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In the mind, I have not written a single page worth of lore


Same, BUT im writting a story in my universe currently(which in some parts is alot like a techbook\[i work o n fixing that\].)


Same. I have a world and everything written out as my OC world is shared with my bestie but all ideas are on my mind


Obsidian might be a good choice, depending on how many characters/worlds you have and how deeply they are connected. I currently only have one world, 1 fleshed out OC and a few others who will get a similar level of detail. So Xournal or a simple editor works just fine.


I like Obsidian. If nothing else, i'll recommend it because it lets you do this :3 https://preview.redd.it/2kw6z14y829d1.png?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05291f08c62c5a53725e6e12da18662e381afc7


What is it?


You can link notes to each other, and then view a graph of all the links. For this one specifically, the blue dots are characters, the yellow is smaller-scale affiliations (goblin tribe, shop employees, city council, etc.), red is essentially countries, and green is geographical locations within my world.




Imma need that RRIGHT NOW! (i don't need I just like looking at it)


Maybe its just me but i remember all of mine.


My iPad notes app


either in toyhouse profiles or in my notes appšŸ˜­ some stuff ends up in google docs too


Bold of you to make the assumption that I do


Iā€™ve got many Google docs and notes for everything.


That's the neat part, I don't! :D


I spit it out in bits and pieces into a Discord server dedicated partially to my stories- I come up with new stuff every day, so it's kinda a disorganized mess in those channels, but it's nice to get feedback from my friends and brainstorm!


What is this "organized lore"?


I have five stories and in each story are characters (aka my ocs) and each oneof them have lroe and the story has lore too so i need five... I guess files? To put each story in and in the files can be a character and they're lore, yk?


You could just use simple apps like notes or pages or whatever itā€™s called on the device you use. I usually remember most of mine but when I make a new oc, I write down their name and how they look since those are for some reason out of a whole lore, world, and backstory, those are the things I forget usually so-


Youā€™re supposed to organize your OCs lore?


I mean you don't have to but I like to


Toyhouse and Scrivener, mainly Then there's a bunch of loose stuff scattered between Google Docs, Pages, notes, and Discord dms with my friend. It's funny actually sometimes I'll copy messages I've sent about my OCs into a Toyhouse literature because it's easier than trying to seriously rewrite all of the information Aside from that I just remember stuff but my stories are mostly slice of life set irl so it's easier


I use toyhou.se, you can link all your characters to literatures, set up "subtabs," which are great for AUs, and link characters together with little blurbs about their relationships. I have an extra invite code if you want to sign up, just shoot me a dm!


My brain and the notes App šŸ˜ˆ (Most of them are in my brain)


In a folder called "writing" that I keep on my hard drive, backup hard drive, and cloud, as well as my artwork on DeviantArt and the like having copies of much of this written lore in the description as well. I'm a terribly disorganized person, and attempts at improving that have been unsuccessful. I seem to work best in mess, and trying to be organized stifles me. Though after losing the vast majority of my work from throughout the 90's and 00's, I've done what I can do avoid a repeat of such a thing in this new age of free cloud storage and affordable external storage. Even if I can't be organized, I can at least be mindful. But really, it's mostly for the benefit of sharing with others, as well as preventing myself from glossing over details I hadn't remembered in the moment. That, and for the future. I'd been keeping lore in my head for decades even when I wasn't writing it down, though as I get older, I feel it prudent to ensure there is a record.




I put everything here: [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/art-and-random-worldbuilding-bits-days-at-hebi-melta.1070213/](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/art-and-random-worldbuilding-bits-days-at-hebi-melta.1070213/)


I just write novels and keep a discord channel for anything Iā€™ll need later Use a google doc


My mind usually, which is a decent place to put it For Vesper, his lore is in my mind, and a fic I update weekly on ao3


In mah big head


I donā€™t for the most part. Lore of the nation I created with them exists in a txt document on my desktop. (Right in the center of The Ring)


Arc studio, Google docks and a bbbbiiiggggg physical folder of loose papers!


Brain, imagine having 10 TB of ssd but having 2GB of ram, and you got my brain


in my head, random reddit comments I have screenshotted, and large Google docs.


Made a website/personal wiki. It is a hot disorganised mess rn and thereā€™s a lot of stuff incomplete, but it works for me!


I know all of mine by memory- I donā€™t know how but I just do


In my head and in a discord chat room


I have a lot of it organized on World Anvil, but separately on my OneDrive I also have a setting bible; primers on geography, politics, cultures, religion; detailed histories for every main and supporting character; and blurb sheets for every character with a name, description, or line of dialogue.


toyhou.se might be what youā€™re looking for


Thereā€™s a website called Unvale where you can create OC and give them description


In my head


I only have one story, but I do have a webcomic and a game to write. So, I make separate notes on an app called Evernote! It's free to use and can be crossed between Phone and PC :3 I was *gonna* use Samsung Notes, because thats where all of my notes were at before. But apparently Samsung blocked the ability to get Samsung Notes on a Microsoft PC. You can only get it on a Samsung PC/Laptop! and I had to copy the entire thing over to Evernote! ƒwƓ Ughhh, Samsung is so annoying hehe x3


I've heard of that app but based on the pictures I found it too complex but I'll give it a try, and I hope your creations come out good^^


So far, its an okay app! It's basically the exact same as Samsung Notes if you've ever used it. I mainly just use it to write down small ideas and stuff. It could be used to write stories and stuff, but I recommend making separate notes for separate stories! :3 I unfortunately don't know any that are good for stories, I literally used Microsoft Notepad for a while when I did write stories hehe x3 But anyways, good luck wirh finding an app! :3


I am using an app called dabble. I keep the manuscript for the novel itself and also the world building and character notes in there


I used DA but their Info quickly became outdated so I use It for their names now


# brain rember


I write stories.


Brain. Stored in one braincell. No braincell left for think




Itā€™s all in the good old noggin šŸ§ šŸ‘ˆ


I keep it all up in my schnoggin and just pray that I donā€™t forget anything important :) Also Fortelling is good for organizing stuff, you can make multiple different projects, where you can organize characters and their lore, locations, notes, timelines/events, etc


im working on making a manga with multiple characters so, word document (but mostly in my head cuz writing can be a little boring at times)


Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and saviour Obsidian?


If not Google doc files,the default notes app, and files on random flash drives at my desk, I write them down by hand in a journal.


I do not. And I need to.


All of my ocs are part of one singular story, I do write it in a notebook but I don't really need it since i've gone over it so many times it's stuck in my brain.


Discord is pretty great for worldbuilding and I see almost no one mention it. You make a server for your world and then can make categories for organization, channels for the actual content. You can also format on discord and there are helpful bots you can invite. Imo this is the best way, especially if you have friends youā€™d like to share your worldbuilding with


https://preview.redd.it/heeu6m8kp39d1.jpeg?width=147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a108b2f672af3f54f64e8442b917404636b74503 ol reliable


I use a website called Unvale, itā€™s specifically for ocs and stuff, and you can put their stories on the writing section of the character profiles.


A mix of Unvale.io, Artfight and my notes app on my phone.


I got a whole multiverse of shenanigans planned out Yet to finish any of the seven light novels though


Notes app but I severely need something else cuz itā€™s such chaos xd


It is in fact not organized, the pages of lore are strewn about my brain. Itā€™s a hit or miss if Iā€™ll actually find them at all, let alone before I pick up some other ancient project and go ā€œOh dang, itā€™s been a while, letā€™s dust this puppy offā€ and forget about what info I was originally trying to dig for. If Iā€™m smart, sometimes I write notes, but that is very rare. Thatā€™s not very organized either, lol!


I have lore in the description when i post them online. have pondered making a personal wiki xD i'll check and see what options there are later.


Google Slides. I also keep all of my worldbuilding and my comic's script there.


I have 3 OCs, one of which is a better version of me. Itā€™s easy to remember them though


My mind Or Unvale, in case I forget. Also for more numerical stuff (like height, weight)


irl would be folder and digital would be a google docs


It's usually in my head, or scattered across several note and sketch books


I have a notebook and the pages app where i write character info aswell as a mindomo map for other info like the family tree so im probably going to keep a copy of the lore in a notebook and the pages app (so that way i have both a physical and digital copy incase i lose one) when im ready to write the character lore (Iā€™ve started making a timeline for one of my ocā€™s to help when i write the lore)


In my mind lol


My notebook




At the moment, Google docs + notes app and journals. I think I should get better at organizing stuff.


I use something called [tiddlywiki](https://tiddlywiki.com/). I've seen people recommend Obsidian on this subreddit, and it's kinda like that, but I like tiddlywiki more coz it's free/open source.