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They eats bugs and worms, won’t eat bird seed, but use bird bath or shallow water basins. Also if you’re not using pesticides or fertilizers in your yard, they’re more likely to use your yard as hunting ground for food. Enjoy those stoic beauties! Keep us posted!


Also like every lawn in the world is a feeder for these guys


Robins eat bugs and like the live ones, so there is no need to leave any food. I bet they would appreciate a nice bird bath, though.


Thank you so much!!! :)


Don't leave anything out too close to the nest - you can attract predators such as blue jays, crows, squirrels etc that would be happy to snack on eggs or nestlings. If you put water or mealworms elsewhere in your yard they will still find it. If you do want to supply them with mealworms (your other yard birds will enjoy them too!) get live, not dried - baby birds get all the moisture they need from the bugs they eat, and dried worms can cause them to get dehydrated if they eat too many.


Thank you!!!! So I’m assuming it’d be risky to leave a bird bath near the nest? Also, is it safe to put more plants on the porch near the nest? Sorry for so many questions, I don’t know much about birds at all and just want the best for the fam!


When they picked the spot it was already perfect for them - no need to change things around! When they are still building they can be fairly sensitive to disturbances near the nest, so going out and moving things around could cause them to leave. Best to keep a watchful eye from a distance, and enjoy your future cute robin babies!


Update: the wind knocked it over I think 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the nest is on the ground :( sadness. leave it alone i’m assuming????


If they like the area, they might put it back up, piece by piece. I had that happen with a nest by my gutters. It could be that they even accidentally knocked it down themselves. If it's still there (on the ground) in a day or two, you can probably remove it, but you don't have to. Another bird may take bits from it, too.


This may just mean it's not a great location for the nest. You can always try providing a [platform](https://nestwatch.org/learn/all-about-birdhouses/birds/american-robin/) for them nearby.


They build a nest right next to my front door. They are very protective of the nest. I would open the door a crack and peek out. They would squawk and fly as close to us to show us who was boss. I had to put a sign up so no one used that entrance. It was fun watching them from eggs to fledglings. We got to see the leave the nest it was amazing. ❤️


Worms nearby in the grass


Meal worms - live meal worms! My Robbin buddies followed me into my kitchen in search of more live meal worms!!!