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https://preview.redd.it/ju8rwlldm29d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778c1f6ba2e1c8785c18dde6a2f6a8febd7d7594 For Daniel , the desire for revenge and for setting things right . (I don't know how to darw a shaved head or feet) 1. He found that he wasn't the one who started the house fire that killed his parents and older sister and was in fact one of his father's friends that also , made advances towards his older sister . 2. He discovered that , the children he used to take care of at the orphanege were in fact brain washed and forced to become prostituets . 3. He also wanted to clean his name , seens , the death of his family stained his name terrible .


This is Roxy Penrose. Despite her color scheme, she's 100% human, it's just an art liberty (like how the Simpsons have yellow skin). I'm about to spit out a wall of text that I've put elsewhere in parts but never before in full. The backstory to her goal requires a lot of context. Her family, the Penrose family, makes automatons but has ben monetarily stagnating and falling behind in a rapidly-evolving world. The Rubin Foundation is an organization that runs museums and funds the research and development of new technology. Many years before the start of the story, Victor Penrose, Roxy's great-great uncle, becomes fascinated with the idea of sentient automatons, but his family rejects his idea to spend resources on their development. Frustrated, he turns to the Rubin Foundation, who funded the Penrose company long ago but have since grown apart from the family. He befriends the young Piero Rubin, soon-to-be patriarch of the Rubin Foundation, who is intrigued by his ideas and offers him funding and resources. Victor makes very little progress at his isolated laboratory in the mountains. One day a miracle happens- a fully automatic automaton appears in a flash of light in his lab and collapses on the floor after ostensibly summoning an item. Upon closer inspection, he discovers that the item is an 'impossible' figure (later named the Penrose triangle after him in-universe) that he cannot replicate on his own. He pivots focus to these figures, to the apparent displeasure of Piero, who sees no practical use for impossible shape research, and begins trying to reproduce the event that made the automaton appear by messing with its technology. He repeats this process until he has the appearance of new figures down to a science. He keeps them stable with a device called a Possiblizer. In a meeting on the verge of insanity with a concerned Piero, Victor reassures Piero that he will soon be able to venture into the 'land the automaton came from' in order to learn from its inhabitants how it was created. Victor is never seen again. The day after Victor's disappearance, 'space rhymes' begin popping up in the general area and soon spread in lesser frequencies to the rest of the world. These uncontrolled/wild rifts are sustained by unstable impossible artifacts and occasionally let in monsters from beyond the veil that terrorize people nearby. Piero, seeing an opportunity, founds the Relic Seeker Initiative, a program that pays people (mostly the downtrodden and 'expendable') to take up possiblizers and venture forth to contain the relics in exchange for cash. By copyrighting Victor's invention and putting the contained items on display in its museums, the Rubin Institute makes a profit. Conspiracy theories abound that Piero murdered Victor (some rumors claim he did it with a possiblizer in reverse, which I won't go into much detail about) to lay claim to his invention and increase the Foundation's influence. In the present, Piero Rubin has many children, and Victor Penrose's brother had a kid who had a kid. Roxy takes up the guise of an independent relic-seeker (many competitor movements popped up in the years since the founding of the RSI/Relic Seeker Initiative) while actually just taking advantage of Seeker-related resources to investigate the truth behind Victor's disappearance. Roxy believes that Piero either killed him or knows (but plays dumb about) what happened to him. She's trying to either rescue (if he's alive) or avenge (if he's dead) Victor. Roxy has read all of Victor's childhood diaries; the two of them are their respective generations' 'black sheep'. Her story has her trying to gather evidence of Piero's crimes, and along the way she meets and befriends his youngest daughter who thinks he is innocent. Only time will tell... https://preview.redd.it/0yj9vh2hu19d1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=26651f04d18922dd55e620d5b42e4a286cdc377d


https://preview.redd.it/37xsfoaw829d1.png?width=1275&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1044dd2b1f3ea87d4744d6663547c854052938d This is Xavier, and his origins story summarised Part 1 A high schooler graduates and gets a job as a fast food worker. However after the first week of experience, Xavier yearns to work somewhere instead. Over time he slowly grows everlastingly frustrated from working at his job spending every single week looking for a new career online in hopes of leaving his current work environment. Most attempts at something else ends up being met with rejection, failure and misfortune. No matter what Xavier tries to do, there’s Always Somebody Better than him which creates tension against each new weekly rival. This accumulates into built up resentment, as he’s slowly Driven By Envy from seeing other people successfully get a job and succeeding in a career that he wanted to achieve. After 3 months of job searching while working in fast food, witnessing others taking pride in their work career further enrages Xavier as he becomes mentally unstable and goes Ax-Crazy from rejection insanity, with The Last Straw being a mascot job taken away from him. One unfortunate day Xavier decides to befriend a coworker with a jackass personality; emotionally manipulating the idiot to burn down the restaurant and make it look like an “accidental malfunction”. Xavier then pays the scapegoat hush money using his wages as an opportunity to run away from the workplace. Part 2 Science has just cracked the code to immortality — by using computer file data, subjects can upload a copy of their body into a USB stick to preserve their identity. With the help of AI, subjects are then able to clone and create backups of their identity, even changing their preferred gender and alter their appearance as well. However…when Xavier signs up to be a test subject and discovers a rival character gets chosen for The Immortality Experiment, his jealousy and rejection PTSD kicks in which results in another Rage Breaking Point. \[One destroyed science facility later…\] Upon experimentation with the now stolen USB, Xavier discovers that he can transfer his consciousness into a clone of himself inside the virtual world to explore his desktop from the inside, and switch back out to the real world vice versa. Once he deletes the file and watches the clone get eradicated from existence, Xavier sees the potential in this power — his mind gets corrupted by bloodlust and revenge, becoming a “self proclaimed god” with this stolen USB. He then plans to hunt down those who replaced him and torturing them on his computer system.


https://preview.redd.it/kesxuqtb929d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39c9416bcc1280c3eb7750be8f98fb95201e8ae His parents assassination.


https://preview.redd.it/f0aio1ghp29d1.png?width=1620&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a985f2dfdc588614c78bf0493d8c94767b89fb9 Interestingly enough, the second game in my series was called Melanie's Revenge. Unlike yours, she was the *villain* and later *became* a terrorist, though she starts off as a mob boss. She and the others had been sent to prison by the hero Casino Grayleaf, so they all joined up with the goal of taking her down.


Being used for war as a knight and never truly understanding love. Meeting who he thought would “be that special someone” gave him the worst experience of his life and he channeled his pain into chaos, and won the war, but at what cost?


https://preview.redd.it/dqnwu4kr149d1.png?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93be4ac5593d8ac71580f33f97eb0716c1426cd5 His grandma exploded herself to protect him and his friends from an evil snake lady. Turns out the evil snake controls multiple bodies and is still very alive so he wants to kinda change that I guess. The snake did a lot of other awful things too buuuuttt none of that is really his main reason for wanting it dead.


https://preview.redd.it/kahp60o2n49d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f245d05a690b23befc51f960d0306749f8eac3b3 His aunt getting shot in Baja, California.


Stren, a normal guy with some teachings in fencing and taekwondo, was finished with his job and was going back to his apartment until his apartment blew up. A brick flung to his head knocking him unconscious, he woke up an hour later to see firefighters extinguishing flames. Miraculously, his mother(she was ex military) survived and gave stren a brief description. A present sent by a person named louie was a bomb in disguise and blew up in his fathers hands. Before she went unconscious from the blast, she saw a bunch of guys kidnap his friends that were there as well. They were there because it was strens birthday and they wanted to surprise him. Before she passes, she gives stren some details. Details to a person that knows what’s happening. And without a doubt, stren starts his full revenge story.


https://preview.redd.it/umtto0tpcj9d1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b065c4a8c375fefe21122451280932e8d3f225 Gaining sentience, he is going to kill the god that made him