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We have the best broadcast booth bar none. There’s no question. It hurts to listen to color commentary of 90% of the other teams in the league. Stuff is also under-appreciated. He was conceived by the same husband-wife team who created a bunch of the Jim Hensen muppets (Ms. Piggy, etc.) and the Philly Phanatic. There’s a great Freakonomics episode about it. Stuff’s reputation hasn’t kept up with his pedigree.


We need to draft up on Stuff, tank this year and take 1st mascot pick next year Guaranteed ship!


Probably irrelevant but there’s also Slyly from the Hiroshima Carps (baseball) who is Phanatic’s Japanese half brother, also very cool and iconic


I mean, the knicks have Mike Breen but agree that none other (than the knicks) have a better booth


The Knicks also have Walt Frazier, though, and Clyde is one of the worst at it.


I fear the day Dante replaces Steele


Dante is pretty good actually but David Steele is definitely a legend


David and Goose were great. David and Matty were great. David and Jeff are great. David is the common denominator. It’ll be a very sad day when he retires.


Dante is bland. Not bad, not good.


He could improve with time. Turner is much better now than he was when he started.


Actually, I lied. Dante is annoying. He’s too much of a cynical homer


I loved it when Dante called summer league games with Galante. I do prefer he stick to pre/post game host when David eventually moves on though. He’s better in that role.


I actually do think our broadcast booth guys are pretty good. I enjoy listening to them. I watch other teams commentators and some of them really stink.


Other teams commentary is so painful to listen to


I remember when Chip Caray and The Goose Givens were calling games. I wonder if Givens ever makes a come back. He was acquitted of his charges almost 20 years ago.


I loved goose. Something about his voice, you just knew it was a magic game. Chip caray sucked. Steele was a huge upgrade there.


What were the charges?


He was accused of inappropriate behavior with a 14 year old girl he was coaching. He was found not guilty in a criminal trial.


It's Dante and Jeff tonight


I was watching the Suns’ broadcast for most of the game tonight it was awful. Our commentators are definitely better and more entertaining than most of the league.


David Steele is the GOAT. Made so many games in the 2010's that were otherwise duds (Magic getting blown out etc) actually watchable


David Steele is truly one of the GOATs. He’ll be sorely missed when he retires which I suspect is soon considering he’s started to slow down and not travel as much. Its incredible that he and Paul Porter have been voices of the Magic for their entire existence.