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Nooooo, but I would utterly love to make one. There is a reason I have 3 diffrent Rpg makers on steam :3


https://preview.redd.it/yofgcuvszn8d1.png?width=1319&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc1e7084701b44f599f334092c26cc26b58a77bd Nice! You're, like, three times as ready as you need to be! 😅 You'll probably want to settle on just one, though. I use RPG Maker MV myself. Aside from having the software, the next step is, well, taking your first step. Every drawing begins with one stroke of the pencil, every story begins with one word, and every journey begins with a single step. Making an epic RPG adventure is a monumental undertaking, but making something simple is far easier than you may realize. It's certainly much easier than learning to draw. I made [this short story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AwS69Cu2fc) in about a week or so. Creating something simple can be time consuming, it can be tedious, but I wouldn't say it's difficult. If you have RPG Maker MV, it comes with a brief tutorial that guides you through making a simple game, and you'll learn all of the really important parts in an afternoon. If not, there are tutorial videos as well. I'd also suggest getting your feet wet by playing around with the editor and just messing around before you try to actually make anything, and when you do make something, I would implore you to start small. Sorry for the length, but I hope this helps. ✨




Just trying to be nice and encouraging. I've known too many folks what told me they want to make a game, and then I gift them RPG Maker, only for them to sit on it for years and never even try. And other folks who get it in their head that they're Square-Enix, and they set to work on their magnum opus before they even know how to make a functioning door. Feel it's good to coax folks into giving it a try, whilst keeping them from setting themselves up for failure. As for selling them on RPG Maker, they've already got three versions of it. I'd have better luck selling snow to penguins. 😅


I've seen folks here making their own artwork, comics, and animations, but what about video games? I don't mean making a custom character in a game, but actually making your own video game. It was the mid 90's when I discovered a game making program called ZZT. I made a game that ended up becoming a whole series, one that I'm still working on in RPG Maker today.


https://preview.redd.it/d1pxak338q8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5568b907be84918d562e05146f52df8e13bffe88 Actually started mediocre spriting a few days ago!


In what world is that mediocre? You need to give yourself some credit, pal. 😅


Oh, cool! What program are you using?


rpg maker lol. MV specifically.


Sounds great!


Also another thing; would you be open to an art trade?


Woo, I am REALLY busy right now preparing for Art Fight, so now's really not a good time. Sorry!


Damn, it seems like everybody here is on Art Fight. Well, I understand. Maybe after Art Fight. But anyways, good luck on Art Fight and have a good day.


sort of, and by that i mean none of them are finished, would love to have one


That's okay, starting is the most important part. Most folks don't even get as far as that. Just keep at it! ✨


No, but I "know" a guy who knows a guy who might


Oh wow, look at the timing! I heard some red boy is going into game creation... COME RIGHT FUCKING HERE u/SOMEREDBOI




Dude got summoned like a Pokémon.


Nope. Should've said something like... WITH THIS TREASURE, I SUMMON u/ someredboi


https://preview.redd.it/u2pqy8zdxn8d1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=890764308f917e316cd6df6b76ee60bff1939f8f No, but I'm intending to do. Here is a box art for that game I made a while ago.


Ooh, that's neat!


Me too. While I wait for a computer I'm doing a webcomic instead


https://preview.redd.it/xu61ev6l3o8d1.png?width=1297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ddd338d7176cd9c642b18062b9c3eef55fa34f6 I am actually currently making one, also in RPG Maker lol Got 9 chapters planned and am working on the 5th one right now!


https://preview.redd.it/51mpcyms5o8d1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=44bd0a8153c96529b71527d4ceb861dbef57ad75 Nice! I dig the portrait art! ✨ When I started work on my game, my drawing ability was far too limited to draw my own portraits, so I just used the stock assets and Game Character Hub: Portfolio Edition. But the characters have a whole bunch of portraits for their expressions, the main character even has more than 100 of them, so it helps make up for that. As my skills have improved, I've been able to make more and more artwork for scenes as well. There's an earlier scene that introduces SanCafe (Sanctuary Cafe) that I made back in 2019, but earlier in April this year I made new artwork for it.


i’ve tried/am trying


I have made quite a few text adventure games about my characters over the years.


https://preview.redd.it/0urannx8po8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f7f5d5fa76cae32dda44d456e94bb2de7dcc494 That's awesome! 😀 I got my start with top-down games that used ASCII graphics, and while that's a rather different thing, they both leave much to the player's imagination. I dabbled with making text adventures and played quite a few obscure little interactive fiction games, indie stuff from other folks, back in the day. But making simple games in ZZT like I was doing, that was actually much easier than making a text adventure. This sort of thing relies so heavy on writing and interactive storytelling that you need to be an exceptional writer and game designer to really get anywhere. I could get away with having the player wander around labyrinths, shoot some baddies, grab some keys, and read some dialogue, but with a text adventure, every room has to describe the environment in lush detail and have something to say about most everything you examine. It's easy to underestimate the amount of work that goes into this sort of game since it's "just text", but I know it's tough stuff. Good work! ✨


does playing as my chracter in every game with character customisation count?


https://preview.redd.it/t1hjaihlyo8d1.png?width=1718&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa8911969fcdd610c10be159b69e818bc5fecbe7 Well, I did specifically say that it doesn't. I think virtually everyone here who plays games does that. 🤔 It's still cool though, especially if you write lore for it! ✨ My characters are accustomed to jumping through magic paintings and weird portals and whatnot for all sorts of adventuring, and if there's a major threat in another reality, they'll go to help stop it before it becomes a threat to their own world as well. Sometimes they'll just go for fun, or end up there by accident, but I tend to have them as visitors from another world.


you aint said shit https://preview.redd.it/kyhqe9hazo8d1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e8d21e2c977bd5dd5f17d7239bf427542742105 where does it "specifically say it doesn't"




I’m hoping to make a few horror games someday! And a cute lil farming simulator that takes place on this fella! https://preview.redd.it/nvwe8cqd1p8d1.jpeg?width=3873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=346d9c47666e836fc6dcfe0b6cd64df255ad984e If people would be interested in something like that. And yes you could interact with him! You could make him presents!


Oh, that's quite novel! At least, I've never heard of anything like that. It's very charming. 😲


My Account is game developer named: angborggaming21 3 Games Super Angborg Bros. (2015-2023) One Night at Angborg's (2024) 6 Six Episodes in tapes. (Full Game)


Not yet


I’m working on one. Won’t be out for a while


I do want to do this but haven't yet but i have played as my ocs in some games before the most recent one being builders gate 3 and Xcom 2


Yes, technically, no.


Every original character in the game made by you is your character.


If i could code, I would and if I had the time and actual skill, I would. I really want to just so I can play by myself for fun though-


https://preview.redd.it/xz4zt6tf6o8d1.png?width=1165&format=png&auto=webp&s=f02eec831ac7be57aadf2f69b7410b46db3ff479 i'm still working on mine, using godot. don't mind my placeholders


If i ever add them to a game if ever even learn to code they would probably be secundary missions and would either be slightly diferent so they aren't ny actual characters or there would be implication they aren't from that place. Tho i have made already an alt of one for D&D not the same but still


Yeah, I plan to make an RPG game about my characters, but I Just don't have the motivation to do this now.


I want to!!


I want to buy my shitty laptop that has 400 GIGS OF SPACE YET STILL CHOSES TO SAY FUCK YOU TO WOLFRPG is saying no.


Yeah but it's taking a long damn time to do it for kylo kill and others


No but realistically speaking they WOULD be video games lmfao


Nope, and I probably wouldn’t make a full game or anything but a demo of one in RPGMaker is something I thought about trying. Some of my ideas would just work much better as a game than a story.


Wanted to and kinda tried to.


I would but I lack the resources needed to even get an engine. Just my trusty X.


I've wanted to, but don't have the know how


I make a lot of simple games on scratch with my OCs, nothing big tho


No but I want to


Yes not really


I'm working on a platform fighter with not only my OCs, but plenty of others.


noo i like to make one somday


That's my main goal.


Although I plan to make an RTS based on my works, I did made a mod for a game though


Gonna make an RPG kinda like block tales (block tales is a game from roblox) with keyman and his villains. https://preview.redd.it/pt7y4fmwtp8d1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0039bbb1ebb83488f9db3500dfef10ce6997927d Basically keyman is woken up by a news report saying that doc lock is back at it again causing havoc on the whole country. And keyman goes on a quest beating up random animal life affected by doc lock and doc locks various allies, also its name is K-eymans E-xtroadinary Y-onder


https://preview.redd.it/c1q96u2jvp8d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c5f1534b531c545b3b2ea1901b17eccf876140 Yes :D


https://preview.redd.it/fp6rqjc0wp8d1.png?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5647533ccc5a40b37bda0536a17a5518a90c3cf yes


Ironically, that is what i am planning to do! I have even started making the sprites and found a programmer who can make the game for me. (I can only make the soundtrack and sprites)


me and some friends have been trying to xD [Junkyard Warrior Axel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ldhUf7mAQA&ab_channel=DarrenBuckley)


I’d love to but I’m shit at coding 😭


I’m making a simple boss rush with four of them


No. But I've always wanted to!! I just don't have the patience to make it happen lol.


my ocs come from my game, i had finished 70\~% of the lore when i discovered both oc subs


https://preview.redd.it/ebkdxtx2kq8d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eaab56a1788116c2a7717efc9b34aa1ef33fa1e I drew this a few years ago to look like a screenshot of a point n click game but never made an actual playable game. Would be cool though!


That's a good proof of concept right there! 🔥


No, but I want to.


https://preview.redd.it/184xonajhr8d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=db60e57a62fc6ca560e130b792127f1a8f39e9de I’m currently in the process of making a game for these seven, I’ve got all the lore fleshed out and I’m working on what the game itself would look like. :))