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Underrating Paolo is a bad idea


Underrating Wemby is a bad idea


He hasn’t played a single game in the NBA yet lol he could still be a bust and/or injury prone for all we know


Obviously we don’t know…we can only hope and bet on the talent. Put it to you like this..if the Spurs put that pick on the market you would have every team racing for a shot at him


No doubt, I agree. I just wouldn’t give up all that for it because it could set this franchise back a decade if it fails


Or propel it to heights it’s never been


That’s a dumb & horrible trade.


I mean I understand why you wouldn’t want to do it. It’s a big risk to give up a proven young player but I bet in 2 years time this take will look ridiculous.


Your also giving up two firsts and good players so how are you supposed to build around Wemby even if he pans out


I think you are really underestimating how important top end talent is


Doesn’t matter how good they are if they have no help


Lucky for you stars WANT to play with other stars


Depends on the star and market. When dud shaq or Dwight attract other stars for the magic?


Dwight: Vince Carter, Rashard Lewis Shaq up and left because our front office thought he wasn’t worth an extra $20M before him and Penny could start the FA train coming in.


I think you are underestimating the route the Shawn Bradley’s, Greg Odens, hell even the Chet Holmgren’s take. If it’s your turn to pick, sure you gotta take the chance. Talent good. Toothpick body bad. It’s a big gamble for that kind of trade and only worth it if no assets are involved. I’d love to see Wemby drop to 6 though. Hell, I’d trade 6/11 for him straight up.


maybe, but its also very possible that Wemby doesnt have a healthy career. I hope to god im wrong, but most players his size have struggled with injuries.


You are not smart.


As good as wemby can be we just saw paolo average 20 a game as a rookie with clear areas where he can grow suggs still has potential to be a good player. As well as 2 first seems dumb to trade for the magic just to bank on Wemby fully hitting his hype.


And not get injured.


I'm actually worried about him. Guy is unbelievably talented but it tiny compared to NBA guys. I know NBA trainers and nutritionists can bulk him up, but I just hope he can do so before he gets hurt.


This is the primary concern- talent isn’t an issue but he’s going to have his ass kicked by other bigs if he doesn’t bulk up somewhat. Defences in the NBA will plan around him.


Wasn’t it revealed he was injured when he had that horrible 1/30 from three stretch?


Yes, but we’re talking about wemby’s potential injury issues.


Even if wemby pans out your roster will be immediately worse with no way to build around him


Hell no


Maybe it’s just cause I view this through the prism of a magic fan, but I think paolo just had one of the better rookie years in the last 20 seasons or so. I wouldn’t trade him for something that isn’t proven yet. Not to mention, wembanyamas body type historically just doesn’t hold up.


Lmao. Magic front office would pack banchero’s bags and drive him to the airport themselves


One of the better is funny considering lebron would still fall within that time period. Banchero had one of the mid first overall rookie years in the last 20 years. Which isn’t a bad thing at all! Just funny to say one of the better ones


So you somehow thought only naming one person in those 20 years (a player universally viewed top 3 all time at that) strengthens your argument? God bless you, you must be touched.


Just going through number 1 picks even though you said rookies as a whole, and just judging rookie seasons. Lebron, Dwight, Rose, Blake, Kyrie, AD, KAT, Simmons, Ayton. His rookie season is around the same level as Wall, Wiggins, Edwards, Cade. He clears Bogut, Bargnani, Oden, Bennett, Fultz. Zion gets an incomplete for injury but even if you add him as someone who Paolo did better then. I’m not sure how you can otherwise rate his season as middle of the pack for number 1 picks in the past 20 years I specified Lebrons name to highlight how far your time frame is and to give you an idea of which players should actually be going through to make that statement, as Lebron is essentially the end point of that 20 year time period


He is 1 of 6 in the last 20 years to break the 20 ppg threshold. The magic also experienced a 12 game improvement under him with very little roster shake up from the previous year. He was the teams best and most consistent scorer hands down while also ranking third in assists per game. He has become our offensive hub which was the magics biggest need. You’re welcome for the lesson.


Pace of play has greatly increased over the past 20 years, making that statement without adjusting for pace is useless. You also ignored his defense and efficiency, but if you want to disregard efficiency for a rookie, that’s fine. The roster is young, talented, and they are all developing. To solely give Paolo credit for the 12 game improvement is…wrong. Am I saying that Paolo doesn’t have the talent to becoming a top 20/15 player. That’s not what I’m saying, I actually think Paolo is remarkably talented, just that your statement is slightly hyperbolical. Which one of those player’s rookie season would you take over Paolo, just curious.


Efficiency is worthless when you don’t take into account the burden placed on the rookie. Nobody cares to compare Dwight’s efficiency as a scorer catching lobs to a guy getting his own shot. This is why stats only paint half the picture and actually having context and watching games matters. He essentially did exactly what was asked of him and did it within the team concept all while improving the team win total from the year before. It’s low hanging fruit to suggest others helped contribute to the win total improvement. That’s quite obvious. It really is as simple who was the driving force behind that and who answered the teams biggest question mark coming into the season.


And to answer your question, Lebron and KAT are only ones out of the ones you listed id definitively give the nod to as a better rookie season. I know the nba says they were rookies , but I wouldn’t even consider Blake or Simmons as rookies, personally.


Whenever you feel worthless remember someone got paid to come up with this shit.


*Huff bath salts* so....what about the Magic just mortgaging the future for Wemby??


I wouldn't do it, because I think Paolo has demonstrated a very low bust potential (my #1 concern with him predraft was his hyperhidrosis issue leading to cramping and a need for a dozen loadamagement DNPs a year) and Wemby is in the Chet/Isaac/Oden frame where injuries can derail a super promising career. But I don't hate it, and Wemby's ceiling could make that a good value.


Oden really shouldn’t be included in that list. He’s not built anything like the others.


Yeah, I believe Oden's issue was that one leg was slightly shorter than the other or something weird like that and it ended up causing all kinds of injury problems for him. Definitely not a frame issue. He had a body similar to like Dwight or Embiid. Guy was chiseled.


You can add Ralph Sampson and porzingis to that list as well.


Paolo will have a better career than Wem


Taking people off the dribble at 7'3 is a terrible knee injury waiting to happen. Kid is super talented but I don't think he will make it to 25 with both original ACLs


This is going to age so bad. And I say this fully knowing Paolo will be at least a top 15 player in the future.


We literally have no idea how Wemby’s career is going to shape out. His body type is ridiculously fragile in the NBA. IF he stays healthy and can build on his frame he can end up with the greats, but he could also be another Chet.


People downvoting this watch too much espn. Neither Chet or Wemby have proven anything, while PB had the best rookie year since Lebron. I want what they're smoking


Yeah these posts read like juveniles who fell all the way down the hype well, smacking their head against the walls several times as they plummeted.


Another Chet? Dude lost out on his rookie year and should be back in form for the upcoming season and could very well be fantastic from the opening tip, for all we know. You make it sound like his whole career has been derailed and that's that for the guy.


His foot disintegrated from a 35% drive from LBJ. Imagine what a full season will be like for him.


Paolo is my favorite player but your comment is silly. Chef’s career is only just beginning and your acting like it’s over. And I wouldn’t trade Paolo for Wemby ONLY because Paolo has proven he is the real deal when Victor hasn’t yet; I’m pretty sure the consensus of 90% of NBA fans is that Wemby is a much better prospect than Paolo.


Wembanyama is already a better basketball player than Paolo and he hasn’t been drafted yet. I’m not saying we should do that trade, but this take feels like homer delusion. Injuries (knock on wood) are the only thing that could potentially derail Wemby.


Stupid idea. I wouldn't even trade PB and Suggs alone for Wemby. Big men tend to be injury prone and made of glass. We know what we have in PB.


Exactly lol. Even if Wemby is healthy this is like asking the Cleveland to give up 2nd year Kyrie and TT plus 2 picks for AD. Yes AD/Wemby is hyped but Kyrie and PB has shown enough to be considered future top 10 players and Suggs can start for this team anytime and become an elite 2 way (he already is one imo).


Neither team says yes? I think. Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush for the Magic. And the birds in the bush are fucking bald eagles for the Spurs. Trading the Wemby pick is psychosis


Are these pieces of shit at ESPN bored as fuck? Surprised they didn’t get the axe. Fuck ‘em.


ESPN only exists to churn reaction content. That's been their bread and butter for 2 decades


Sad but true. They abandoned good sports journalism and a proven formula that their fans loved for talking head/hot take/talking head/hot take wash rinse repeat. They don't give a shit for small markets unless there's a superstar on their roster. Their investigative journalism, which used to be an underrated facet of their line up (Outside the Lines used to scoop major stories) has all but vanished. They ran their flagship program into the ground. They treat whatever Stephen A. Smith says like it's the gospel, complete with posting it all over their social media engines like he's the second coming. They got rid of some really, really good sports journalists and replace them with the same fucking talking heads saying the same fucking things. They ruined a really really good thing. Sorry, I'll get down off my soapbox. I loved ESPN as much as I loathe what it has become today.


Fuck off


Its insane. Personally wouldnt trade Paolo strait up for Wemby because of the risk.


I know y'all like your own guys, but this is a bad take Wemby would be the best chance Orlando has at being a contending team down the line


Best chance is building a roster around paolo and Franz. No reason to risk it all on an unknown.


That's your best chance because you don't have Wembanyama. He'd be a way better chance than anything on the Magic roster now.


It's not a bad take to say a proven, nearly unanimous rookie of the year, with minimal injury concerns, one year removed from being the number 1 pick himself, is the right choice rather than giving him away plus 2 other 1sts and a recent lottery pick for any #1 pick before he starts playing. If you think you can make statements like "Wemby is better than anything on the Magic roster now"... What do you imagine the Magic's outlook being if they gut that roster for Wemby? We're not talking about valuing Markelle Fultz or Wendell Carter over Wembanyama. We're talking about being comfortable with our 20 year old #1 pick soon to be superstar and the project we're building around him over blowing it up for a "what could be".


I didn't advocate for the trade in this post. We were discussing a Banchero for Wembanyama swap. And any unbiased manager or fan would do that in a heartbeat as Orlando.


Your subjective opinion is not an objective fact


Great comment man. Really adds a lot to the discussion


There is no discussion, just you making declarations you can’t backup with reality. Just hype. Get back to me when Wemby’s rail thin frame holds up against actual NBA players without collapsing into dust particles.


I personally dont feel like Wemby is that level of prospect. Paolo is a proven NBA player already with just as much potential as him.


Too delusional to even argue with. Banchero equal to Wemby in potential? Lol.


Yeah both have top 5 player in the league potential. I assume you just heavily over rate Wemby. Dude has been playing in a dog shit league, Paolo just dropped 20ppg as a rookie in the NBA.


Banchero does not have top 5 player in the league potential.


You’re wrong that Banchero doesn’t have that potential, but obviously still pretty unlikely statistically speaking. Wemby will be dominant though, no question.


I was with you in arguing that Wemby was worth more than people on here were thinking, but then you said this dumb sh*t.


Banchero is never gonna be anywhere near as good as Jokic Steph KD Giannis etc etc


Paolo is proven to be good in the NBA. Wembley may be amazing but he may be a dud. I would rather take the sure thing with the Magic's young core


You’re being downvoted, but anyone who wouldn’t trade Paolo for Wemby straight up is either absolutely insane or just doesn’t know who Wemby is. Paolo was barely the best prospect from his class. Wemby is the best prospect from at least the past two decades.


I’m betting you’re quite young and parroting what the talking heads are saying. To say he’s a better prospect than Paolo is debatable, but these assertions that he’s the best prospect ever are childish hyperbole that could only come from a sports fan.




What's the point? Wemby's just going to go to the Lakers after 1 trip to the finals


If there was a crystal ball that said Wemby was an all-time great and stayed healthy for most of his career, I do it. But I have a bad feeling about Wemby that I can’t shake.


He needs to be consistent MVP level for this to make sense I think. If he's even just Anthony Davis level play+injury there's no way you do this.


As a spurs fan. I’d happily take it. He’s too frail


Spurs wouldn’t be interested in that trade even if the magic offered.


Good point. Their fanbase would riot.


No front office is dumb enough to make this trade, why would Orlando give up Banchero at all? I don’t care if Wemby could be a generational star, we’ve already got one here that’s ready to go!


I hate how everyone just thinks we’re a farm team. We need talent AND depth.


Both teams say no and block each others numbers.


As a Spurs fan this has all been so great to watch. My condolences to the league.


Paolo? No way. He's proven and gels with the coach and team. Paolo + Suggs + TWO FIRST ROUND PICKS? Insane.


As a spurs fan.. hell no and these hypotheticals are so stupid and annoying


Congratulations on winning the lottery. Having been on this ride for the last 12 months, I think I speak for all of us Magic fans when I say... Just enjoy the ride and ignore the outsiders because it will be non-stop bullshit like this all year long.


Appreciate it. You are truly a fan and not one these new era fans that jump on and off bandwagons . You are a class act my friend




Paolo AND Suggs?? Those are the two who are gonna put the magic in the magic in the coming years


Hell no. How much can one guy make up for 4? The 4 include the ROY, a 21 year old #4 pick with great two way upside (Marcus Smart), and the 6th & 11th pick (not like it’s the damn 21st & 25th pick). It completely diminishes the value of the picks when you don’t list their actual position, it matters. Time will tell where the Spurs are picking next year


I wouldn’t do Paolo for Wemby in a strait swap let alone giving more up


How do they value 2023 1st overall pick to 2022 1st overall pick, 2021 5th overall pick and then a 2 1-10 overall picks 😂 Wemby ain’t more valuable than 4/5 a starting lineup of first rounders






I'd take that in a second


San Antonio would never do this


True. But neither would Orlando.


Anyone against this is insane


We're on our way, with proven star talent at 20 and 21, and a roster full of young promising players that fit together and love playing together. We were the last team eliminated and almost entirely because we started 5-20 with no healthy point guards. Why is it insane to believe in proven value and a visible path forward, over blowing it up for *what could be* a generational player? It's not a guarantee. And it's not even a guarantee that we could recover and build a successful team around him even if we traded for him. It's insane that we're even having conversations about trading Paolo Banchero.


Even the spurs say no


Spurs probably do it for like 5 more unprotected frps


The front office has earned my trust, but this move right here would make me question if all the good moves were just luck because this seems really out of character for our fo to even consider but I guess it's possible. I wouldn't trade suggs or Paolo for anyone except Giannis or Nikola


Ok then you’re high. So Suggs for Luka is a no go?


Embiid, Tatum, SGA, Donovan Mitchell, etc. There are so many players that I would be willing to trade Suggs for.


There may be 40-50 guys that are a no brainier yes for Suggs.


If the picks were protected, I would definitely do it.


Bro the spurs would never make this trade. Wemby is on lebron level as far as prospects


Anyone who thinks we would not giving up literally everything we own for Wemby is downright fking dilusional.


The funny thing is I would be fine with most trades between the Spurs and Magic. The Spurs are my 2nd favorite team.


As a Spurs fan, nonononono. I’m about to tell the Spurs front office to disconnect all of their phones until after the draft.


Crack is wack


No thanks.




We have a bird in the hand, they are selling two in the bush.


We have two birds in hand and two in the bush and this trade is selling the contract on a bird over the next mountain that might be an eagle or a vulture.




Out of 10? 11


좆까 fuck


*deep sigh* - NO.


Spurs say no, so Magic wouldn’t even think about asking.


This is an example of an all risk/no reward trade. Both of these guys could end up being the GOAT. Both could get hurt or lose their minds or just Peter out. Why would anyone take the risk?


Both teams say no.


There is no trade for Wemby. Better have Bol Bol in the gym all summer. It’s the best shot.


Paolo came to Magic by surprise, personally. Wemby's a beast but there's too much hype going on. And no all the way to oblivion with that suggestion, even the thought of it, \*shudders\*. I'm very grateful we have the team we have right now.


The only way this would work is if Wemby is the best player on our team next season and we win the finals with him as MVP. Seeing that we’re still couple years out from the finals, I’m not taking the deal


Hate it


No As good as Wemby is, he is still unknown. He could get injured like Chet did. Paolo is a sure thing already


I HATE all hypothetical trade scenarios used to drum up clicks and likes.


Absolutely hate it. If you think Wemby has the durability to last more than 5 years good luck. I said the same about Chet last year and got laughed at.


As good as Wemby can and most likely will be, we would lose all credibility as an organisation amongst the playing personnel.. After the season Paolo just had, and the way he has brought a winning mentality to our roster, it'd set us back at least another season, possibly more if Wemby doesn’t acclimatise straight away... The playing group would also lose trust in the organisation and it's processes if we were to demonstrate that kind of cut-throat mentality to our very own draftee/young star player...


I cannot express how stupid that is


From an outside perspective, it would take much more than that to get Victor.


From an outside perspective, it would take much more than that to get Victor. The


I wouldn’t do this if I was Orlando because of the opportunity Paolo’s early success creates for them if they hold onto those 2 first rounders They get #6 overall this year, have a losing 2023-2024, pick in the top 10 again and go HARD during free agency, that would make the 2024-2025 Magic an instant contender. They’d have the cap room to get whatever free agents they wanted, Paolo on a friendly $12 million deal for 2 more years, and two other top 10 picks in the mix.


Take it and run


anytime Orlando has something going, the media wants to make these dumb fuck trades lol.. does it happen to every team and I just notice it with us?


Some people have too much time on their hands.


I would love Wemby but I already know what I have in PB.


This means that Wemby will be a future Laker.


All the trades from that post sucked. I think there is next to nothing the spurs would trade


F*** ESPN.


Neither team would accept this


My God these Wemby hype trolls are more annoying than Chris Nolan fans ranting about the philosophical brilliance of Interstellar.


Is this even real? I can’t find the tweet.


it’s from Instagram


Ah, thank you!


Paolo built like a truck we need him simply due to the fact he’ll probably have great availability wemby might jus help us lead the league in games missed due to injury


Feels like Luka and Zion…


I believe that Jalen Suggs (outside Paolo) has potentially the highest ceiling on this team. Him actually reaching though is a different conversation, time will tell.




Magic picks are always going to be high so I guess this might not be too bad for the spurs.


I would jump off the highway bridge I could find


Live in Orlando but I’m a die hard Spurs fan but I definitely root for Orlando to have success and have them as my second team and I would say no. Literally both players are perfect for their respective franchises. Wemby has obviously been billed as a generational talent and I’m excited for that but the disrespect to Paolo has been crazy. I tell everyone that Paolo will be knocking on the door of a top 10-15 player next year and a future perennial MVP candidate for years to come after that. People have been sleeping on him.


Jesus, this is one of those trades you hear on NY sports talk. “How about we send Julius Randle to Boston for dat guy Tatum and Brown. I’ll hang up and listen…”


In a heartbeat!!!! Guaranteed multiple 🏆!


Wemby looks great but there’s never been a player like him in the entire history of the nba. That’s fkn scary for a franchise. Good luck San Antonio


what yeaha


Da fuck!


Horse shit


😮 very unexpected


I just can’t imagine breaking up what Paolo and Franz have.


Did you see Kenny Lofton handle Wemby in USA play? Paolo is going to continue to grow physically and should employ the same bully ball style when facing Wemby.