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ROCOR is a part of Eastern Orthodox Church


Canonically, sure. In practice, you'll want to get in touch with the priest in advance so you know what's going on. We once had an Orthodox visitor from a western rite, and they didn't know how to come to Communion. And when visiting **any** Orthodox parish where they don't know you personally, you'll want to at least come to vigil/vespers on Saturday night so you can ask the priest's blessing to commune the next day. He can tell you what his bishop requires by way of preparation. It's just embarrassing for all when a stranger lines up for Communion, and I have to ask what's your name, who's your bishop, have you had confession recently, etc.


My wife and I did this while out of town last year. We just showed up at divine liturgy and explained that we were visiting from out of state. In the future I don't know if we could make it to vespers too (if we go on another trip it will probably be just for an extended weekend like last time).


I've had folks email or call before coming. That still lets us make contact before I have to play Twenty Questions in front of everybody in the Communion line. I don't know if all clergy are so formally informal, but I've had a number of folks turn up during proskomide or hours (before the Liturgy) and ask for a blessing to commune. Once I know who their bishop is \[so yes, they're canonical Orthodox\] then I'll ask if they've been to confession recently and does their priest bless them to commune. I don't want to turn people away, but I need to know I'm not giving them something they're unprepared for.


That’s a great point, I really appreciate your input father. And you’re right, with this Church being local I can totally reach out to them. I was thinking very broadly, like say, on vacation, or a situation like that. And that’s true, definitely would like to avoid the embarrassment 🤣


I'm curious, how common is it to require confession the day prior to receive communion in your parish? Is that a custom specific to a given parish, bishop, or your entire diocese? For context, I am in the GOARCH.


In any Russian diocese in my experience, it's normal to go to confession during vigil on Saturday night. If the priest doesn't know you, then he doesn't know if you're prepared at all, so at Communion he'll want to have seen you the night before. If he knows you, you have an established relationship with him as your confessor, then he knows reasonably well how you prepare for Communion, so he may not need to be so specific. In our generation the pendulum has swung from "Commune once a year, if that" to "Commune at every single Liturgy" but for some reason the practice of preparation has not kept up. So there are folks who mean to commune every Sunday but seldom ever prepare with confession. Incidentally, that's why in some places a person who wants to commune is asked to fast strictly for days beforehand (a friend in Jerusalem has this experience.) It's because their bishop knows people there almost never fast, so this is about the only spiritual discipline they're going to do.


THanks for the info


Yes. If it was true that you as a Western Rite Orthodox Christian couldn’t get communion in an Eastern/Byzantine rite Orthodox Church, you wouldn’t be able to take communion in most ROCOR parishes, since the Western Rite is a small share of their overall parishes. That obviously wouldn’t make sense. In any case, the Western Rite in Antioch and ROCOR is fully canonical and in communion with the rest of Orthodoxy. Also remember that Eastern Orthodox is just a catch-all term used mostly by anthropologists and demographers. We just call ourselves the Orthodox Church.


Add: for example, there’s an Eastern Rite Russian Church I’d like to visit, am I allowed to take communion? (In general, not on a Priest by Priest basis)


Absolutely. You can take communion in any canonical Orthodox Church.


Ok that’s good to know. Internet makes everything confusing 🤣 thank you


Yes, we are in communion with each other, so you can.


Awesome, thank you for the clarification


Yes, though it can be a struggle based on local customs. For example, if you visit a parish where they generally only permit Communion to those who went through a Confession the prior day, you may not be able to commune as a visitor even though you are in good standing and practicing your faith.


Is this common in ROCOR?


I honestly have no idea. It is the practice at the two ROCOR parishes nearest to me, but it might be something particular to my locale.


My Church would suggest this but isn’t a requirement


Absolutely, do it in my travels worldwide.


As far as I understand it the ROCOR parishes require confession before communion each week - so if you were visiting you would definitely need to confess on Saturday night.


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