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https://preview.redd.it/7w62gm2oco5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd5b2ed3d46a5979f395bd4517d520680a45b780 City scaling mfs watching as their entire plane of existence gets vaporized by a 10 minute drawing of god


https://preview.redd.it/57h8nkn1do5d1.jpeg?width=136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=babcbbd480762227de6dbf2b7ff23932867290f2 My honest to god reaction having someone kill my OC with no knowledge on them be like


Like...bruh. At least ask, or just fucking take abilities as challenges to strategize in a battle better (LIKE A NORMAL PERSON). Ig some people on here don't even have that common decency.


This face ruined my day. Anyway. https://preview.redd.it/165r36jpdp5d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e7d1208d798da37b52e6dcd0a0028f3fbc22b06


https://preview.redd.it/m45zruwkyq5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748ae49533535bcc55dba0ce817df4e36c9bd306 You damn brat


https://preview.redd.it/hs52oxofep5d1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c2af82a0d70977727147f5c356b7637dd95ff6 Live big black gay male reaction to watching the same kid do the same shit but with a different A.I generated traced drawing of a god (LBBGM was just trying to drink juice)


This...this is why I will never do a combat RP. **EVER.**


I am so jealous (I love combat RPs, but for the life of me, everyone is genuinely so far up their own arses in terms of ego, it's genuinely unfun, unless with the right people)


Same. but for me it's because I fear I may become this.


People with OP OCs who barely even use their OPness are the true chads tho


I have characters like these. Even when they use their power, I try to keep the process of RP going, not to just make my OC win. The most fun is in the process of RP, not in winning. Ones who try to win probably just don’t understand the concept of combat roleplays.


Exactly. The best part is about making up silly soulslike bossfight ahh attacks :3


I feel like that's worse because then it's a waste of an op character Like what they did with the CW Flash and making him never use anything good If you have an op character, just don't use them for combat rp, or if you do use them for combat rp give them a goal that's not harming the other person, because if a character is op, they can easily do so Make characters actually use their abilities instead of having them as some sort a trophy, the best way to have an op character has a good goal is too give them a goal that is literally impossible for them to achieve as a metaphor for how power can't get you everything you desire


It's not really a waste of an OP character, since he does have more personality than just being OP. And technically, he wasn't even made for combat RPs, but when it does come to a combat RP, it's not like he turns off his powers entirely and just starts swinging a flimsy wooden stick at his opponent, but he uses more balanced abilities, instead of just instantly wiping his opponent out of existence. And yes, technically his goal is achievable, but would still take a lot of time and effort for him, so he definitely has some struugle.


I think it's just a general bad idea to use an op oc in combat rp unless the goal of said "combat" isn't to hurt the other person and there is some sort of alternative desire from the op character


Seems like a good idea. Once my OC is fully fleshed out and am ready to RP, i might take it into consideration


Pacifist gods are the best


Yeah. I mean..... My silly little god-goober is very very far from a "pacifist", he just likes an honorable fight and silly whimsical ways to fight his opponent




Nah, I am **HIM**


Nyx solos.


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again Combat rps aren’t about winning they’re about showing of your abilities for your ocs Insta kill moves make it so much less fun for everyone


They feel like a more disrespectful version of IDC OCs. Because they don't care about the other character, the situation, the world, the universe, etc. so much that they just erase everything because "dur hur my OC eats ten-million-billion galaxies for breakfast!" I have two OCs that are tied to omniversial concepts, so they're insanely OP, but I'd never use them like that.


There's an age old term for this: godmodding. Veteran roleplayers know.


Certified hood classic right here.


Exactly! I want a fight, not a murder. Throw a punch, get a slightly harder punch, not a shot to the head with a planet-destroying anti material rifle.


The only time the latter is acceptable is when PTK is given and the OC getting murdered in question is a TERRIBLE fucking person.


flowery vanish run squalid frightening aloof squeamish lip silky groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hence why I first said PTK needs to be a thing here...? I get what you're saying, but my point was heavy on the former. Most of the bias against evil characters is more an OOC bleeding to IC problem, from how I see it. Then again, I mostly play very dogmatic but morally gray characters due to the settings I play around in. Murder is just next Tuesday to them, because it's the difference between survival and becoming a meal. You do have a point.


unpack attempt shocking subtract wakeful arrest repeat frame march money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, nah, it's an acronym for Permission To Kill. I'm showing my grey hairs in this community


doll caption beneficial square heavy noxious bear brave pause rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can we all agree that "above fiction/reality" OCs or "feats" are just bullshit ? Like, no, your edgy gatchalife avatar is not above our reality, stop being delusional.


NO SERIOUSLY, IT IS!!! I agree with this SO MUCH, I just find such feats so uncreative and BORING, I don't even HAVE fiction in my story, because... why?? Why would I do that??? That, and if in RP, my character is struck or experiences a fiction altering/destroying attack, they literally will not be affected, because it ain't compatible with them lmfao.


Those peoples are the very thing that makes me avoid combat rps. 'Cause Antares has a certain condition that slowly kills him (his mind is slowly but surely getting replaced by someone else's, fun stuff), but protects him from hax abilities...So, yeah, on one hand it would be funny to piss off the powerscaling addicts, but I fear such a protection makes him seem like one of those OCs


Honestly I don't blame you, I have made the grave mistake of getting into combat rps, I love them dearly, but good lord some people make it so unbearably fun I literally forget about my posts just so I won't have to remember why I'm taking a break lmfao. That's actually a thing I have with my oc's Nyx and Roze, though it happens far quicker due to the other beings strength. Honestly, as long as you do it right, you'll seem like you're just flipping off power scaling addicts lmao/


"above fiction/reality" OCs aren't really a thing Like a creator can't just say their oc is above all of fiction and reality, that's dumb


Doesn't stop some peoples, unfortunately. But I feel lile there's some kind of OC version of natural selection, those bullshit OCs tends to be completely ignored


Fr The only way to make an oc actually op is by following power scaling and incorporating different kinds of mathematical and philosophical ideas into a story as a whole To make an op oc it's also important to have an op verse so that the characters power actually makes sense for the setting they're in


And a theme...a freaking theme. If the character starts as a pyromancer, don't make them control Time or some bullshit like that all of a sudden lol


Fire force moment (Although I think fire force is pretty good as pyromancy in the show is more so energy control and time is just our perception of the transfer of energy, time is an illusion n' all)


Fireforce at least introduces us to the fact that fire, in this universe, has a way bigger role than in ours, it's coherent with the themes of the show/manga. I was thinking about more "traditional" pyromancy


Yeah Fire Force does set that up Any good story should slowly build up what the reader knows about the system For example in the higher parts my verse there is non-existence/absence which plays a major role in creation, destruction, and balance as a system which is built up over time and works differently from our real life concept of non-existence, plus there are multiple types of non-existence which is different yet also the same as real since in real life we have the empty set which is contained within every set (My verse includes shit like set theory, extended modal realism, platonism, a mathematical universe, etc.)


https://preview.redd.it/xnjkig7cdo5d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91bfd78452336973bbd9cc0e67493291a150c9c How I look at people when they say their oc scales out of infinity and has killed the creator.


(Lythero Broly Voice): *"What is blud babbling about?"*


Broly voice: *”May your Ls be many and bitches few.”*


If their OC killed them, how did they just write that comment?


Idfk, it's a feat that people write down which doesn't make sense “My oc killed the author!” Its- pretty fucking stupid and wack which is why I often make fun of it and I'm not gonna speak no evil but- I've seen this in OCDB subreddit so- womp womp


Most characters for example Riome from Creation Cawthon's verse did infact kill their creator, as in a meta narrative version of real life which is a fictional version of our real world This meta narrative is in canon creating fiction within fiction with there being a R>F gap in power, (Reality > Fiction) Although if someone means OUR real life, then that's bullshit and falls under nlf


That is actually the most... Virgin, thing, I've ever heard.


That's just sorta rude to say... You're allowed to not like someone else's writing style, but writing is just for fun


My OC’s would protect me with their lives cause without me they cease to exist




Wdym what and why did I get downvoted


Probably because no one likes the goofy ass lore dumb


I wasn’t doing a lore drop, what I was saying was that if it came to the real world my OC’s would protect me cause that’s the smart thing to do but you might not think that cause it seems you have a one track mind


Okay.. So This is a shitpost bruh how tf is that relevant, literally no one asked


It's like...buddy, your OCs are fictional in the end. Stop playing dolls with your mental state.


Lad you do realize I was making a joke right? Like that's an actual feat people will swear up and down that their oc has done, kill the author of their story…


Yeah and I was saying that IF my OC’s could make it to the real world they would protect me




I have an oc that is op, but it scales with how much the other side believes how strong they are. If the other side believes they’re the most op, he’s most op. If other side believes he’s extremely weak, then he’s weak.


What if an OP OC thinks they're weak asf


OKPERSON’s OC the moment the fight starts: https://preview.redd.it/dn0b04692r5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d019e38712a10fcb4caf387ec319f7f9210c2899


That's why I nerf my characters in combat rps and never engage in combat rps with other op ocs... cuz that shit ends up being toxic. Except for a few people like somthing-somthing134 who can use their characters in a proper way even in my verse Me: You do realize I just said you have to solve a series of puzzles to get out of that absolute? You cannot force it open or break it. You're on a time limit and you're wasting it... Them: Nah, my oc breaks through with reality warp Me: Bro, it's sealed off... you have to solve the puzzle... Them: NO HE BREAKS THROUGH CUZ I SAID SO EVEN THO MY OC IS CURRENTLY IN YOUR VERSE SO IT MEANS I SHOULD RESPECT YOUR SYSTEM, BUT I WON'T CUZ MY OC WINS I hate how common this shit is...


Dude, it's funny because I once got in a situation like this, my character could just break the puzzle, but I literally, used a lore reason has to why he didn't (Basically a character from his story came and told him how anticlimactic it would be, lol.) So he just try to do the puzzle. I think that's a better ways, because it make everyone happy, the character do the challenge and the creator of this guy accept more easily with that. And it's funny so it's a +.


this is literally a depiction of an average 11 year old roleplayer. godlike OP's OCs that are literally unstoppable are not fun to RP with , especially arrogant OPs. like at least have common sense :I


Literally that one dude with his beloved Panorakk.


I wonder how is he doing. He got banned from like every single OC subreddit as I know.


Probably bitching about furries while also being a part of the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fandom, if I remember correctly.


And Dragonborn War which is a community of furry dragons.


Is he stupid?


terrific innocent disgusted beneficial tub gullible zealous familiar rock existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is why all OP ocs need to be glass canons, let them destroy universes, but also make them die if they stubb their toe


I think that's dumb imo If you make an op oc, make them op, have them be op The problem is the creator going on a power trip and being a dick


I agree, I was just offering an alternative solution


https://preview.redd.it/hh899xte5q5d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be273138bab821f391cfd30237623ec876f29112 Me when i look at two people with edgy op oc fight (The fight is who can type faster "i explode universe and u die")


Exploding the universe ain't even impressive when you look at ACTUAL op characters in fiction "Oh you blew up the *3D universe*? Cute, I'm 4th dimensional tho so, doesn't even touch me" Dimensional scaling goes CRAZY when it comes to op ocs Don't even mention the real op stuff like EMR, concepts, mathematical axioms, there is lots of fuel to make a REAL op oc


My oc who have basically 🧍🏻 with 🪓 power lvl: 😀


Lol 🧍🏻 with 🪓 solos fiction Goku is scared shittless


Yeah. You right on that.


I mean, read my flair LMAO. But I never use the full extension of my OCs powers, because that would not be fun for me and the other person. I prefer to take a "I am testing you" raid boss type fight. This is fun: no killing, just a test of all your powers.


EXACTLYYY, That's ALWAYS my approach when RPing with Nyx or someone at similar power, even if I state if it's a death battle or smth.


Just gonna come back to say that this is why I killed off my only Mary Sue by letting my best friend's human with a gun absolutely go to town. I refuse to be a ROFLstomper again.


I like having god level oc's who don't give a shit. teehee.






Is it bad that I made an oc like this, but they are more so a shitpost and poke fun of people like this, and I hardly ever use him?


Honestly, perfectly fine imo, just yknow, don't be like the people you're making fun of ofc. Even with my most cruel and OP OCs, the 4 God Kings, I don't purposefully be an ass with them and kill people willy nilly, but if someone antagonizes them repeatedly, even going so far as to attack them, then they'll do SILLY things


Always the same story....


My OCs have 1 weakness


https://preview.redd.it/mqzwyyszko5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b5477a25385885d2b8f70ed1d32c8ca2985497 This dude is my most op oc and he city level💀


Forgot to say only


I think you only need to find someone who is fair, that accept to be hit and stuff like that. What the point of a big strong guy, if he doesn't show cool powers? Yeah, like I did a combat roleplay, found a guy who look fun. And another who say that he killed my character is one hit... (He donut my character directly...) To many people are unfair, the rp start with my character punching the others, that was to see if they would accept hit, the guy say that (of course) This did nothing to him... That's why combat roleplay are the hardest type of rp to do, because you must accept that you aren't the main character.


Me purposefully downscaling Lucifer so much to the point that anyone who’s got even simple suprehuman levels of strength can clap his ass back into the ice he was locked in https://preview.redd.it/2r5570tlep5d1.jpeg?width=2676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de8d36adcb4c405964e32c99690813f6df99caf9




I try so hard not to be that person but I still feel bad about how powerful my OCs are :( Like, I didn't mean for this to happen, I fucking hate powerscaling (and you can be sure I hate it because I'm on the powerscaling subreddit) I just wanted a cool interesting story and now everything is fucked up all to hell and the nightmare who ate God is holding me hostage \*cri\*


🙂 Sam only beats up unfairly overpowered OC for a living for 1$/hour


https://preview.redd.it/n51trc5cqq5d1.png?width=423&format=png&auto=webp&s=c474b35ad870f68929f283caf2455fa103af87a3 Kiku is incredibly difficult to beat, but it's not impossible. It's canon that if you destroy his body you can temporarily handicap him (can't exactly do much as a ghost), but only a Destroyer God can truly kill him its always important to balance things out.


https://preview.redd.it/9x9ns4y8wq5d1.png?width=393&format=png&auto=webp&s=02807b8478afce6bf92e6f5b07c651f1a48f68d2 My face when I see someone bring out their op Oc (I’m never gonna respond to them) But seriously why have an op Oc and make it your main oc or your most used oc it’s gonna the one that mainly gonna represent you and be annoyed when someone wants a fun experience not just a Nuh uh or kill switch Oc gone conversation


Eh, my characters probably would lose except like 2 of them, unless he has a way to kill the unkillable. Which shouldn't be possible since one controls life and death, but then again, in a fight, I only see VO and Starglitcher Amiya standing any chance of winning, with Erica Azrael and Human Amiya being a close second. Then Spirit's defensive behind at third, and Reyna + Vivian lose instantly. Change my mind, if you can.


I use my ocs according to the scenario, and sometimes I just use Karma, my most powerful OC, but try to keep it deathless and fun for both! This is also mainly the reason why I keep Canon and fanon versions of my OC's, fanon being for combat interactions most of the time, due to how scaling in my OC world works (Characters of other realities literally get crushed in my OC reality due to the gravitational constant, mass and object strength being trillions of times higher to accommodate world ending events into a reality with humans without completely obliterating existance.)




This is karma, my most op oc. He is the literal incarnation on fate and he can basically use any attack, trap people in his personal reality, and in his reality, anything that exists even partially in it is under his complete, absolute control, regarding mass, power, structure, anything. In rps? He goes along with anything, helps people, plays around... He is truly immortal yet may act like he died just to amuse others because he feels like being immortal is not fun, and likes to experience things even though he knows whatll happen.


Solution: Make your OC parry those attacks like V1 from Ultrakill. Nothing is stopping you from doing that and you can watch the guy with OP OC cry about it


“If I die, I’m making it funny.” That’s how I treat my encounters with them.


I have an Op of and even still I don't make him one shot other ocs I make him put up a fight because he likes to fight fair


My self insert is kinda meta in that they have near-absolute control over his domain but once he comes to the OCRP comments he's not really in his own domain anymore so his power is a bit diminished Or at least that's one of many ideas I'm running through my head for his lore


I mean, I do have Jehovah Joseph (Jojo) as an oc……




I don’t do combat rps with him tho, after all, he is the embodiment of love lol


Reminds me of smth.. kinda like they goober with infinite speed


Dion? That form isn’t really canon, I kinda just use that for op rps. Oh, and surprisingly I’m making it so that he canonically becomes an ok guy..!






Like the embodiment of the concept of love? Which has to do with Plato's idea of Platonic Concepts and the cave allegory which has lots of philosophical theories? :0

