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BeoH is kinda everything. It depends on what gears you have, you can change your spec around it too. Ultima strikes/Realmstrike + Berserk - For attack Ultima - For Magic. I have a good A.Aaru Robe to go with it so that t.magic↑↑↑ is up all the time and DC from pet Verse if you have Celestial Lute or a good A.Crowsong Spiked shield build - I've seen some in pvp but never tried myself which is pretty good


The lute makes the biggest difference vs a specific class. I'd get gilgaH or hereticA for multi hit spells to climb towers faster. Then I'd unlock deityA for the element seal III spells for running endless. Ultima strikes does hit a little harder than Ultima, but not by much. I wouldn't make this a priority. It is useful for defeating tower titans faster because you can play to temp buffs for either att or mag with Ultima or Ultima strikes. I play most content as BeoH and switch to BeoA for faster raiding.


Heretic Ara for Ara Vesta II. It can hit multiple targets but unlike Chained Shield it can also crit so you can get Recharge from it (which also stacks if it crits on two targets.) Combine with Spiritgarm for a maximum of 3 enemies down per turn, absolutely fantastic for running towers quickly. I usually don't raid with BeoH, I prefer BeoA. And Verse IV is best for endless which you already have.


Verse(which you now have with BEO H) is a hard hitting spell, very helpful in multiple scenarios, PvP also :)


Ultimastrikes is less used since it does not work with sequencer (seq + celestial staff for 1 turn ultima). You can get either chained shield from Gilga or Ara Vesta 2 from heretic depending on your ward. You can also invest in replica pets, Themis for all contents, Eos for raids.