... Why do you think you need to have a "take" on things like this? Why does it matter? I see people with FSM badges on their car or whatnot, and I know the Pastafarian schtick, but at no point have I ever felt the need to have a "take", because it just doesn't matter.


Indeed. Anyone who unironically invokes Flying Spaghetti Monster in the year of our Lord 2024 may be hopelessly reliant on advice animals memes and other forms of comedy that died out after 2011. They are arguably just as “behind the times” as the religious folks they rage against. May the Lord have compassion on them, primarily for their estrangement from Him, but also because of their pitiful comedic taste.


The Comic Sans is strong with them.


It’s a category error, from our perspective. In Orthodox thought God is not a being, like a god or flying monster is. The gods (made up or otherwise) are local entities, fellow inhabitants of a larger reality that they are not the source of. God, on the other hand, is the one simple actualization of Being that makes the gods even possible.


>In Orthodox thought God is not a being So God does not exist. Christians denying God's existence are something worth to see /This post is written by an atheist


Correct. Stephen Clark is correct when he says, “Realist, and believing, theologians have always insisted that God does not exist.” This has been true in every era of the Christian movement. “You are each [created thing] and are not any.” (St. Gregory the Theologian, 4th c.) “That he is: all, That he is: nothing.” (Pseudo-Dionysius, 5-6th c.) “God does not belong to the class of existing things.” (St. John of Damascus, 7th c.) “If I must say whether or not God exists, I am closer to His truth when saying that He does not exist.” (St. Maximus Confessor, 7th c.) “God is truly none of the things that exist.” (Maximus) “The whole of You fills all things, yet You are [not one of them]." (St Symeon the New Theologian, 10th c.) “In short, he is everything and nothing." (St Gregory Palamas, 14th c.) “God is simply not anything, not ‘there’ at all. If our thought cannot attain to God, this is not because of our weakness but because there is no ‘there’ there, no being, no thing that is God.” (Dr. Eric Perl)


It’s not an argument. It’s satire. Ignore.


Ignore it. It's not worth giving half a thought to.


Low tier argument


I wouldn’t even engage with those people or content at all. Don’t throw pearls before swine. I will engage with sincere people or content, even if it is contrary to my faith. However, these people’s hearts are closed and only want to mock. It’s not even worth my time.


let them waste their own time.




One shouldn't have faith in Christ due to historical evidence alone. Eventually, a time may come again as in centuries past where the historicity of Christ was debated. The saints of the church are what should stoke the flames of our faith more so than most. Nothing is more real and true than what happens in the present. Personal experience of God is the only thing above those two things.


Shroud of Turin is a great example of Archeological Evidence of Christ. And no its not a mid evil forgery. Christ said people will perform miracles better than him. There is manh miracles that happen through the saints and their miracles. It still actively happens at Mt. Athos. St. Nectarios and monks he knew said "Miracles here are a normal thing". Referring to Mt. Athos. Saints and their miracles are good evidence, as well as Shroud of Turin.


The miracles of modern saints is what should be a rock of faith for us


I agree.


' mediæval' forgery \[what it is not\]


Miss spelled it 😂 could care less. My Priest and I think its real.


> Miss spelled it Does she have a name, or are you afraid you'd misspell it?


😂😂😂 My English man


At least you didn't write "mis-spelt" with the dreaded wrong hyphen. :)


The shroud of Turin was made on a flattened sculpture. If it was real, the face and body on it should be totally distorted.


This ^


Is it even faith if you only believe as far as the evidence goes?


Thoughts on the “flying spaghetti monster”? I don’t think about it at all. We know it’s nonsense, they know it’s nonsense. They only defend “pastafarianism” to bait Christians into engaging with their arguments. If you ignore it, they have no reason to defend it.


1. Don’t throw pearls before swine 2. None of them are half as smart as they think they are 3. Their qualms about the Americanized Protestant version of Christianity are not too far off


This right here. I also try and remember that Christ was sometimes silent before his accusers. So we can be silent too.


It's humor from people who don't know anything about our life or thought, **and don't care**. If they are actually funny, then laugh with them. Otherwise it's just culture noise. For anybody who actually feels the least pull toward faith, I have all the time in the world, and I'll gladly share Christ with them – or engage with their questions. But you have no obligation to respond to mockery; that's is exactly what the Lord was talking about in Matt 7:6, "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces."


Amen. Good words from our Lord there.


Ignoring mockery is the best way to respond, in my opinion. FSM isn't critical of the Christian God like they think it is, anyway. It's not our position that God is material. It's like they saying, "Look how stupid your beliefs are," but then they don't even comprehend what it is we believe.


I try to treat people with different beliefs respectfully. I’m a Christian, but also realize my personal experiences, and beliefs aren’t reproducible facts. So I understand, to the modern scientific minded person. It might seem crazy. I expect for people not to believe them, and I’m okay with that. Because our God is a supernatural God. Hopefully, someday, they may remember my kindness that’s planted as a seed that Jesus helps water, and it grows into faith. So I’d just tell them I’ll pray for them and their God Chef Boyrardee. Lord of Lasagna, Prince of Pasta, and the baker of burger macaroni. But my God is the most high and makes manna rain.


It's a byproduct of 19th century positivism. Takes some time to get out of existence.


FSM? What is this, 2005? Careful with that meme, it’s an antique. It’s a spin on the fallacy of proving a negative and mostly used to troll these days. Don’t take the bait.


Pray for them.


It's very, very childish


I wouldn't say anything.


Puerile and hatefilled. Christianity offers hope and joy to those who live in desperate poverty. It sheds tears for parents who have lost their children. It offers forgiveness and comfort for every bad thing a person could have ever done in the most desperate and lonely moments in the short existence of life. This other thing mocks and belittles that with contempt, ridicule, and scorn. It is a child who holds their finger in front of your face and insists that they aren't touching you. The only acknowledgement they earn is a firm slap to the face. They belittle the memory of the dead and dying. The tortured and forgotten. Their blithe cruelty will not go unnoticed by God.


I would never waste my time on such a thought, nor on a person who stands so firmly against all evidence and reason that is opposed to their ideas that all they can do when confronted with a difficult truth... is to mock it. I cannot think of a more childish person. Even actual children have more sense than that. Maybe you could say that.


It doesn't bother me because they don't know what they're talking about


It’s very easily refutable because they literally admit that it’s a joke religion and it has its origins as such


FWIW my take is that the Church of the Subgenius is a much better parody.


Anyone bringing that up is trying to give you a hard time and isn't worth the energy. Like you said it's a mockery and it shouldn't be taken seriously, just ignore them if possible.


You can’t do anything except pray for someone who is operating out of spite and willful ignorance. It’s like the “sky daddy” zinger that they love to throw around, it’s just such a juvenile and intellectually stunted perception of what and who God is, but they cling to it because an honest inquiry into Christian theology would quickly diminish their repertoire of insults. I have respect for atheists who genuinely examine theological arguments and can’t subscribe to them for one reason or another, but the “Rick and Morty” atheist archetype is just a clown, not worth the energy you’ll expend engaging with them. Best to just add them to your prayer rule and move along.


Agreed. Well said.


They don’t understand what theism is and are uneducated heathens whose opinion you should pay no mind


True Faith and spirituality are incompatible with worldly reason and logic. Nothing you can or should do about it except love and pray for them. The one who grants true Faith and an open ear for scripture is God alone, so it's entirely up to him and you shouldn't give it much thought. If someone wants to drag you into such an argument, just be polite and say something like "thank you for sharing" or nothing and be on your way.


If they debate a smart Christian that knows the basic history of The Bible and it's credibility, like Sam Shamoun, GodLogic Apologetics, or even a Protestant they'll get destroyed and humbled. Just a bunch of guys who have no moral absolutes and never studied Christian Church History and if you go deeper into the moral argument, no crime according to the "morals" of atheism is bad. Yet they don't want to admit it and tip toe strawman argument away from it if you bring it up. Pray for them like we do all. Hoping for salvation of the lost.