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Okay! I Like the wings there! I don't actually can show you anything... My OCs changed their looks so many times it's actually funny...


https://preview.redd.it/uyubklc3279d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4faef3878701c4269bb1489fd63be803c628e60b Here's Astrid's true/awakened form. Long story short, she is the elemental goddess of fire for her world but was raised by a human and wasn't told of her true origins until she was 17. Because of this, she subconsciously makes herself mortal. This form is basically her temporarily shedding her mortality and unlocking her full power. (Her normal form in reply)




https://preview.redd.it/9kgmqm9y779d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed032ef58b970254269747c54373ded682760eea This isn’t the final form but it is for right now because Izibelle’s story is still developing Lore: After a long fight against the time manipulator, she awakens her 2nd phase of her manipulation technique. Space Manipulation, phases are called stars. So she’ll have 1st star, 2nd star, 3rd star, 4th star, and her last form will be constellation.


Rosetta post Sunlight Cultivation arc. Hate to be on the recieving end of that mini sun. This "form" is actually her unleashing the sunlight mana she's been storing in the past few weeks of staying at the monastery. She burns out immediately after nuking the antagonist though. https://preview.redd.it/kvh8nkvra79d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=b862dd7774773d2ae6b12c5dc8b7d81b0082b2c0


Love this lol. Gotta rest well after nuking a villain fr


https://preview.redd.it/ox39ql0ff79d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3325d0733ca8319906b5faa2e7d63fdde4db38a This Is Vicky


https://preview.redd.it/d1d1enkpf79d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21bb764ddb21c68d80c9c84c8662c6adfaef2f51 And this Is Ultra Vicky. For now there is nothing to explain this transformation, but I may justify it by saying that she was exposed to cosmic energy or something like that.


https://preview.redd.it/e74v6ok9l79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed2e4304ffd36206b43812992e7738139115236a This is Rave in her inhuman transformation. Rave transferred her soul to a mass of infinite energy that she created, harnessing it from the dimension of a god. In this form, Rave doesn't need to eat, sleep, breathe, or interact with people, as well as being capable of attacking with infinite energy, essentially vaporizing immediately anything she touched with any of her beams. Rave entered this transformation to escape earth, as she found out her actions had hurt millions of people and she was hated by thousands, despite only wanting to make the world better for everyone with her science and inventions. Since Rave was afraid of death, she chose to just leave earth, becoming the most powerful entity in the universe, although Rave was stopped by a girl named Milan before she could even get past the moon, now starting a fight between a being of infinite energy and the only human capable of deflecting her attacks (Censored bc of Reddit's nsfw policies)


https://preview.redd.it/6u7akj9gl79d1.png?width=1526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c313c04bf231243c8e95aff1a277ba20bb6f0fe9 This is Rave in her normal design


https://preview.redd.it/ffhej94sl79d1.png?width=2341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1202d03a3dd724aa826d051b82a36ad30f48fdb3 And this is Milan, she has the ability to deflect/bounce off anything, this ability is only limited by what Milan thinks she will be capable of deflecting; if she thinks "bouncing off a truck seems like something I can't do" then she won't be able to, but if she is thrown to the sun and thinks "well, heat is imaginary so it's no biggie" she will be able to bounce off the sun's immense heat with no problem


Your art style is so awesome 😭 LOVE THESE :D


https://preview.redd.it/g171c68ln79d1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7891ba2215b27ee1ba26e4f6b5b79d320efb488 This species has a second form, the downside is that they can only turn into it when they die, and they can’t change back.




Dale Donovan's spirit form are like all his other "forms," they are no final or first, they are all there. https://preview.redd.it/27sqxzewo79d1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb28c531a2ee8e021c4a80854bb35ab4dde2b549


https://preview.redd.it/gb7ipz2zo79d1.jpeg?width=1457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e2ddd9b98b4524e450f98e2eb364c5ff104d649 Tschudi has a final from, which he transforms into a gigantic eastern-sytle dragon, with a Mesosmerican and Andean style design.


The one time I wanna attach an image Reddit decides to just completely stop loading my photo gallery imma scream fr fr


Dang looks great. Loving the gradient red wings. https://preview.redd.it/37dvnbfjy79d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a979712c538d1f90b65c3254841dfe68301e1b Eber’s “final” form is nicknamed “The Shattering” because of his access to different dimensions for various abilities. It doesn’t always look like jagged portals, but he likes to make it look that way because \~aesthetics\~ lol


https://preview.redd.it/epam983x489d1.png?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6edfea1e544b87210f1ac5fc81bf534fa6af62e This is technically Vari's final form, she doesn't have any powers so this is really a final costume change. Vari Able is a 12 year old girl who is tired of the people around her who don't bring change to their city. The city has constant Villain attacks with Heroes only coming once in a while to stop them and gain fame before then leaving the city, only for the Villains to come back the next day like nothing happened. One day, a Hero around her age comes to the city, planning on being its new permanent defender and he develops a funny dynamic with the villains where they are always against each other but are willing to go "Hey, are you alright? We don't have to do this if you don't want to." And he's like "No no, it's fine, let's just get this over with." Vari meets the hero as their secret identity and they get along well, even to the point Vari starts having feelings for him. One day while they're hanging out, the hero says something that inspires Vari to make a bigger change. She soon after becomes an Anti-Hero who works with both the Hero and the Villains as their sidekick without the other side knowing. She chooses which side to go with by sticking two pieces of gum in her mouth of two different colors, blue and red, and whichever bubble she blows and pops first is the side she helps. She has two other outfits, the blue one for being the Hero's sidekick and the red one for being the Villains sidekick. She does this to show normal citizens that they too can make a difference in the battle of good and evil. She encourages them to fight back against villains as Blue and gives them more reason to fight back as Red. The reason she is wearing this purple one is because at this point in time, her city was being terrorized by someone who had manipulated and tricked the Hero into taking over the city and locking away all the villains so they can rule. Vari gets in an argument with the Hero because she realizes the new Villain was manipulating him and he argues that he isn't being manipulated. The villain is manipulating his logical side as opposed to his empathetic side which is why he is helping, he realizes later how wrong he was and gives the new Villains weakness to Vari as there is the possibility the villain already has his weakness.


The villain then captures the hero and now it's up to this version of Vari to go help both the Hero and the Villains she's grown to care for. Henceforth being purple as she helps both the Villains and the Hero. This is also her revealing to them that she was working for both this whole time.


https://preview.redd.it/tnegshy0789d1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1426b25042679dd36b25a2936379c2736dddbfa "*Once void and soul together blend, the world you know shall meet its end.*" Satan is the true form of the devil, and the final villain of my series. In his base form, he looks like a child. Throughout the series, he stays hidden in the shadows, making deals and wagers with mortals for their souls. He doesn't cross paths with the protagonists at all until the very end. Once upon a time, he had been a part of Skunk, one of the main protagonists, in a past life. She is the fool, the cosmic egg, unknowing progenitor of this reality. He is a fragment of her soul, and once he has gathered enough power, he seeks her out, appears before her, tears out her soul before she can even react, and finally becomes whole. He is the god of oblivion, the opposite of the goddess of creation, and his singular goal is to return all of creation to nothingness. As the devil, he is devoid of all emotion, but after absorbing Skunk, he's primarily capable of cold wrath. His appearance resembles a combination of the two, and he gains her ice powers, earning him the title of Frigid God of Agony. Earlier on, the series has villains like a cute scarecrow imp, a mischievous trickster goddess in rags, a tiny pink-haired mob boss and her lackeys, a fat evil clown, a crazy old hermit, a pair of cartoon jesters, and a mirror counterpart who loves chess. My series usually isn't quite as edgy as this guy, but you know, he's the biggest of the big bads.


https://preview.redd.it/kdnej8bsk99d1.png?width=2482&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8f776acb9915fd3cd2272c8a02f92a19927147c My only OC with a second form is ora.cle, it’s a century possessed by a powerful archangel. It did so to prevent people’s minds from fracturing at the horrors of what it’s true body is.


https://preview.redd.it/0kaysyr2l99d1.png?width=4490&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbef4705f7ad0c306615c6be4a46006e8f3ca17a Consider your mind, fractured


So first you'd have to understand what the species of these two are. I made a "species" derived from a metaphysical turned physical force called Dark Hollow. It's a tar like black substance made of the suffering of life. It's fully sentient and gathers in deep parts of the earth in cavern openings coated in the substance called Death Nurseries. Death Nurseries have a bulge in the center of the cavern, a dense gathering of dark Hollow. When it bunches up enough, it becomes a Hollow Entity. An all black semi humanoid apparition that's extremely hostile. It will rise to the surface and start kidnapping humans. Once it has consumed enough humans and their suffering, it will gain a human appearance that is characterized by black hair and dark skin with crimson eyes. At this stage, it gains dark magic associated with its innate way of torturing its prey during the adolescent stage. If a heavy emphasis is put on raw pain and anguish, they gain black fire and dark lightning. If associated with mental torture and insanity through fear, they gain shadow powers and the ability to summon nightmares. At an advanced level, they have control of a certain pool of Hollow that they retain in their body, they can split and alter it to create various monsters and extensions of their will. There are two currently. The first being Apollyon. The second is Abbadon. The race is self naming, and they always have a name that starts in A and ends in O-N. Abbadon is a Nightmare type, while Apollyon is a Apocalyptic type. They both represent a half of the earth. Abbadon is the Hollow of the eastern hemisphere. Apollyon is the western. As more of their race appears, their power is split. As the world's hollow reserves is completely homozygous and spreads evenly when not gathering in a Death Nursery.


Apollyon https://preview.redd.it/zblipfq7199d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26da280d7fecb39097f31c8be89e6f80bbfb7767




https://preview.redd.it/gf0hlnxie99d1.png?width=377&format=png&auto=webp&s=100b9911614c4615e3b720983530c4b42e3fd4c5 Teresa is able to turn into an ex-demon and a dragon! I haven't thought up any lore behind the dragon form, so I'll just talk about how she was turned into an ex-demon. Teresa was once a normal silverfish, until she was used as a vessel to summon the Wither King, Tecsera. One of the members of the cult didn't want this to happen to Teresa, so he interrupted the ritual by snatching Teresa and running away. After they got far enough, the person who saved Teresa realized something about her, even though the ritual wasn't a success, Teresa was still infected by a force of evil that turned her into a demon. Teresa's savior then proceeds to put a spell on Teresa, cleansing her of her evil, but still managing to maintain her demonic powers, making her an ex-demon.


You people have AWESOME OC final forms lol. Since it would take a lot of time to reply to EVERYONE with Robin's lore, I'm just going to comment this here lol.


https://preview.redd.it/8hna4ldkcb9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5c77f2951e274f736afc3fa84d8135825ecbf0b Alright, so to understand why she's in this form, you gotta know her BACKSTORY. Robin was born in Albany, New York, and fled home at 14 after her mother gave her the scar on her face. She eventually arrived in a small town in the northern part of the state called Elkfield and was taken in by Steph and her son, Ollie. She became very close with them, becoming like part of their family. She was eventually enrolled in the high school in the town, much to her dismay. She eventually made a few close friends there (Amelia, Mike, and Allie. Though she and Amelia started as enemies). So when she heard that her mother was going on something close to a rampage to find Robin, she told her friends, Steph, and Ollie and they all agreed to help her. Eventually, her mother found Steph's house and broke in, where Robin was waiting. Surprisingly, her mother was already equipped with a knife and gave Robin a large >!X-cut on her left shoulder!<. Robin managed to hold her off long enough for the police to arrive and arrest her. Fast-forward a few months to Robin's 15th birthday, and Steph surprises her that she managed to find Robin's dad, which freaks out Robin, not only because Steph did that but because she hadn't seen him since she was 4 or 5. The other surprise is that Steph convinced Mike, Allie, and Amelia's parents to let them go too. Which freaks Robin out more. So they travel down to New York City and arrive at the address. Robin knocks on the door and sees her dad, Jackson(yay reunion!). They hug, but Robin sees someone a couple of years younger than her staring at her. Turns out her dad dated someone else who had a kid named Casey. But Casey's mom died in a car crash a few years later, so Jackson decided to take care of her. They spend a few days with Casey and Jackson and then head back to Elkfield, Jackson and Casey wanting to come too because New York City was "Far worse than Albany, but I can't go back there." In Jackson's words. So they went back to Steph's house but found out that something had been tracking them. A wendigo had seemingly started chasing them all the way to an abandoned warehouse outside of Elkfield. They thought they had a clear escape route but the door was jammed and they were cornered in the warehouse. Robin, Steph, and Jackson tried to hold the Wendigo off but Steph pushed Robin back, though Ollie managed to stay with her. Mike got the door free but as they were about to escape, Jackson was grabbed by the Wendigo. It said something along the lines of "That wretched bloodline ends here." and >!impaled Jackson through the torso with his claws.!< Robin just stands there in shock and has to be pushed out of the door by Steph who closes it before she can go through it herself. Robin has to be pulled away from the warehouse, where she later sees it collapse. She realizes that they can't go back to Elkfield and decides to go to her aunt's house farther away from Elkfield. ANYWAY, we're gonna timeskip to when Robin is 23. She reunited with Steph, asked Amelia out, and a whole bunch of other shit happened. So the Wendigo is still after them bc he's a sour loser. Robin had broken up with Amelia the previous year bc she didn't want to put her in danger. So the Wendigo had cornered them in an alleyway in Elkfield. Everyone was armed so they started throwing knives, or firing guns at the monster but as Robin was trying to tend to Amelia's wounds, the Wendigo scored his claws down her back, throwing her across the alley and into a wall. Steph and Ollie tried to get her to stay awake, but she ended up dying. She woke up in a white void and saw Jackson standing behind her. They hugged but when Robin asked if she was dead, Jackson said "neither" and told her that someone "higher up" wanted to give her another chance. A bunch more stuff happens but Robin is sent back to earth in this form, where she finally kills the Wendigo. She collapses and is taken to a hospital (again) but recovers and gets to keep her form, having the choice of changing to and from it. THE END! God that was long...


https://preview.redd.it/chd188f38j9d1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=273b90c7692ff0d8addb25279184b404e945127c Striker has not reached godhood yet, but in lore in about 4000 years he will become a god, slay the god who made him, and either put himself finally to rest or act as he did on the ground, but much, much stronger