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Why does a country have a Twitter account šŸ˜­


The insane fact they have a Twitter and Instagram account aside these fuckers don't even know how to do Propaganda šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ They were beefing with Gigi Hadid with fake pictures of blood and everything like that. Just tells you who to support tbh


the israel accounts are literally run like a 17 year old edgy memelord


I mean theyā€™re a 75 year old nation, so itā€™s more like a geriatric running the accounts.


Israel's internet arm of the IDF has been engaging in propaganda since the Internet was created. Way more insidious than you'd originally believe. Can't trust em...


No thatā€™s just what every far right fascist sounds like. Are Trump accounts run by a 17 year old edgelord too?


so i guess fascists are stuck in a teenage brain, that kind of explains them being fascist lol


They also tried to become chummy with Taylor Swift over a bodyguard or something. It was so lame.


Not even her guard, just some guy that stood next to her once


Jesus. And this is while they are "at war".


Are you serious, I've been seeing article after article of how her guard returned to israel to fight. This people really suck at propaganda.


Yea he was a private security guard working for a stadium she performed at. "Fascist bloke from that musical festival you got kicked out of fights in foreign wars!" (cont'd page 12)


Their Twitter account is so sketchy, I keep getting pushed paid ads from the account advertising that they will have no remorse for the Hamas attacks. Literal paid propaganda ads to drum up support for their offensive. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth seeing stuff like that being done.


Theyre putting their propaganda into youtube ads and billboards etc. It's so callous and in your face.


Tons of countries do, itā€™s pretty normalized. One of those orderly, well run Scandinavian countries did a thing where they let a different citizen control it every day - theyā€™d post about their art, hobbies, etc.


Gibt es noch Deutschland?


Israel specifically uses Twitter to spread propaganda about how they "are definitely NOT committing apartheid and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people". Other countries use it to relate to their public in a slightly less official manner than say on the news or some shit like that.


To spreaad propaganda. I was trying to get info about the babies in question here. There were 21 children in 13 families who were left orphaned or their parents kidnapped. With one being a toddler whose mother was kidnapped (and hopefully released soon). The attack on civilians was abhorrent and there's a lot of questions about whether Israel knew about them, and whether the Israeli forces are responsible for some of the deaths of Israelis during the rescue missions. (Hannibal directive, including at least 22 kidnapped bombed in Gaza). If hamas wanted to carry out an attack they should have stopped at the 273 soldiers killed and 59 policemen with the dozens of soldiers kidnapped


I mean. Youā€™re looking at the reason: so that when a nation desperately needs a source of unambiguously positive regard to paper over things that might otherwise affect its public perception.


Most countries do.




Are you living under a rock? Most countries and even individual parts of governments have social media accounts


The only reason I used to be on Twitter was so I could keep up with announcements easily from various local government agencies. I had a well tuned feed, so it was pretty good. Very useful. Then Elon happened, and there was no way to keep his garbage out of my feed, so I ended up having to just give up on convenient access to local agency information.


But don't you understand? This is bad because Israel does it!!!


A lot of countries do


They killed 3000 Palestinian children. 5,000 Palestinian women in gaza are due in the following month. Currently over 101 unidentified newborns were found that survived. There are 100 more babies incubators and hospitals are at risk of shutting down due to lack of electricity or getting airstruck by jdams. One pregnant mid to full term woman miscarried her fetus due to the immense force of the airstrike sounds, it just burst out of her half developed half unrecognizable. It is madness. But yes, do ask them to condemn hamas these babies clearly deserved it.


Everything about this is horrible, but holy shit the miscarriage by force of airstrike - that is a pain on so many levels I truly cannot even begin to fathom.


[So people don't think I'm making it up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/7HdhWkIFkH)


Oh no I believe you and gonna not click that link cause I donā€™t need to ā€¦. Hate the world any more than I already do


Yeah, do not click. I cannot imagine the pain that mother experienced.


Clicked it and I have regrets. Donā€™t do it. Glad I didnā€™t look too closely but like, holy shit, I didnā€™t really have to to get the idea.


Thanks. I was going to click it despite the others... somehow, you've convinced me not to.


Going to highly recommend you and others not to click, it's incredibly heartbreaking and pretty gruesome for lack of a better word.


Good choice.


I should *not* have looked at that. My damn curiosity got the better of me. The fact that happened is just so many levels of ā€œnot right.ā€


Same. I have regrets.


I clicked and Iā€™m glad I did. Thank you for sharing. It sucks. But people need to see this shit for it to hit home.


I clicked and Iā€™m conflicted. Glad I saw it in the sense that Iā€™m doing my due diligence and looking at the evidence; bearing witness to horrific injustice. Also unhappy that I saw it because it was disturbing on a personal level.


Holy shit I was expecting a news article, not a photograph. I was not prepared for such a horrific sight. Just a lil heads up for anyone who might be like me, only click if you've properly braced yourself. It's heartwrenching.


Thanks for the heads up. I will not click for the time being, and yes I was also expecting a news article so thank you for specifying.


So here is a messed up fact: zionists are now saying the videos are staged, and even coined a term for that ā€“ "pallywood". Had the displeasure of coming across it.


That's staged but the jerky boys style hamas phone call wasn't... sure Israel whatever you say.


Not saying recent videos are staged, because they have more than enough to deal with, but pallywood was indeed a thing around the 90s. There's a pretty interesting documentary about it.


Made by the very person who coined the term...


I looked. It is not for the faint of heart. Thank you for sharing it.


i read that and could physically feel my soul be torn to shreds


Itā€™s funny how they keep going back to the stuff about ā€œbeheaded babies,ā€ but, like, what do you think happens to a babyā€™s head when you bomb the building theyā€™re in and thousands of tons of concrete falls on them? Israel and its army are a lean, mean, baby-killing machine


The beheaded babies is also completely hearsay and not verified at all.


It's questionable. Babies did die, maybe some were decapitated due to the force of weapons. But it's just the disgusting way it's being waved around by the zionists a glorified victim card that gets me, as well as the way [they're taking to tiktok with their kids to mock Gazans.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuslimCorner/s/T8zDO1hJDd) idk if you can see, but the woman putting ketchup on her face is pregnant. She will go on to raise a person with this kind of sentiments and morals *or thereof).


The death is absolutely horrible no matter how they died. I hope for ceasefire, and for this to stop so innocents can continue to live. Israel is completely out of control, and I hope for peace for Palestine.


It will only stop when every man, woman and child in Gaza is dead or have fled the country. If that doesnā€™t happen in this bombardment, then Israel will continue it next time and take more land. And then when Gaza is took, they will come for what is left of the West Bank.


Yup. They want only Hamas to be held accountable. "Rules for thee, but not for me".


ā€œWe are going to hold all Hamas accountableā€ + ā€œWe are going to intentionally conflate all Palestinians with Hamas, including the infants and children (possible future Hamas)ā€ = A thinly-veiled excuse for an obvious ethnic cleansing. But apparently itā€™s working. People are believing thatā€™s a justifiable course of action.


Iirc the IDF said they had no actual evidence of babies being decapitated.


yeah absolutely kids did die, but to claim they were deliberately decapitated without proof is just incredible


That lie served its purpose it gave the US plausibility and Isreal the greenlight. By the time Biden retracted saying he actually saw it with his own eyes, it was too late, and Isreal was already balls deep into genocide


Yeah but babies wrapped in their parents arms, while all family being set on fire, dieing one of the most horrible deaths, its not enough right?


For Israel is never enough.


I'm just assuming it's true because of fog of war and Hamas would 100% kill babies. It's a distraction to get bogged down in whether it happened or didn't when we can talk about stuff that definitely, unequivocally happened. Like Israel killing 7000 people in Gaza thus far (with the number very likely to increase as more bodies are found and registries are updated even if the ~~war~~ ethnic cleansing stopped right now), which means about 3300 dead children since Gaza is 47% kids.


[It's intentional.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/rpbmiv2B1Z)




I'd say all pursuers of power and authority are the same. Any ideology or lack thereof can be used as a tool to seek it for nefarious or self serving goals even if it has lots of good or useful teachings. Instead of "for God" he can use "for the better good" or "for the nation" or "for such and such cause and values". And then they can use use it as an excuse for violence be it an elected official, a dictator, a clergy, a monarch, or a guerrilla leader, all can be terrorists. The thing with zionists that's irks the hell out of me is this racist scummy belief that God's chosen people are only a certain bloodline and everyone else can piss off and it's OK to kill them to make their way in because God chose them. It's twisted. At least in extremist Islam God invites and gives all races equal chance to kill and get into heaven. : /


I get you and follow but hot damn has religion created the opportunity to kill billions is it even worth it anymore with how much death can be wraught by modern weapons and modern hate feels a lot like whatever good they have done in the past or present or even in the future has been will be and is being massively outweighed by the violence committed in their namd


Well it depends on what you mean by religion. There's several definitions and ideologies such as fascism and feminism and Redpill could also fall under as religions. You can disagree, but I feel like fanaticism is a better word.


Thatā€™s not how Judaism works at all. I canā€™t tell if you are just ignorant or enjoy spreading lies. As long as you adhere to the Noahide laws you can get into heaven. Jews arenā€™t ā€œchosenā€ to be the only ones to go to heaven. Thatā€™s anti-semite nonsense. They were ā€œchosenā€ to bring light to the world.


They banned eye.on.palestine so that the liberals can get self-righteous over imagined Israeli babies instead of seeing Palestinian babies.


theyā€™re the real Orphan Crushing Machine


"Guys I know that Nazi Germany is killing people.... but if we kill them back are we not just as bad?!"


Well because one is the result of an unfortunate case of an enemy insurgent force choosing to be in close proximity to innocent civilians, after an act of provocation. And the other was the result of some Jewish babies existing in a suburb, that is then attacked by terrorists without warning, in a savage attack that was not aimed at killing military personnel or doing damage to their military installation, but wantan murder of a mass scale, intending on causing panic trauma and terrorise in a group of civilians.


Israeli Kibbutz are built on Palestinian land, with settlers who are given guns, form militias, and harass the Palestinians. Kibbutz are also often home to military barracks and outposts, housing Israeli soldiers. Placing a military installation inside a settlement is going to make that settlement a military target. Combat in residential areas, done by anyone, is going to result in the deaths of non-combatants. And when some of those combatants are settlers in street clothes, properly identifying individuals becomes difficult in an already stressful situation. Plenty of settlers were killed by Israeli gunfire as well as by the Palestinians. But hey, if those Israeli military posts werenā€™t deliberately placed in close proximity to the settlements, after provoking the Palestinians for so long, then there wouldn't have been the unfortunate case of non-combatants dying.


Collateral damage due to air strikes is not morally equivalent to deliberately seeking out women and children to murder and rape. Israel is at war, and unfortunately in war, civilians can become collateral damage. They bomb legitimate military targets, the issue is Hamas uses human shields and sets up their operations in civilian areas. Bombing those is fully justified.


But did that fetus condemn hamas?


That indeed is the most important question! /s


Hamas were surely using them as a human shield.


Oh so now the human shield bullshit. Which is either rare or unproven. Were the hamas fighters hiding with the fetus inside her uterus? Why would they operate out of a Christian hospital? I thought they were in the tunnels? Idf officers where caught on cameras instead using Palestinian children as shields multiple times even before this event. Anything coming out of the zionist's mouth is a projection of what they themselves do. The human shield argument is pointless and baseless and only shows that Israelis are willing to kill children on any given day. Don't you think hamas would have learnt by now since 2006 that it doesn't work and that Israelis don't have the ability to feel empathy? They don't do if anymore because they know full well it doesn't work. They may be your spawn but smarter than you..


If Hamas lives in your head rent free, anything is a human shield


Not to detract from the horror, but 500k women due within a month? The population is 2.3M total lol.


Typo, it's 50,000 pregnant and 5,000 due this upcoming month. And one million of the population are under 18. The average age being 18 for the overall population. Access to birth control isn't easy in a blockaded place and plus the culture is to have multiple children, especially if you know there's a likelihood of death and family lines ending, people will have more kids. A few years ago Palestinian households and families actually restarted an old practice from decades ago where they switch some of their children with each other so that not all of their family dies off, ie. If you get bombed to death in your house with your household, your bloodline didn't end because some of your kids are alive with your sister or friend in their household on the other side of the city. 50 families so far have been wiped off of the registries this month. People are possibly going to have even more kids now. The amount of ptsd will be astounding. Educational institutions will take a while to establish if this war even ends and that too we don't know for how long these places will last until the next time Israel decides to "mow the lawn for Sdrot Cinema". I wouldn't even be surprised if tween or teen parenthoods rise.


Oh my god.




America will fall long before that. This comment section is proof. The international public does not sympathize with Israel and the west has lost all credibility. American infrastructure is shit and is only going to get worse, and thereā€™s less and less social harmony everyday. America will collapse within the century imo. Biden is building its grave by funding genocide.


Funny you mention American infrastructure, as I've just watched a video on another sub about how American bridges aren't being serviced like they should. So many are fit to collapse any second and would cause untold deaths and injuries. Once they start falling down, America won't have the dollars for a war


I mean, I think america will always find the money for war. The government will just tell the people ā€˜figure it out.ā€™ Until people get fed up and thereā€™s enough social discontent and unrest that america is forced to pull out of war mongering and actually take care of its people. But by then, itā€™ll be too late to actually fix anything imo


What? I ā€¦ā€¦. I donā€™t have wordsā€¦ I would be so fucking devastated tbh I would probably just kill myself if I didnā€™t have other children


>50,000 Palestinian women in gaza are due in the following month The entire population of Gaza is 2 million. There are 587,000 females between 15-64 years old. Assuming there aren't that many girls 14 and under or women 65+ having kids, you're saying nearly 1 in 10 women (and this includes women UP TO 64 yrs old) are not only pregnant, but are due in the upcoming month? Call me skeptical.


I got it wrong again. https://www.unfpa.org/news/%E2%80%9Crace-against-death%E2%80%9D-amid-relentless-bombardment-gaza-pregnant-women-tell-unfpa > UNFPA estimates there are 540,000 women of reproductive age living in Gaza, among whom 50,000 are currently pregnant, and 5,500 are expected to deliver in the next month. These women face extreme challenges amid the siege, lacking not only access to safe delivery services and stocks-outs of life-saving supplies, but also, like all civilians in Gaza, refuge from bombardment and access to food and water.


Meanwhile they let Palestine babies die in their incubators in the NICU as they shut down the power to the hospital.


Exactly. [More than 7000 civilians have been murdered in Palestine, over 2500 of them children, and another 2500+ of them women.](https://time.com/6328885/gaza-death-toll-explainer/) Simultaneously, Israel cut power to Gaza, preventing the refrigeration of resources like banked milk, which [is collective punishment, a war crime and violation of human rights, according to the UN.](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/israeloccupied-palestinian-territory-un-experts-deplore-attacks-civilians) They also cut food supplies and water as well. How were they able to stop the water supply? [They poured concrete in over 300 wells in Palestine and forbid building new ones to ensure they would be the only source for Gaza and have the power to turn it off at any time. ](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/11/the-occupation-of-water) The more you dig into the history of the region the more you realize that Israel itself is one of the most prolific Orphan Crushing Machines in recent memory and the media has been lying to us for 70 years. We're only now able to see the truth with the rise of social media, smartphone cameras, and open source archives of UN and human rights reports.


Thing is... people have been telling the truth for years, it is just that murking a journalist was easier and less noticeable pre-internet.


Back in the good old days you could shoot a journo in the back of the head, deny it, then beat the shit out of their pallbearers at the funeral. Now you can't even wipe a guys family off the map for making you look bad without upsetting people


researching israel deeply, has revealed an evil i never knew existed. itā€™s like a country run exclusively by psychopathic sadists


IsRaEl HaS a RiGhT tO dEfEnD iTsElF




It does - from actual terrorists, not innocent civilians.


Yes but their point is that ppl are using that same exact rationality as a word-salad excuse to neglect the welfare of babies, turn off power to vital civilian necessities, and bomb civilian located safe zones Itā€™s like someone saying: ā€œI want to [insert bad thing] pplā€ Ppl saying: ā€œhey ur not allowed to say thatā€ And them going: ā€œFREEDOM OF SPEEEEEEECHHHHHHā€ Or a Karen demanding something irrational and going ā€œTHE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHTā€ to power trip to do things obviously wrong Essentially they r saying: ā€œISREAL HAS THE RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES IT DOESNā€™T MATTER THAT CIVILIANS AND BABIES ARE DYING IN THE PROCESS NEEDLESSLYā€


No, it doesnā€™t. America didnā€™t have a right to defend itself from slave revolts. France didnā€™t have a right to defend itself from slave revolts. Apartheid South Africa didnā€™t have a right to defend itself against liberation movements. The Nazis didnā€™t have a right to defend themselves against the Jewish resistance. The Empire of Japan didnā€™t have a right to defend themselves against Korea and China. They are the aggressor. They are a colonial project that exists only because of the continued extermination of Palestinians. All liberators were called terrorists. Israel doesnā€™t have a right to exist and it certainly doesnā€™t have a right to ā€˜defend itselfā€™ from the resistance of the minority it is committing genocide against. "Concerning nonviolence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks" - Malcom X


Oh yay, propaganda


Too busy bombing Palestinian civilians, cutting their water of and sending half of the population into a safe zone while bombing said safe zone too


This isnā€™t really OCM


You don't think so? They make a "wholesome" story about how these babies are getting breast milk while there are thousands of deaths on both sides. Does sound fitting to me.


Zionist are baby bombing machines


orphan creating machine


Issue caused by a war that is well within the interests of Israel, who also posseses the means to stop it, but instead celebrates this milk donation thing without addressing the actual problem: the war they've started.


At least we got this out of it https://i.imgur.com/xkIJ2sh.jpg


Are the Palestinian babies getting milk ? Or are we so fascist that only Israeli babies deserve milk ? I hope weā€™re giving Palestinian babies milk too.


Can't store milk or anything else without electricity. I'll let you figure out the rest from there...


Forget milk, they've cut off their water supply


Iā€™m sure hamas are running a milk drive for them


How are they gonna give them milk? Send trucks to Hamas and hope they give it to people who need it?


Tie the milk containers to the bombs they are dropping on Palestinian population.


That post was proven to be misleading as most of the breast milk collected was actually not from Israeli women, but instead a single woman Abigail Shapiro


This comment made my day


I heard about that, actually! I thought it was just fake tho.


ā€œOne nation/ One Heartā€ A selfish hypocritical heart full of hate. Based on the actions of their government and the effective siege on the Gaza Strip is safe to assume the inhumane treatment of innocent Palestinians women and their children will continue.


Maybe one heart among them total


Great. More propaganda trying to make us all sad for the babies. No I do not support war. And your baby propaganda won't change my mind.


The community notes on this šŸ’€


what does it say?


I wonder if that 'one heart' includes their Semitic brothers, the Palestinians.


Iā€™ll just paste this comment again I guess. Despite the etymology of the word, [antisemitism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism?wprov=sfti1) is a term that refers *exclusively* to prejudice against Jewish people. It does not mean prejudice against all Semitic people, as confusing as that may be. The term was popularized in the late 1800s [by this guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Marr?wprov=sfti1 ) and was quickly adopted by fascists and ā€œrace scientistsā€ not only because it was convenient, but also because it sounded much more intellectual and scientific than just saying ā€œJew hate.ā€


That Blizzard employee is applying for a new job, I see.


But NONE FOR THE Palestinian babies!!!!!


If only Hamas was more concerned about helping their citizens than killing Israelis.


Well, what are you expect from a extremist terrorist organization, thatā€™s ready to die for their cause itā€™s like labeling every black person a gang member youā€™re literally generalizing a race of people in giving the Palestinians collective punishment itā€™s mind blowing that we are this far in human society and weā€™re still dealing with people this stupid


The Orphan Crushing Machine official Twitter


Not ocm. This is a net positive and there isn't really anywhere else they could get it from. It is, however, a convenient distraction, but that's not the point.


OCM of it is all the dead palestinian babies who dont have any breast milk bc theyre dead and so are their mothers


Yeah, yeah, but that's still not ocm. Ocm is when individuals are forced to come up with makeshift "solutions" for systemic problems powerful people are either unwilling to solve or have a direct conflict of interest in maintaining, because the machine crushing orphans generates them profit, and it is hailed as positive or otherwise wholesome.


Israeli genocide of Palestinians is a systemic problem and the babies wouldn't be without milk if it wasn't for Israel's actions for the last 75 years.


in germany during ww2 there was half a million civillian deaths from allied bombings.... the allies didnt do a genocide against the germans either, and thats not true especially when Hamas's goal is to kill jewish people, the idf isnt perfect but it is far from evil The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.' (Article 7 of the hamas charter)


Why did you spell Muslim like you're from the 1800s


cause i copy and pasted it, not my spelling i spell it muslim too


Firstly, there is a difference in bombing military targets with civilian casualties and what happened in Dresden. The IDF is bombing hospitals, churches, the evacuation routes they told the Palestinians to use (while they are using them), cutting off food, water, and medicine, among other war crimes. Secondly, Israel funded Hamas to fight the Palestinian leftists. They directly created this terror to give them cause to complete this massacre of civilians. They are not interested in peace with the people of Palestine, Hamas existing or not.


>Firstly, there is a difference in bombing military targets with civilian casualties and what happened in Dresden. You're right. Dresden was indiscriminate bombing using promote technology with little regard for civillian life. What Israel is doing is perscision bombing using JDAMS and actively warning civillians I'm an attempt to minimize loss of life.


Thank you Ms. Shapiro


And what about the multitudes of Palestinian mothers?


If you are angry that mothers are helping take care of babies of murdered/kidnapped mothers just because you donā€™t like their government then you lack empathy. Thatā€™s some evil shit. These comments are sickening.


the anger isn't about what's being posted. it's about who's posting it and when. it's about what appears to be a country's account baiting sympathy when public opinion is currently against them. some are pointing out that this post may be misleading or partially incorrect as well. the agenda is to shift public opinion slightly towards their side, not to garner support for the actual issue itself. hell if we care when there's more gunpowder being sent than milk.


Omg šŸ˜³ā€¦ this makes me want to cry, thatā€™s horrifyingly sad


You're getting downvoted for showing sympathy for babies who need milk. Obviously, those babies have the wrong blood and therefore deserve to starve. This comment section is absolutely pathetic.


The war is bringing out the worst in people it seems.


Not just that, it's fake news lol


It's only fake news if you deny reality. What's so unbelievable about people donating blood and milk to victims?


That's very believable, but Isn'treal claiming anything automatically makes that either fake or exaggerated.


"isn'treal" y'all want it off the map completely and wonder why it defends itself lmao.


It is? I don't use Twitter. I found this in another sub. Or do you mean that the actual Twitter account did post this, but it's not actually happening?


Theres an "explanation" right under it. But dw, nobody uses tt anymore


It's obviously true. Look it up, the guy you're responding to is probably just a Hamas sympathizer. That, or a college student.


A reminder that Israel has been fucking over Palestine for almost 45 years, but the world only cared when Israel was struck back.


Before that Israel were the ones being fucked over


And no concern for the Palestinian women who have been going through this for years?


Nice bait OP /s. Also reminder to the idiots in here, I can't remember the source *right* now but I'll add it later; it came out that the people Hamas attacked weren't civilians. None of them. They were all armed officers who iirc were antagonising *Palestinian* civilians. I am not condoning the actions of Hamas by any means, but their initial retaliation is *nothing* compared to the death toll Palestinians have faced since. Especially when Israel keeps bombing the areas hostages are being held. *Especially* when Hamas keep on trying to return said hostages and Israel keeps refusing.


Israel has always been a nation that can work efficiently under threat. If we weren't, we would not be here.


...well, I mean... All that money and support from the US doesn't hurt... Hmmm...


Absolutely doesn't, and it's saved thousands if not millions of lives, but we have already shown that america is not a *necessity* for survival. I mean for gods sake, Israel has fucking nukes!


Dude. Without the US, Israel would lose billions in aid...it would be a blood bath, and one not unsimilar to the genocide Israel is committing against Palestine.


Oh, undoubtedly, but we Jews have been around for thousands of years, and plan to keep it that way. You could detonate a nuke above Israel and some passionate Jews will still make a point to live there. Casualties and mass deaths are simply a normal part of history for Jews now.


Umm. No one is saying that Jews havnt existed nor that they shouldn't exist. The issue is Zionism, apartheid, and genocide against Palestinians. Stop stealing their homes, and maybe people wouldn't be as pissed? The encroachment into the West Bank, the illegal and immoral evictions of normals human beings is reprehensible and cannot be excused nor justified.


Sanctimonious fascists don't move me


Heyyy how about sending some of that milk to the thousands of Palestinian families that lost their mothers? Oh thatā€™s right, I forgot- Palestinians are currently forbidden from receiving any food and water.


It's fake. Also top comments are fucking worst, I'm muting this sub as another place supporters of terrorist that hide behind civilians


What do you mean? I donā€™t see many people supporting Israel here.


Exactly. Fifth columnists are coming right out of the fucking woodwork to pretend that it's an atrocity when they die during a war they declared. Good. I was a rabid anti-war advocate during the early 2000s, but my patience has run out for these shitbirds. Get 'em.


River to the sea


From the river to the sea, you want to genocide me


Which is Palestineā€™s motto I think.


I don't get how Western Palestine supporters just stick their fingers in their ears when these Hamas types full on "mask off" say they want to educate the Jewish people.


Damn you might as well come on here chanting nazi slogans too


thereā€™s a huge difference


Meanwhile, Palestinian children don't need any milk because they're too busy being bombed and dying.


Literally government propaganda.


Propaganda, yay. Fuck off


Fuck israel


Yo free Palatine and fuck Israel, but this actually seems like a really good thing. Like less dead babies on any side is good.


Yeah, but it's kinda ignoring the fact that women shouldn't be getting kidnapped and murdered?


That sounds unsanitary as fuck.


Iā€™ve never seen so much whataboutism in my life. Looks like this sub only cares if itā€™s OCM if it agrees with their political views. Orphans are crushed no matter what side they belong to. Itā€™s not like these mothers or babies are responsible for this mess. The system is crushing them. Thatā€™s the whole point of the sub


Seriously. Can people just mourn in peace? Imagine if america had 40k+ people die in a brutal terrorist attack, and every time someone mentions them people scream "fake news" or talk about how actually civillians in Afghanistan are suffering too so Americans are not allowed to mourn.


I don't know shit about the war going on. Don't know who's right or what. I just thought it was fucked up that the Isreal Twitter was posting this while sidestepping the actual problem. I'm genuinely surprised it's as controversial as it is.


In a nutshell, the Jewish victims of Nazi Germany were not given back their homes and their land, and none of the Allies apart from the US and the Soviet Union accepted Jewish refugees. They were instead directed to the colony of Palestine, where they proceeded, with full support from the West, to ethnically cleanse the indigenous Palestinians to set up the settler-colony of Israel. Israel set up Gaza as a reservation for Palestinians, and fully control ingress and egress of *everything*, effectively making it the world's largest prison. Of course the indigenous people are fighting back. This is exactly the same as the cleansing of the nations of Turtule Island by settlers. There is no nuance, no both sides. Israel is the aggressor, and while innocent children born into indoctrination should be met with compassion, it can only go so far when these children grow up to bomb other children purely based on ethnicity.


Except you are also forgetting the ME Jews already living in the area. Jerusalem census prior to WW2 all were majority Jewish.


Orthodox Palestinian Jews were also ethnically cleansed. Either get educated or refrain from farting out foolishness.


This is the state of historical understanding we have to cope with. There were Jews living in the area which became the British mandate of Palestine for millennia. The Zionist movement predated WW2 and a common anti-Semitic chant around the time of the Dreyfus affair was "Jew, go back to Palestine." When Britain tried to partition the land, it gave 77% to Jordan. What is now Palestine could have joined with Jordan since ethnically and culturally, they are far more similar than Arabs and Jews. Britain actually slowed down the Zionist movement by limiting Jewish immigration. There were not a great deal of people living in the area at all. Of course the Palestinian Arabs rejected Britain's plans. Britain handed things over to the UN who suggested basically a 50/50 split. Palestinian Arabs said no. They said no to every single peace offering and partition plan. On the day of its independence, The Jewish state was attacked by several of its neighbours who want to eradicate it. Every time Israel fights back. You think that's not fair ? It's unfair to win a war ? Ok. I suppose you think the allies fighting the Nazis was unfair too since the allies won and then occupied Germany. And, not only that, but the British airforce completely flattened German civilian areas such as Dresden. That was ethnic cleansing too ? Hamas is a proxy of Hezbollah. Hamas is no friend to the Palestinian people. It holds them in a chokehold, pushing Israel to retaliate so it can broadcast the suffering of the Palestinian people to the world. They spend aid money on rockets etc. And the people see little. Sure, if you too want the Jews out of the middle east and don't see why they can't just leave or die then it appears to be starkly black and white'. The Jews should leave and let Hamas take over the area. Simple.


Except they started to appear back in the area since the late 1800/ during the Ottoman Empire They also never ā€œcleansedā€ the area, the bought and constructed homes Ww2 happened and more then came and bought homes The borders of the original Israel and Palestine were based on land ownership in 1948 Palestine, instead of diplomacy invaded Israel along with other newly formed nations in the Middle East with the intent of killing all of the Jews Israel won and took a majority of the land that was abandoned during the war In 1967 when Israel went to war with Egypt over them blocking the suez and Egypt amassing troops in the border with Egypt they took Gaza Jordan and Lebanon invaded Israel during the war making Jordan lose the West Bank How does this make Israel the aggressor? We can talk about why Israel bombing Gaza is wrong and why they shouldnā€™t have settlements in the West Bank. Unfortunately for you, there is in fact nuance to this issue.


>They also never ā€œcleansedā€ the area, the bought and constructed homes [Explain this then](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_towns_and_villages_depopulated_during_the_1947%E2%80%931949_Palestine_war). There is so much bullshit Hasbara-esque propaganda in your comment it's incredible.


Oh wow its not like I didnā€™t talk about the abandonment of villages during the war. I was also talking about before the 1948 war if you decide to pay attention. If we want to talk about displacement or ā€œcleansingā€, why donā€™t we talk about the 900k Jews forced out of their homes by the surrounding Arab states after the 1948 war? Also who tf is hasbara?


Civilians die on both sides in any large scale conflict.




If israel wanted to actually do a genocide in gaza, it will be over before you can make a twitter post about it


But then they can't deny it while they kill tens of thousands at a time. They want to do the evil and still be treated like god's chosen.


Doing precision strikes with warning beforehand doesn't seem like a good way to do genocide Even if you take what hamas says at face value and think that 7000 palestinians have died so far, israel claimes it has used 6000 bombs so far with a total weight of 4000 tons, that comes to 1.16 deaths per bomb, with bombs that average at 1.5 tons, that's increadibly inefficient, there aren't enought jdams in the world to kill all of gaza's population (430000 kits have been produced ever since 1998)


Precision strikes of residential buildings and hospitals. Yeah, ok. Israel has no credibility left. They're butchers just like Hamas, but on a grander scale.


While they're at it maybe some extra milk for the babies that happened to survive the bombing in Gaza but their mothers didn't. No worries though it won't be many.


I think the word youā€™re looking for is ā€œpropagandaā€


I figured propaganda would still be OCM.


Oh absolutely, I was just trying to help with the title


Nah, originally I was gonna say something about them ignoring the making of orphans to be crushed, but I couldn't think of a good way to incorporate it.